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Thursday, May 25th 2006, 10:02am


I know you guys don't let anyone join except in rare cases, but I Just wanted to drop by and say hi. I'm usually over at the warships1 design forum.

Love some of the designs here!


Thursday, May 25th 2006, 10:17am


1)If you intend on sticking around please leave your sanity at the door.
2)We hope you enjoy your visit, please feel free to comment on the designs in the Ship Design forum.


Thursday, May 25th 2006, 11:03am

Welcome to the Forums Burncycle, your name does look familiar.


Thursday, May 25th 2006, 12:38pm


thesmilingassassin thats propably becose he is the lattest registed member in Warship design bourds


Thursday, May 25th 2006, 2:48pm


thesmilingassassin thats propably becose he is the lattest registed member in Warship design bourds

Yep! I've been lerking here for a little while, off and on, but just discovered that place :)


Friday, May 26th 2006, 8:27am

Well its nice to see you doing more than lurking now.

Just curious, what is your real name, what are your hobbies ect.


Saturday, May 27th 2006, 2:28am


Just curious, what is your real name, what are your hobbies ect.

Robert. I'm into military history, gaming, long walks on the beach, sunsets... :P


Saturday, May 27th 2006, 8:52am

Don't suppose I can convince you to take over Colombia, could I?


Sunday, May 28th 2006, 1:45pm


Originally posted by Fyrwulf
Don't suppose I can convince you to take over Colombia, could I?

Why you , you, you...Country-Pusher you!!!!


Sunday, May 28th 2006, 2:16pm

You don't want an additional challenge for Iberia? :-)


Sunday, May 28th 2006, 9:52pm

No he doesn't want a united South America under the Brazilian boot!


Monday, May 29th 2006, 9:18am


No he doesn't want a united South America under the Brazilian boot!



Monday, May 29th 2006, 10:22pm

Why does everbody assume I want to annex all of South America? If that were the case, I'd be discouraging people from taking nations. What I really want is for players to occupy the four strategic South American nations; Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. Once I can get a player in Colombia, the real party can begin ;)


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 12:00am

We I know what You are saying Fyrwulf.
Europe is full(one sark and it goes BOOM,i hope) Asia SATSUMA dominated.Africa dosnt have much in way of countries left.
And when we have Columbian player we will all a full sim.


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 1:32am

Besides, a Brazilian boot ruling is only possible if the other South American powers can agree with it....and based on some earlier talks, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil sitll have problems seeing eye to eye.


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 8:05am


Originally posted by Fyrwulf
Why does everbody assume I want to annex all of South America? If that were the case, I'd be discouraging people from taking nations. What I really want is for players to occupy the four strategic South American nations; Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. Once I can get a player in Colombia, the real party can begin ;)

Well it really was just a joke but I think Atlantis or more specifically Venezuelans would have something to say about Brazil messing with part of the Former Gran Colombia, particularily given the fact that relations between Colombia and Atlantis are continuing to improve.

Atlantis wouldn't be so concerned if Brazil wasn't eager to take on the SAE thereby destabilizing the region ;-)


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 9:10am

*tries to puzzle out TSA's response* Erm, that wasn't an implication that I was going to crush Colombia once it got a PC. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I don't believe in taking out PC nations because it ruins the fun of the game.


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 9:38am

I'm partial to preventing wars till every nation has been polarized one way or another including to some extent NPC's where ever its politically convienient.

Atlantis can't really influence the european holdings in the North East corner of South America so it can only look West.

Colombia in contrast is looking for a little more security, its former countrymen in what used to be Gran Colombia currently seem to be the most attractive option.


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 12:19pm

Well, for me, Colombia has a No Touch rule. I really want Colombia to have a player because that means nobody can NPC rape the last, and possibly most important, strategic South American location.


Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 12:23pm

Not sure who would NPC rape Colombia, but given the historical events in Peru I'd say Colombia isn't the nation to worry about.