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Wednesday, September 29th 2004, 10:00pm

F.7. Armored Cruisers

Armored Cruisers of the Japanese Navy.

Data here is the data released to the public

Asama Class
HIJMS Tokiwa

Dimensions: 500.00 ft x 65.00 ft x 26.00 ft
Standard Displacement: 8,700 tons
Armament: 2x2, 6x1 and 4x1 - 20.0 cm / 45 cal Model 1910 guns
10x1 - 13.0 cm / 50 cal Model 1910 guns
12 - 50 mm / 55 cal Model 1910 AA guns
24 - 25 mm / 60 cal Model 1910 light AA guns
4 - 21.0" / 533.4 mm above water torpedoes
Armour: Belt 6.00", upper belt 2.00", end belts 2.00"
Main twin turrets 8.00”, Main single turrets 6.00"
Main casemates 6.00", 2nd casemates 2.00"
AA gun shields 1.00", Light AA gun shields 1.00"
Armour deck 2.00", Conning tower 13.00"
Machinery: 12 Kanpon oil fired boilers, Brown Curtis geared steam turbines,
Geared drive, 3 shafts, 26,000 shp = 22.00 kts
Range 14,000nm at 14.00 kts
Complement: 38 Officers, 692 other rank


Saturday, October 16th 2004, 3:07pm

SS Data

Asama, Japan Armored Cruiser laid down 1912
All scrapped in 1942

8,568 t light; 9,155 t standard; 12,071 t normal; 14,357 t full load
Loading submergence 584 tons/feet

500.00 ft x 65.00 ft x 26.00 ft (normal load)
152.40 m x 19.81 m x 7.92 m

14 - 7.87" / 200 mm guns (8 Main turrets)
10 - 5.12" / 130 mm guns
Secondary guns mounted low & subject to being washed down in a seaway
12 - 1.97" / 50 mm QF guns
24 - 0.98" / 25 mm guns
Weight of broadside 4,145 lbs / 1,880 kg
4 - 21.0" / 533.4 mm above water torpedoes

Belt 6.00" / 152 mm, upper belt 2.00" / 51 mm, end belts 2.00" / 51 mm
Belts cover 70 % of normal area
Main turrets 6.00" / 152 mm, 2nd casemates 2.00" / 51 mm
QF gun shields 1.00" / 25 mm, Light gun shields 1.00" / 25 mm
Armour deck 2.00" / 51 mm, Conning tower 13.00" / 330 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Geared drive, 3 shafts, 28,163 shp / 21,010 Kw = 23.00 kts
Range 15,500nm at 14.00 kts

575 - 748

£0.892 million / $3.569 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 518 tons, 4.3 %
Armour: 2,920 tons, 24.2 %
Belts: 798 tons, 6.6 %, Armament: 1,218 tons, 10.1 %, Armour Deck: 756 tons, 6.3 %
Conning Tower: 147 tons, 1.2 %, Torpedo bulkhead: 0 tons, 0.0 %
Machinery: 1,123 tons, 9.3 %
Hull, fittings & equipment: 4,007 tons, 33.2 %
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,504 tons, 29.0 %
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0.0 %

Metacentric height 3.0

Hull space for machinery, storage & compartmentation is excellent
Room for accommodation & workspaces is adequate
Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily

Estimated overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Relative margin of stability: 1.06
Shellfire needed to sink: 16,993 lbs / 7,708 Kg = 69.6 x 7.9 " / 200 mm shells
(Approx weight of penetrating shell hits needed to sink ship excluding critical hits)
Torpedoes needed to sink: 2.7
(Approx number of typical torpedo hits needed to sink ship)
Relative steadiness as gun platform: 70 %
(Average = 50 %)
Relative rocking effect from firing to beam: 0.70
Relative quality as seaboat: 1.33

Hull form characteristics:
Block coefficient: 0.500
Sharpness coefficient: 0.36
Hull speed coefficient 'M': 6.67
'Natural speed' for length: 22.36 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 47 %
Trim: 53
(Maximise stabilty/flotation = 0, Maximise steadiness/seakeeping = 100)

Estimated hull characteristics & strength:
Underwater volume absorbed by magazines and engineering spaces: 64.1 %
Relative accommodation and working space: 96.0 %
(Average = 100%)
Displacement factor: 130 %
(Displacement relative to loading factors)
Relative cross-sectional hull strength: 0.97
(Structure weight / hull surface area: 121 lbs / square foot or 590 Kg / square metre)
Relative longitudinal hull strength: 1.62
(for 15.50 ft / 4.72 m average freeboard, freeboard adjustment -0.22 ft)
Relative composite hull strength: 1.02

Main guns in two twin turrets, six in single turrets and 4 in casemate mouts (Edgar Quinet layout)
Twin turret main gun armor is 9 inch, single gun main gun armor and main gun casemate is 6 inch (tested with splitting up the main armament)

SS 2.01 Data

Asama, Japan Koujun laid down 1912

8,602 t light; 9,155 t standard; 12,071 t normal; 14,356 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
506.88 ft / 500.00 ft x 65.00 ft x 26.00 ft (normal load)
154.50 m / 152.40 m x 19.81 m x 7.92 m

4 - 7.87" / 200 mm guns (2x2 guns), 250.00lbs / 113.40kg shells, 1910 Model
Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
on centreline ends, evenly spread
6 - 7.87" / 200 mm guns in single mounts, 250.00lbs / 113.40kg shells, 1910 Model
Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
on side, all amidships
4 - 7.87" / 200 mm guns in single mounts, 250.00lbs / 113.40kg shells, 1910 Model
Breech loading guns in casemate mounts
on side ends, evenly spread
4 guns in hull casemates - Limited use in all but light seas
10 - 5.12" / 130 mm guns in single mounts, 55.00lbs / 24.95kg shells, 1910 Model
Breech loading guns in casemate mounts
on side, all amidships
10 guns in hull casemates - Limited use in all but light seas
36 - 1.97" / 50.0 mm guns (14 mounts), 3.81lbs / 1.73kg shells, 1910 Model
Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts
on side, evenly spread, 6 raised mounts
Note that I am currently too lazy to edit the AA bit to separate it into the 50mm and 25mm guns.
Weight of broadside 4,187 lbs / 1,899 kg
Shells per gun, main battery: 120
4 - 21.0" / 533.4 mm above water torpedoes

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 6.00" / 152 mm 228.00 ft / 69.49 m 9.67 ft / 2.95 m
Ends: 2.00" / 51 mm 174.98 ft / 53.33 m 9.67 ft / 2.95 m
97.02 ft / 29.57 m Unarmoured ends
Upper: 2.00" / 51 mm 228.00 ft / 69.49 m 8.00 ft / 2.44 m
Main Belt covers 70 % of normal length

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 9.00" / 229 mm 6.00" / 152 mm 8.00" / 203 mm
2nd: 6.00" / 152 mm 5.00" / 127 mm 5.00" / 127 mm
3rd: 6.00" / 152 mm - 2.00" / 51 mm
4th: 2.00" / 51 mm - 2.00" / 51 mm
5th: 1.00" / 25 mm - -

- Armour deck: 2.00" / 51 mm, Conning tower: 13.00" / 330 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Geared drive, 3 shafts, 28,163 shp / 21,010 Kw = 23.00 kts
Range 16,300nm at 14.00 kts (Bunkerage = 5,249 tons)

575 - 748

£0.902 million / $3.608 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 528 tons, 4.4 %
Armour: 2,791 tons, 23.1 %
- Belts: 902 tons, 7.5 %
- Torpedo bulkhead: 0 tons, 0.0 %
- Armament: 972 tons, 8.1 %
- Armour Deck: 770 tons, 6.4 %
- Conning Tower: 147 tons, 1.2 %
Machinery: 1,123 tons, 9.3 %
Hull, fittings & equipment: 4,160 tons, 34.5 %
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,470 tons, 28.7 %
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0.0 %

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
18,159 lbs / 8,237 Kg = 74.4 x 7.9 " / 200 mm shells or 2.7 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.18
Metacentric height 3.5 ft / 1.1 m
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.57
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1.37

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has a flush deck
Block coefficient: 0.500
Length to Beam Ratio: 7.69 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 22.36 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 47 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 51
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 20.00 degrees
Stern overhang: -3.00 ft / -0.91 m
Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
- Stem: 18.90 ft / 5.76 m
- Forecastle (20 %): 15.80 ft / 4.82 m
- Mid (50 %): 15.80 ft / 4.82 m
- Quarterdeck (15 %): 15.80 ft / 4.82 m
- Stern: 8.50 ft / 2.59 m
- Average freeboard: 15.50 ft / 4.72 m
Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 64.1 %
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 99.7 %
Waterplane Area: 20,815 Square feet or 1,934 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 130 %
Structure weight / hull surface area: 125 lbs/sq ft or 609 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 1.00
- Longitudinal: 1.75
- Overall: 1.06
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
Room for accommodation and workspaces is adequate
Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily