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Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 8:00pm

On holidays!

I'll be going to mexico for a week (Feb. 5th to 12th) so I'll likely be behind in news till I get back.


Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 8:05pm

Enjoy, at least it' should be warmer than Vancouver!!


Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 8:38pm

You're a lucky man, Mr. Wilson. Well, until SATSUMA activates some hidden fault lines and sinks Atlantis while you're soaking in the rays.

Have fun, and enjoy the "scenery".



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 11:13pm

Have fun and don´t trink too much Tequilla! ;o)

Make some nice pics of some nice Senoritas and share them with us....


Friday, February 4th 2005, 7:56pm

Well I'm off to Mexico after my last workday this week, so I'll be back next Saturday evening in time to do some catching up! I'll drink many Cervaisa for you all, in addition to flirting with the Senorita's.


Friday, February 4th 2005, 8:45pm

It's a good thing you're not gone yet, because I was about to give you hell for being online when there were beaches to enjoy and senoritas to observe.

Have a good trip. Bring me back a rock and I'll collect it from you next January.


Saturday, February 5th 2005, 5:50am

Well have a good trip....but you are going to be a little behind when you return.


Tuesday, July 5th 2005, 7:08am

Fourth of July

Ah yes, American Independence Day. The day we try to drastically reduce the amount of black powder and gun powder in China.

Looks good though. I just hope we can last for another 229 years. (230 if you count 1775 for the start of the Revolution).


Tuesday, July 5th 2005, 11:58am


Looks good though. I just hope we can last for another 229 years. (230 if you count 1775 for the start of the Revolution).

222 if you count from the granting - not declaration - of independence.


Tuesday, July 5th 2005, 1:48pm

This threads dead Jim!!

No its not, the Borg resurrected it!


Tuesday, July 5th 2005, 3:57pm

So where in Mexico are you going?


Tuesday, July 5th 2005, 5:12pm

I didn't want to start a new thread for this, and took the one that's title was closest to the subject matter.

The Mexico trip would be past least for Wes.


Wednesday, July 6th 2005, 12:28am

Yes, Puerto Vallarta was the location I visited. Very nice city, can't go wrong when you can drink on the beach.


Wednesday, July 6th 2005, 1:36am


Ma bad forgot to check the date!