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Jyllands-Posten 24th April 1924
With the 2 last seats now decided, it seems that the S.D. Party's declaration of victory yesterday is ringing a little hollow today.
The people of the island of Mon returned their second representative as a conservative and not the S.D. man that had been expected.
And the people of the island of Samso returned the youngest member of the Folketing, Hugo Fonnesbech, 29, an independant who campaigned on the issues that the local people found to be more important to them than national concerns.
The situation that Carl Theodor Zahle now finds himself in is one where he needs to get 2 more votes to secure his government, or govern with a minority number of seats in the folketing
Looks like this poor man is facing difficult times...
Good news, btw. Keep ´em coming!