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Thursday, April 26th 2007, 4:54am

Le Havre, 29 May 1934

The French cruise liner Normandie began her maiden voyage at noon today, from Le Havre to New York City. Her guests will travel at unprecedented speed, with an average speed of 30 knots or more, driven by engines producing nearly 220,000 shp to four screws.

New York City, 2 June 1934

The French cruise liner Normandie arrived in New York City today, after crossing the Atlantic in just over 92 hours, at an average speed of 30.8 knots. This wins her the Blue Riband for the Westbound crossing. On her return voyage, she will attempt to win the Blue Riband for the Eastbound crossing.

Later in June...

Normandie returns to Le Havre from New York, having maintained an average speed of almost 31 knots on her voyage. She has wrested the Blue Riband from both Columbia and Liberty !

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Apr 26th 2007, 5:30am)