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Are you looking for twin-engine, single-engine, jet, piston, armament choices?
Dimensions: 38/ 41.9/ 14.10/ 360 sq ft
Engine: 1x 5,000lb Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene III
Max speed: 600mph at sea level
Range: 1,000 miles with maximum external fuel
Sea level rate of climb: 6,000ft/min
Service ceiling: 40,000ft
Weight: all-up weight 14,250lb; overload weight 18,700lb.
Armament: 4x 20mm Orkileon FFB cannon and 2x 500kg bombs or 12x 75mm rockets underwing. Two underwing 100 or 200 gallon drop tanks and one 195 gallon ventral tank can be fitted.
Wingspan: 17.4 m (57 ft 2 in)
Length: 16.5 m (54 ft 2 in)
Height: 4.4 m (14 ft 6 in)
Wing area: 54.9 m² (591 ft²)
Empty weight: 10,500 kg (23,100 lb)
Loaded weight: 15,170 kg (33,450 lb)
Max take-off weight: 16,329 kg (36,000 lb)
Powerplant: 2× EHRW.04 LMF Xhosa III 6,500 lb (28.9 kN) thrust each
Maximum speed: 888 km/h (552 mph)
Range: 3,200 km (2,000 miles)
Service ceiling: 13,700 m (45,000 ft)
Rate of climb: 44.5 m/s (8,750 ft/min)
Armament: 6x 23mm GAST cannon in a ventral pack
Wingspan: 11.31 m (37 ft 1.5 in)
Length: 12.27 m (40 ft 3 in)
Height: 4.57m (15 ft)
Empty weight: 6,132 kg (13,518 lb)
Gross weight: 9,060kg (19,975 lb)
Powerplant: 1 × EHRW.04 LMF Xhosa 6,000 lb (27 kN) dry, 8,160 lb (36.3 kN) with afterburner
Maximum speed: (1,142 km/h) (710 mph) (Mach 0.91)
Range: 1,850 km (1,153 miles)
Service ceiling: 16,460 m (54,000 ft)
Rate of climb: 61.7 m/s (12,150 ft/min)
Armament: 4x 23mm GAST cannon (130 rpg) or 24x 75mm rockets in ventral tray, two wing hardpoints for 2x 250/500/1000kg 10x 75mm rocket pods/ 2x 750 litre drop tanks
Dimensions: 44/ 42.3/ 15/ 355 sq ft
Powerplant: 1x 2,300shp + 1,040lbs (4,030ehp) Rolls-Royce RB.39 Clyde I
Max speed: 400mph at 10,000ft; 445mph at 20,000ft;
Initial rate of climb: 3,800ft/min
Range: 1,100 miles
Service ceiling: 30,000ft
Loaded weight: 16,300lb
Armament: 4x 20mm Orkileon FFB2 cannon and one underfuselage 1,000lb bomb plus 12x underwing 25lb or 60lb RPs
Dimensions: 43/ 48.6/ 13.11/ 374 sq ft
Powerplant: 2x 3,700lb Rolls-Royce RB.26 Derwent VII
Max speed: 585mph at 10,000ft
Range: 875 miles
Initial rate of climb: 5,800ft/min
Service ceiling: 43,000ft
Max loaded weight 20,444lb
Armament: 4x 20mm Orkileon FFB2 cannon
Forum Software: Burning Board® Lite 2.1.2 pl 1, developed by WoltLab® GmbH