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Tuesday, June 3rd 2003, 8:37pm

AWNR: J 24/12/1920

I used the date based on the one given by Harry the Red in his 'Greek governmental Communiqué 17/12/1920' of seven days ago. If necessary, I will adjust the date.

AWNR: Japan 24/12/1920

- Fuso at the shores of Atlantis.
- Friendly duel.

- Fuso at the shores of Atlantis.
The Flagship of the Shogun has returned to Atlantis. Once the Shogun is ready, he, his wife, his brothers-in-law, and his sisters-in-law will move out to visit Coldmere. Oonishi Manzo, who still need to pick up the Coldmerian flag, was seen preparing his plane for the long journey ahead of him. Once he takes off, AWNR shall put out a warning to the citizens of Earth to keep an eye on the sky, in case Oonishi comes along. In case one would see the plane with Red Dragons on it, one should immediately close all doors and windows and take shelter, preferably in a reinforced underground room.

- Friendly duel.
Yesterday, there was a friendly duel between Japan’s Shogun, Tokugawa Kaetuza and South Africa’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hertog Hubertus Magnacartus on the Atlantean island of Ilissus. AWNR was there to witness the duel between these two men, both known for their skill with the sword. To avoid any injuries, both combatants wore armor as a precaution.
Graaf Gerrit van de Haartlijners was entrusted with the role as referee while other members of the South African and Japanese delegations were there to watch the duel. The Atlantean chief of naval staff, Admiral Wilson, was there too to make sure this would not turn into a bloodbath between the two delegations. He is also the one who suggested that the location on Ilissus, where once a large battle took place in ancient times, would be used for the duel.
Once started, the duel was fierce and while it took a while to finish, there was never a dull moment during the entire contest. In the end, both men managed to get a simultaneous hit on the chest armor (‘which was considered the target area) and the duel was called as a draw. While neither man won, both were quite satisfied with the result.


Pictures from the movie 'Journey of Honor' by Masahiro Shinoda. From the moment I saw these two pictures, I knew this was how I envisioned the fight. In reality, I think the Spanish (?) guy is too young for Hurbertus and the Japanese guy is too old for Kaetuza... but those are only details. One day I hope to see this movie.



Tuesday, June 3rd 2003, 8:44pm

The Duel (non-serious version)

'The Duel between Kaetuza and Hubertus; The not so serious version.'

The players:
Tokugawa Kaetuza (TK): Shogun of Japan
Nakamura Maeko (NM): His wife
Nakamura Kameko (NK): Empress of Japan,
Hubertus Magnacartus (HM): South Africa’s Minister for Foreign Affairs
Gerrit van de Haartlijners (GH): K.D.T., Lord Administrator of the Navy and Commissary Extraordinary for Naval Affairs of South Africa.
Man in a Red Suit (MRS): Witness to the duel.
SL1: Sword of Light #1
SL2: Sword of Light #2

(Enter TK, NM, NK)
NK: Ah ! Beautiful Atlantis !
NM: Ah ! Beautiful Archeology !
TK: Ah ! Nothing here for me !
(Enter MRS)
MRS: Ah ! I have a bad feeling about today !
(Enter HM, GH)
GH: Behold ! Japan’s mighty Shogun !
HM: A most formidable opponent indeed, Lord.
(HM aproaches TK)
HM: Kaetuza ! I challenge thee to a duel !
TK: Thou wishes a duel ? Very well. I accept thy challenge !
NM: Husband. May I suggest that the referee for this duel shall be Graaf Gerrit van de Haartlijners. He is known for his wisdom and fairness when it comes to matters like these.
TK: An excellent decision.
HM: Thou art full of wisdom, My Lady ! I accept thy wise decision.
NM: Listen up, pal ! I am not your lady and cut it out with the weird talk !
TK: Thou has heard my beautiful and enchanting wife. Thou should cease and desist using the weird talk at once !
NM: Both of you should start to talk normal !!
TK and HM (to NM): Yes, my lady.
GH: We shall start this duel. Do we have weapons ?
NK: I have a good suggestion. In my possession, I have two fearsome weapons that can be used. They were crafted by the famous Chinese weapon smith Sacul Egroeg. He says it is quite complicated but it has something to do with light. He calls these weapons ‘Swords of Light’.
TK: Sacul Egroeg… I never trusted his inventions. His name doesn’t even sound Chinese.
HM: We might as well try these Swords of Light.
TK: Very well.
(NK hands over two slender, cylinder-shaped objects to TK and HM)
HM: What on Earth are these things ?
TK: No idea, but these things have no blades so they cannot be swords !
HM: *looks at object* It says here that we should press the button to activate.
(TK and HM press button on objects)
SL1: Bzzzzzzzzz
SL2: Bzzzzzzzzz
HM: *observes light shaped blade* Funky !
TK: Cool ! With these things we can do something !
(TK and HM turn to NK. Both raise their weapons in salute)
TK and HM (to NK): Ave Regina, morituri te salutant !
(TK and HM start to fight)
SL1: Bzzzzzzzzz…
SL2: Bzzzzzzzzz…
SL1 and SL2 (striking each other): Clang !
HM: I see you have some skills, young one !
SL1: Bzzzzzzzzz…
SL2: Bzzzzzzzzz…
SL1 and SL2 (striking each other): Clang !
TK: You’re not so bad, either, Jii-san !
SL1: Bzzzzzzzzz…
SL2: Bzzzzzzzzz…
SL1 and SL2 (striking each other): Clang !
HM: *parries SL1* I got you now, Kaetuza !
(HM lunges out with SL1. TK steps out of the way. HM perforates MRS by accident)
MRS: Et tu, Hubertus ! *dies*
TK: Alas! Poor Man in a Red Suit. We knew him not so well.
HM: It was indeed an unfortunate incident.
TK: It was not a good idea of him to beam down to the surface.
HM: Beam ? What is that ?
TK: Nothing. I just sneezed.
SL2: Bzzzzz… *fuzzle*… floop ! *Light-shaped blade of SL2 goes out*
HM: Argh !
TK: Ha ha ! I got you now Hubertus ! Prepare to meet your maker !
SL1: Bzzzzzz… * fizzle*… floop ! *Light-shaped blade of SL1 goes out*
TK: What the… ?!
HM: It says here on my cylinder that the batteries are empty.
TK: Mine states that there is a general protection error in SL1.exe. If the problem persists I should inform my retailer about this.
HM: In the end, you were proven right.
TK: Damn cheap Chinese crap !
HM: Perhaps we should call this fight a draw.
TK: agreed.
(TK bows, HM tries to shake hands. Realizing this, HM bows and TK tries to shake hands)

The end

A few notes:
> With the limited English-Latin program I have, I couldn’t find the Latin word for Empress (which would, naturally, be different from Imperator = Emperor. Since Queen was in the list, I used Regina instead)
> (O)jii-san means Grandfather. In the game ‘Dead or Alive 2’ Leon addresses Gen Fu with ‘Jii-san’ using it more with the meaning ‘Old Man’. One other meaning the word ‘Jii’ has is ‘second rank’/ ‘second place’ which might reflect the way Kaetuza looks at Hubertus.
> Sword of Light refers to the Light Saber from ‘Star Wars’. Sacul Egroeg is none other that George Lucas.
> Man in a Red Suit refers to the red shirt wearing men of Star Trek, who always died on the away mission.

This was the non-serious version of the Duel.
The idea of the duel started when I asked Hooman the question: 'So does Graaf Gerrit van de Haartlijners think he and his 'Hackmaster' can match Tokugawa Kaetuza and his 'Papercutter' ?'
I am also busy with a no nonsense version of the Duel, but that might take somewhat longer to form.


'The Duel between Kaetuza and Hubertus; The not so serious version.' was brought to you by Rooijen 10 and Hooman.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, June 4th 2003, 12:12pm


Well done, Walter!

I really enjoyed reading. Just too bad you revealed everything in the end... :o(

"Sacul Egroeg is none other that George Lucas."

I was close to hire that guy to build some blaster canons for my latest BCs.....




Wednesday, June 4th 2003, 2:48pm


and the female version of Imperator is Imperatrix :-)




Wednesday, June 4th 2003, 5:00pm


I was close to hire that guy to build some blaster canons for my latest BCs.....

If you are not careful, you might end up blasting your own ships to bits with Sacul Egroeg's dreaded 'Pulverizer' instead of the ships of the enemy and the crew don't know what to do since their control screen has turned blue
You know: the infamous 'Blue Screen of Death'. :-)



Wednesday, June 4th 2003, 6:11pm

BTW Hooman...

... were you suggesting that I should have made a Wesworld quiz as well ?

Like this ?


1) What is Sacul Egroeg's true identity ?
2a) What famous phrase is 'Ave Regina, morituri te salutant !' based on ?
2b) What is the translation of that phrase ?
2c) Where does it come from ?
2d) Who said these words ?
2e) Why were these words said ?
3a) What famous phrase is 'Et tu, Hubertus !' based on ?
3b) What is the translation of that phrase ?
3c) Where does it come from ?
3d) Who said these words ?
3e) Why were these words said ?
4) What is the function of the Man in the Red Suit ?
5) What is the true form of the Sword of Light ?
6a) What famous phrase is 'Alas! Poor Man in a Red Suit. We knew him not so well.' based on ?
6b) Where does it come from ?
6c) Who said these words ?
6d) Why were these words said ?

And, as a price, give those who get all answers right signed pictures of the Japanese characters I have created so far ? (Yes, they all have a face)
