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Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 4:14am

Thailand 1941

January 3rd: The first of the Monarch class Corvettes is layed down in Bangkok. Two additional ships are to be constructed in various other shipyards.

January 10th: The first Dolphin II class sub is layed down in Bangkok. The other two units of the class are layed down in the following week in adjacent slipways.

January 12th: An announcement is made to the First Fleet informing them of a visit by one or more French ships to Sattahip beginning on the 27th of January.

January 20th: The cruisers Maha Chakrkri and Phucket both begin refitting.

[SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry for the lack of news on my part. New job and a few other things been consuming my free time until recently.[/SIZE]
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 4:40am

The French are coming!

January 27th.

The TNS Chakri Nareubet cruised under a fantastic sunrise. Smoke gently curled from her stacks, which the wind gently curled over the port quarter of the ship. The two destroyers that followed the bigger cruiser bobbed happily in the wake of there escortie. Lieutenant Commander Jaturun Chuang stood on the starboard wing of the bridge, sipping a cup of coffee to pry his eyes open. Turning back into the bridge, it was apparent that the steward had been through, as most of the crew now held steaming cups similar to his own. "How long until we reach the reandevu point?" Chuang asked. "About 20 nautical miles sir. We should get there about 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time if we hold heading and speed." "Good" Chuang replied "have the destroyers begin to fan out so we don't miss them." I need to talk to someone about geting a aircraft fitted on this tub. he thought to himself. After checking up on the operation of the cruiser and the events of the night, Chuang turned over the con and went below to get breakfast.

An hour and a half later, the Chakri Nareubet was cruising around in a lazy circle. Chuang could see the smoke plumes of the two destroyers several miles away doing the same thing. Additional lookouts had been posted to keep an eye out for the smoke that would signal the arival of the French aircraft carrier Vauban Chuang heard the wireless officers footsteps and turned to face him. "Sir, a message from DD-18, they have sighted the French and are moving to intercept." Chuang steped back into the bridge propor. "Send a message to DD-18. Be sure to render honors and let them know we are on our way to escort them to Sattahip. Let DD-21 know of the contact and tell them to follow us.

Ten minutes later, Chuang heard a wireless message from DD-18. "French ship Vauban, this is the Thai Navy Ship DD-18. We are with cruiser Chakri Nareubet who will be your escort to Sattahip. Chakri Nareubet is on course to reandevu with us. Welcome to Thailand."
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 5:17am

French Carrier Vauban, 35nm SSE of Sattahip
"Nice of the Siamese to send us a welcoming party," Capitaine de vaisseau Jean Delahaye commented aloud.

"I believe the name they're using these days is 'Thai', sir," Vauban's intelligence officer commented politely, without a hint of reproach in his voice.

"Yes, yes, Jacques-Yves; but when you're as old as I am, it's hard to break the habit," Delahaye replied. He stepped to the carrier's bridge rail. "Since we managed to be fashionably late to our rendezvous, let's at least render honours smartly."

The leading French destroyer, Albatros, drew abreast of the lead Thai ship, one of the modernized Chomburi-class destroyers, dipping her ensign; the sailors manning the rails saluted, and Captaine Delahaye nodded. Then Vauban slowly overtook the Thai ship, and repeated the performance. The process was repeated for the Thai flagship, Chakri Naruebet. The Thai vessels responded in turn.

"Professional sort," Delahaye mused. "They really ought to have some newer ships, though. Those old crates don't do them much justice." He glanced back at the lieutenant. "I know, I know, Jacques-Yves; I'll watch my outspoken opinions when we have visitors aboard."

"Yes sir," the lieutenant replied.

"Wipe that little grin off your face!" Delahaye said, but his light tone removed the rebuke. "You've been with me too long - you know me too well."


Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 3:36pm

Sattahip can be a very pleasant place to visit. I am certain that the French will enjoy themselves - the Thais can be very gracious hosts.


Thursday, July 14th 2011, 3:34am

On a slight rise outside of the harbor of Sattahip, a father and son sat perched on the hillside. The father was reading a newspaper when the son turned and asked "Anything noteworthy?" "Not much else" the father noted "The new Thailand National Aeronautical Corporation has reached an agreement with the Ibieran company Cievra for distributing there products to the Asian market." "Ah, well that is exinging news. What time is it?" the son replied. "Almost I think, hand me the binoculars will you?" As the father scaned the horizin, he saw a faint cloud of smoke on the horizen. "Take a look, I think that is them." The son took the binoculars, "Yes, I think that is. Have about an hour or so until we can see them I think." The father opened up a basket. "Gives us plenty of time to eat some lunch."

The pair were joined by several others as the day wore on. The single pair of binoculars were passed around as the ships came into view. Eventualy the small force of Thai and French ships was visable to the naked eye. By the time that the Vauban anchored near the Sri Ayuthia, most of the people had begun to filter down to the docks to see the ship up close. As they joined the crowds heading for the navy dock, the son said to the father, "The French ship is much larger then ours." "That is is son, hopefully we will get ships as big as that someday."
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 14th 2011, 4:44am

French Destroyer Albatros, Sattahip Harbour
"Good thing we brought the Vauban instead of the St. Cyr," Captaine de fregate Nicolas Beaumarchais remarked. "It would be poor form to send a ship that displaces more than half of their navy."

"It's not that bad, Captaine; but it would be showing off a bit," Captaine de vaisseau Paul Himly replied. "Makes me wonder if the Germans felt like giants when they visited a few months back." The destroyer division commodore chuckled. "Still, this should be an enjoyable port call."


Thursday, July 14th 2011, 11:54pm

Admiral Bunyakhup walked down the pier with several other officers and local political leaders. Ahead of them, the massive shape of the Vauban floated near Bunyakhup's flagship. She is not as big as the German ships that visited, but still larger then anything we have. he thought to himself. Unlike the visit from the Germans, this time he was the senior representative. "Remember," he said to the other representatives, "Protical is to be observed at all times. Ask before touching anything technical." A scattering of "Yes Sir", "I understand" and at least one "For the tenth time, yes" answered in response. "Good" Bunyakhup said.

Several minuets later when Bunyakhup and the rest of the delegation had reached the area around the Vauban's gangplank, Captain Jean Delahaye and several other men stood waiting. Bunyakhup approached Delahaye and said in accented English, "I am Admiral Bunyakhup, Commander of the Thai Navy's First fleet. It is my honor to welcome you to Sattahip and to Thailand."
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Friday, July 15th 2011, 5:33am

Delahaye returned Admiral Bunyakip's salute. "Thank you, Admiral. I'm Captaine de Vaisseau Jean Delahaye, captain of the carrier Vauban and acting-commander of Carrier Squadron Two. Contreamiral Deschamps was unable to join us, as he was taken ill shortly before we departed Cam Ranh Bay; he remained ashore to recuperate. He extended his apologies and hopes he will be able to visit your country at some other point. Allow me to introduce my officers..."


Wednesday, August 3rd 2011, 4:00am

Snorkel development capers

Excerpt from an internal document of the Thai Navy:

To: CnC, First Fleet

From: Adirake Saranuchit, Cheif Engineer of Project Lathar (Gill)

Subject: Update on Project Lathar

I wish to update you on the efforts of me and my team on adding the ability of giving our submarines the ability to opperate entirely submerged. The Dutchman J.J. Wichers has been most helpful in setting up our research and development facilities. Things are moving much quicker then expected, thanks to the Dutch help. We expect to have a working prototype within the next few weeks. While this prototype will not be suitable for deployment on a submarine, we expect to have a version capable of sea deployment soon after testing the static prototype. Would it be possible to requisition one of the 1st Fleet's Perla class subs for use as a test ship for the prototype when it is ready for sea deployment?
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon