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Wednesday, August 4th 2004, 2:11pm

1923 Greek Armoured Torpedo Boat

Design includes an armored deck that curves down much like a protected cruiser to protect the boilers and engines. This deck actually improved stability. The bow tubes are fixed with a 2pdr gun fitted into a well
in the forecastle. It is hoped a zareba wont be necessary and the forward mount has enough protection from the weather. The ship is conned from
the open bridge but a armoured tower is fitted with torpedo director on top.

One contentious issue was to include the seachlight on the mainmast.

One school of thought was to fit loudspeakers for playing 'Flight of the Valkaries', others insisted on Steppenwolf's 'Born to be Wild' and as there was no consensus - the searchlight was retained.

The role for these ships is limited to fleet action or attacking a beachhead. Could also be used for fast minesweeping in areas defended by coastal guns, eg. the Dardanelles.


DL1923, GREEK Torpedo Boat laid down 1923

606 t light; 622 t standard; 651 t normal; 671 t full load
Loading submergence 80 tons/feet

230.00 ft x 22.50 ft x 11.00 ft (normal load)
70.10 m x 6.86 m x 3.35 m

2 - 3.00" / 76 mm guns
2 - 2.00" / 51 mm AA guns
2 - 0.50" / 13 mm guns
Weight of broadside 35 lbs / 16 kg
6 - 21.0" / 533.4 mm above water torpedoes


Armour deck 1.30" / 33 mm, Conning tower 1.00" / 25 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Geared drive, 2 shafts, 27,278 shp / 20,349 Kw = 33.00 kts
Range 1,700nm at 12.00 kts
Caution: Delicate, lightweight machinery

64 - 83

£0.217 million / $0.867 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 4 tons, 0.7 %
Armour: 69 tons, 10.6 %
Belts: 0 tons, 0.0 %, Armament: 0 tons, 0.0 %, Armour Deck: 67 tons, 10.4 %
Conning Tower: 2 tons, 0.2 %, Torpedo bulkhead: 0 tons, 0.0 %
Machinery: 354 tons, 54.5 %
Hull, fittings & equipment: 178 tons, 27.4 %
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 44 tons, 6.8 %
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0.0 %

Metacentric height 0.5

Caution: Hull subject to strain in open-sea
Hull space for machinery, storage & compartmentation is cramped
Room for accommodation & workspaces is extremely poor
Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily

Estimated overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Relative margin of stability: 1.01
Shellfire needed to sink: 144 lbs / 65 Kg = 10.6 x 3.0 " / 76 mm shells
(Approx weight of penetrating shell hits needed to sink ship excluding critical hits)
Torpedoes needed to sink: 0.2
(Approx number of typical torpedo hits needed to sink ship)
Relative steadiness as gun platform: 60 %
(Average = 50 %)
Relative rocking effect from firing to beam: 0.19
Relative quality as seaboat: 1.20

Hull form characteristics:
Block coefficient: 0.400
Sharpness coefficient: 0.29
Hull speed coefficient 'M': 8.11
'Natural speed' for length: 15.17 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 75 %
Trim: 50
(Maximise stabilty/flotation = 0, Maximise steadiness/seakeeping = 100)

Estimated hull characteristics & strength:
Underwater volume absorbed by magazines and engineering spaces: 181.1 %
Relative accommodation and working space: 25.3 %
(Average = 100%)
Displacement factor: 34 %
(Displacement relative to loading factors)
Relative cross-sectional hull strength: 0.42
(Structure weight / hull surface area: 25 lbs / square foot or 121 Kg / square metre)
Relative longitudinal hull strength: 2.93
(for 15.10 ft / 4.60 m average freeboard, freeboard adjustment 6.33 ft)
Relative composite hull strength: 0.51


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, August 4th 2004, 3:56pm

Really nicely put, Roger!

A mean design - as one could expect from the Greeks. ;o)

Are those aft guns meant to be off centerline? I´m also missing two of her six guns on that drawing...

Last nitpicking: It is general consensus on this board not to let cross-sectional hull-strength drop below 0,5 - at least not for ships larger than a motorboat. Otherwise the design in question has to be rated as weak and poor and might crack in two in a gale.

Keep ´em coming,



Wednesday, August 4th 2004, 6:18pm


One school of thought was to fit loudspeakers for playing 'Flight of the Valkaries', others insisted on Steppenwolf's 'Born to be Wild' and as there was no consensus - the searchlight was retained.

I wonder how 'Born to be Wild' would sound in a 1920s style...
I agree with Hooman on the "cross-sectional hull-strength > 0.50" but it shouldn't be too hard to get it up to 0.50. All in all a good looking ship.


Thursday, August 5th 2004, 4:19am

Thanks guys,

I'll see what I can do about the low cross section strength. I've left out the small cal guns on the drawing - probably left and right of the bridge. The 3" are also supposed to be centreline - I'll look at that too.
