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Wednesday, May 18th 2005, 7:09pm

Turkey Q3/27

*To be revised if needed*

A. Industrial Allocation

3/6 factories (non-fixed) to naval materials: 3,000 tons created for Q3/1927 + 300 tons stockpiled from Q2/27 = 3,300 tons, 2,700 tons used, 300 tons stockpiled for next quarter

3/6 factories (non-fixed) to infrastructure development: 0.3 points for Q3/1927

B. Infrastructure Development

0.0 points put into new factory # 7, 9.2 points needed, 0.8 points used, 0.0 points added, construction suspended
0.3 points transfered to South Africa (0.2) and Italy (0.1)

C. Naval Construction

Istambul Type 2 port (4/5)

type 3 drydock #1 - finnished upgrading from type 2
type 1 drydock #1 - Idle
type 0 slip #1 - Idle
type 0 slip #2 - Idle

Izmit Type 3 Port

type 3 drydock #1 - PC Hamidieh rebuilding, 212 tons needed, 1,551 tons used, 212 tons added
type 1 drydock #1 - Idle


type 3 drydock #1 - PC Medjidieh rebuilding, 152 tons needed, 1351 tons used, 152 tons added
type 0 drydock #1 - Minelayer Timsah building, 188 tons needed, 600 tons used, 188 tons added
type 0 drydock #2 - Minelayer Reshanieh building, 188 tons needed, 600 tons used, 188 tons added

Icel Type 1 Port (3/3)

type 0 slip #1 - Idle
type 0 slip #2 - Idle
type 0 drydock #1 - Minelayer Malatia building, 188 tons needed, 600 tons used, 188 tons added

Trabzon Type 1 port (1/3)

type 1 drydock #1 - Minelayer Idjlalieh building, 188 tons needed, 600 tons used, 188 tons added

Launched ships being completed:


Ships completed and on trials

Patrol boats PB 7-12 on trials

Summary of ship building/repairs/rebuilds and convertions.

AC Ulic Ali Reis undergoing rebuild in Italian yard
PC Medjidieh undergoing rebuild into CL
PC Hamidieh undergoing rebuild into CL
Minelayers Timsah, Reshanieh, Malatia and Idjlalieh building
Patrol boats PB 7-12 on trials

D. Transactions

Transfer of 0.2 IPs can be payed in Q3/27 to SAE for 88mm plans and 4.1" guns
Transfer of 0.1 IPs can be payed in Q3/27 to Italy for Spica design plans

Transfer of 312 tons of warship Materials to Italy for rebuild of AC Ulic Ali Reis
BB Dante Alighieri and AC San Marco leased from Italy, transaction complete.

Total of 312 tons transfered to Italy this Quarter.

Summary of deals with Italy

Ulic Ali Reis rebuild, cost: 6312, ammount payed as of end of this quarter: 6312
BB/AC lease deal, Cost 2992, Ammount payed as of Q3/26: 2992

Total amount owed: 9304, total amount payed as of end of this quarter: 9304

E. Other Notes

Protected Cruiser Ulic Ali Reis undergoing rebuild (in Italy) into CA
Protected Cruiser Hamidieh undergoing rebuild into CL
Protected Cruiser Medjidieh undergoing rebuild into CL
4x Timsah class Minelayers building (Timsah, Reshanieh, Malatia and Idjlalieh
Armoured cruiser Muin-I-Zaffer scrapping
Gunboats Marmaris and Malatia scrapping

F. Updated Order of Battle, 7/1/27

Note: X(Y)+Z = completed/in service (under repair/refit/rebuild) + under construction.

BB: 2(0)0 *Dante Alighieri leased from Italy*
BC: 1(0)0
PD: 2(0)0
AC: 1(1)0 *San Marco leased from Italy, Ulic Ali Reis reclassed as CA due to rebuild*
CA: 0(1)0 *Ulic Ali Reis reclassed as CA due to rebuild*
PC: 2(2)0 *Protected Cruisers Hamidieh and Medjidieh reclassed as CL due to rebuild*
CL: 2(2)0 *Protected Cruisers Hamidieh and Medjidieh reclassed as CL due to rebuild*
DD: 16(0)0
Torpedo boats: 6(0)0
Sloops: 7(0)0
Frigates: 0(0)0
Torpedo gunboats: 0(0)0
Gunboats 8(0)0
Patrol vessels 12(0)0
Mine sweepers 6(0)0
Minelayers 3(0)4
Mine warfare ships 0(0)4
Sub chasers 24(0)0
Motor Launches 9(0)0
Fleet Submarine: 0(0)0
Coastal Submarine:0(0)0
Floatplane carrier/tenders 0(0)0
destroyer depot ships 2(0)0
Submarine depot ships 0(0)0
Auxillary's N/A


Tuesday, June 14th 2005, 8:04am

Edited for errors!