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Saturday, April 8th 2006, 5:28pm

PRJ alliance defence plans.Joint Naval operations

(OOC:its basicly the same thing I wrote regarding of defence of poland.
Naval tactics are the same as ones for poland that i wrote earlier.Armed freaigthers MAS in enemy harbour, sabotage etr...)

The following document is top secret.

The newly created alliance have radicly change poland romanian and yugoslavian military situation.
Defence plans from made before the allince have preaty much lost there importance.

Defence plans in event of war with any of its naybours.
Treat level of any of the countrys is not a political ,only nations militery power.All countrys that have land or sea border are in this document.
The alliance that those countrys are ommited.

List of countrys in alfabatical order

-United Kingdom

treat level
Former enemy of Yugoslavia is no longer a treat in any way

treat level

Bulgaria has land border with two states Yugoslavia and Rumania.
In event of war poland will send its land forces to Yugoslavia and Romanian teritory.Bulgarian navy in the Black sea will be engaged by Romanian fleet the appert equality of Romanian and Bulgarian forces will make a direct aproche to the combat posible.
Yugoslavian naval forces will attack Bulgarian shiping in the middleterenian and adriatic.
Polish navy will venture to the atlantic to attack bulgarian navy there.

Treat level

Czechoslovakia has border with Poland and Romania.
NO navy and no sealines so the navy will sit this one out.

Treat level

At sea Denmarks navy has an enormous advantege.
They will block any sea lines to baltic and may attempt to block romanian and Yugoslavia navy in the middletreanian.
In the baltic they will figth polish navy with out any posibilty of aid from other countrys.
PRJ is not able to attack Denmark on its own soil and Denmark has posibility to launch an invasion of poland but little chance of succes in prolonge combat they simply do not have the man power to go toe to teo with us on land.

Treat lavel

Germany has land border with poland only.
Germanys manpower is about equal with oures they have how ever larger Industial capability in prolonge conflict they will out bild us.
War with germany will be an land war germany.Oure navy
will try to disrupt german shiping but it will be at a lusing position plus germany is not dependant on sea supply's.
Germany will most likly captrure the polish coust.Germany is a treat to poland poland may loose it independence it this conflict or atleast its western teritories.
Marching Yugoslavian and romanian forces trou neutral teritoris is not an option. Hard terain and addition of more states to germanys war effort will be a bad decision.

Treat level

Greece has land border with Yugoslavia only.
Greece navy is able to destroy Yugoslavian and Romanian navys.Polish anvy may attept to attack Greece shiping in the atlantic but maddleteranian and adriatic will be Greece area of control black sea will be contested area.
PRJ has large manpower advantege in over greece but no industrial advantege.Yugoslavia will be the main area of war. Marching Romanian and Polish forces trou bulgaria is an option that will in turn give Greece and Bugaria a industrial advantege how ever and is to be attempted only in the event of extremly bad situation in Yugosavian front.

Treat level

Istabul dose not have manpower to be a treat its navy will never be a treat to oure force.Istambul has sea border with Romania but no land border what so ever sea invasion is the best way to defeat Istambul.
Marching forces trou Romania isnt an option it will just expand the conflict and isnt neccesery.

Treat level

Italy has both sea and land border with Yugoslavia
Its industry is supperior to oures.The entire middleterenian will be there play ground polish navy in the atlantic will not be any thing more that inconviniece.
Italy has however smaller manpower war of attrition is to be used they cannot take man power losses the same way that were can.
Marching armies trou neutral teritory is not an optios simple becose its to far away and will only give allies too Italy.

Treat level

Land and sea borders with poland.
Oure joint forces have the man power and industry to simply crush lithuania.Oure mobiliastion plans will allow one to one ratio.One PRJ soliger for every man women and child in lituania

Treat lavel

Lotva has sea border with poland.In the event of war we can lounche sea invasion of Lotwa or simply march oure force trou Lithuanian.Ither way no treat.

Treat level

Nordmark has sea border with Poland.
Nordmark fleet is way more powerfull it is able to close baltic to us atlantic will propably close ocean to us too in Middleturrenian they will have a advantege over oure forces.They can invade poland from sea.They have bigger industry only are we have advantege is trou manpower.
But we cannot march forces trou neutrl countrys
Marching force trou Lithuania and Litva is posible but marching forces true forget that.
Nordmark cannot treaten polish independence.
They may try to capture polish coust but they will have large problems defending it.


Treat lavel

Sea border with Romania
Turkey have Industrial and man power to be a treat too us.In the black sea will be the main treaty of operation trying to prevent turkish invasion of Romania but they will brake oure defence eventualy they have better goegrapic position they can concentrate there efforts on this teater of operation and block reiforcment from poland and yugoslavia.The first oure action in the war is to invade istambul this inturn will reqaier use of join naval and land operation it we are to have a chance to defete Turkey we must have istamul that how ever in long run reqaire to march oure armys trou bulgaria.War with turkey is foght defencivly is a chalenge if we try to attack turkey directly we will be open to attack from any other direction.
Taking defencive stance will eventualy lead to turkish invasion of romania.They can march there armys trou istambul and Bulgaria but that will just play in too oure hands as we will not have to do it oureself's

Treat level

Russia has land and sea borders with Poland and Romania
Russia can cut Poland from Romania qait easly.
Russia has larger industry and larger man power.
Only thing that we can do to them is to cut of its Black sea fleet form reinforcemts but if they try to break trou middleterenian to Black sea they are certainly caplebla in doing that it just be costly to them,but russians anver feard taking losses to acheva a goal.
The main front will be polands and Romanians borders but Yugoslavia is not safe from the attack.In war with russia we all may luse oure independence.

United Kingdom
Treat level

United kingdom posesions in the middle turrenian have sea border with Yugoslavia.United kingdom has larger industry but about equal or slightly infirior man power
UK may try to invade yugoslavia.that will bring large loses to there forces.
Royal Navy is able to destroy any of oure sea going ships in the middleterenian.they will win naval supremacy in the adriatic.,black sea will also not be safe.
The treat level is rated as low to high becose war with us will be a supply nightmare they will have to bring there supplys either trou middleterenian wich will not be safe for them or aroung africa.They are also able to invade poland trou baltic that are the only power that can force us to figth a war on too fronts.We can figth them on the beaches and prevent them from breaking in side oure nations.They are a real treat but we can take more loses that they can,yes they can win but at what cost.
And we can also blead them dry and sue for peace if we dont manege to chase them away from oure soil.All in all we cannot hurt them they can hurt us.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 12:23pm

Yugoslavian Navy bilding plan

Yugoslavia dose not have sufftient naval infrastructure to bild its navy by it self it is however interested in bilding ships in allied navy yards.

Yugoslavia naval bilding plan is as follows.

2 Armoured Cruisers
12 destroyers
10 Submarines

Main teather of operation is the Adriatic.
Yugoslavia will allways be at a disadvantege, only other power in the region allready have large advantage over Yugoslavia there for Yugoslavia will bild a fleet of fast and torpedo heavy ships.
Yugoslavia wish to bild large destroyer leaders with heavy torpedo armament.Gun armament is to consist of small caliber fast firing guns.
that force will be supplemented by the Peggy Brown project ships.

Submarines will be of shorter renge and displacment.

other that the core fleet small fast torpedo boats will be the main defence of the coust.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 12:31pm

Romanian Navy bilding plan

Romania is aiming at bilding a following fleet

2 Battleship
4 Armoured Cruisers
8 Light cruisers
16 Destroyers
6 submarines

All romanian ships will base its fire power on altylery armament.
Light cruisers will have little in a way of torpedo armament but will carry heavy guns 8 to 9 150mm guns is viewed as best.
Destroyers will be continuation of Vr.30 design.
135mm cannons will be used
Subarines will of small coustal type.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 12:41pm

Polish navy bilding plan

Polish navy plans change with joining PRJ.
Now poland is obligated to be able to soport its allies.
Althou transfer of warships betwin the teathers of operations willbe next to imposible in war time we must now be able to have that posibilyty
The addition too fleet are as follows

2 battleships
2 Armourd Cruisers
2 light cruisers
12 destroyers
10 fleet torpedoboats
12 submarines

Destroyers are to be of two types
Fleet leaders of heavy altylery armament and Peggy Brown project ships
Second cruiser of improved conrad class is too be bild.
Submarines are to be improved nordmart type are too be bild.
Fleet torpedo boats of Chart II class ships.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 1:35pm

I doubt Turkey would be marching through Byzantium to get to Romainia, unless they want to break a few treatys with Atlantis and spark Greece to take action as well.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 1:50pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
I doubt Turkey would be marching through Byzantium to get to Romainia, unless they want to break a few treatys with Atlantis and spark Greece to take action as well.

Well thats just me with my total war mindset.
When You are told from early years that WWIII is coming.
And You are leard to shoot at school.
Actualy no one is view as a treat,but
"Si vis pacemparabellum"
Fear You naybour


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 2:29pm




Lotva has sea border with poland.In the event of war we can lounche sea invasion of Lotwa or simply march oure force trou Lithuanian.Ither way no treat.

I know your document is Top Secret, and so the Russian government does not know its contents (yet), however a Polish General Staff planner would know the following facts about Latvia and would keep them in mind when preparing plans concerning Latvia.

While I agree that Latvia is no threat to Poland, the Polish Armed Forces would find it extremely difficult to invade Latvia, especially by sea. Latvia has a Treaty of Mutual Assistance with Russia, and the Russian Armed Forces maintain a Coast Artillery installation near Ventspils and a Naval Air Station outside Riga. The Coast Artillery Installation includes a battery of 4 420mm/53 guns in 2 twin turrets, supported by a variety of smaller artillery.

Here's a link to the guns:

The remainder of Latvia's coastline is patrolled by the Latvian Navy, for which Latvia has 2 factories, 1 S1, 1 D1, and 2 S0. These facilities are not counted in Russia's infrastructure totals, since Latvia remains an independent country.

The Treaty of Mutual Assistance provides for provides for mutual defense, consultation in times of crisis, cooperation in the areas of intelligence, air and coast defense, and coordination between the respective General Staffs. Though there are Russian investments in Latvian railroads and port facilities, the Russian Federation government does not attempt to involve itself in internal Latvian politics.

Here's the story of how this alliance came to be:…76bb3e8cd8949cd…76bb3e8cd8949cd…76bb3e8cd8949cd…76bb3e8cd8949cd…76bb3e8cd8949cd…76bb3e8cd8949cd

Now, you might want to try getting an insurgency going there in the event of war, since the Treaty of Mutual Assistance with Russia is not very popular in Latvia, but direct invasion by Poland is just not going to happen.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 3:21pm

Well the document counts any nation without counting its allies or enemys.
If I added them then war with russia we add France to the mix.
war with turkey or greece we add an ally to PRJ in form of Greece or turkey respectivly.
All above plans in event of attack of that country at any of PRJ members.
PRJ is a defencive and ecconomical alliance not a agresive one.
Alone each country feared its more powerfull neybours together they stand a chance in defending them selfs.

If there will be a (wes)world war two I will lose sooner or latter and inviting war by attacking inflants(Lithuania Lotwa)
Is a bad idea on every level.

Political istation is:
Yugoslavia is greatfull to Russia for coming to there aid in the great war and will veto every move that may be view as agresive by russia.

Poland is trying its best too forget any wrong doings by Russia and germany the former occupants.

Rumania is preaty much schizofremic it see's a enemy under every rock behind every tree.

Well I treat romanias unfairly but my friend that is Romanian and just happend's too be schizofremic.

Im trying too make PRJ look like the Three headed gigant from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
One body three heads three voices and opinions


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 4:24pm


Threat level

Italy has both sea and land borders with Yugoslavia.
It's industry is superior to ours'. The entire Meditterenean will be their play ground. Polish Navy in the Atlantic will not be any thing more than an inconveniance.
Italy has however smaller manpower. A war of attrition is to be used as they cannot take man power losses to the same extent that we can.
Marching armies through neutral territory is not an option simply because it is too far away and will only give allies to Italy.

Italy has smaller manpower than Yugoslavia or than PRJ? Population of Italy during this period is around 40million.

The thing is I've gone for a really small army of only 25 divisions. The thing is that it is a professional army and not conscript, i.e. the soldiers serve full-time for periods of 10-15-20 years or more. The army is geared towards defensive fighting in fortifications and in mountain terrain.

There wouldn't be much left of any Yugoslavian navy within 2 days or so if a war was to occur. The Polish Navy is somehow going to sortie around Danmark and Iberia in order to get to Italy to be promptly sunk when it gets there. I'm sure Italy can apply some diplomatic pressure on Turkey to refuse Romanian ships passage through the Bosphorous and Dardanelles. I'd say my position is pretty strong.

One more thing; remember what happened last time Yugoslavia had a battleship - it got sunk within hours by 2 Italian sailors.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 6:34pm


Originally posted by Red Admiral

Italy has smaller manpower than Yugoslavia or than PRJ? Population of Italy during this period is around 40million.

The entire PRJ

Yugoslavia ~10 million
Poland ~30 million
Romania ~20 million
about 60million


There wouldn't be much left of any Yugoslavian navy within 2 days or so if a war was to occur. The Polish Navy is somehow going to sortie around Danmark and Iberia in order to get to Italy to be promptly sunk when it gets there. I'm sure Italy can apply some diplomatic pressure on Turkey to refuse Romanian ships passage through the Bosphorous and Dardanelles. I'd say my position is pretty strong.

Yes your position is weary strong
But polish anvy will not sortie trou gibraltar it will operate Armed freighters. too and try and sink civilian shiping as I writen in the paper on polish naval planing those ship have life expentycy of 1 week in the atlantic.

But as with any other major neyboring powers PRJ can only defend itself but is in little position to take the battle to the enemy.
But with yugoslavian you naver know they did defeted italians and then germans in world war II only one that liberated them self with out the nead too be rescued by russians or americans/british


One more thing; remember what happened last time Yugoslavia had a battleship - it got sunk within hours by 2 Italian sailors.

We must remeber that Italy was allied with Yugoslavia (then Serbia) and that was realy nice of italy to worry about that Yugoslavia may not be able too sopport the captured weasle and sunk it.
But Yes Yugoslavia will not be able too have a BB thats why no such ships are planed


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 9:57pm


Originally posted by Red Admiral
I'm sure Italy can apply some diplomatic pressure on Turkey to refuse Romanian ships passage through the Bosphorous and Dardanelles. I'd say my position is pretty strong.

What pay tell could Italy do to convince Turkey to get involved in a war that doesn't concern them? Any attempts at forcing them to take any action will likely draw pressure from Atlantis thereby escalating the situation. Russia would also likely have a few things to say too.

Byzantium is on the other side of the Dardanelles and is under the full protection of FAR nations.

You could also risk forcing Turkey to back the PRJ with any heavy handed tactics.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 10:08pm


You could also risk forcing Turkey to back the PRJ with any heavy handed tactics.

Of course then Greece has its hands full choosing sides.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 10:12pm

I suppose they could, then again they may simply wait till outcome of the war is more clear and choose the side that gives them the most benifit.

What the PRJ needs is a land coridor between Poland and Romania to make those 60 million figures really count.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 11:00pm


What pay tell could Italy do to convince Turkey to get involved in a war that doesn't concern them?

Turkey get involved? Military vessels from any nation are required to have Turkey's permission before going through the Bosphorous. What to do? Ask nicely, then withdraw from further arms deals, then side with Greece and assist them in destroying Turkey. All hypothetically of course.

There is a land corridor between Poland and Romania.


Sunday, April 9th 2006, 11:35pm

Never assume a nation will react like you think they will. I've been disappointed too many times in real life to know that.


Monday, April 10th 2006, 12:50am


Originally posted by Red Admiral


What pay tell could Italy do to convince Turkey to get involved in a war that doesn't concern them?

Turkey get involved? Military vessels from any nation are required to have Turkey's permission before going through the Bosphorous.

....and now Byzantium as well. Turkeys Neutral stance would likely treat all party's equally.


Originally posted by Red Admiral
What to do? Ask nicely....

May or may not work depending on how "nicely" ;-)


Originally posted by Red Admiral
...then withdraw from further arms deals

Turkey has found quite a few weapons suppliers since 1921 such as Germany, India and occationally the SAE. Italy has basically shot herself in the foot by selling weapons with one hand and arranging naval agreements with the UK that give Greece further free reign in the Med. on the other hand. Cutting off sales at this point really dosn't make much difference.

Given the choice between fairweather freinds and loyal freinds Turkey will always choose the latter.


Originally posted by Red Admiral
...then side with Greece and assist them in destroying Turkey. All hypothetically of course.

If Greece is pro PRJ that may be difficult, they may pressure Turkey to allow access.

If they are neutral it may be possible but only if Turkey decides to join in on the conflict (which isn't likely).

As Turkey is not an allie of Italy nor a signatory of any treaty involving Italy they can't be forced to refuse passage to any nation. Disreguarding a nations Nuetrality will do wonders for ones public image.

Atlantis would also likely get involved given its own interests in the region, Byzantium is just as much a buffer zone as it is a free nation.


Monday, April 10th 2006, 1:01am

Greece: *sits quietly stroking white cat in lap*


Monday, April 10th 2006, 1:02am

....and pinky firmly in corner of mouth?


Monday, April 10th 2006, 4:50pm

Any way...any war in wesworld will have a domino effect.
Balcans are one of powder keg's in wesworld.

All in all.I play 3 minor continental power that together form a preaty powerfull continental power(althou with split
But its still has three sepret fleet that together dosent pose a treat too anybody, all those fleets can do is too be annoying too its enemy nothing more.
So diplomacy is the order of the day


Monday, April 10th 2006, 5:59pm


Turkey has found quite a few weapons suppliers since 1921 such as Germany, India and occationally the SAE. Italy has basically shot herself in the foot by selling weapons with one hand and arranging naval agreements with the UK that give Greece further free reign in the Med. on the other hand.

Huh? Italy cannot make GB do anything. She is free to make whatever agreements with whatever countries she likes. Does the current arrangement (whatever it is) give Greece a free reign in the Med. ? Definitely not as last time I checked, Italy, Iberia and France all have a conisderable presence in the region.

Germany, India and SAE are all a long, long way away from Turkey.


Disreguarding a nations Nuetrality will do wonders for ones public image.

Everyone seems to dislike Italy anyway simply because they practise realpolitik rather than fluffy-bunnypolitik.


Atlantis would also likely get involved given its own interests in the region

Janus springs to life again, this time as the mystical country Turklantis....