You poor bast...I mean, thanks, Swampy!
Capital Ships
Shah Jahan is
officially 26,666 t. Ask the Japanese inspection team.
There are two Gaudhi Sagar class CVS.
Add CVT Lathi (1931): 508 x 75 x 18'; 10,233 t std; no armament or A/C; 17.8 kts, 9000 nm @ 12 kts
Add six Pudukkottai class (rebuilt DDs, 1927-2

. 315x30x9'; 1050 t std officially; 3x1 10.5 cm, 2x2 3.5 cm, 1x4 1.5 cm, 1x3 55 cm TT; unarmored; 23.68 kts, 12,000 nm @ 12 kts
There are four Nanda Devi class; official std displacement is 1,000 t
Add four Kudligi class (1931); 303x32x11; 1,100 t std officially; 2x2 12.5 cm, 3x2 3.5 cm, 1x4 1.5 cm, 1x4 55 cm TT; unarmored; 24 kts officially, 12,000 nm @ 12 kts
Add one Bindusara class (1931); 180x48x7'; 1020 t std officially; 1x1 21 cm, 1x2 10.5 cm, 3x2 3.5 cm; 3 cm belt, 4 cm deck; 12.5 kts, 3000 nm @12 kts
Sorry, it's the torpedoes that make all those little boats CDS...
Vadodaras are officially 11,200 t std
The two Goa class CL (~1913) should be noted as training ships
Delete the G-113 class (they're now the Pudukkottai CDS)
Bhubaneshwar class is 1930, there are four.
Ugh #2
Add six I-15 class (1929); 194x20x13', 450 t std officially; 1x10.5 cm, 1x3.5 cm, 6x55 cm TT; Op. diving depth = 174'; 18.3 kts, 8000 nm @ 12 kts
Add two I-21 class (1930); 194x20x13'; 450 t std officially; 1 x10.5 cm, 1x3.5 cm, 2x55 cm TT, 1 squad Special Forces; Op diving depth = 194'; 16.5 kts, 8000 nm @ 12 kts
Add two I-22 class (1930); 194x20x13'; 450 t std officially; 1x2 3.5 cm, 2x55 cm TT, 16 mines; Op diving depth = 201'; 16.5 kts, 8000 nm @ 12 kts
Add three I-24 class (1931): 216x25x18', 1050 t std officially; 1x10.5 cm, 1x3.5 cm, 2x1.5 cm, 8x55 cm TT; Op diving depth 289'; 16.4 kts, 13,000 nm @ 12 kts