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Tuesday, October 12th 2021, 4:20pm

Springsharp is Alive!

Just by chance I came across the Springshap site and found that on 29 September a new beta version (3.0b4) has been launched which runs on Windows 10 and 11!
Looks to have some new funky options for the engines tab, some of which (high endurance vs high performance engine) does not work yet.

Its actually made my day that Ian and James are still working on this after so many years!


Wednesday, October 13th 2021, 2:24am

A fellow Discord user apparently emailed the devs, and it sounds like they're interested both in gathering more data on engine weights, and potentially moving Springsharp to an open-source software setup. That has some very interesting potential for Springsharp's future... :)


Saturday, October 16th 2021, 11:11am

That would be great news if it happens.
The new beta does seem to beef up the weights a bit and make it a little more realistic, perhaps a little more pessimistic for destroyer engines that I was playing around with but once the slider works it could be a game changer to better fit the powerplant to the ship type.