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Sunday, January 20th 2008, 7:11pm

Lithuanian News and Events - 3Q, 1935

July 1st, 1935:

Both the Lithuanian Government and the Wilno Republic take stock of the situation that they find themselves in at begining of the month of July. Neither side, can considered the circumstances a pleasant one, for the Lithuanians the prospect of a period of continued unrest is obvious. For the Polish-Insurrectionists, it has even more then before become a fight for sheer survival.

Both sides turn their attentions and energies to reorganizing and refitting their troops in the field. The Lithuanians are better placed to do this having greater reserves of troops, equipment and finances, then the Polish-Lithuanians possess, but that margin is in point of fact far slimmer then the Governmental forces would prefer.

Smetona authorizes the Ministry of Interior Affairs to plan and execute a final assault on Vilnius and the destruction of the three Wilno divisions holding it sometime aroung the end of the first week of July. Interior Affairs notes, the earlist date their troops - given current stocks of supplies - would be ready is July 5th, July 8th at the latest if the Field Corps are allowed a bit more time to settle their logistical concerns. Smetona after consulting with Liatukas, agrees to the Ministry of Interior Affairs plan, tentatively titled Operation Gediminas. All seven Field Corps: I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII as well as the Vilnius Corps are to be used.

A new commander is appointed to takeover the Southwestern Front, after some wrangling and politicing in Governmental circiles, as General Sutkus has still not been located. General Feliks Baltusis-Zeimaitis is ordered to take up the reins of command, and ginger up, the to date somewhat sluggish tactical operations of the VI, IX and X Field Corps against the Wilno Army of the South. General Baltusis-Zeimaites warns Smetona, that he will need at least two, more likely three days to shake the Southwestern Front up and get it ready for action. Smetona accepts this knowing Batlusis-Zeimaites is a more active campaigner then the missing Sutkus, and will deliver on his promise of a more decisive handing of the three field corps.

For the Lithuanians other then continuing field operations against the insurrectionists will be the integration and organization of new military hardware being supplied from Dutch sources, anxiously expected to begin arriving from the end of the first week of July on, along with critically needed instructors, tactical advisors and mechanical service staffs.

July 2nd, 1935:

Marshal Letowska, the Council of Government, and commanders of the Armies of the North and of the South, meet in conference in the Wilno Republic capital to discussion their options. Lt.General Halwic makes it clear, that further attempts to hold on to Vilnius will end in failure. The city is nearly surrounded on three sides by seven Lithuanian Field Corps, each the equal of any of the Wilno divisions, and Insurrectionist positions in the city are badly undermined by the presence of the Lithuanian Vilnius Corps within the city. In consultation with the commanders and officers of the Guards, 1st and 6th Divisions, as well as the 2nd and 3rd Divisions. Halwic strongly advises the city be abandoned, and the Wilno capital be relocated. Much of the ethnic Polish population of the city of Vilnius has already fled the city for the relative safety of the countryside, despite efforts by the Letowska Guards to stop them.

The isolated 23rd Infantry Battalion is still holding out gallantly inside Lithuanian battle lines to the north east of the city. Plontek remarks to all present that they are doomed to eventual destruction or inglorious surrender because no forces are available to sortie to their relief.

Lt. General Waclaw points out that his Army of the South is still a viable force, although it cannot be deployed to the northern front unless something can be done about the Lithuanian Field Corps still in the Alytus County. Which might advance into southern Wilno if nothing prevents them from doing so. Waclaw disagrees with Halwic's assessment of abandoning Vilnius, the city is the Wilno Republic's main economic center and military arsenal. It's loss will cripple the Wilno Republic, both politically and militarily. Plontek sarcastically reminds, Waclaw that two-thirds of the city is at present in Lithuanian hands, and the Guards Division only really controls the parts of the city it happens to be standing on. Considering the ongoing bombardment by artillery and aircraft it will be surprising if there still is a city in few more weeks. The situations of the 1st and 6th Divisions are not by any stretch of the imagination any better.

Desertion from the ranks of the Wilno Republican Army is begining to become a problem that the Letowska Guards can no longer easily control. Maj.General Popek reports to the Parliment that the worst desertion rates are to be found amoung his troops, with the 1st and 6th Divisions not far behind. To date they estimate they have lost at least nearly a thousand soldiers: 560 from the Guards, 190 from the 1st, and 250 from the 6th and the numbers are growing. No data on the desertion rates amoung the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Divisions is yet available from their respective staffs, but it is expected to be similar in scope.

The recruitment and attachment of further Letowska Guards units to Army units would only slow the problem, not halt it in Popek and other divisional commanders considered opinion. Only the solution of the overall problems of poor morale, poor supply and poor prospects for victory would have any positive effect.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 21st 2008, 12:27am)


Sunday, January 20th 2008, 8:04pm

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection - July 3rd, 1935

July 3rd, 1935:

The 23rd Infantry Battalion/6th Wilno Division after being pounded unmercifully by artillery and subjected to sustained machinegun fire and infantry attacks for four days, surrenders to the Lithuanian troops of the II and VIII Field Corps. General Emil Vimieris, greatly impressed by the heroic conduct of the insurrectionist soldiers in their desperate defensive battle, orders that his own troops accord the officers, ncos and men of the 23rd with the honours of war, and be treated with consideration. Of the 400 insurrectionists who made the charge into the VIII Field Corps's defensive line on the 31st of June, only 70 remain to be taken prisoner, the majority of them wounded. The other 330 men in the battalion were killed, wounded or considered missing over the course of four days of action.

News of the fate of the 23rd Battalion, causes morale in the 6th Wilno Division to plunge even further then before. Maj.General Plontek remarks bitterly to one of his staff officers, after a visit by Marshal Letowska, to discuss the situation, "That man is destroying my division!"

General Baltusis-Ziemaitis having taken command of the Southwestern Front and done what he regarded as necessary to ready the troops for action, reports to the Lithuanian Government that he is ready to make a limited sortie into the southern Wilno municipalities. He also reports to the Government that General Jonas Sutkus has been found, unconscious, badly wounded and suffering from exposure in a local village hospital in the Alytus County.


Sunday, January 20th 2008, 9:15pm

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection - July 4th - July 5th, 1935

July 4th, 1935:

The Lithuanian Southwestern Front, based in the Varena municipality divides into two columns, the VI Field Corps, composed of six National Guard battalions and supported mounted and artillery units heads north into the Trakai municipality to surpress any insurrectionist activities there, and re-establish Lithuanian governmental control. The IX and X Field Corps, composed of a combined six National Guard, and nine Security Auxiliary battalions, and supporting units moves eastward into the Salcininkai municipality seeking the Wilno Army of the South.

Lt.General Waclaw is appraised of this move, by Letowska Guards patrols and his own cavalry pickets. Waclaw has just returned to his army headquarters, from the Wilno capital by an ANBO plane lent by the Wilno Army Air Service. Waclaw isn't happy to find that he has to fend off yet another offensive by Lithuanian governmental troops into his area of operations.

Waclaw orders the 4th and 5th Divisions on to alert in their encampments. He decides to await developments and monitor Lithuanian movements with increased cavalry patrols until he is sure what they are doing. Waclaw wants time to observe the new Lithuanian theater commander in action, to see what sort of man he's dealling with.

Waclaw, does not have to wait long to find out. The VI Field Corps, begins to thoroughly disrupt Wilno control of the Trakai municipality as it advances, capturing villages and towns and installing pro-government administration, smashing insurrectionist supply depots and recruitment camps, and engaging or destroying Letowska Guards patrols.

The IX and X Field Corps are doing much the same thing as they move steadily into Salcininkai in two slightly diverging columns. Waclaw realizes he cannot let this state of affairs to continue for long. The Wilno Republic will lose control of it's southern municipalites if Lithuanian governmental advances continue unhindered. Waclaw sends to Marshal Letowska for reinforcements, Letowska points out there is nothing substantial to be sent, the 2nd and 3rd Divisions are still recovering from their battles against the II and VIII Field Corps, now being refered to sarcastically as the Mud March Campaign by the Polish-Lithuanian troops involved. The only available reserve is the Letowska Guards battalion defending the Wilno provisional capital.

July 5th, 1935:

The Lithuanian Government is deeply satisfied by the promising start to the Southwestern Front's second campaign into Insurrectionist territory. General Baltusis-Ziemaitis is commended in fulsome terms by governmental officals. Baltusis-Ziemaitis while pleased at the favourable mention in governmental circles doesn't have his head turned by it, he has his attention firmly fixed on the task of finding and engaging the Wilno Army of the South.

General Waclaw is becoming increasingly alarmed by the reports he's recieving from his cavalry scouts. The damage the Lithuanians are inflicting is accumulating rapidly. Waclaw again requests reinforcement, Letowska again reports to the commander of the Army of the South that there are none to send. Lithuanian activity around Vilnius has suddenly increased, combat reconnaissances and air raids into Insurrectionist held sections of the city have increased. Curiously, Lithuanian artillery fire into Vilnius has slackened, by mid afternoon, it ceases altogether.

Waclaw decides to deploy his divisions to halt each of the advancing Lithuanian columns, or at least the ones he can readily engage - the IX and X Field Corps. Waclaw orders the 4th Division to attack the IX Field Corps, while the 5th Division attacks the X Field Corps. He can do nothing about the VI Field Corps's rampage through Wilno territory at the present until he has driven back the other two.

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 20th 2008, 9:43pm)


Sunday, January 20th 2008, 9:59pm

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection - July 5th, 1935 - cont'd

July 5th, 1935:

Lt.General Waclaw, awaited reports from his divisional commanders at his army headquarters in a small, inconsiqencial Lithuania village named Adomas. Waclaw isn't happy about splitting his two divisions to met the Lithuanian governmental attack, he'd rather mass his units against one column and defeat it in detail. Waclaw nor his staff believe they have the time for such tactical finesse however.

The 4th Wilno Division runs into the vanguard of the IX Field Corps at a modest town called Gytisauskas. While the 5th Wilno Division collides with the left flank guard of the X Field Corps at the village of Ramunicius.

For the men of Maj.General Walery Koziol's 4th Division the Battle of Gytisauskas doesn't start auspiciously, the 1st Squadron/4th Ulan Regiment, contacts the Lithuanian picket line on the outskirts of the town. the mounted Polish-Lithuanians begin to probe, the infantry line pushing it in with some success, when three Lithuanian Ehrhardt armoured cars roll into their midst machineguns chattering. The startled insurrectionist horse men scatter before the three vehicles. With their ironclad skins they are nearly impervious to the rifles and carbines carried by the Ulans. The six to eight machine guns each armoured car mounts spitting flames and luminus lines of tracers into horse and man alike does nothing for the Ulans confidence. A panic striken flight of the 1st Squadron results. The Lithuanian armoured cars, having won the first round of the developing battle, sensibly retire back into the village to join the Lithuanian Security Auxiliaries now moving up in strength.

Koziol, commanding his division without higher supervision for the first time, is baffled and upset by the check delivered to his division's advance. Responding emotionally rather then logically, he orders the 4th Ulans to counter-attack immediately, even though the rest of the 4th Division is not yet in a position to support them. For that matter, the regimental artillery support of the 4th Ulans are themselves only just galloping up into hurriedly selected positions outside the town.

The CO of the 4th Ulans protests, he is flatly overruled. The 4th Ulans is to attack at once into Gytisauskas, eyeing the Letowska Guards nearby the 4th's commander reluctantly obeys. The 4th Ulans attack in two disjointed waves, the first is composed of it's 1st and 3rd Squadrons, the 2nd Squadron follows up in the second wave. Only two of the regiment's 75-mm horse artillery guns manage to go into action in their support.

The Lithuanian troops having hurriedly thrown up barricades in the streets of the town and occupied many of the houses, open fire from protecting cover with every weapon they can bring to bear on the now charging horsemen. The result is appalling: of the approximately 300 Ulans involved, 80 are killed out right by Lithuanian gunfire, 45 are injuried in one way or another, while 20 find themselves abruptly dismounted as their mounts are literally shot out from under them. The remaining 155 Ulans mill around either trying to regain control of their terrified horses, or try and fight their way into the town proper through the barricades. After another fifteen minutes of this, and another fifty-six casualties suffered the 4th Ulans have had enough, and retreats. Followed by the jeers and catcalls of the Lithuanian soldiery.

Meanwhile, the 5th Wilno Division at Ramunicius, was hardly making a better start against the X Field Corps. Maj.General Poltawska had made rather a more discretionary approach on the Lithuanian troops opposite his advance. The Ulans of his division had started vigouriously skirmishing with the pickets and patrols of the X Field Corps. Poltawska was determined to feel out the Lithuanian position properly before committing to a full attack. This caution allowed the Lithuanian troops time to mass their strength in the village and the immediate surrounding area for a counter-attack, which smashed threw the 5th Ulans lines like they were paper. Lithuanian and Polish-Lithuanian infantry and artillery was soon exchanging volleys across the bitterly contested village and nearby farming cottages and fields.

In Gytisauskas, the abject failure of the hastily launched 4th Ulans attack has a salutary effect on the impulsive Walery Koziol. Staggered by the losses the Ulans have suffered, he orders them pulled back and a more organized effort be made on the town's defense with the 9th, 10th, 11th infantry battalions, supported by the 24 artillery pieces of the 9th Artillery Battalion. Koziol's two other supporting artillery units, the 10th and 11th Artillery are still struggling up from the rear of the division, with the 12th infantry battalion. It will be some time before they can be called into action.

The three Polish-Lithuanian battalions go in as ordered, there attack however is met with no more success then the 4th Ulan's was. Blistering rifle, machinegun and artillery fire from the Lithuanian Security Auxiliaries holding tenaciously out in Gytisauskas blunt Koziol's second attack. After some two and a half-hours of fighting, Koziol reluctently orders his troops to fall back. He sends word to Lt.General Waclaw that while he has checked the IX Field Corps advance, he himself has been hotly engaged and fought to a standstill.

In Ramunicius, Maj.General Poltawska finds that his troops have done rather better. The Lithuanians have been pushed out of the village, literally at bayonet point, after some forty-three minutes of bitter often hand-to-hand fighting. Poltawska has however been forced to commit his 17th, 19th and 20th infantry battalions to forming his front line, while the 18th tries to hold Ramunicius with the help of the batteries of the 14th Artillery battalion. The 12th Artillery battalion remains in reserve, while the batteries of the 13th Artillery support his infantry line directly as detached sections, galloping from hot spot to hot spot as needed. Detachments from the squadrons of his 5th Ulan Regiment are doing the same thing, while other detachments struggle to protect the 5th Division's potentially exposed flanks.

Waclaw reads the reports from Koziol and Poltawska with some apprehension. His army staff argues that 4th Division should mount another attack immediately with it's uncommitted units. They are undecide as to whether to order the 5th Divison to hold out in it's current positions in the hope of victory against the X Field Corps, or to withdraw, having accomplished a solid check against the Lithuanian advance. Waclaw decides to leave it to the decision to the battlefield commanders.

Maj.General Koziol decides that the situation warrants one more try at taking the town. Placing all 70 field pieces that his artillery battalions possess, excluding the 4th Ulans horse artillery and the two guns he's lost to Lithuanian counter-battery fire, into battery lines opposite Gytisauskas, he subjects the Lithuanians to a blistering thirty-five minute bombardment. The 12th Battalion leads the assault, supported by elements of the other infantry battalions. The men of the 12th manage to fight their way into the center of Gytisauskas, a platoon even fights it's way into the heavily defended town hall. For a brief moment it appears the Koziol's troops will win the battle, but the moment passes as Lithuanian reserves drive the supporting Wilno troops from the town. The CO of the 12th Infantry Battalion realizes his troubles will be surrounded and withraws on his on insentive. A disgruntled Koziol accepts the results of his failed attempt to take Gytisauskas and decides a withdraw by his troops from the battlefield is advisable.

Maj.General Poltawska is confident that his 5th Division can hold it's current position for sometime, particularly in Ramunicius, although he is anxious about the security of his flanks. On being appraised of Koziol's decision to withdraw, Poltawska is given reason to reconsider that resolution. After some quick debate Poltawska's staff advises that a retreat would be in order, the 5th Division had accomplished it's primary mission of checking the Lithuanians advance. There was no point in suffering continued loss to hold Ramunicius or it's environs, when the division would be called to make further efforts in defense of the Wilno Republic in the immediate future. Poltawska doesn't entirely agree but concurs with his staff and orders his troops to make a phased withdrawal.

Lithuanian General Baltusis-Zeimaitis, at his own headquarters examines incoming reports from his field corps, and decides to order the VI Field Corps to stand it's ground and continue it's operations in the Trakai municipality while, the IX and X Field Corps should hold their positions where they stood in the Salcininkai municipality. There was to be no retreats by Lithuanian troops in the field, without General Batlusis-Zeimaitis's express command, unless they were an unavoidable concequence of battle.

This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 21st 2008, 5:23am)


Monday, January 21st 2008, 1:32am

Marshal Letowska's Headquarters, Amantas, Wilno Republic

Meeting of the Marshal of Wilno, Council of Government, and First Parliment of the Republic of Wilno.


Marshal Aleksy Letowska, President and C-in-C of the Republic of Wilno
Anzelm Bazala, Premier
Bendek Bernacka, General-secretary for Economics
Sidor Tarkowski, General-secretary for the Interior
Leon Diachuk, General-secretary for Foreign Affairs
Roslan Wejechert, General-secretary for Finance
Bialas Kirszenstein, General-secretary for Military Affairs
Walery Lutoslaw, General-secretary for Agriculture
Rufin Bjalik, General-secretary for Public Education
Michal Konarski, General-secretary for Justice
Stepan Liszcz, General-secretary for Labour
Stefan Traczyk, General-secrretary for Public Security
Kondrat Laskowska, General-secretary for Communications
Tadeusz Malecka, General-secretary for Public Health Services

the twenty-two representatives of the municipalities of the Wilno Republic, forming the elected First Parliment of the Republic.

Marshal Letowska surveyed the scene in the large hotel that served at the Wilno Republic's seat of government. The fear and anxiety in the ball room could be cut with a knife. Premier Bazala at least seemed calm and collected despite the unrelenting flood of bad news coming into the capital. The other twelve general-secretaries of the provisional government looked strained and weary, considering their around the clock toils to keep the republic a going concern, Letowska wasn't surprise. The General-Secretary for Public Security, Stefan Traczyk was probably next Bialas Kirszenstein, the General-secretary for Military Affairs the two most worn-out and frustrated people in the room.

"Stefan, I suppose there is nothing further the commanders in the field can do to save the Republic?" Letowska heard Bazala ask, Traczyk and Kirszenstein.
"I'm afraid not, Premier Bazala. We're pretty much scrapping the bottom of the barrel now, oh we're still getting a surprisingly steady stream of volunteers from across the border with Poland, but it's nothing compared to what we need. Their numbers are too small and their only very lightly equiped in regards to small-arms and ammunition." Traczyk said slowly and carefully, so no one present would misunderstand him.
"So what you're saying is that unless we get some pretty overt outside help from somebody - preferable Poland's regular army, then we can manage it with our own resources."
"In essence, and I hate saying it, yes." remarked, Kirszenstein taking of his glasses to polish them, tiredly.
"Leon, I take it you have no better news on the diplomatic front." It was a statement, not a question on Bazala's part to Leon Diachuk, General-secretary for Foreign Affairs. Diachuk shrugged his shoulders helplessly.
"No, we've contrary to our hopes and expectations received no formal recognition of our soveriegnty. In fact at least two countries, other then Lithuania, the Netherlands and the Russian Federation, have flatly refused to grant us diplomatic recognition."
"Poland has remained tight-lipped on offical recognition as well. I can't understand it we were given to understand that Poland would be there to support us, when we started the insurrection!" Sidor Tarkowski, the General-Secretary for the Interior snarled with surpressed fury. "What the hell does Foreign Minister Mital think he's playing at?! Or Marshal Kustrezba for that matter?!"
"Sidor, I don't think either of them had as much control of the situation as they told us they had, or for that matter thought they had. That Treaty of Kaunas must have thrown them for a loop, literally."

Letowska let the back and forth conversations of those around him, wash over him. Things had started with such promise, he thought sadly now they were ashes in his mouth. Militarily the Wilno Republic still had some strength to it, but in large part it was on the ropes. It was only a matter of time before the Lithuanian Government closed in for the kill, probably only a matter of days at that. If the Lithuanians would agree to a negiotated settlement, there might be hope for the fledgeling republic, but that was less then unlikely, Smetona would never agree to it, and even if he thought he could, the Seimas would never agree to it. So surrender remained the only option, because victory, wasn't even possible.

Letowska, stiffled the impulse to sign aloud. He and his Wilno Republic were out of options. If they lost, then Lithuania would take vengence on them, all the members of the provisional government, himself included, and the First Parliment, the Wilno Republican Army and the Letowska Guards would in all likelyhood be tried and hung, shot or imprisoned depended on ones degree of responsiblility for starting or conducting the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection.


Monday, January 21st 2008, 2:45am

Outskirts of Vilnius, Field Headquarters of the Lithuanian Central Front

General Tamassaulo looked vaguely uneasy as he watched the President of Lithuania approach his headquarters tent in the yard of a prosperous manor house. Smetona dressed in a light coat, and military service dress cut quite a dashing figure, amoung his professional military service subordinates.
"Not happy to see me are you General." Smetona remarked when extended his hand to Tamassaulo.
"Of course, not - it is always a pleasure to be of service to your excellency."
"Ha! That is a load of rubbish, polite rubbish I will admit, but rubbish all the same."

Smetona returned as he turned to survey the city of Vilnius. He eyes turned sober as he took it in. Many of the buildings even at this distance showed the scars of battle, twisted rubble and ruins seemed to be everywhere, smoke hung over much of the city, and here and there, in far too many places fires still burned unchecked.
"I take it's bad? Tamassaulo, I want the truth."
Smetona said quietly as he swept the field glasses a aid had handed him back and forth over the cityscape.
"Bad in places, where the fighting was heaviest, I won't scruple to tell you it's been catastrophic according to my field and company officers." Tamassaulo paused, not sure how his president would react to the next bit of news he had to report.
"What, General? Something has happened that I need to know about, I can see it in your eyes."

General Tamassaulo, considered his next words with care. He knew he hadn't liked the news, when it had been reported to him, and the Seimas was likely to go literally berserk when they found out.
"Mister President, there has been some lawlessness in the city, in the areas controlled by the Insurrectionists."
"You mean looting and the like." Smetona said, his voice quiet.
"Yes, but more worse - you've heard of the Letowska Guards?" Smetona nodded to Tamassaulo's question, then the General continue. "Well they have been handling police and security duties according to reports we've recieved and our own observations. From what I can tell, they've been busy establishing a reign of terror within Vilnius, if you're loyal to the Lithuanian Republic, or not for the Insurrection or the Wilno Republic's government, you are targetted for death or imprisonment. We have evidence that they done that to hundreds of Lithuanian citizens since the uprising's started. They've also shot or murdered out of hand, scores of National Policemen, Security Troops, and lately any National Guardsmen and Security Auxiliaries they've managed to lay their hands on."
"Good God." Smetona whispered, turning his eyes back to the city.
"Want I want to do, your excellency, is take that city before they do any more harm. Vimieris feels the same, I've talked it over with him. The problem is neither of us, is quiet ready to launch our attacks."
Smetona gazed at the general, who shrugged unhappily.
"Our logistical build ups have been slower then either of us would like. The recent battles in the Vilnius area haven't helped, neither have the actions in the Southwestern Front. We can attack now, but the result will be less surer then we'd care for, your excellency." Tamassaulo took off his cap, and examined it absently in his hands.
"We need more time, to make sure when we go in that we destroy, the Wilno Republic's Army of the North, totally. The seven field corps and the one defense corps we have here in and around Vilnius give us an excellent chance to do that - if and only, if we use them right."

Smetona silently gazed at the smoldering city.
"What do you need from me, General." It was a statement, not a question.
"Vimieris and I need until July 8th at least before we start our attack. I - we, need you to hold the Seimas in check, their going to start screaming for us to take action on the rumours of what is going on reach them. The facts of the case, will make them to demand we attack at once."
"And you'd prefer to avoid that, because you'd lose more men, in some half-cocked assault then in a properly prepared and supported one."
"Yes, your excellency."
Smetona considered the city one more time before turning to face the general.
"I'll see what I can do, General Tamassaulo. I make no promises, but I will see done whatever is practical to support you and your position on further operations."

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 21st 2008, 5:26am)


Monday, January 21st 2008, 3:21am

Good stuff, way better than my own writing.

I feel like recognizing the Wilno Republic just to throw oil on the fire, but then who would care if Mexico or Australia recognized a non-existant country on the other side of the world?


Monday, January 21st 2008, 3:37am

IIRC Mexico had problems with its own insurrection, might not look good if they support one.


Monday, January 21st 2008, 3:52am

There's that, and then Australia doesn't know what a Lithuania is, much less where it is so that doesn't work either.


Monday, January 21st 2008, 5:40am

Throwing oil on the fire

Thanks for the compliment on my writing, Desertfox. I've rather enjoyed doing this, and if everyone who reads the Lithuanian affairs that I've come up with and enjoys or finds them of interest them - then I've accomplished something worthwhile.

As to the matter of Mexico, or Australia for that matter, recognizing the Wilno Republic that is properly your call to make or not make as the case may be (since your running the countries concerned and it would make things interesting for me in the writing/story arc into the bargin :D ). The Netherlands, Russian Federation and Atlantis have already refused to formally recognize the Wilno Republic so perhaps a bit of diplomatic balance (or is that imbalance, lol) is called for.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 21st 2008, 5:41am)


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 6:43am

Old Presidential Palace, Kaunas, Lithuania

"They've What ?!" Smetona burst out as he looked incredulously at his prime minister. Tubelis, looked like he'd rather have been anywhere but in the president's office at just this particular moment.
"I'm afraid so, the Seimas has tabled a motion for a vote of non-confidence against your presidency and indirectly the conduct of this government. Several of the parties obviously intend to force an election, and the rumours coming out of Vilnius have given them the grounds to do so."
"I see. I see, indeed." Smetona paused thinking things through in his mind. "Well I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, really. I and the Lithuanian National Union have been in office since 1926, and nine years is rather a long run for our rather turbulent party politics all things considered." Smetona commented with a wintery smile, which Tubelis shared for a moment.
"What do you want me to do, Antanas?" Tubelis asked uncomfortablely. Smetona looked at his chief minister squarely.
"Stall them, Juozas, stall them any way you can. At least until we can get Operation Gediminas set-up and going, if it works out favourable, it will give us an edge going into an election."
"True, but I'd bet, the opposition parties are going to put the non-confidence vote on the Seimas agenda as soon as they possibly can."
"I understand Juozas, just do what you can. I'll discuss the issue with Skucas and Liatukas and see if they can't hurry things along a bit or perhaps generate some action elsewhere against the Insurrectionists, that will grab the Seimas's attention and buy us some more time to settle the Seimas down."

Tubelis nodded in agreement with his president.
"Very well then, I'll get with the Council of Ministers and see what sort of united front we can present to the Seimas in the meantime."


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 7:38am

Lithuanian National News Service

July 7th, 1935:

The majority of the delegates of the Seimas have endorsed at motion of non-confidence - the vote was 72/69 - against President Antanas Smetona. Threatening the dominance of the Lithuanian National Union which has been the offical government since December, 1926.

President Smetona was supported by the votes of his own party, the Lithuanian National Union, and the delegates from the Lithuanian Farmers Party and the Lithuanian Unions of Russians, Germans and Tartars. While the delegates of the Lithuanian Democratic Party, Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union, Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party, Democratic National Freedom League,Civic Democratic Party and the Lithuanian Union of Poles voted against him.

President Smetona however refused to be intimidated by the result of the vote, and vowed that his government would fight the opposition parties attempt to unseat his regime at the ballot office. A date for an election has yet to be set but is expected to be announced in the next few days. Political observers in Lithuania speculate that the earliest date for an election would be sometime in August, in order to give the parties some time to prepare their campaigns.

There is also rife speculation that this non-confidence motion against Smetona, might herald the return of former president Kazys Grinius to political office, if as rumour amoung opposition delegates indicates he accepts any offer to that effect.

Lithuanian Political Parties (number of seats held out of 141 in the Seimas/Party Leaders):

Lithuanian National Union (33): Antanas Smetona
Lithuanian Democratic Party (12): Jurgis Saulys
Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (15): Jonas Vileisis
Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party (30): Bartus Kalvis-Haack
Democratic National Freedom League (10): Marius Ivinskis
Lithuanian Farmers Party (30): Vilkas Lape
Civic Democratic Party (5): Samuelis Paukikas
Lithuanian Unions of Russians, Poles, Germans and Tartars (2 each): Viktor Sokolov/Sigismund Koziol/Otto Kuschat/Bator Ultumen

In accordance with the Treaty of Stockholm, the German Kriegsmarine heavy cruiser KM Prinz Eugen , along with the Torpedoboats T-3 , T-6 , and T-7 arrived in the Lithuanian seaport of Klaipeda's with the Kriegsmarine's 4th Security Battalion.

The German flotilla was met with considerable excitement and enthusiasm by the ethnic German population of Klaipeda. The Lithuanians of the city were understandable more restrained, but offered the German naval personel a cordial and friendly welcome all the same. The captain of the LNS Presidentas Smetona , in a friendly gesture to the German ships, hoisted the old Imperial Kaiserliche Marine's ensign as well as the Kriegsmarine's ensign, and along with the six motor/torpedoboats of the Lithuanian Navy, fired a welcoming twenty-one gun salute. The Commander of the German naval flotilla appreciated the gesture, returned in kind, hoisting the Lithuanian National ensign above his own ships.

The integration of the 4th Kriegsmarine Security Battalion into the life and routine of Klaipeda, alongside the Lithuanian governmental police and security units stationed within the city, has begun. A strong repore and can-do attitude has already reportedly sprung up between the officers and men of the Kriegsmarine and Lithuanian officals. Which it is hoped augurs well for the future.

It is reported that in light of the recent signing of the Treaty of Kaunas, that the Lithuanian Government has made some changes to the provisions of the Treaty of Stockholm, concerning the size and equipment of the German security garrison. It is expected that the Kriegsmarine may decide - at some later date - to deploy a naval artillery battery to be attached to the security battalion or a naval gunboat to take up permanent station at Klaipeda with Lithuania's consent.

This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 22nd 2008, 8:20am)


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 8:45am

Wilno Republic National News Service

July, 8th, 1935:

The Government of the Republic of Wilno, states it's willingness to accept the German Foreign Office's declaration, for at settlement of the Wilno-Lithuanian Conflict, as the basis for negiotations with the Republic of Lithuania.

1 - A cease fire, to begin at midnight local time on July 10th (or another date the parties agree on).
2 - Mediation between the government and their disaffected citizens to be conducted by 1-3 outside parties that can be agreed upon by both sides.

The Wilno Army is prepared to take steps to effect a cease fire by the designated date, providing the Lithuanian Armed Forces are willing to do the same.

The Government of the Wilno Republic requests the following outside parties to act as mediators in the soveriegnty dispute between Wilno and Lithuania: the Republic of Poland, the Kingdom of Nordmark, and the Republic of Germany.

The diplomatic offer by King Carl Philip of Nordmark, to make use of the Royal Palace in Stockholm as a neutral meeting place is acceptable to the Council of Government and First Parliment of Wilno.


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 11:09am

Message from His Royal Highness, Carl Phillip, King of Nordmark:-

"It is of Great Relief that the Rebels in the Wilno regions of Lithuania have asked for mediation, and have called upon the Polish, German, and indeed my own Nordish Governments to carry out this mediation.

I call again on the Lithuanian Government to accept this offer to settle this conflict without further bloodshed, and pray that an agreement that is acceptable to all parties may be reached.

I again offer the services of my Navy to convey all the interested parties to Stockholm, though Both Germany and Poland are welcome to send their delegates either on a ship on their own Navy, or by Aircraft.

As a further starter to the talks, I propose that these talks start on the 18th of July in Stockholm, and I would ask that the Governments of the interested parties might make the Nordish Government aware of their travel arrangements "

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Earl822" (Jan 22nd 2008, 11:13am)


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 7:31pm

Old Presidential Palace, Kaunas, Lithuania

Smetona read the news, then looked at the prime minister weary, before exchanging looks with the other assembled officers of the Lithuanian government.
"Has everyone gone out of their minds? The Seimas is calling for an election in the middle of one of the worst crisises this country has faced in years, the Poles are menacing our borders, we have the ongoing Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection to suppress... and now this..." Smetona, sat back in his chair with an air of resignation.

Tubelis, looked just as resigned but spoke up.
"At least no other countries have formally recognized the Wilno Republic, at least not yet. Although Nordmark's offer in response to Wilno's request comes dangerously close to it."
"I suppose we should have seen this coming, Antanas." Smetona turned to look at Urbsys. The Foreign Minister looked back squarely at his president.
"Letowska and his cronies are trying to buy themselves time. Liatukas and Skucas have them beat and they must know it in a military sense. Diplomatic cards are all they have at the moment to play, and they've played this one well."

Smetona looked at his other ministers and saw signs of agreement in all their faces. Smetona nodded to himself.
"Get me the German and Nordish ambassadors, I want to talk to them personally. Juozas, you deal with the Polish ambassador." Tubelis nodded in sour agreement. "We need to know if they intend to offer recognition to the Wilno Republic, since that is definitely what Letowska is going to try and buy from them with these ceasefire talks."
"Are we going to send a delegation to these Stockholm cease fire talks?" Liatukas asked harshly. Smetona regarded his defense minister for a long moment.
"I don't know, Liatukas, I don't know."
"I absolutely recommend we don't, Operation Gediminas is ready to begin. If it works, and I have every confidence that it will, then these so-called talks become superfluous."
"The Seimas in it's present mood might disargee with you General, at least about sending a delegation." Skucas responded mildly.
"But if we send a delegation, we're as much as giving these insurrectionists the legitimatcy their seeking ourselves!" Liatukas snapped. "On top of that we'll have to cancel our operations against them!"
"Not necessarily, the offer of cease fire is that both sides agree to lay down arms by the 10th of July, it's only the 8th now, we have some time to do things. And King Carl Philip, suggests that the actual discussions start around the 18th of July, which gives us a bit more time to explore our own solutions." Karolis Elvikis, the finance minister fired back.

Smetona raised an eyebrow at Elvikis's suggestion, it had some merit after all. He turned back to Liatukas and Skucas.
"Can the Field Corps take Vilnius in just three days?"
Both generals nodded immediately.
"Generals Tamassaulo and Vimieris have assured me that they are ready, that they are satisfied with their troop arrangements and logistical support. They can go in as soon as they get the order." Skucas said.
"General Baltusis-Ziemaitis, also assures me he can return to active operations in the Salcininkai municipality with at least two of his field corps, the third will become available in a few days after it has finished pacifying the Trakai municipality."
"alright, Tubelis, sound out the Seimas on the cease fire talks, see where they stand on the issue of a delegation."
"In the meantime, Liatukas, Skucas, I think we should ---"
"Your Excellency?" One of Smetona's governmental aides, had just entered the office.
"Yes?" Smetona turned from his ministers with a slight frown.
"The Dutch ambassador and military attache are here to see you, if it is convient."
Smetona blinked, his ministers looked almost as taken aback by this sudden development. Then Smetona recovered himself and nodded to his aide.
"Please, send them in at once."


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 8:04pm

Marshal Letowska's Headquarters, Amantas, Wilno Republic


Marshal Aleksy Letowska, President and C-in-C of the Republic of Wilno
Anzelm Bazala, Premier
Sidor Tarkowski, General-secretary for the Interior
Leon Diachuk, General-secretary for Foreign Affairs
Bialas Kirszenstein, General-secretary for Military Affairs
Stefan Traczyk, General-secretary for Public Security

"We've saved, gentlemen, saved!" Tarkowski remarked jubilently, to his assembled fellow general-secretaries. Letowska and Bazala exchanged mild glances, they were not so sure of things.
"Sidor, while I agree that this is a promising development, King Carl Philip's announcement falls very far short of offical diplomatic recognition for Wilno, and we don't have the foggiest idea yet if the Lithuanian Government will even accept the situation. Their foreign office has made no announcement of whether they are sending their own delegation to the cease fire talks, much less if they are going to agree to the July 10th, cease fire date." Letowska said carefully to all assembled to make sure no one misunderstood their position.
"I agree, Marshal, but this is a positive step towards that objective, you will agree?"
"We both do, Sidor. But we have to be cautious." Bazala returned clasping Tarkowski on the shoulder.

Bazala turned to Traczyk and Kirszenstein.
"How do things stand with you both at the moment?"
"Badly, as it stands, we have full control over only most of the eastern and southern parts of the Vilnius municipality and the whole of the Salcininkai municpality. Our control of the Sirvintos and Elektrenai municpalities is at best partial, what with the Lithuanian troops all over it. The same goes for much of the northern and western Vilnius municipality. The city of Wilno itself is contested, but I don't know how much longer we can keep that up."
"How are things in Trakai municipality?"
"Faultering. The Lithuanian Southeastern Front is being pretty thorough in its suppression operations there. I think we will soon have to right off that munipality as well."
"Anything you can do about it?" Letowska asked. Both ministers paused for a moment. Traczyk spoke first.
"We can send in more Letowska Guards to stir up partisan operations in Sirvintos, Elektrenai and Trakai munipalities, as well as occupied parts of the Vilnius munipality, to draw off Lithuanian field troops as we can. While we have difficulties maintaining control in those areas, we do still have some organization on the ground and sufficient logistics and local support."
"In other words, we're still drawing monies, recruits and equipment for these places, dispite the Lithuanians efforts." Letowska commented.

Traczyk nodded in agreement.
"Essentially, yes."
"Alright, do what you can." Letowska turned to his general-secretary for military affairs.
"Anything our more regular forces can do?"
"At the moment, not a lot, at least in a proactive sense, much of my efforts at present have been rather more passive then I would like." Kirszenstein responded clearly unhappy with what he was saying.
"The Army of the North is slowly bleeding to death, their three divisions are badly out numbered against the eight field corps deployed against them. The lack of artillery support and air support that the Lithuanians have isn't helping much either."
Kirszenstein continued after a moment's reflection.
"The Army of the South is in better shape, it has a bit better logistical support and it's military operations have been generally more successful, or at least less disasterous to it."
Letowska winced at that comment, the catastrophic results of the 6th Division's attack on the VIII Field Corps was still fresh in his mind, but went on despite those thoughts.
"How is the refitting of the 2nd and 3rd Divisions going? I think we will need them very shortly."
"I'm doing the best I can, but the two divisions were fairly badly mauled in their recent campaign. They've lost a lot of equipment we can't easily replace, when they were forced to withdraw. Add their losses in personel and it gets worst. The soonest I believe they will be ready for any sustained action is a month, probably more."

Kirszenstein continued after looking pensively at his notes. He clearly had something on his mind, that he wanted Letowska's imut on.
"I've been considering deploying the two divisions, either independently, one to the Army of the North and the other to the Army of the South. Or using them to form a new force, the Army of the Northeast, to cover the Army of the North's flank. I've finally been able to organize some proper army support elements, not nearly what we need but enought to give our divisions in the field some back up, and the army commanders some tactical reserves, even if they are rather slender."
"Good work, Kirszenstein. Good work indeed, let your people know I value their efforts. Give me some time to discuss things with my staff and we'll make a final decision on what to do with the 2nd and 3rd Divisions."

Letowska then looked once again to his secretary-general of Public Security.
"Traczyk? Any word from our friend in the Seimas. I know your contact is intermittent at best, but has he been able to give us any idea of when the Lithuanians intend to attack us again?"
"I'm afraid, that Maj.General Koziol's cousin hasn't been able to get us that information yet, I'm sure he'll pass it along, as soon as he finds out. However relations between the Presdient and his council of ministers and the Seimas is I believe a little strained right now, so I don't know how forthcoming they will be over specific military operations with the parliment."
"Hm." Letowska considered that for a moment. "Alright let Sigismund know, we value his support, but he's not to jeopordize his position as Leader of the Union of Poles, in the Seimas. His party's two votes may be critical to us in the near future."
"Understood, Marshal." Traczyk responded in understanding. The ever practical Bazala turned everyone's attention to the next matter to consider.
"Gentlemen, I believe we should consider the composition of a cease-fire delegation, and then give some thought to how the hell we are going to get it to Stockholm, as our routes of access to Nordmark are a trifle limited at the moment."

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 22nd 2008, 10:31pm)


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 11:36pm

Vilnius/Wilno, Vilnius Municpality, Lithuania/Wilno Republic (depending on who you ask)

Maj.General Adam Popek, toured his fortified battle lines within the city of Vilnius, he was as dirty, exhausted and frustrated as his troops. More then that he was like them, scared, although he didn't have the luxury of showing it. His troops needed him to show a brave face, to give them some assurance that things would get better.

Popek was worried, he'd served first as a unit commander in the openings of the insurrection here in the city and had been involved in some of the bloodiest fighting as a company, battalion and finally divisional commander. Things had only gotten worse as he'd climbed higher in the Wilno Army's command heirarchy. He swung his field glasses across the Lithuanian lines both outside and inside the city. They sprawled everywhere, even intertwinded with his own positions. Barbed-wire, bunkers, gunposts, rubble piles, burnout ruins, smoke and corpses and improvised barricades lay everywhere one chose to look. His staff had warned him that the Lithuanians had built up additional supply dumps beyond the city, further they had expanded their battle lines until they nearly encircled the city. They'd increased the density of the pillboxes, gun pits and bombproofs within their lines. They'd also been positioning and entrenching more guns, particular heavier pieces then the 75/76-mm or 77-mm and 105-mm guns they had been using to date.

Observation posts had reported Great War German 76-mm, 170-mm and 250-mm minenwerfers being moved up, as well as old Tsarist Pulitov-Schneider 120-mm, 122-mm and 152-mm howitzers and cannons, even a few old Tsarist 250-mm coastal guns, as well as plenty of more conventional infantry mortars. Those reports had also indicated that the Lithuanian forward and communications trenches where swarming with troops, all armed to the teeth.

At least the almost continuos bombardment had stopped, Popek thought tiredly, other then the odd ranging shot or some occassional harassing fire, the Lithuanians hadn't fired a shot for a while. Even the Lithuanian Aviation bombers had stopped, the Lithuanian Air Force was flying just reconnaissance patrols, although those were quite frequent and heavily guarded by fighter aircraft. The fighters of the Wilno Army Air Service hadn't been too keen to try and combat them, although to be fair they had mounted a few sorties with indifferent results. His staff figured that the Lithuanians had just run out of shells and were restocking. It seemed like they had fired off practically the Lithuanian Army's entire pre-insurrection stockpile of munitions, or at least to him and his troops on the receiving end anyway.

Popek continued to turn things over in his mind as he wandered amoung his soldiers, exchanging a word or two with them, reviewing troop and gun deployments, checking on various units stockpiles of necessities, and viewing local conditions, alongside the field officers and men of his Guards Division. All through it he wondered if he was just marking time or was it that he really believed it was making a difference. The Lithuanian Government couldn't fight this war for ever, they'd move to finish it as quickly as they could, which mean sooner or later they would attack. Popek had a terrible feeling that he couldn't shake that it would be soon, very soon.

In the Lithuanian lines, the last preparations had been made, the troops had all equipment and munitions they would require. Everyone and everything was in their designated place and ready for the order to begin the attack. An attack that none of the National Police, Security Troops or National Guards of the Field Corps, or the Life Guards, Armed Force Cadets or Security Auxiliaries of the Vilnius Corps had any doubt would be successful. They just had to endure the interminal agony of waiting, waiting for that first order to leave their entrenchments and fortified posts and assault the Insurrectionists barricades and field works.

The unspoken and spoken question on everyone's minds, on both sides of the lines, was when, when would it start?

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 24th 2008, 11:02pm)


Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 11:42pm

[Got to wonder where Lithuania is getting the ammunition for all the artillery rounds they've been firing off. Lithuania doesn't strike me as a center for artillery, and yet...... Not to mention where all the trained gunners are coming from....]

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Hrolf Hakonson" (Jan 23rd 2008, 1:11am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 7:51am


Originally posted by Hrolf Hakonson
[Got to wonder where Lithuania is getting the ammunition for all the artillery rounds they've been firing off. Lithuania doesn't strike me as a center for artillery, and yet...... Not to mention where all the trained gunners are coming from....]

I don't see it as a real problem. If the Great War had any bearing on stocks, they would have a reasonable supply. Then contrast that to the relatively small numbers employed- 70 pieces in one battle, etc. Toss in you don't have the two week sustained bombardments of the Great War, and expenditure shouldn't be so high as to be a problem yet.


Thursday, January 24th 2008, 6:31am

Klaipeda Harbour, Klaipeda, Lithuania

The Dutch officer looked around the wind swept Lithuanian sea port, as he walked down the gangway of the Dutch merchant vessel Piet De Vries , a multitude of ships dotted the harbour of Klaipeda. Some tied up at anchor, others were tied up alongside warfs, others were in the docks. A great many were leaving for new ports of call, a similiar number where entering the port to drop off or pick up cargoes. The whole place was a seething beehive of commercial activity.

The Dutch officer noticed the German Kriegsmarine naval ensign flying prominantly over a fortified barracks near the harbour front. Several platoons of blue uniformed German sailors with shouldered rifles were marching along the water front, on parade evidently. A moment later he stepped off the gangway onto the shore. He turned from his nonchalant survey of his surroundings, when someone unexpectedly called his name in slightly accented Dutch.

"Majoor Van Der Kade." an officer of the Lithuanian Army approached, his hand snapping up to the visor of his cap in a crisp military salute. Van Der Kade returned it, with equal polish. He looked the young man, who presented himself, over very carefully.
"Kapitanas Teodoras Baltusis, Lithuanian Army General Staff."
Baltusis looked, to Van Der Kade, to be about thirty, but his eyes, a steady sea grey looked older. The ribbons and decorations attached to his service tunic bespoke an experienced veteran, the black eye patch that covered his left eye, and the stiff way he held his gloved left hand said that the limb was either crippled or a prosthetic. Van Der Kade put, Baltusis down as a veteran of the recent and on going June Insurrection.
"Majoor Karel Pieter Van Der Kade, Chief of Staff, Legion Oranje. At your service, Kapitanas Baltusis."
"Indeed, sir. Welcome to Lithuania."
"Nice to met someone civil upon arriving in a foreign land." Someone remarked behind them.

Both Van Der Kade and Baltusis turned to see who had spoken. The commander of the Legion Oranje, Jacob Snellensoon, walked down the gangway with a jaunty step, his Dutch general officers cap at a slightly rakish angle.
"Brigade-Generaal Jacob Snellensoon. Kapitanas." Snellensoon offered by way of introduction. Snellensoon rather suspected that Baltusis already new that, but it never hurt in Snellensoon's opinion to establish one's credentials promptly. Baltusis returned Snellensoon's salute and offered his hand. Snellensoon took it a firm grip.
"I trust, all our personel and equipment has been unloaded, Captain Baltusis?"
"The process is one going, sir. We've set up a transit station and depot here in Klaipeda, most of the military cargo for the first, second and third ships has been landed here, but because of security concerns raised by the Ministry of Interior Affairs, and seconded by some members of the Ministry of National Defense, the main depot and barracks for you and your people is being set up at Palanga, where the fourth and fifth of the cargo ships have been diverted." Batlusis responded levelly. "The LNS Presidentas Smetona and four of our motor/torpedoboats are running escort for them.
"Good." Snellensoon returned. "Given a few days to unload and assemble everything, we'll be in position to get to what we're here for."
Baltusis gestured for both officers to follow him.
"If both you gentlemen would accompany me, I have a staff car waiting. Defense Minister Liatukas, awaits you. I'm authorized to give you both a working brief of the situation, enroute."

The three officers walked a short distance along the landing dock, Van Der Kade was surprised to see that the staff car, was in fact an armoured truck. It's slanting armoured front, decorated with large armoured view slots, and slab-sided armour plates on the rest of the chassis, lent the vehicle a distinctly menacing air, which the long-barrelled machine gun mounted just in back of the driver's position did absolutely nothing to dispell. Baltusis, saw Van Der Kade, and Snellensoon's expressions and gave them a knowing look.
"We tend to take some precautions with our officers here in Lithuania, particularly in present circumstances, even more so with visiting foreign officers."

Van Der Kade and Snellensoon, also noticed the unit field sign, stenciled onto the sides of the staff car. A black edged orange triangle, point down, with a white Lithuanian Cross superimposed upon it, part of the top of the cross broke the top of the triangle. A curious device, Snellensoon thought. He hadn't given any consideration to coming up with a unit badge and the insignia intrigued him.

Baltusis then opened the double door set into the rear of the staff car's armoured back and waved the two men in. As soon as the three were seated, Baltusis barked an order and the vehicle began to speed away from the port, weaving it's way through traffic, picking up a small motorcycle escort as it did so.

"What is the situation for us, Kapitanas?" Van Der Kade asked, withdrawing a note book from his service tunic. Snellensoon nodded in agreement, as he settled himself more comfortably in his seat, as his industrious chief-of-staff got down to business.
"Much of the surplus equipment has been landed, or will be very shortly, we've put a high priority on moving it and our Army Transport Corps is working around the clock to get it done. We've drafted some naval personel and civil workers we regard as trustworthy as well to help out." Baltusis responded, consulting a file folder.
"The Lithuanian Army will be providing the Legion Oranje with Lithuanian service uniforms and field equipment. The uniforms will have a shoulder patch matching the badge on this staff car, for identification purposes."
"I see." Van Der Kade said quietly, making notes. "Will we be provided with any military arms and equipement, we've brought little of it ourselves."
"Yes, we were given to understand before we left the Netherlands, that Lithuania would provide the bulk of our needs in that regard." Snellensoon commented. Baltusis, looked at the Legion Oranje commander and nodded.
"Yes, those needs are being addressed, although there will be some shortages in certain articles, the working up of our new army divisions, and the needs of the Interior Affairs field corps have absorbed a lot of our existing stocks, but we have a reserve of items that we are making available to the Legion."
"We have approximately 1,000 people in the Legion Oranje at the moment, mostly drawn from DMZSBD members who were serving in the military so they won't need much training to be useful in the field. The rest are volunteers of one sort or another from reservist or militia formations." Snellensoon explained to a listening Baltusis. He looked thoughtful as he looked at his files again.

"That shouldn't be too much of a problem, Generaal Snellensoon. We'd built up a bit of a surplus of military stocks for the Legion, and those numbers are within the limits we'd calculated on."
"More Legionaires may be shipped in as time goes on, we're still recruiting." Van Der Kade warned. "So that number might increase by some three or four times, if our own staff projections are correct."
"Again not a great problem, our local stockpiles have been substancially dented by various demands being made on them, by our local industries are making great strides to make up the short falls. I'm certain that the General Staff can set enough of the new production aside for your needs."
"Excellent, Kapitanas Baltusis, excellent indeed." Snellensoon enthused. Van Der Kade, nodded sharply in agreement with his commander.

"We're expecting a sixth ship to bring three maintenance companies to supplement your local units handling vehicle servcing needs. One for aircraft and two for armoured." Snellensoon went on after a moments silence. Baltusis digested this information before posing a question.
"Will they be attached to us long?"
"No, they will stay about a month at most, to serve as intructors, then once things are running smoothly, they will return to the Netherlands." Van Der Kade, finished for his commander.
"Good, the Lithuanian military has relatively good support and logistical services, but all this new equipment is going to put a strain on existing personel until all the new recruits and draftees from other units get organized."
"How is the situation with the Army Tank Corps, I understand that is the main unit we will be working with?" Van Der Kade asked, looking up from his rapidly accumulating notes.

"The Army Tank Corps, already has one battalion, now designated the 1st Armoured Battalion. It's composed of two companies equiped with Renault FT-17 and Vickers M1933 light tanks, and a third company equiped with Landsverk L-181 armoured cars. Cadres from these existing units are being used to form the staffs and support services units of the 2nd and 3rd Armoured Battalions, which the Dutch surplus FT-17 tanks and Romsfell armoured cars will be used to create." Baltusis explained." Baltusis paused to consult his files again. "Six battalions of Security Auxilieries have been transferred to Lithuanian Army control, they will be used to fill out the bulk of the personel needs in the Tank Corps, crews, mechanics, support infantry and artillery, etc. along with some drafts from the Life Guards, and various army units."

Baltusis went on, answering the next question that was on Snellensoon and Van Der Kade's minds.
"The Military Aviation Service is doing much the same thing with it's existing squadrons, spliting off cadres to form the new squadrons, with drafts from the National Aero Club of Lithuania to provide flight crews, that will be equiped with the surplus Dutch aircraft we are recieving."
"I imagine our maintenance companies will become critical to those units becoming operational, then."
Snellensoon said to himself as much to Baltusis and Van Der Kade.

"One more thing, Kapitanas Baltusis, before we continue with more mundane but essential staff details. Will the Legion Oranje be called upon to participate in... shall we say... joint military field exercises with Lithuanian security or armed forces units?"
Baltusis regarded Snellensoon levelly, and nodded.
"If by that you mean field exercises with live ammunition, and very live targets, in certain areas of this country, then the answer is yes." Baltusis paused shortly. "Either as complete independent units or as attached instructors and tactical observers."
"Good. Very good, Kapitanas Baltusis I'm glad we understand each other." Snellensoon said smiling, although the smile didn't reach his eyes. Van Der Kade watched this by play for a moment.
"Kapitanas, would it be possible for me to observe any comming operations in Vilnius, I understand, that continued operations are planned for that particular place at the moment." Baltusis looked at Van Der Kade levelly for a moment, then answered.
"I believe something can be arranged, Majoor. You may find the trip worth your while, if nothing else you will get to see how we Lithuanians wage war."

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 24th 2008, 8:00am)