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Dassault MD.452 Ouragan III
General characteristics
Crew: One
Length: 11.215 m
Wingspan: 13.13 m
Height: 4.2 m
Wing area: 27.05 m²
Empty weight: 4683 kg
Max takeoff weight: 7687 kg
Powerplant: 1 × Snecma M-45 axial turbojet, 25.8 kN
Never exceed speed: Mach 0.85
Maximum speed: 1000 km/h (Mach 0.82) at sea level
Cruise speed: 750 km/h
Combat radius: 667 km
Ferry range: 1150 km
Service ceiling: 14125 m
Rate of climb: 25 m/s
Takeoff distance: 790 m
Landing distance: 930 m
Guns: 4 × 23 mm DEFA 501 revolver cannon with 125 rounds per gun
Rockets: 16× 105 mm (4.1 in) Brandt T-10 air-to-ground unguided rockets; or, 2× Matra rocket pods with 18× SNEB 68 mm rockets each
Bombs: 2,270 kg of payload on four external hardpoints, including a variety of unguided iron bombs such as 2× 454 kg bombs or 2× 458 liter napalm bombs or drop tanks for extended range.
First flying in 1949, the Ouragan III incorporated a number of changes into the existing design. The largest upgrade was the substitution of the new Snecma M-45 axial turbojet for the Rateau-Anxionnaz A.65 centrifugal turbojet. The M-45 provided significantly better thrust and maintenance characteristics, although some changes to the fuselage were required in order to fit the longer, narrower engine. A modest swept wing of twenty degrees rounded out the changes.
The Ouragan III was the final evolutionary development in the line, after which Dassault turned to the Mystère.
I wonder if your WW Ouragan III might be very much like the OTL Mystere IIC
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