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Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 8:46pm

FD Scale Plane

My first try with FD Scale...
Daidalos has attached the following image:
  • GF52paint3.png


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 10:01pm

Looks good!!!! Great to see you are back


Friday, November 13th 2015, 5:48pm

Nice work!


Sunday, November 15th 2015, 2:49pm

Nice work!
Thanks. Here is another one...
Daidalos has attached the following image:
  • Aero L-90 A.png


Sunday, November 15th 2015, 3:26pm



Sunday, November 15th 2015, 3:41pm

I like that one too, very Soviet in appearance. Reminds me more of the Su-15 Flagon than Fencer.


Sunday, November 15th 2015, 8:14pm

Well, I modeled it after the Su-15....I just love the Flagon.


Sunday, November 15th 2015, 8:57pm

Ah - it makes it easier to see the resemblance when I'm not viewing it on my phone.


Monday, November 16th 2015, 1:09am

Here is a small, single engine delta-wing frontline fighter, comparable and lossely insipered by MiG-21 and Mirage III.

I would like to know your opinions about the (new) scale I am using. At first I was very sceptical about the FD-Scale they use in the ship-bucket forum for aircraft and vehicle drawings and while still think the scale is too small, to depict tiny WWII era fighter planes, it is big enough for jet fighters and modern planes. However, for my tanks/vehicles and piston engine fighters I will stick to the "Car-Bucket"-scale (dunno if there is an official name for it) I used with my drawings before.
Daidalos has attached the following image:
  • Aero L-121 A.png


Monday, November 16th 2015, 9:45am

I like that one too. My only comment would be that the tailfin looks too small, especially compared with the size of the rudder.

I like FD scale for all kinds of aircraft and its amazing what you can do in that scale (22.093 pixels = 1 metre).


Tuesday, November 17th 2015, 11:53pm

The tail fin is slightly enlarged now....
Daidalos has attached the following image:
  • Aero L-121 B.png


Wednesday, November 18th 2015, 9:34am

Looks better now.


Thursday, June 9th 2016, 10:22pm

Some late 50ies/early 60ies aircraft. First one is the fighter version, the second and third are fighter-bomber versions.
Daidalos has attached the following images:
  • Messerschmidt MJ-58 A.png
  • Messerschmidt MJ-58 D-2.png


Sunday, June 12th 2016, 10:49am

Nice to see you back in action Daidalos.