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What would you define as ahistorical? By definition wouldn't everything be ahistorical? Say the point of departure is a victorious CSA in 1864, would that be considered ahistorical?
The suggestion of an all-Boer South Africa would not - there were never enough Boers to drive the British back into the sea, even if the Boers were interested in such an idea.
forum-based sims just aren't popular, everyone else is playing WoW or watching youtube cat videos or something.
WW began in 2003, that is 16 years to cover 29 years of SIM time (1920-49). If we ran a SIM 1890-1950 that could easily take 20 real years to get going. In a current format of 4 quarters per year and detailed reports and news each cycle is laborious given that in a real sense nothing 'happens' in the sim other than ships are designed and built.
Taccovert4 is the first new recruit we've made since Snip in 2010, a rather long time ago... forum-based sims just aren't popular, everyone else is playing WoW or watching youtube cat videos or something.
As a side-comment, it was only by talking to Taccovert via the Discord channel that I discovered Hoo apparently hasn't been approving new member applications since I'm-not-really-sure-when. So who knows how many potential people we might have had join the forum, never get approved to post, and never figure out how to contact us for troubleshooting.
So when I was told in no uncertain terms I couldn't play around with aircraft anymore (for doing things everyone else was doing) well that took alot of air out of my sails.
I think at this point I am uninterested in any Wesworld 2.0 variant. At the present rate of gameplay, Wesworld 1.0 is good for another year, if not more. I will have been ten years of play for me, and time for a new phase of life.
But you will have me around until WW 4Q1950.
This are bad news - Since we now know what you do not want- How has WW2 look like so you take part in it?
I appreciate you as a very valuable player and would find it a very big loss if you were not there anymore.
Parador scripset:
Enthusiasm is great when starting a game; I do not believe it will sustain a game very long. This is why Navalism has gone through so many reboots during Wesworld’s life – enthusiasm can get you through building a nation – commitment and consistency is required to see that nation through the vagaries of a campaign of thirty years’ worth of quarterly turns. What has been the rate of player turnover in WW? Very high. Real life takes a toll, changing circumstances take a toll, and disagreements take a toll.
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