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The Minister for Foreign Affairs told reporters that the Majlis has passed a motion calling for a resumption of diplomatic relations with Belgium and the Netherlands. "It is the view of the Assembly that the current state of affairs serves no continued benefit to the people of Persia", the Minister stated. "Both governments will be invited to re-open their embassies here in Tehran, and we will look to appointing ambassadors in turn."
The spring session of the Majlis has been thrown into disarray. A member from Isfahan, Mirza Bashi, introduced a motion that would, if passed, amend the constitution to grant suffrage to females. "It is time for Persia to step forward", he said outside the hall.
Conservative members of the assembly have vowed to fight the motion, asserting that women should not be subjected to the vitriol and moral compromise associated with politics. "It is not right", said Ardesir Ohanian. "It is our duty to protect women, and so we must not let this motion come to pass."
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of France
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Persia
Dear Sir,
As you know, our nations signed a treaty of non-agression on Jannuary 10, 1930. This treaty included provisions for the French construction of infrastructure in Persia, and emergency basing rights for France. This treaty was concluded for a period of ten years, with no explicit clauses related to automatic renewal.
Please be advised that the Government of Persia takes the position that the treaty expired on January 9, 1940.
Consistent with Article III, Paragraph IV, it is the intention of the Government of Persia to repay one half of previous French infrastructure investments. This sum [OOC: 0.8 IP, versus 1.5 IP previously invested] is proposed to be repaid in the following installments:
Q4/42: 0.4 IP
Q1 - Q4/43: 0.1 IP per quarter
The Government of Persia apologizes for the lateness in attending to this matter, and asks if this timetable is acceptable to France.
Etc., etc.
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