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Thursday, May 10th 2012, 4:12pm

Bharat, Q2 1942

BHARAT, Q2/1942

A. Factories

11/11 factories = 11,000 t of material + 9,220 t net received + 6,582 t stockpiled = 26,802 t available.

16,963 t are used, leaving a stockpile of 9,839 t.

0/11 factories (committed) = 0.0 infrastructure pts available.

0/11 factories (flexible) = 0.0 infrastructure pts available.

B. Infrastructure Development

Nothing Happening.

C. Naval Development and Construction

At Mumbai:
S3: Idle
S2.5: CL Dombivli receives 3,000 t, to complete 8/43
S1: ATH Pramod laid down, receives 413 t, launched, to complete 8/42
S1: ATH Beant laid down, receives 413 t, launched, to complete 8/42
D3: Idle
Free Floating:
AO Great Andaman refitted into service, receives 1,317 t, completed 6/42
ATH Rajendra receives 0 t, completed 5/42
ATH Dilip receives 0 t, completed 5/42

At Male:
D3: Idle
D1: ATS Pelikana laid down, receives 300 t, to complete 2/43
Free Floating:

At Diego Garcia:
S1: Idle
D1: ABD Indira laid down, receives 545 t, to complete 1/43
Free Floating:
ABD Shadi receives 0 t, to complete 10/42

At Trincomalee:
S1: ADR Chattampi Swami receives 869 t, launched, to complete 12/42
S1: PS Batalegara receives 300 t, launched, to complete 11/42
S0: Idle
D2: Idle
Free Floating:
Weather Observation Ship Bharadwaja refitted into service, receives 150 t

At Chennai:
S3: AOR Diu receives 1,200 t, to complete 5/43
S2: Persian CL #2 receives 1,320 t, launched, to complete 3/43
S1: ABD Aamna laid down, receives 545 t, to complete 1/43
D4: BC Samanjir continues conversion to CV Bagh Nakh, receives 2,387 t.
D3: CV Bichawa continues 50% refit, receives 2,585 t, to complete 12/42
AT Bajpai refitted, receives 282 t

At Sittwe:
S1: SS I-34 receives 500 t, launched, to complete 11/42
S0: Idle
D1: Idle
Free Floating:

Miscellaneous Small Craft Work

3 x A-1 class ASW Launch refitted, 87 t total
8 x 25 t Harbour Inspection Boats (H9-16) built
2 x 195 t ASW Launch (A-60, A-61) built
2 x 40 t MTB (MTB-75, -76) built
1 x 80 t MGB (MGB-6) built

D. Transactions:

80 t transferred to Hedjaz, 270 t left banked for future Hedjazi use. SL Warangel transferred to Hedjaz.

7,800 t received from Japan for various ships.

CA Chapra, Chiplun sold to Greece. First payment of 1,500 t received.

CL #2 (Palang class) underway for Persia

E. Other notes:

New construction/acquisitions: 1 x salvage ship, 1 x meteorological observation ship, 1 x oiler, 2 x harbour tug, 2 x boom defence vessel, 8 x harbour inspection boats, 2 x anti-submarine launch, 2 x motor torpedo boat, 1 x motor gunboat

F. Scrap Report:

4 x Penner class AM, 2 x Colombo class CL, 1 x Mahanadi class AO deleted but not scrapped.

G. Updated Order of Battle, 31/03/42

Note: X(Y) +Z = completed (under repair/refit) + under construction

Major Warships

Battleships (BB): 3(0) + 0
Aircraft Carriers (CV): 3(1) + 1
Armored Cruisers (AC): 2(0) + 0
Heavy Cruisers (CA): 1(0) + 0
Cruisers (CL): 14(2) + 1
Daakuui (DA): 8(0) + 0
Destroyers (DD): 44(0) + 0
Submarines (SS): 27(0) + 1

Patrol and Escort Ships

Seaplane Carriers (CVS): 2(0) + 0
Frigates (PF): 4(0) + 0
Paratraatii (PP): 26(0) + 0
Charavaahii (PC): 10(0) + 0
Survey Ships (PS): 1(0) + 1
ASW Launches (ASL): 61(0) + 0
Harbour Patrol Craft (PH): 23(0) + 0

Coastal Forces

Monitors (BM): 1(0) + 0
Motor Gun Boats (MGB): 6(0) + 0
Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB/MGB): 76(0) + 0

Mine Warfare

Minelayers (CM): 7(0) + 0
Minesweepers (AM): 22(0) + 0

Training Units

Aircraft Carrier, Training (AVT): 1(0) + 0
Light Cruiser, Training (CLT): 2(0) + 0
Torpedo Boat, Training (TBT): 3(0) + 0
Submarine, Training (SST): 1(0) + 0

Auxiliaries and Fleet Train

Disaster Relief Ships (ADR): 0(0) + 1
Hospital Ships (AHO): 1(0) + 0
Boom Defense Vessels (ABD): 5(0) + 4
Oilers (AOL): 3(0) + 0
Repair Ships (ARP): 1(0) + 0
Replenishment Ships (AOR): 0(0) + 1
Tenders (ATN): 11(0) + 0
Ocean-going Tugs (AUO): 2(0) + 0
Harbour Tugs (ATH): 2(0) + 2
Aircraft Carrier, Utility (AVU): 1(0) + 0
Meteorological Observation Ship (AOM): 2(0) + 0
Salvage Ship (ATS): 0(0) + 1

Amphibious Assault Ships

Landing Ship, Command (LSC): 1(0) + 0
Landing Ship, Infantry (LSI): 4(0) + 0
Landing Ship, Tank (LST): 3(0) + 0
Armed Transport (APD): 4(0) + 0
Landing Craft, Vehicle (LCV): 9(0) + 0
Landing Craft, Vehicle/Personnel (LCVP): 104(0) + 0