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Monday, December 14th 2009, 2:18am

IRC Channel

ShinRa and I just set up an IRC channel for us to conduct a live group chat in, should we wish.

For those interested, go here, leave the username and password boxes blank, and enter "Wesworld" in the Channel box.

- Javachat
- Webchat

If using the webchat, enter your desired nickname and "Wesworld" in the channel box.


Monday, December 14th 2009, 2:29am

For anyone who joins at the moment, you'll see something like ~Brock and @ShinRaActual in the "users here" column type thing. You'll show up as something random along the lines of "NSJavaGuest-2086" until you register a new nickname.

In short, if you're trying to connect now, take a moment and try saying something before disconnecting or closing the window.


Monday, December 14th 2009, 3:27am

Someone (or someones) seems to be trying to join the channel, but DC'ing after a few seconds. Fess up, and we'll figure out what the problem is. :P


Monday, December 14th 2009, 3:33am

Ok, I got in.


Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 3:18am

More people need to try it. ;)


Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 9:00pm

Okay... so I am currently not sure why I get a large empty box and a little white square with a red cross in the lefthand corner... Probably need an update on my part somewhere...


Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 9:09pm

The site Brock's linking you to is a java client, so yeah you'd probably need up-to-date Java. Or it might be a browser thing (I use IE)

If you have a different IRC client, it's the server, #WesWorld channel. mIRC has connecton info for it by default (or at least mine did)


Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 9:15pm

I think I'm able to get in too. :)


Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 10:14pm

Yes, it had to be either one of those so I did both an IE and a Java update and the latter one was the one that caused the problem. Works now.


Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 11:23pm

Word. Note for anyone else who wants to give it a shot; When you login, type "/nick namehere" to change up your username to something besides NSJavaGuest.


Wednesday, December 30th 2009, 5:37am

More people need to join the IRC chat.

Or else I shall have to resort to Science!™


Wednesday, December 30th 2009, 5:03pm

Me, Walter, ShinRa, Brock, and occasionally Wes are the only people I've seen on.


Wednesday, December 30th 2009, 5:14pm

And you're going to lose me (kinda) when I get back to work in the new year. Now I hang around until 2-3 AM before I go to sleep. Can't do that no more when I need to get out of bed at 5 AM and most action is after midnight (at my location). :(


Wednesday, December 30th 2009, 5:15pm

You'll likely see me on more during the week, as on the weekends I'm quite busy with real life! (As shin and Brock curse me for it!)


Saturday, January 2nd 2010, 11:25pm

A note for anyone who drops in; Type /nick [name here]" to change your ID from the random Javaguest tag you get. Otherwise, those of us already there have no idea who you are.


Sunday, January 3rd 2010, 12:43am

Sorry about that, for some reason both Vuk and Vukovlad are invalid nicks


Saturday, January 9th 2010, 8:04am

Okay im on


Wednesday, March 3rd 2010, 6:30pm

I see only Gree :(


Wednesday, March 3rd 2010, 6:32pm



Wednesday, March 3rd 2010, 6:48pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine

yes a gree screen, whit a blue line around it when I add Wesworld on it