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Thursday, August 18th 2005, 10:25am

News from Atlantis Q1/28 and Q2/28

Jan. 5

Atlantian scientists are elated at the discovery of a new volcano in the remanants of Krakatoa. Atlantian Geologists and volcanologists hope to travel to the region and study the new volcano's activity. Krakatoa errupted with the force equivilent to 200 megatons of TNT, larger than any Philippino explosives accident.

Study's conducted at Santorini, Fogo in the Cape Verde islands and the Canary island of Lanzarot have all been conducted in an effort to determine if the remanants of a long dead volcano, mount Erge in the Tauran Sea, is responcible for the great deluge that devastated Atlantis in the Bronze age.

Mount Erge is thought to be very similar to the remains of Krakatoa and could have produced a similar cataclysmic explosion and Tsunami disaster. Atlantian scientists would like to study the rate of growth of Anak Krakatoa to determine its freaquency of activity.

Jan. 15

Anarchists have struck again, this time in an attack on an oil pipeline leeding to Valencia. Venezuelan Police were quick to respond and managed to corner several suspicious individuals, which ultimately led to a gunbattle. Three bandits were killed and one police officer was wounded in the exchange which marked the first encounter with the would be anarchists.

Jan. 22

The Atlantian foreign minister Maren Xanthus annouced today that a date has been set for a Byzantian Plebesite. This comes after talks with Turkey in the wake of the Silver Cresent talks held in late 1927. As a result of these talks Istambul will be eventually included into the state of Byzantium should the vote be in favor of independance.

The Turks were preveously agitated that the ports in Istambul would be lost in the creation of a new state. As a result Atlantis has promised to compinstate the Turks for the cost of replacing the lost port facility's in the event Byzantium becomes independant.

Atlantis has also seemingly given up on creating a state of Kurdistan instead favoring a plan that would give the Kurds more control over their own region while still remaining part of Turkey. The plan caused too much political unease with Persia and Turkey.

Feb. 26

The national holiday of Anthesteria has begun. The holiday celibrates the mythical journey of Deucalion and Pyrrha to Thera after the great deluge. The holiday ends March 12 when it is believed that Deucalion and Pyrrha arrived at their destination.

Feb. 28

A significant explosion was witnessed by many horrified passengers at the Cabimas train station in Venezuela. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt when a cargo carrage was destroyed by an unknown quantity of explosives in a cargo siding near the station but its proximity to the train station allowed for a shocking display of carnage. Five railway workers were slightly injured by debris from the explosion.

Local athorities traced the carrages cargo manefest but wouldn't comment on its point of origin only stating that the carrages Cargo was not anything volitile, at least according to the manifest. Officials are not making any assumptions but it is most likely that the explosion is a result of anarchist ativity's.

Mar. 12

The national holiday of Anthesteria is over. Many Atlantians will now head back to work undoubtedly somewhat worse for wear after the 12 day holiday which involves excessive ammounts of wine, women and song.

Mar. 14

The first of 100 AT-27 tanks rolled off the assembly line at General Ordinance's factory in Automoli today. the first tanks are expected to join the 10th Armored Battalion stationed in El Aaiun, Western Sahara. The AT-27's superior speed compaired to the AT-17 will make it the primary armored unit in the Atlantian army. Currently an artillary tractor based on the AT-27 chassis is also nearing the production stage of developement.

March 20

The Atlantian Foreign Minister Maren Xanthus was reluctant to comment on the recent comments made by French Senator Pierre Laval.

"I don't want to comment on an issue that we quite frankly know little about" he said. "Both the French and Philippino's are unwilling to disclose sensitive information reguarding their respective investigations".

Dispite the fact that the remarks were made by Mr. laval it remains to be seen if his "suggestions" will be acted upon.

Mar. 22

The first test flight of the new Spartan designed Fox scout plane was conducted successfully. The plane is designed to be able to work with the new airships currently under construction in the U.S. and Atlantis in addition to the standard scouting role. Each airship will carry 3/4 of these planes, equiped with special "trapese" hooks for recovery in flight, to act as scouts and a limited defence of the airship. The fox is armed with two .303" machine guns, one fixed on the upper port side of the forward fuselage and the other in a trainable rear position. The plane can also be equiped with Floats and Ski's.

Apr. 2nd

Due to the Chilean Cruiser program the Atlantean Government has found the funds to begin the polar exploration ship project 1 full year in advance of the original plan. The A.N.S. Adventure when completed will make herself right at home in the Atlantean Arctic Territory. She is capable of acting as an Ice breaker and will be equiped with the new Spartan Fox Scout plane. Its expected that Atlantis will also build several Ice breakers in the near future to assist the Adventure and form an Artic fleet of sorts.

The newly laid down Chilean Heavy Cruiser Nevado Ojos del Salado and the light cruisers Atacama and Mapuche have provided the additional funds in addition to giving a boost to the Atlantian shipyards and providing the Chileans with a modern series of cruisers along with the technical expertise of the latest ship building practices.

Apr. 6

Security service raids in the mountains near Timisoara have discovered several arms caches which apparently have supplied the activities of Hungarian irredentists in that region of Transylvania. The weapons and explosives found come from a variety of sources, with Mannlicher-Carcano Model 1891 being the primary small arm found.

Other Great War weapon types discovered include the SMLE, Mauser model 1898, and Moisin-Nagant model 1891. A number of training materials and other documents where also found, providing information about the organization and personnel of local Hungarian irredentist groups. A number of ethnic Hungarians have been taken into custody for questioning...

Apr. 10

With a loud thunderous explosion construction has begun on the Coatzacolcos Canal in Mexico. American and Atlantian demolision experts began the task of terraforming the region 75 miles south of Minatlan, the canals highest point. the Canal is expected to take 10 years to complete, longer than any prime ministers service in office. Workers from various nations, the bulk of which are from Mexico also began contructing additional contruction towns that will become their homes untill the completion of the canal.

Apr. 12

Atlantian Trade Minister Darius Simferopol has gone to Romania to discuss the possibility of improving trade between the two country's. The Romainian and Atlantian ministers will also discuss the possibility of the sale of arms and the upcoming Byzantine plebesite.


Atlantis has signed a series of trade and arms deals with Romainia, most notably the sale of 60 refurbished AT-17 tanks. Romainia is also interested in purchasing NH-20 armored cars but is awaiting the developement of the newer NH-28 design.

May. 10

Two groups, "The United Self-Defense Forces of South America" and "Columbian Fatherland and Liberty" have again claimed responcibility for the continued rash of attacks in Venezuela. They have also pledged to support another anarchist group in Columbia, "The Nationalist Rebel Army".

May 12, 1928

Atlantis reports that work on the light cruiser Atacama are nearly finished, but the report on materials received versed what Chile set show a 258 ton difference. "Where did there funds go?" demanded the President of the naval board. The board says they do not know. It seems the original estimates on the cost of each cruisers was overestimated by over 750 tons. While the Atlantian construction firm has corrected the numbers and given what they received from the docks for both cruiser projects, there is still 258 tons missing. Investigators, private, and from both governments are attempting to track down the source of this leak of material.

May 14, 1928

The Chilean Governement has ordered a halt on the Second Atlantis built light cruiser in the wake of the "tonnage scandal". Mapuche will be on hold until the materials can either be found, or the way they were lost stopped.

May 20, 1928

The light cruiser Atacama was launched today in Atlantis. The Mr. Oyama and the Chilean crew traveled aboard the liner S.S. Nautica, one of the finest liners in the Atlantian Trinity lines fleet. The trails for the vessel will take place on May 31st.

June 11, 1928

The Chilean Light cruiser Mapuche still sits idle as the shipyard that built the Atacama retools to build the heavy cruiser Nevado Ojos del Salado . The Mapuche's fate rests in the hands of Chilean investigators and naval board.


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 2:26pm

It might still be considered odd that the Atlantean vulcanologists are excited about a new volcano forming in the caldera left by Krakatoa, but the scientist in me can see why they would be.

Interesting to see problems in South America and Eastern Europe influencing Atlantis.

Where is this Atlantean arctic territory? I don't recall mention of it before.


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 2:33pm


Due to the Chilean Cruiser program the Atlantean Government has found the funds to begin the polar exploration ship project 1 full year in advance of the original plan. The A.N.S. Adventure when completed will make herself right at home in the Atlantean Arctic Territory.

How can you own pack ice? Isn't the Atlantean Antarctic territory exactly where the British Claim is? I'd think that the British have more reason to have that claim. It doesn't really matter though anyway.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, August 18th 2005, 2:47pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
Jan. 5
Krakatoa errupted with the force equivilent to 200 megatons of TNT, larger than any Philippino explosives accident.



Thursday, August 18th 2005, 3:09pm


Krakatoa errupted with the force equivilent to 200 megatons of TNT, larger than any Philippino explosives accident. far.


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 3:55pm

I resemble that remark!!


Krakatoa errupted with the force equivilent to 200 megatons of TNT, larger than any Philippino explosives accident.

Hmm, suppose I'll have to do something about that, eh?
*orders 100 airships to lift a battleship and drop it into Mount Pinatubo*

Be interesting to see what becomes of Byzantian - might be interesting to see a new fleet created. ;-)

Perhaps the Rumanians (I think that was still the correct spelling in the 20s) would swing a deal with Atlantis for an upgrade of that old Radetzky of theirs?


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 7:08pm

Pardon me, I think I should have stated Antartic territory, which was claimed at the outset of the sim and is one of those unexplainable "why's" of the sim. I'm not aware of the actual date the Brits had claim to any Anartic territory.


Originally posted by Swamphen


Krakatoa errupted with the force equivilent to 200 megatons of TNT, larger than any Philippino explosives accident.

Hmm, suppose I'll have to do something about that, eh?
*orders 100 airships to lift a battleship and drop it into Mount Pinatubo*

You could always save time and buy some from Atlantis...;-)


Originally posted by Swamphen
Be interesting to see what becomes of Byzantian - might be interesting to see a new fleet created. ;-)

That idea has crossed my mind more than a few times, if Byzantium does become independant its most likely they will recieve a fleet.


Originally posted by Swamphen
Perhaps the Rumanians (I think that was still the correct spelling in the 20s) would swing a deal with Atlantis for an upgrade of that old Radetzky of theirs?

That's entirely posible. Thanks for the idea!


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 7:18pm

Do keep in mind that the claims are just that: claims. There is nothing in the Wesworld yet that 'grants' a certain land that certain piece of Antarctica.


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 8:37pm

There is nothing in the real world that grants anyone any territory in Antarctica either. I think claims didn't start until the late 1920, and the resolution of it by treaty in 1970. I belive the Norway claim wasn't until 1929, so the British might not have claimed until later in the decade.


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 9:06pm

Not naming any names, but....


Do keep in mind that the claims are just that: claims. There is nothing in the Wesworld yet that 'grants' a certain land that certain piece of Antarctica.

...countries that have designated their Antarctic "claims" as part of one of their provinces might consider them to be more than just a "claim". ;-)

(also note Part V of the US-Filipino trade treaty)


Thursday, August 18th 2005, 9:15pm

But also remember that just because I recognize your Antarctic claim doesn't mean anyone else will.


Friday, August 19th 2005, 6:30am

Any claim can be asserted by sending ships to patrol the area and land an expedition who can simply setup a flag post.

Historically I don't know if and when the Brits made a claim, but in our world the claim of Atlantis is just as serious as any other Antartic claim.


Friday, August 19th 2005, 12:11pm

The first actual long-term scientific/military mission to Antartica was in 1940-45 by the UK as it was thought that the Germans could establish a base there. Everyone is far too early. There are serious problems to Antarctica. Notably no maps whatsoever, then the fact that the geography is constantly changing so your maps go out of date real fast. e.g. at the moment there is a rather large berg floating round, it is large enough to be shown on maps and through various copies you can trace its progress around the Antarctic. Really, I'd expect all these Arctic and Antarctic missions to go pear shaped like Scott's or Shackleton's.


Friday, August 19th 2005, 1:14pm


Germans could establish a base there

So THATs where the Arctic Nazis went!


Friday, August 19th 2005, 7:08pm


The first actual long-term scientific/military mission to Antartica was in 1940-45 by the UK

Long-term as in long-term use of a specific base, or as in manning that base 365 days a year?


Friday, August 19th 2005, 10:42pm

Permament station, but also the first station of any kind. i.e. not tents.


Saturday, August 20th 2005, 2:04am

And the excuse is...

...that the presence of Atlantis has obviously accellerated Antarctic exploration somehow. :-)


Saturday, August 20th 2005, 5:58am

Are you kidding?! I think I joined the rush to grab a claim there durring the flurry of activity when the Sim began, not to mention that our wesworld technology is abit ahead of historical timelines. Chalk it up to an earlier end to WW1?


Saturday, August 20th 2005, 10:37am


I think I joined the rush to grab a claim there durring the flurry of activity when the Sim began

Like Swamphen said, the presence of Atlantis has obviously accellerated Antarctic exploration somehow (which means that happened from the very beginning).


not to mention that our wesworld technology is abit ahead of historical timelines.

Right. And it is not limited to warships, but things like exploration as well. Makes me wonder if the Wright brothers didn't made their historical flight a few years earlier...


Chalk it up to an earlier end to WW1?

More likely a later end. No greater boost for technology than war.


Saturday, August 20th 2005, 10:57am

Funny how an exploration vessel makes Atlantis look like the guys who started the whole Antartic race and yet the Philippino's build an Antartic "battleship" and hatch up a hair brained scheme to harvest penguins and theirs barely a peep!

Alas if everyones focusing on a percieved Atlantian initiative to start an Antartic race I suppose they will miss the real world domination plots I have planned.