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Thursday, August 11th 2005, 5:13pm

Filipino Information, News, and Entertainment Radio Q2/28

Filipino Information, News, and Entertainment Radio (FINER)


1 April
Presidente Piña today announced that, effective 1 January 1929, the Philippines will be adopting a Universal Military Service policy, essentially adopting concription.

"As recent tensions in the area have shown, it is necessary for us to have and keep a strong military force. Unfortunatly recruiting trends indicate that, in the near future, recruiting will drop below necessary levels. Therefore, although I do not do so without regret, I have decided that this is the best policy for las Filipinas."

The new policy will affect able-bodied young men of 18 to 21 years of age; however they will have considerable leeway once in the Armed Forces, being able to choose enlistment or - if otherwise qualified - officer training, and being able to choose between the Army, the Fuerza Area, or the Marina de Filipinas.

The policy does not affect the status of women in the Filipino military.*

(* - ooc - in recognition of the accomplisments of women in the Insurrection against Iberia, the female decendents of Heroes of the Insurrection are allowed to join the Filipino military. While only few have, a disproportionate number of those are in the Filipino Marine Brigades.)


3 April
Reactions of the other canidates for Presidente to the announcement of 1 April:

Señor de Varga: "Finally Señor Piña is showing some backbone! This is an admirable step that should have been done long ago and is necessary to ensure the freedom of the Philippines. However there is much, much more that needs to be done for our nation to be truly secure, and I am afraid that the current administration lacks the will to do these things."

Señor Jourdain: "I am dissapointed that the current regime sees fit to force the young people of the Philippines to serve in the military regardless of their wishes. If I am elected my first act will be to reverse this mistaken policy, one that if allowed to stand will only raise tensions in the area further."


28 April
In a shocking turn of events, we have learned that a Hero of the Insurrection was murdered last night.

Señor Roberto Ceeta, of Manila, was found dead in his study this morning, having been shot in the head with an expanding revolver bullet. Constables are perplexed, however, in that while the window of the study was open, there were no signs of an intruder, while there is seemingly no possible way for such a weapon to have such an effect at the range necessary had it been fired from outside the room.

It is reported that Señor Ceeta had an "important meeting" with unknown parties the night before his murder, and Colonel Moran of the Manila Constabulatry is seeking information on whom these men may have been...


11 May
Today marked the first flight of the first aeroplane designed in the Philippines.

The Manila Aero Factory MSR-X1 seaplane is a two-seat, twin-float biplane armed with a single 13.7mm machine gun, operated by the observer.

The craft is strictly experimental, MdF officials noting that it is cheaper to purchase proven foreign designs, instead of setting up our own production lines from scratch.


10 June
Presidental canidate Sebastian de Varga narrowly escaped an assassination attempt this afternoon while giving a speech at the San Fernando shipyard.

According to police it appears that a man or men with a high-powered rifle were hidden in a nearby storage building and fired two shots at Señor de Varga. Both missed, however one seriously wounded a bodyguard...


17 June
In a tragic turn of events, ex-Presidente Enrique Monastario has been committed to the Manila Mental Institution after, apparently, losing his mind.

After resigining last fall, he had reportedly been planning to relocate to America, most likely in southern California, in hopes that the drier climate would help what has been reported as consumption.

However yesterday afternoon the Manila Constabulatory was called out to arrest a "raving lunatic", which proved to be the former Presidente, who was on the Manila dockside loudly giving a speech in which he was seemingly claiming to have "six billion loyal subjects".

Officers were able to take him into custody without incident.


24 June
Officers of the Manila Constabulatory are seeking the perpetrators behind the poisoning of ex-Presidente Enrique Monastario.

Last week Señor Monastario was commited to the Manila Mental Institution for his own protection after an incident at the Manila dockyard. Two nights ago wardens at the Institution found Señor Monastario dead in his cell, and a preliminary autopsy indicates that the former Presidente had been dosed with a lethal chemical in his food.

Colonel Moran of the Constabulatory says that police are also investigating whether or not the Presidente's sudden decline in health last fall, and the losing of his mind last week, may be due to foul play...


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, August 11th 2005, 5:34pm

I love Filipino politics.... ;o)


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 5:35pm

Almost makes me happy that Canadian elections are so boring (and pointless, really) by comparison.

As a quibble: as presented, de Varga is essentially complimenting his opponent, Pina, which is a no-no in an election I think. I'd instead expect him to complain that the measures didn't go far enough, that Pina's past record suggests he won't go through with the plan, or that Pina is a b*****d for stealing ideas from his own platform.


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 5:45pm

Good point, I've added a little along those lines.


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 7:35pm


Colonel Moran of the Constabulatory says that police are also investigating whether or not the Presidente's sudden decline in health last fall, and the losing of his mind last week, may be due to foul play...

The question is, who will the Philippines attempt to blame for this?


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 7:44pm


The question is, who will the Philippines attempt to blame for this?

Hattori Hanzo.
"The shadow never rests, not even in the 1920s."


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 7:51pm


The question is, who will the Philippines attempt to blame for this?

The other candidates, of course. It's an election.


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 8:11pm

I doubt they would do it personally so I hope that whoever ordered it did not use the first rule of assassination.


Thursday, August 11th 2005, 9:57pm

It was Colonel Mustard, in the conservatory, with...


The question is, who will the Philippines attempt to blame for this?

Palawan exploded.
Presidente M. did not declare war on France.
El Aquila resigns in fury.
Health of Presidente M. goes south.

...your conclusions may vary.



Thursday, August 11th 2005, 10:04pm

One thousand yen on the ninja!! Who hired him? Don't know. :-)