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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "snip" (Aug 24th 2011, 4:55am)
Originally posted by Brockpaine
More importantly, he's now a dead Communist - which means he's a Good Communist. Hopefully more Brazilian Communists become Good Communists soon.
Originally posted by HoOmAn
Originally posted by Brockpaine
More importantly, he's now a dead Communist - which means he's a Good Communist. Hopefully more Brazilian Communists become Good Communists soon.
*moderators hat on*
Is this an IC comment or should I take this as your personal point of view regarding realword politics and politicians?
Originally posted by Brockpaine
Originally posted by HoOmAn
Originally posted by Brockpaine
More importantly, he's now a dead Communist - which means he's a Good Communist. Hopefully more Brazilian Communists become Good Communists soon.
*moderators hat on*
Is this an IC comment or should I take this as your personal point of view regarding realword politics and politicians?
It's an in-character comment, of course. We have a gentleman's agreement against bringing real-world personal politics into this sim, remember?
If you're so concerned about it that you find it necessary to put on your moderator hat, PM me and I'll explain my real-world politics in greater detail. But I don't think it's beneficial to the sim to demand or give that explanation in public. There might be a member or two on the forum who might be offended.
Originally posted by HoOmAn
To avoid further irritations, I propose you mark delicate statements like the above as clearly IC in future and all will be fine (whether one likes this kind of "black humor" or not).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Hood" (Aug 25th 2011, 11:13pm)
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