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Monday, February 19th 2007, 12:49am

Peruvian News and Events Q1/34

January 8th 1934- It was announced today the fall of the last major city under Bolivian control with the fall of Cochabamba to the forces of the CVI. Tragically the commander of the Combined Colonial-Foreign Legion reinforced Brigade, General Francisco Franco (1), fell to the bullet of an enemy sniper after raising the Iberian flag in the city's main square. His body was recoved and will be buried with full military honors in Peru.

January 9th 1934- News of heavy combat between Brazilian and what it seems renegade Bolivian forces have surprised no one in Field Marshall Arjona staff. "We are dealing with partisans in the mountains and is no surprise to me the problems they seem to be encountering. Their advance was too fast, may units were bypassed on their advance plus reports of quantities of weapons left behind and units refusing to obey the call from Sucre to surrender seems to be increasing," was the response of Field Marshall Arjona when asked what his opinion was to the news. He also stated "maybe a Brazilian presence could be necessary in parts of the province of Santa Cruz after all.(2)"

Excerpts of the memoirs of Francisco de La Guarda

January 10th 1934- "Ricardo, Hijo de puta! Weeks of work just went out of the window thanks to his stupid mouth. The Brazilian press inmediatly used his comment as an aknowledgement of our government to Brazil moving into Santa Cruz province. Damn pendejo! Now I have to deal from a position of weakness."

(1) technically not our Franco but a alternate brother.

(2) Arjona and his big mouth at work.

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Feb 20th 2007, 12:06pm)


Monday, February 19th 2007, 3:50am

...again as with the Brazilian news, this is Waaaay to early to post. Q4/33 hasn't played itself out yet....

The usual proceedure is to ask the rest of the players if we are ready to proceed on to the next quarter.


Friday, March 2nd 2007, 2:42pm

January 7th 1934- The Naval Ministry announced today that they will allow the station of Iberian minelaying ships and MTB (1) in El Callao for an undefined time. The spokesman stated "this is a sign of the growing cooperation between our nations, one that eventually will result we hope in integrated operations."

(1) 6 Iberian Minelayers and 24 MTB's will be stationed in El Callao starting in March 1st 1934

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Mar 2nd 2007, 2:55pm)


Saturday, March 3rd 2007, 6:29pm

January 10th 1934- The War Ministry announced today that the 17th Infantry Regiment will be demobilized and ordered to 1st Line Reserve. With conventional warfare winding down in Bolivia the Ministry is considering a slow reduction in size of the current Army but with the reaction of the North American nations to the Japanese offer to help in policing Bolivia the economy will continue in war production for the time being.

The spokeman stated "the war in Bolivia is far from over, with militia and partisan's attacks to our troops being a daily occurance. Still we expect to have the situation under control by the end of the fall and hopefully our heros will return home. Of course this will depend of a strong presence in the area to ensure peace in the region."


Saturday, March 3rd 2007, 6:42pm

January 16th 1934- Minister de La Garza read the reports in regard to the progress of the negotiations with the Indians with interest. "So they pretty much agreed to give us eight destroyers instead of the original four but we have to give them the old cruisers in exchange." He sighted but knew it was a decent deal, 4 needed destroyers for two old cruisers, but the original one was the one that hurt. Losing the Lima was a heavy blow for his Navy but the support ships were a needed commodity and the lack of funds made the trade necessary. "At least we doubled the size of our destroyer force and the exchange will take place by the middle of the year."(1)

He put the report down and them turned to a new recommendation from the experts of the Naval Academy. It involved some creative use of diplomacy but he knew his friends must likely will agree to this."I bet it will create an outroar but at least they will not suffer the backlash the Italians suffered in the Caesar II Class fiasco and we will acquire some needed units." (2)

(1) around May-June 1934.

(2) guess what are we doing. :D

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Mar 3rd 2007, 6:47pm)


Saturday, March 3rd 2007, 11:34pm

January 19th 1934- The Foreign Ministry apologized today to the Brazilian government for what it seemed to be the "misuse" of former Peruvian aircrafts against forces of the Brazilian Empire stationed in Bolivia.

The Ministry stated "the aircrafts were sold to a civilian contractor, identified as Napoleon Solo in the purchase vouchers he signed for the aircrafts, that stated the interests he represented were going to convert those aircrafts into civilian use. We are in shock that his intention was on the contrary and we apologize for the terrible deed perpetrated against our good neighbor. We assure the Brazilian people we entend our hand in frienship and no other events like this will be repeated in the future."

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Mar 4th 2007, 12:16am)


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 12:23am


Could it be.....naw.


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 1:06am


...and no.

(It was too delicious a double pun to pass up. 8) )

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Swamphen" (Mar 4th 2007, 1:08am)


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 1:13am

"Brazil accepts Peru's explanation for the matter, and retracts its protest. As Mr. Solo has had affairs in Brazil an internal investigation will be performed."

(...but of course, as he works for the ISB himself, there will be no such thing...)


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 4:37am

This thread will self destruct in three seconds...


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 3:26pm

January 24th 1934- The expected Japanese Fleet laid anchor yesterday in El Callao for a week-long visit of our nation. The force, led by the carriers Soryu and Chitose, is led by the famous Admiral Togo who dazzled the personalities in the ceremony just by her scenic presence.

In unrelated news, the Japanese volunteers for duty in Bolivia began unloading their equipment to move into the area. The War Ministry stated they will not be based in Peru and they will be headquartered in La Paz but our nation gratiously will allow their supply thru our territory. Also the War Ministry openly asked the German, British and Dutch governments if they could sent forces similar in size as the Japanese one in an unilateral matter to help in policing Bolivia due to the crawling pace of the League in regard to the matter at hand.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Mar 4th 2007, 4:16pm)


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 9:11pm

NATO has been waiting to hear the exact size and composition of the Japanese contingent before making a response. (:


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 9:41pm

OOC: they are a brigade size unit composed mainly of military police, support and some infantry units. Also a small unit of expert in small boat operations are detaching themselves to Brazil to help the Brazilians in the development of tactics in the Amazon region.

IC: We understand the concerns of Nato in regard of a Japanese presence in Bolivia but we can assure the member nations of this organization that the Japanese are defensive in their composition and the nations of Nato themselves are more than welcome to send similar sized and equip components if they desire to do so to help in policing Bolivia.


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 10:18pm

I'm sorry, the Japanese are teaching the Brazilians how to fight in their own neighbourhood?


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 10:31pm

A Mutually Benificial Agreement

Better phrased: the Japanese are demonstrating their products (the river patrol boats) that Brazil will be building under license, while at the same time the Brazilians are providing pointers in riverine warfare.

(The Japanese expressed concern that the Brazilian sailors might mis-operate the boats and blow them up. I have no idea where that idea might have come from...)

(Due to political pressure from the Imperial Senate, it is unliklely that there will be any further acquisitions - barring possibly aircraft, in emergency situation due to (CENSORED) - from Japan.)


Monday, March 5th 2007, 1:05am


(Due to political pressure from the Imperial Senate, it is unliklely that there will be any further acquisitions - barring possibly aircraft, in emergency situation due to (CENSORED) - from Japan.)

Might have something to do with the *BEEEEEEEP* which is carried by the *BEEEP*.


NATO has been waiting to hear the exact size and composition of the Japanese contingent before making a response. (:

Brigade-size naturally. Of course a Japanese brigade tends to be smaller (as in shorter) on average compared to a Canadian brigade. :)

Special Operations Brigade => Major General Yamashita Tomoyuki, the Tiger of Luzon
Total size of Brigade => 6,997 soldiers (*)
Total number of boats => 226 (**)
--- Hagetaka Rentai (Vulture Regiment a.k.a. Oba's Vultures) => Lieutenant Colonel Oba Motomu
--- Akuma Rentai (Devil Regiment a.k.a. Ishida's Demons) => Lieutenant Colonel Ishida Toshio
--- Tenshi Rentai (Angel Regiment a.k.a. Kimi's Angels) => Lieutenant Colonel Kimi Arisu Constantia Ileanna Pherenike Kilgore (***)

(wiki pics work, hope the other two work as well)

Major General Yamashita Tomoyuki

Lieutenant Colonel Oba Motomu
Lieutenant Colonel Ishida Toshio (****)
Lieutenant Colonel Kimi "She Who Is Without Equal" Kilgore (*****)

(*) All PTs, PBRs and CCBs are part of the Tenshi Rentai. 2,610 are crew of the boats that are part of the Angel Regiment and almost all boats + crew remain in Japan so the actual strength is 4,387 soldiers.
(**) 115 PTs, 101 PBRs, 10 CCBs
(***) Half Japanese, half American. Half crazy, half Insane. Kimi is the cousin of William 'Will' H. Kilgore (All American; Totally Insane), who is a colonel with the US Army...
... and W.H. Kilgore is the father of...

... at least in Wesworld. :D
(****) It's not all Manga I read (and take characters from). Ishida Toshio comes from the European Comic Yoko Tsuno, Book 11 La Spirale du temps (The Time Spiral).
(*****) It was a picture too good not to use. :D Having looked around, the name Kimi means "she who is without equal".


Monday, March 5th 2007, 1:33am

So are the Japanese planning on attacking a Bolivian village by air to the Ride of the Valkyries ?

Which brings us to the next question, why does Japan have such a large river fleet when it does not have any major river?


Monday, March 5th 2007, 1:39am


So are the Japanese planning on attacking a Bolivian village by air to the Ride of the Valkyries ?

Once there are Hueys, yes. In the mean time, the Water Cavalry will have to do. :)


Which brings us to the next question, why does Japan have such a large river fleet when it does not have any major river?

Must have been a typing error in my building plan, which resulted in so many boats being built.
(or perhaps there is a more sinister reason for that which, I believe, was mentioned in the past)


Monday, March 5th 2007, 3:02am

Charlie might not surf, but he cuts a mean rug... :D

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Swamphen" (Mar 5th 2007, 3:04am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Monday, March 5th 2007, 3:14am


Originally posted by perdedor99
January 24th 1934-
Also the War Ministry openly asked the German, British and Dutch governments if they could sent forces similar in size as the Japanese one in an unilateral matter to help in policing Bolivia due to the crawling pace of the League in regard to the matter at hand.

January 25th

To ensure stability and re-establishment of the peace, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands will accede to Perus request to deploy a brigade to Bolivia. This Brigade will be drawn from the forces offered to support official League of Nations actions. The brigade will withdraw when no longer needed, or earlier if requested of the League or by a majority of the local inhabitants.

The forces committed shall include a brigade sized force under Brigade-Generaal Kotie De Wet. The 2nd Kongo Brigade will form the core of the force, but as the Kongo forces are still understrength, the 195th Regiment will be attached, as will a second Kongo Pioneer battalion.Spanish speaking liaisons will be attached to each company.

Provisional arrangements were made in December, and the attached forces can embark at Matadi within the week. The liaison troops will embark in Amsterdam shortly, while The 2nd Kongo Brigade proper can follow in mid February.

OOC : Dutch units are apparently a bit bigger than Japanese, and I've got nearly 1,500 pioneer troops between the organic and the attached battalions, so the total force is 9,090. The number of troops, and the breakdown of forces would be passed on to Peru prior to embarkation.