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Monday, May 7th 2007, 7:27pm

Italy Q3/1934

3rd July

Continued violence against the government. Armed clashes between police and the anarchists are growing more common. Last week the centre of Milano was taken over by anarchists and successfully held for 4 days until broken up by a squad of fascisti. Soon afterwards the carabinieri moved in and made over 100 arrests. The bloodshed galvanised the King in demanding that Mussolini call for new elections else the Regio Esercito would be called in to remove him and the fascists from power.

8th July
Italy sends a message to the FAI in Paris notifying them that the Schneider Trophy race is to be postphoned until a successful resolution to the domestic situation has been found.

10th July
First flight of Macchi C.300, a new fighter aircraft. Should testing be successful it will probably enter service alongside the Fiat CR.35 in 1935.

20th July
Regio Esercito releases a requirement for a new 2-man reconnaissance vehicle.

26th July
Light cruiser da Giussiano leaves drydock after being reconstructed. He now features an armament of 16x100/65 anti-aircraft guns.

30th July
Supermarina releases preliminary estimates of next year's construction. It includes two new cruisers, a squadron of destroyers and a flotilla of escort vessels.


Monday, May 7th 2007, 9:09pm

Germany continues to watch the violence over the border with more than a little concern. It also watches with interest the increasing tension between the monarch and the government, and wonders which way the armed forces, if put to the test, will jump.


Wednesday, May 9th 2007, 11:22am

2nd August

There is widespread unrest amongst the inhabitants of Italy. Growing dislike of the government for their incompetence and violence is balanced against the King's perceived misuse of his powers. The revelations of the government being involved in the Mexican civil war, numerous assassinations and the fascisti's brutal behaviour in Milano last month are deeply unsettling. There is considerable unrest in the army as well at possibly having to be forced to fight their own countrymen.

5th August

The murder of socialist deputy Matteotti has again risen to the surface causing further heartache for the government and Mussolini especially. Matteotti was stabbed to death in 1924 outside Rome by 6 fascists. New documents have recently come to light that directly implicate Mussolini in the murder. He is coming under increasing domestic and international pressure.

7th August

First prototypes of a new anti-aircraft gun tested. After receiving a number of 57mm Madsen M1931 models and doing extensive testing it was decided to construct a few prototypes along similar lines ourselves. The new aircraft being built or planned are featuring increased levels of armouring and so a larger weapon than the 37mm was desired. The current 47mm weapon is regarded as too small to be effective as secondary armament against surface ships. We considered adopting the 57mm calibre but eventually settled on the 65mm instead. 3-round clips are to used as in the 57mm pending results of testing to see if a sustained firing rate can be maintained.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Red Admiral" (May 9th 2007, 1:48pm)


Wednesday, May 9th 2007, 3:04pm

I expect there's a good reason Bofors went from a 4 round clip for it's 40mm guns to a non-clip ammo box design for it's historical 57mm. The 57mm Madsen clips would weigh (based on the historical 57mm Bofors rounds) somewhere around 50 pounds, while a 65mm three-round clip would be probably in the 75+ pound range. Doable from a weight standpoint, but clumsy.


Wednesday, May 9th 2007, 3:45pm

Quite true, as the trials will show. A Y-magazine fed from single rounds each side will be the solution. The eventual best case solution is dual horizontal loading trays but they're a few years away in the mid-40s when changing to 76mm and VT fuzes is desirable.


Saturday, May 12th 2007, 10:35pm

10th August

The King has taken the extraordinary step of ordering all overseas forces to return to Italy in order to be available to help the Carabinieri keep the peace in Italy.

11th August

Supermarina orders 6 more triple 381/50 turrets from Odero-Terni-Orlando. These are the items with the longest lead time for battleships and will arm the second pair of Littorios.

13th August

A considerable set back for DAF-Cierva today. A number of tests with the cruiser San Calimero off Naples ended in disaster and death of one of the test pilots. In attempting a landing on the quarterdeck the autogyro suddenly veered to port, seemed to lose all lift on one side and fell 20m into the sea off the stern. The crew were quick to act but the vertiplane broke up and sank almost immediately. Pending inquiry the cause has been given as interference from the funnel gases.


Saturday, May 12th 2007, 10:56pm


Originally posted by Red Admiral
10th August

The King has taken the extraordinary step of ordering all overseas forces to return to Italy in order to be available to help the Carabinieri keep the peace in Italy.

Would that include the Italian squadron in Cuba, and other overseas squadrons?


Saturday, May 12th 2007, 11:02pm

I don't think that Cuba is commonly classified as a part of Italy so it probably fits the "overseas" proviso.


Thursday, June 7th 2007, 7:00pm

September 2nd

Odero-Terni-Orlando announces a large scale expansion in their armour production facilities to enable them to cope with the increased demand now that more large armoured ships are being constructed. Terni is also hoping to supply the armour for the new armoured cars and assault tanks under development in Italy. They currently use mild steel riveted onto the body. Terni will strive to prove that their armour is superior in quality and their welding techniques will save considerable weight.

September 5th

This quarters naval exercises in the Tyrrhenian Sea concluded with a mock invasion of the island of Pantelleria. Although mostly succesful there were a number of mishaps, the most serious being collisions between vessels.


Thursday, June 7th 2007, 9:03pm

Hmm most worrisome excercises. Mexico is most definately keeping an eye on that.


Thursday, June 7th 2007, 9:10pm

Mexico has nothing to worry because...


Which would indicate that the Italians were actually landing on the wrong island. :)
They're obviously suffering from Manzo-syndrome so if the Italians were to attack Mexico, they would end up landing in the United States. :D

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Jun 7th 2007, 9:10pm)


Thursday, June 7th 2007, 10:37pm


Which would indicate that the Italians were actually landing on the wrong island.

The photos are from an article detailing the historical Italian plan for the invasion of Malta. It goes on to mention tank landing craft and airborne units.


Hmm most worrisome excercises.

Mexico is a long way from Italy.


Friday, June 8th 2007, 1:22am

Cuba is most definately NOT a long way from Mexico.


Friday, June 8th 2007, 2:40am

But why would Italy want Mexico?


Friday, June 8th 2007, 2:45am


Originally posted by Red Admiral


Hmm most worrisome excercises.

Mexico is a long way from Italy.

That hasn't stoped Italy from threatening Mexico....

I'd also assume those are Iberian landing craft as I haven't seen any stats or evidence that Italy has built this type of vessel.


Friday, June 8th 2007, 10:26am

They're Italian ones such as the MZ-Class and some borrowed ferries like this;


Cuba is most definately NOT a long way from Mexico.

But there are no Italian forces in Cuba, and as Ithreko says: Why would Italy (or anyone) want Mexico?


Friday, June 8th 2007, 10:42am

September 7th

Our intrepid reporter asked Snr. Grandi if he had high hopes for a compromise in the upcoming talks in the San Francisco. "Unfortunately I don't see there being much room for negotiation whilst NATO continues to exist. We need a discussion on the political implications. The creation of a mahoosive power block has dangerously destabilised the world as a whole." When questioned on the possibility of trying to hold a new treaty together we obtained this reply; "Some countries have already shown that they cannot be trusted and their signatures on such a document will be worthless. There is a considerable feeling in this government not to be part of any treaty that includes Atlantis." When asked of travel arrangements: "I still hope to get to San Francisco in the next few weeks but the domestic situation in this country has deteriorated signficantly. We feel that the King, with the support of the army, might attempt a coup."


Friday, June 8th 2007, 2:08pm

Any stats on those MZ-Class vessels?


Originally posted by Red Admiral
"Unfortunately I don't see there being much room for negotiation whilst NATO continues to exist. We need a discussion on the political implications.

Perhaps Italy should have discussed the possible ramifications of meddling in Mexican affairs and treading on American/Atlantean interests in the process. NATO most likely would not exist if this had been avoided.


Originally posted by Red Admiral
The creation of a mahoosive power block has dangerously destabilised the world as a whole.

Yes a defencive treaty consisting of 6 nations that have not engaged in any conflict since the great war seems to pose a grave threat to the world....


Originally posted by Red Admiral
When questioned on the possibility of trying to hold a new treaty together we obtained this reply; "Some countries have already shown that they cannot be trusted and their signatures on such a document will be worthless.



Originally posted by Red Admiral
There is a considerable feeling in this government not to be part of any treaty that includes Atlantis."

That apparently carries over from the last treaty so nothing has changed.


Saturday, June 23rd 2007, 5:52pm

September 12th

People are flocking as refugees from the centre of Milan after large scale violence has erupted. A moving battle has broken out in the streets between the anarchists and the blackshirts. Both sides seem to be liberally supplied with automatic weapons. The Japanese-made Thompson seeming to be a popular weapon for it's high volume of fire. The Carabinieri tried to interceed at first but were forced to retreat after suffering a number of casulaties.

September 16th

Regia Aeronautica orders 12 prototype attack aircraft. 6 of the Breda Ba.67 and 6 of the Fiat CR.25. The Breda aircraft is a larger, more powerful version of the previous Ba.65 and the CR.25 is a new twin-engined offering. The prototypes should be finished in mid-35 for comparative testing.

September 20th

The battle in Milan came to an end today after the army moved in to restore the peace. The assailants on both sides melted away faced with regular forces. They left behind in Milan over 600 dead, mostly innocents. A significant event was the mutiny of one infantry company after being told to engage fellow Italians. This will cause a significant heartache to the King.

September 21st

King Vittorio Emanuele again reaffirms his previous statement for the fascists to hold new elections. He has given them until the end of October before he orders them removed from office, by force if neccessary.


Saturday, June 30th 2007, 7:01pm

September 30th

Mussolini makes a speech in Rome promising that free elections be held in 5 weeks time. His political opponents say that he has had years to call elections before, now he is just playing for time.

October 2nd

First examples of the new Macchi C.200 delivered to Squadrons around Milano. Some examples have gone to Col. Bergamini's combat air school at Desenzano. Italy remains hopeful for next year's Talons contest after being robbed of victory yet again.

October 4th

An attaché from the Canadian embassy is arrested after being caught with a considerable quantity of hashish in his briefcase whilst entering the country. The man claims that he was set up.

October 5th

The crew of the Savoia-Marchetti SM.79quater seem confident of victory in the upcoming air race between England and Australia. The Sorci Verdi, lead by Bruno Mussolini have become somewhat of celebrities in the Italian press.