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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, May 15th 2003, 12:31pm

Saved Thread - The Berlin Observative: November Issue

Posts: 61
(5/2/03 1:48:19 pm)
The Berlin Observative: November Issue
November 3rd

The Kobe Protocal
Kapp Putsch and the Reichsmarine
Layout of the Fleet
India Meeting Canceled

The Kobe Protocal

The Protocal has been signed in Kobe between representives of the Japanese and German government. The protocal basically states that Germany was at fault and will transfer production of several factories instead of the older ships that is left of the old High Seas Fleet.

Kapp Putsch and the Reichsmarine

A week after the signing of the Protocal the investgation centered around the office of Admiral of Reichsmarine. Admiral Trotha according to some sources recived some telegraphs from Kapp and replied. The actual messages are known and will be relased shortly. The Admiral has been told to resign and either come home and go to jail or stay in Japan. He has since telegraphed that he will stay in Japan and resign from his position.

Layout of the Fleet

With the resignation of Admiral Trotha the Reichsmarine is looking for a new commander along with a new naval plan. His plan has been tossed out and will not be released or used. The new intern commander will be annoucned shortly.

India Meeting Canceled

The Reichsmarine has since canceled the meeting with India and will probally not be rescheduled until next year if possible. The Government of Germany does wish to meet with the Indians and assist them if possible in any matters regarding their navy. Furthermore the meeting with the Entee regarding the Cleito treaty has been postponed and the office of Friedrich Ebert will begin to telegraph the parties instead.
Lessons for modern warfare:
"human intel is necessary, always be on the look out, and expect the unexpected"

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