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Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 8:13pm

Infrastructure of NPCs


Belgium - 4 factories
at Zeebrugge:
2 Type 1 slips
1 Type 0 drydock
at Ostend:
2 Type 0 slips
1 Type 0 drydocks
at Antwerp:
1 Type 2 slip
1 Type 1 slip
1 Type 0 slip
2 Type 2 drydocks
1 Type 1 drydock

Latvia - 2 factories
at Riga:
2 Type 0 slips
1 Type 1 drydock
at Liepaja:
1 Type 1 slip

Lithuania - 2 factories
at Klaipeda:
1 Type 1 slip
2 Type 0 slips
1 Type 1 drydock

Ireland - 2 factories
at Galway:
1 Type 1 drydock
1 Type 0 drydock

Czechoslovakia - 1 factory
at Bratislava:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 0 drydock

Austria - 1 factory
at Vienna:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 0 drydock

Hungary - 1 factory
at Budapest:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 0 drydock

Bulgaria - 3 factories
at Varna:
2 Type 1 slips
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 2 drydock
1 Type 1 drydock
at Burgas:
2 Type 0 slips
1 Type 0 drydock

Switzerland - 1 factory
at Geneve:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 0 drydock


Saudi Arabia - 1 factory
at Jiddah:
1 Type 1 drydock

Yemen - 1 factory
at Al Hudaydah:
1 Type 0 drydock

Azerbaijan - 1 factory
at Baku:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 0 drydock

Armenia - 1 factory

Mongolia - 1 factory

South America

Columbia - 4 factories
at Cartagena:
1 Type 2 slip
2 Type 1 slips
3 Type 0 slips
1 Type 2 drydock
1 Type 1 drydock
at Buenaaventura:
1 Type 2 slip
2 Type 1 slips
4 Type 0 slips
1 Type 2 drydock
1 Type 0 drydock

Bolivia - 2 factories
at Tiguina:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 1 drydock

Paraguay - 1 factory
at Encarnation:
1 Type 0 slip
1 Type 0 drydock




Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 8:49pm

Errr Vienna, and Austria, is landlocked.....That's why the EU Minister for Fisheries is Austrian :)


Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 8:53pm

Further proof that "E.U." is an appropiate acronym

I thought Vienna was on the Danube?


Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 9:08pm

It is... but you´ve to cross two other countries to get to the closer sea...


Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 10:57pm


...but they probably have some Danube Monitors, hence the Type 0 slip and dock.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, November 4th 2004, 8:59am

Compared to countries like Romania Argentina is rated way too low, methinks. So either those other countries have to be downrated or Argentina has to get 2-3 more factories and several more IPs.


Thursday, November 4th 2004, 11:47am

Austrian infrastructure

Swamphen is correct, the Dual Monarchy had some substantial river monitors during the Great War. This would explain how they got there :)


Thursday, November 4th 2004, 12:11pm

What about Switzerland?

I know they have the America's Cup but do they have a navy?



Thursday, November 4th 2004, 1:32pm

Hooman - thanks for the catch, the Argies should be 7/20 like Chile and Brazil. It's fixed.

alt_naval - modern Switzerland has a flotilla of pretty mean-looking small craft for patrolling Lake Geneva, so they probably had some back then, too. :)


Thursday, November 4th 2004, 3:02pm

Siam might be a two factory deal at best - everything was foreign built historically, and probably here as well (though by Denmark rather than UK). Infrastructure's probably a D1 and maybe a couple of small slips. Commodore?

I have my doubts that any independent Arabian state would have military infrastructure worth noting, but will peek at my references tonight and see if I change my mind.


Sunday, January 9th 2005, 7:32pm


I see this has been updated.




Sunday, January 9th 2005, 8:49pm

Danzig should have 2 x Type 3 Slips there and probably a Type 3 Drydock to go with them as well.


Sunday, January 9th 2005, 9:54pm


...well, I got that info from Jane's WWI, so I'll get back to ya on that one.


Sunday, January 9th 2005, 10:33pm

Danzig 1914 (Janes)

Military Yards:

3 small floating docks and three patent slips - all for torpedo craft. New dock to take any ship (being buit)
One building slip (328 feet)
Employees: about 4,000
Machinery: 13 of 1,355 H.P.
Neufahrwasser and Danzig trade about 850,000 tons of shipping cleared annually.

Private Yards:

Schichau (Danzig):

6 slips: 1 over 650 feet, three about 500 feet, and two smaller.
4 floating docks.
Employees, about 5,000. Machinery: about 2,000 H.P.

Since Danzig is no longer part of any nation in 1919, I have no other data on it from Jane's that is relevant to us.


Sunday, November 20th 2005, 12:40am


Originally posted by Swamphen
Yugoslavia - 2 factories

No way it wose a richest country in central Europe.
Nation like Serbs,Slovenians,Chorwats,Monte Negero and Bosniaks all had some industy on ther land befor joning.
2 factories makes the looks to backword.
4 or 6 factories not less.central europe states were far below its neybours like Germany ,Russia too lesser extent Italy but on eqeal terms with Sweden ,Norway ,Chile Greece.Back then in 1920's they were like todays Asian Tigers.WWII just mestup they chances.

I know its an old tread but
I have to defend the country of my father.:)
To put matters in prespectiv. In central europe
industy potencial of Yugoslavia were more or eqall to Polands

But take no atecion to me a polish\serbian hybryd with megalomatic ambitions bragings. hehe


Sunday, November 20th 2005, 1:30am

Merek do you have any links or info to suport this? It would certainly help to get a better perspective on the NPC infrastructure levels.


Sunday, November 20th 2005, 2:46am

The disposition of the Austro-Hungarian industry was never properly cleared up; any info you have about Yugoslav (and/or Hungarian) industry would be appreciated. :-)


Sunday, November 20th 2005, 2:40pm

I hade a book about Yogoslavia but it wose in serbian-chorvat and transleting it gave me headake's
I still lucking for a site that is in laugech that I can read easly.
large factories iin Banja Luka,Zagrzeb,Tulza,Kragujevac,Mitrovica,Belgrad.


Wednesday, July 26th 2006, 11:00pm

Swampy, since you've taken an unhealthy interest in Siam, could you update its infrastructure in this thread?

I see there's still a few holes in our knowledge elsewhere - any suggestions out there?


Thursday, July 27th 2006, 1:01am

Another country that needs an update is Peru, it's added a pair of new Type 0 slips, 1 in each of it's ports.