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Monday, August 30th 2004, 4:37pm

My weekend: Long, and Hopelessly Off-topic

This morning I'm doing a very good imitation of a zombie: lurching about, favoring limbs, and uttering groans. The reason for this is, as mentioned a few days ago, my debut in live-action role-playing.

My friends, with whom I've done sit-down roleplaying for some time, convinced me to come out to this weekend's game - the last one this particular group is doing this year. This would give me a taste of it, and give me all winter to decide if/how I wanted to play again in their campaign next summer.

The friends are a couple; she plays an exiled noble opposed to her homeland's violent military expansion. He plays one of the knights sworn to protect her and carry out her orders. Most of the remaining characters were also knights, and so it was logical that I chose one. Besides, being a fighter meant that I didn't have to learn too much arcane magic or necessarily worry about the actual dialogue portion of the game much (the working language of the game is French; I don't speak French, though many participants are bilingual and happily accommodate me).

My character was mostly a fighter; since I don't own actual armor, I invested in some defensive manuevers and hit points, while picking a shield and bastard sword (that is, a longish broadsword that can be used with one or both hands). These were made of well-padded plywood and PVC piping respectively. I also could cast spells that briefly paralyzed a target or enchanted a weapon so that it could hit magical enemies.

So out we went Friday, setting up camp at the end of a trail. The property is several hundred meters on a side, hilly woodlands, with trails and camping spots hacked out of the trees. There were ten of us in all - the noble, eight knights - many with some magical abilities - and an archer with a very weak bow (for safety purposes). We camped at their usual spot, at the end of one trail. Around 150 other player-characters, plus maybe thirty non-player characters, set up elsewhere.

I'm 32 years old, and probably one of the oldest people there. My beard causes me to be mistaken for a dwarf at least once ("Sorry, this is the way I always look"), and it helps me shoot intimidating glares at teenagers looking for trouble. For all they know, I've been doing this since I was their age and am a master swordsman. Ha! I took a year's fencing lessons when I was 21, am somewhat out of shape, and am, after all, 32.

The over-arching story was hard to follow, but can be summed up now as: evil mummy returns to take over the world, but gets taken down at the end by his own descendents while the players beat the stuffing out of his outnumbered non-player character supporters.

But with so many people around, all with their own motivations and missions, things got violent. Last game, I was told, my friend's group got into three fights. We'd passed that by midnight Friday.

At 3 AM Saturday, we leapt out of our tents - in my case, wearing absolutely nothing but shorts - to repel a raid by seven dark elves. The seven dark elves, fully awake and in black robes, defeated the five semi-awake, mostly undressed knights that faced them - though we did take four of them down with us. When they left, our leader was angry and led us after them. We failed to find them, but got into three other fights in utter darkness. Some teenager brained me in the right eye with a padded club, badly distorting my glasses. We went to bed at 5 AM.

Up at 9, choking down breakfast before taking on some guard jobs at a village of shacks in the midst of the property. More fighting, as minotaurs, slavers, thugs, and elementals all attack. The elementals kill me, so my friends haul my carcass off to another camp for resurrection. This takes almost thirty minutes of real-time; I relax in a chair. Two minutes later after I start breathing again, monsters attack the camp and we have another fight.

We fight wave after wave of undead in the afternoon; I verbally abuse one group that arrives as I'm in the process of heading for the outhouse; one of the NPCs playing the undead doubles over laughing. Another gives me a resigned look when we face off together - she stands maybe five feet tall, and has a shortsword - I'm six feet, with a weapon twice as long.

Another battle happens later as a couple of us and a wizard escort our leader on a quest. We get jumped by a monster - a teenager wearing padding, a papier mache head, and a padded costume with foot-long claws. I paralyze the monster, and tell my friends that we should run. My buddy whacks the monster, ending the paralysis. It takes out our leader before I paralyze it again. My buddy whacks it a second time, ending the paralysis. I shout at my buddy to stop doing that, but I can't paralyze the monster anymore. Karma comes into play; the monster beats down my buddy.

Eventually, it's me and the monster, duelling it out with pauses when my leader gets up, tries to grab the treasure we seek, and falls down the hill. She does this four times, forcing the monster and I to break off combat to ensure she's actually okay.

During the fight, the monster whacks my shield, "breaking" it, so I toss it aside and use my sword two-handed. Oddly enough, this is more a problem for the monster than it is for me, because I have to change my fighting style from awkward block/weak swing to quick footwork and strong attacks. I handily defeat the monster in short order, and don't use the shield again all weekend.

Saturday night, we know the dark elves are coming, and we have a plan. Four characters from another team will help us ambush them on the trail to our camp, while our leader hides.

Problem 1: the dark elves wait until 3 AM to arrive.

Problem 2: our four supposed allies sit out the fight.

Problem 3: instead of the seven dark elves we faced the previous time, we face twenty, plus a monster, simultaneously. That's versus eight of us - our leader's hiding, and one of our knights is sleeping too hard to leave his tent.

We do better than the N-Squared Law would have me expect: we take down three of the baddies, losing six. I'm killed again. The two escapees manage to rescue two of the injured, while the remaining three are "tortured" and I lie on the ground with my head on a log, comfortably dead. It starts to rain, and the dark elves leave around 4:30.

Up again at 9:30 Sunday, fighting more undead before the big climax. Everybody's supposed to pick between one of two NPC champions to take down the big baddie. Our leader refuses to commit either way, and gets involved in an endless debate with several of her knights. I sigh and stand watch.

The big battle is an anti-climax. 160 player characters versus 30 NPCs doesn't last long, even if the NPCs are powerful enemies. The fight only just gets started when people from the ranch down the road arrive on horseback. They've got to pass right through the road we're all on to get home. We back up to give them room, but everybody's chattering away despite some efforts to quiet them. Since it'll spook the horses, I finally use my "bad dog" voice and shout "Silence! ", and two hundred people obey me . That's better than I fare with my dogs. The horses pass by, we wait, and then fight. Good triumphs.

We pack up in rain, and haul stuff to the car during thunder. We line up to report our earnings and lives lost amidst a torrential downpour - which I enjoy since it helps clean me off.

I got home at 9 last night, woke up at 5 for work, and staggered ineptly as only my left arm was feeling normal. I have blisters all over, several bruises and scratches, and I'm exhausted - but I'm at work.

Will I go again? I'll give it a second chance. If it's less violent, with more actual role-playing, I may stick with it. Otherwise, I can get all the same injuries working on my home and have more to show for it when I relax for a restful sleep without visits from dark elves...


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, August 30th 2004, 4:58pm

Nicely put... *rofl*

Looks like you had an interesting weekend. *ggg*

Being a roleplayer for 15+years now I never tried LARP. Is it always that violent? AFAIK it is not down here in Germany - as I heard from some friends with real-life "experience" as caster or cleric. Should be more roleplaying, shouldn´t it?

Nevertheless - if you do it again, do it right - and beat the heck out of your enemies instead of getting beaten all day long. Might save you from bruises. *smart grin*

Or maybe you should try playing a god or something. 200 people following your every word - not bad - even if it was only one word. *g*

Glad you made it back, Doc.



Monday, August 30th 2004, 5:20pm

Yes, as the Chinese curse says, "May you live in interesting times."

Everybody in my group was quite surprised at the amount of fighting - usually annoyed, too, since time spent fighting isn't spent roleplaying, really. They thought it was normal to get into a fight or two a day. As a result, the only story development their own characters really got came as a result of other people's actions (such as dark elf attacks). I wasn't really worried about developing my character, since I have the right to change it after my first game without losing my "experience".

A partial explanation is that the NPCs were bringing the big story to an end, and thus ratcheted up the violence quotient. Since it was also the last game, there were more people there, and they wanted something to do. Many preferred fighting to chatting.

The other factor, though, is that my friends' group is one of three with a reputation for acting quasi-coherently in battle - so all the NPCS thought they would have the most fun attacking us and these other groups - and not the groups of four kids. So we were a lightning rod.

Starting out every character with five lives probably doesn't help either - kinda reduces your fear of death a bit.

I will do it right next time, and stick with a two-handed sword. I found that my concentration was divided between blocking with my shield and attacking with my sword - so neither was overly effective. When it was just a sword, I could concentrate on attack or parry, had less weight to hold up, and could put more power behind my blows. That was useful for knocking aside smaller one-handed weapons and then hitting the enemy on the back-swing.

A god would be interesting, but I still have to start from scratch - so he'd be a feeble god. Maybe a god with one follower?

I'm actually thinking of coming back as a merchant. In-game, there's really not much to spend money on - pay people to attack or defend, buy items that may or may not be special, or buy pop from the "Tavern". If I can set up as an alchemist or pawn-broker type, I can park myself in one area, not fight so much (robbery would be an issue), and probably get rich. We'll see.


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 6:26am

Cool story! Too bad some of us wern't there to lend a hand! Now if you could just get a group of 4 to accompany you, you could up the force strength a bit, kick ass and take names.

I think I'm the 3rd oldest (30) in this SIM if your 32


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 10:28am

It sounds great fun. I'm not too keen on the role-playing bits but violence seems right up my street. How long were these fights lasting? About 10mins or less?


Cool story! Too bad some of us wern't there to lend a hand! Now if you could just get a group of 4 to accompany you, you could up the force strength a bit, kick ass and take names.

Yes, a Wesworld outing to go kick some people's ass. There are a few of us who have more than some knowledge of swords.


For all they know [the teenagers], I've been doing this since I was their age and am a master swordsman.

Well as one of those teenagers, I'm not really afraid of older people. They just give me a bigger target to hit. There is only 1 of the people I coach for fencing who is actually younger than me. Scaring people does seem a lot of fun though.

As for using; two-handed sword or sword and sheild. I think that the main problem would be using a weapon that is too long. With a sheild its best too have a short stabbing weapon. Block with the sheild and get close in before stabbing away at the ribs. With a two-handed broadsword you'll always be able to attack first due to the extra length. However after that you'll be at a disadvantage to someone with a shorter sword who can move quicker.


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 1:50pm

Most of the fights lasted less than five minutes. At one point, though, we fought the same six undead NPCs (representing successive waves, obviously), for at least a half hour. That, of course, had to be the combat that kept me from getting to the outhouse.

A Wesworld outing would be cool:

Wizard (pointing at me): "You're hit by a four point magic missile!"

Me (pointing at wizard): "You're hit by a pattern of six superheavy sixteen inch armor-piercing shells. Thanks for coming out."

Good assessment of the weapon mix - problem there is, stabbing weapons aren't allowed - you can only swing/slash. Although I'd have problems dealing with somebody trained in fencing such as yourself, most of the people there seem limited to generic hack and slash combat. We'll see how I adjust my character - if I'm part of the knightly order, fighting in line, I may opt for a smaller weapon. If I'm more of a lone skirmisher, with room to manuever or act aggressively, I think a longer weapon may still work for me.


For all they know [the teenagers], I've been doing this since I was their age and am a master swordsman.


Well as one of those teenagers, I'm not really afraid of older people. They just give me a bigger target to hit. There is only 1 of the people I coach for fencing who is actually younger than me. Scaring people does seem a lot of fun though.

Ah, but you see, I'm talking about scaring the teenagers looking for trouble, and not the teenagers, like yourself, who are trouble!


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 10:02pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
I think I'm the 3rd oldest (30) in this SIM if your 32

I know LA is older than me, and I'm 37, so sorry, but you are out of the medals!!!


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 11:27pm

"And a good time was had by all"

Perhaps next time you should try live-action chess! :)


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 11:28pm

I think I'm ahead of you all

I'm 44, although I'm also one of the fencers here. I've found that age and treachery beats youth, skill, and speed.


Tuesday, August 31st 2004, 11:48pm


Originally posted by AdmKuznetsov
I'm 44, although I'm also one of the fencers here. I've found that age and treachery beats youth, skill, and speed.

But a Smith & Wesson still beats four aces!!!


Wednesday, September 1st 2004, 6:11am

ok so I'm 5th oldest then.....

A mini gun always beats a Smith and Wesson!


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, September 1st 2004, 9:37am

Never expected I´d be among the youngest at 29 years.

Btw, I´m pretty sure alt_naval is also way above 30... ;o)


Wednesday, September 1st 2004, 9:55am

"Btw, I´m pretty sure alt_naval is also way above 30... ;o)"

Ok so I'm 6th oldest.........but a mini gun still beats a Smith and Wesson!!


Wednesday, September 1st 2004, 10:26am


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
A mini gun always beats a Smith and Wesson!

True, but it's abit akward to hide up your sleeve!!


Wednesday, September 1st 2004, 6:22pm

23.5 here

Would that be a S&W 500? :-D


Wednesday, September 1st 2004, 7:16pm

You have to hide it up your sleeve? Bah!!!