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Originally posted by TheCanadian
IMHO setting up a fictional world has its own challenges which may be greater than just going with something close to OTL. After all, with OTL we at least have a frame of reference to work with for population, naval strength, economic strength, resources and access to them, level of industrialization, ability to build ships, etc. With a fictional world we would have to figure all that out whereas if we remained close to OTL then the initial setup is easier.
Originally posted by Hood
I too am not in favour of a fictional world. Once you start entering a fantasy geography and historiography you let in a chain of events which might get out of control in terms of storylines and player intentions. Of course making any sort of infrastructure/ economic base then becomes more of an artifical process.
Also, how many current players post news and background info on a regular basis now? We know very little about Atlantis, Iberia, Nordmark or the SAE or how they work even now. We accept what is there but we don't understand how it functions, generally much WW history has only been written in the last 5 Sim Years or so. The fictional nations do seem to lack the clarity required in the current game. Any WW2 without a sound player-built history and backstory and future developments planned and communicated just isn't going to make sense and will lead to problems.
Originally posted by Hood
I think we should reset to a set historical time on real earth. Maybe 1900 or 1904 so it avoids the Great War and gives a run up to the Dreadnought era (and allows time for aviation tech to start from scratch). Everyone gets whatever was built before that era OTL as a basis. [Kirk has mentioned an 1880 start, personaly I find that too earl but an 1890s start would be interesting too].
Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
I am liking the idea of starting earlier than the preveous sim year of 1921. Problem is if we script pre great war, does it even happen? Perhaps we should have 1880 as a start point and script everything to a point post war and start the true sim play?
Originally posted by Desertfox
I would prefer to play a Greater Mexico, so would like pre-sim history to date back to 1840 at least. Starting date I would favor 1900 as earlier time period ships are harder to sim, as less information is available for them.
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