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Not sure when I last popped in here, but I see things are pretty quiet. Hope everybody's well.
Hey Rocky!
Not sure when I last popped in here, but I see things are pretty quiet. Hope everybody's well.
I'm doing well, and still usually check the board once or twice a day. Unfortunately I know Bruce passed away toward the end of 2021, and I know a few folks have had a difficult time of things over the last year.Not many of the crew around anymore... there's a few of us who occasionally still show up on the Wesworld discord channel, but that's been pretty quiet as well.
I've got a three-year old who keeps me busy. Also been writing, learning how to fall off a paddleboard, and I'm working to set up an 1890 naval game based on the Wesworld rules with some friends on Discord. We're playing on a map of Venus With Oceans, and I'm playing "Chile, if it was settled by the Swiss." We'll see how that goes, I guess.![]()
Glad to hear the two of you are doing well and have wives and/or young'uns to keep you busy. I feel like I tried to set up a game on Venus as an iteration of Navalism once, but our current go is just plain ol' Earth, with different nations.
Glad to hear the two of you are doing well and have wives and/or young'uns to keep you busy. I feel like I tried to set up a game on Venus as an iteration of Navalism once, but our current go is just plain ol' Earth, with different nations.
Yes, my cats and goats keep me busy too :D ;) If someone of you need a player for a game like we had here ;) i will be happy to hear from you :D otherwise i play World of Warships ;)
Glad to hear the two of you are doing well and have wives and/or young'uns to keep you busy. I feel like I tried to set up a game on Venus as an iteration of Navalism once, but our current go is just plain ol' Earth, with different nations.
Yes, my cats and goats keep me busy too![]()
If someone of you need a player for a game like we had here
i will be happy to hear from you
otherwise i play World of Warships
Hey guys,
Long time no see, pretty amazed to see anyone still here!
Hope you are all doing ok.
I'm keeping busy with the day job and writing these days and Shipbucket art still.
Good to see that Navalism is still going. A sim via Discord sounds novel, is it going well?
Good to see that Navalism is still going. A sim via Discord sounds novel, is it going well?
Yeah smaller is more fun and you don't need to stress about hyper stats to beat all the bad boys. A small navy knows its wimpy so can just concentrate on getting the best for what it can afford.
It sounds like an interesting set up. I came to view the quarterly system here as a bit of a drag, while it provided a handy breakdown when accounting and building smaller vessels, I think overall it was cumbersome and a lot of work and errors did slip into people's calculations from time to time.
Yes ships were a lot smaller then, though I would think a 22 factory set up with 22,000 tons a year could still build a pretty impressive fleet in that era. 6,000 tons less so but probably enough for a cruiser and some smaller boats.
What are the build times like?
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