The following is a summary of the Treaty of Versailles provisions relating to German naval armaments in Wesworld, and is quoted from the thread, "Question about Germany Restrictions" in the Meeting Place.
Capital Ships:
-Maximum of 6 hulls, none exceeding standard tonnage of largest existing unit (25,000 t)
-Aggregate tonnage not to exceed 120,000 t
-Maximum caliber of 12"
-Part 3/A/VI of the Cleito Treaty (replacing ships laid down before 1911) does not apply
Aircraft Carriers:
-None permitted
-Maximum 12 hulls, each not exceeding 8,000 t and 5.9" guns
Coastal Defence Ships
-None permitted
-Maximum 24 hulls, each not exceeding 1,500 t and 5.1" guns
-None permitted
Torpedo Boats:
-Maximum 24 hulls, each not exceeding 300 t
(a) Naval surface combatant vessels of 600 tons (610 metric tons) standard displacement and under; provided they have none of the following characteristics:
(1) Are designed or fitted to launch torpedoes or mines;
(2) Are designed for a speed greater than 20.0 kts
(b) Naval surface combatant vessels exceeding 600 tons (610 metric tons), but not exceeding 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) standard displacement, provided they have none of the following characteristics:
(1) Mount a gun above 5.1 inch (130 mm) calibre;
(2) Mount more than eight guns above 3 inch (76 mm) calibre;
(3) Are designed or fitted to launch torpedoes or mines;
(4) Are designed for a speed greater than 20 knots.
(5) Are fitted to receive aircraft on board from the air.
(c) Naval surface vessels not specifically built as fighting ships which are employed on fleet duties or as troop transports or in some other way than as fighting ships, provided they have none of the following characteristics:
(1) Mount a gun above 5.9 inch (153 mm) calibre;
(2) Mount more than four guns above 3 inch (76 mm) calibre;
(3) Are designed or fitted to launch torpedoes; (4) Are designed for a speed greater than 20 knots;
(5) Are protected by armour plate on the hull;
(6) Are designed or fitted to launch mines;
(7) Are fitted to receive aircraft on board from the air;
Mount more than one aircraft-launching apparatus on the centre line; or two, one on each broadside;
(9) If fitted with any means of launching aircraft into the air, are designed or adapted to operate at sea more than ten aircraft.
(Bearing in mind that for now, Germany can't operate naval air forces anyway).
Dates and rules for the replacement of ships is as indicated in the Cleito Treaty.