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Friday, May 14th 2010, 1:42pm

Yugoslavian News 1936/37

Excerpt from The Times, London

Monday, 28 December, 1936 – Belgrade

This morning His Majesty King Alexander summoned to the Novi Dvor Nikola Karasec, leader of the National Democratic Party, and asked him to form a new government to succeed that of Zoran Lorkovic. Mr. Karasec’s party emerged victorious in last week’s parliamentary elections, with a clear mandate from the electorate to lead Yugoslavia in a fresh direction.

After conferring with The King for more than an hour, Mr. Karasec emerged to address a large group of supporters and the press. He briefly announced the principal members of the Cabinet, and promised to complete his ministerial slate within days. Mr. Karasec’s announced the appointment of Milan Stojadinovic as Foreign Minister, Pavel Tudman as Finance Minister, Petar Stambolic as Minister of Defence, and Ivan Subasic as Minister of the Interior. Of note was the inclusion of Boris Furlan as Minister without Portfolio.

The National Democratic Party campaigned on a platform of internal reform and development at home and cooperation with all nations abroad to maintain peace and stability, both in Europe and throughout the world. Sources suggest that the National Democratic victory will signal a reorientation of Yugoslavia’s defence posture, but the exact direction of such a change, if it comes to pass, is not known at this time. When questioned on the topic Mr. Karasec responded,

“We seek prosperity at home and peace abroad; and I am willing to work with any citizen of this nation, and with the powers of Europe, to achieve this. I shall put the good of *The Nation* before region, before party and before the individual. The people have given us this mandate, and we shall go forward hand-in-hand, Crown and People, to fulfill the potential that is Yugoslavia!”


Friday, May 14th 2010, 1:56pm

Poland's Foreign Ministry congratulate on mister Karasec on his appointment and wishes to continue its good relations with Yugoslavia.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:01pm

The Germany government sends it's congratulations to the new Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, and privately hopes that the top of the Balkan powder-keg can remain firmly closed.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:06pm


Originally posted by Hrolf Hakonson
The Germany government sends it's congratulations to the new Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, and privately hopes that the top of the Balkan powder-keg can remain firmly closed.

Through diplomatic back-channels the Yugoslav government respectfully inquires whether the German Government would be willing to receive a permanent Yugoslav diplomatic mission in Berlin. :)


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:09pm

Bharati intelligence finds interesting the number of important politicians originally born in Croatia and Slovenia being named to Ministries. Slovenia and parts of Croatia are currently in WW under the rule of the Italian Republic.

On an official note the Bharati government sent their congratulations to the new Yugoslavian Government.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (May 14th 2010, 2:13pm)


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:09pm


Originally posted by Marek Gutkowski
Poland's Foreign Ministry congratulate on mister Karasec on his appointment and wishes to continue its good relations with Yugoslavia.

Prime Minister Karasec gratefully acknowledges the kind words of the Polish Government and indicates that the Foreign Minister, Mister Tudman, will soon announce the appointment of a new Yugoslav minister in Warsaw.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:10pm

Tran Phu Ko, the chinese Ambassador in Yugoslavia, sends the congratulations of the chinese government to the new Prime Minister of Yugoslavia.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:23pm


Originally posted by parador
Tran Phu Ko, the chinese Ambassador in Yugoslavia, sends the congratulations of the chinese government to the new Prime Minister of Yugoslavia.

Prime Minister Karasec gratefully accepts the congratulations tendered by Ambassador Ko, and expresses his hopes that Yugoslavia and China may continue their long-standing friendly relations and enter into an era of even greater cooperation to the mutual benefit of their people.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:37pm


Originally posted by BruceDuncan


Originally posted by Hrolf Hakonson
The Germany government sends it's congratulations to the new Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, and privately hopes that the top of the Balkan powder-keg can remain firmly closed.

Through diplomatic back-channels the Yugoslav government respectfully inquires whether the German Government would be willing to receive a permanent Yugoslav diplomatic mission in Berlin. :)

Absolutely, if there wasn't one already. (I think there was, otherwise the German government might have had some difficulty approving the sales of various military hardware to Yugoslavia (bombers, submarines, artillery and half-track prime movers) that have occurred.)


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:52pm


Absolutely, if there wasn't one already. (I think there was, otherwise the German government might have had some difficulty approving the sales of various military hardware to Yugoslavia (bombers, submarines, artillery and half-track prime movers) that have occurred.)

An official announcement will be forthcoming. However, if you could send me a PM with the details of what Germany has sold Yugoslavia I would appreciate it. What I have found so far doesn't seem to mention submarines, artillery or 'tracks.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 2:55pm


Originally posted by perdedor99
Bharati intelligence finds interesting the number of important politicians originally born in Croatia and Slovenia being named to Ministries. Slovenia and parts of Croatia are currently in WW under the rule of the Italian Republic.

On an official note the Bharati government sent their congratulations to the new Yugoslavian Government.

The Yugoslav Government officially acknowledges the kind sentiments of the Bharati Government.

Unofficially, Bharati Intelligence may draw what conclusions it wishes. 8)


Friday, May 14th 2010, 3:35pm

Chile's ambassador to Belgrade sends his congratulations.


The Republic of Ireland's ambassador sends his congratulations.


Tsar Boris sends a nice handwritten note, a bottle of wine, and a box of his famous hand-rolled cigars.


Interesting ministers. I like Stojadinovic policy rundown from Wikipedia; Petar Stamboli, on the other hand, sounds like trouble.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 3:56pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine
Chile's ambassador to Belgrade sends his congratulations.


The Republic of Ireland's ambassador sends his congratulations.


Tsar Boris sends a nice handwritten note, a bottle of wine, and a box of his famous hand-rolled cigars.


Interesting ministers. I like Stojadinovic policy rundown from Wikipedia; Petar Stamboli, on the other hand, sounds like trouble.

Prime Minister Karasec happily accepts the congratulations of the Chilean Government and expresses his hopes for continued good relations between Yugoslavia and Chile; the Foreign Minister advises that a new ambassador to Chile will soon be appointed.

Prime Minister Karasec acknowledges and gratefully accepts the kind sentiments of the Irish Government; the Foreign Minister advises that a new ambassador to Ireland will soon be appointed.


The Prime Minister responds with a private note,

"Your Majesty - I humbly thank you for you kind gifts and sentiments. I accept them as tokens of friendship between our two nations and hope that eternal peace will reign between us."


The names are more for my convenience than anything else; please do not draw deep conclusions from the OTL career of any individual; as we all know, things here in WW are different :)


Friday, May 14th 2010, 5:07pm

Russian Federation Foreign Minister Litvinov

congratulates Prime Minister Karasec and looks forward to continued mutually beneficial Russian-Yugoslav relations.


Friday, May 14th 2010, 8:01pm

RE: Russian Federation Foreign Minister Litvinov


Originally posted by AdmKuznetsov
congratulates Prime Minister Karasec and looks forward to continued mutually beneficial Russian-Yugoslav relations.

On behalf of the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Stojadinovic replies -

"We thank the Russian Government for its generous and kind sentiments and Yugoslavia looks forward to improving relations with Russia and its people. It is our hope that an exchange of diplomatic representatives can be arranged at the earliest possible moment."


Saturday, May 15th 2010, 12:56pm

The Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax sends a telegram from London congratulating Prime Minister Karasec on the formation of his new government and hopes of good diplomatic relations with Great Britain.

Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister Eduardo Smith also sends a telegram of congratualtions.


Saturday, May 15th 2010, 1:41pm


Originally posted by Hood
The Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax sends a telegram from London congratulating Prime Minister Karasec on the formation of his new government and hopes of good diplomatic relations with Great Britain.

Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister Eduardo Smith also sends a telegram of congratualtions.

Foreign Minister Stojadinovic acknowledges the kind sentiments expressed by Lord Halifax and expresses the hope that the historic ties between Yugoslavia and the United Kingdom may be strengthened in the future to the benefit of both nations.

The Foreign Minister also gratefully acknowledges the good wishes of the Argentine Government.


Saturday, May 15th 2010, 3:28pm

The Latvia ambassador appears, in person, to convey his congragualations and hopes for a fine relation between Latvia and Yugoslavia. As a gift, he brings with him as a gift a bottle of the finest Latvian Schnapps.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "TexanCowboy" (May 15th 2010, 3:28pm)


Saturday, May 15th 2010, 3:38pm


Originally posted by TexanCowboy
The Latvia ambassador appears, in person, to convey his congragualations and hopes for a fine relation between Latvia and Yugoslavia. As a gift, he brings with him as a gift a bottle of the finest Latvian Schnapps.

Prime Minister Karasec gratefully accepts the gift proffered by the Latvian ambassador, pours glasses for himself, the ambassador and for Minister without Portfolio Furlan, who was present at the time of the ambassador's courtesy call. He offers a toast,

"To the continued peace of Europe"


Saturday, May 15th 2010, 3:40pm


Originally posted by BruceDuncan
...Minister without Portfolio Furlan

He have a daughter named Mia? :D