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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Friday, August 17th 2007, 3:11pm

SAE newsflash Q4/34

[Yeah, it took some time. Sorry.... Better late than never, eh?^^]

Bahia Blanca. In Bahia Blanca military high ranks of Argentina, Brazil and the SAE met for consultation. Initiated by field commanders of both the Argentinean and South African army the meeting was held to find an answer how blue on blue incidents like on the 22nd of September could be avoided. Finally the attendees agreed on draping flags or coloured panels on vehicles to aid recognition from ground and air. The colours agreed on are Azure Blue (Argentina), Yellow (SAE) and Bright Green for Brazil.

Durban. Battleship RSAN Koning Hendrik started her voyage of over 9,000 miles to Peru. The cruise will take 31 days with a planned average speed of 12kn and is at the edge of what the class can achieve without refuelling. The route will bring the ship around Cape Horn an up the pacific coast of South America. Accompanied by light cruiser Blantyre II the battleship will reach Peru in early November. Once handed over to her new owner the light cruiser will bring back her crew to the city of Montevideo where they will form the core crew of the brand new behemoth RSAN Conqueror.

With the delivery of Koning Hendrik to Peru the 2nd Battle Squadrons first division in Durban will cease to exist. Former second division, light cruisers Yaounde and Brazzaville, will be deployed to Port Elizabeth to form a new unit with RSAN Triumph. The brand new battlecruiser is currently completing trials and will enter fleet service in about two weeks.

Mar del Plata. RSAN Eberlanzia, minesweeper of the 8th Minesweeper Flotilla, successfully intercepted a freighter carrying tons of infantry weapons. On patrol 110 miles NNE of Mar del Plata the ship was last in a row of minesweepers at sea as patrol boats to enforce the governments decision not to let any arms smuggler slip by and deliver their goods to Paraguayan forces. When the Chinese freighter Han Lo entered SAE waters heading for the River Plate estuary she was stopped for a check by the watchful sailors on the much smaller navy vessel. According to her Spanish speaking captain the Han Lo was bound for Buenos Aires carrying rice and chinaware. The crew of Eberlanzia checked the freighters holds to see if those information were correct and discovered a separated and sealed room in which Japanese infantry weapons were stored. In several crates weapons like the Type 14 8 mm Nambu Pistol, Type 38 Rifle and the 44 Cavalry Rifle were found, together with many thousand shots of ammunition. Additionally five 50mm guns and 5000 shells were stored onboard the Han Lo. The crew of the Eberlanzia immediately seized the Chinese ship and her cargo. Leaving a commando of 10 armed sailors on board to keep a jealous watch over the Chinese ships crew the minesweeper then escorted the seized vessel to a nearby harbour for further investigation and to imprison those onboard.

Pretoria. A new Brazilian ambassador arrived in Pretoria. Senior Perez will start his business with a visit to the King on the 13th of October after having a chance to get his staff ready for duty. He was assigned after the old ambassador left Pretoria early in September. With Senior Perez arrival new hope awake discrepancies between our great nations will be overcome.

Montevideo. RSAN Boxer, torpedo boat of the 6th torpedoboat flotilla, chased down a suspicious vessel near Punta del Este, a small seaside town east of Montevideo. When seeing the navy´s ship the unknown boat turned towards international waters and tried to escape. A fruitless effort as the warship could use her superior speed to hunt down her prey. After boarding what soon was identified as the Brazilian registered yacht Missy Boxers crew found several crates with rifles and ammunition of German and Czech origin (BRNO Vz-24 and Mauser 98 rifles). Ignoring the tempered protests by the yachts skipper who claimed to be in international waters where the RSAN had no right to board his Missy all of her crew were arrested and the vessel taken in tow to bring her to the harbour of Punta del Este.

Pilar. Rumours the Argentine Navy seized the rebel-led Paraguayan Navy in Pilar and confiscated all ships raised some eyebrows among members of the government in Montevideo today. "If the rumours can be confirmed - and I have no doubts they will - great concern among my colleges will be caused. Such step would clearly transcend everything necessary to stabilize and secure the Argentinean border to Paraguay. Instead it speaks volumes about the Argentinean intentions and their will to play an active role in Paraguay. Whatever our Governments next steps will be, the latest Argentinean actions in Paraguay have to be taken into account seriously. Probably it is time to reconsider our position in Paraguay." Sir Patrick Callaghar, head of the so-called Paraguay Committee in Montevideo, said when asked for his personal opinion.

Posadas. Another blue on blue accident shocks the people in Argentina and Grand Uruguay. A spokesman of the RSAF explained the situation to the gathered press. "Sadly we have to report another incident in Paraguay involving both Argentinean and our own forces. On of our planes on a reconnaissance mission over Paraguay suddenly got life fire from below. Luckily her crew successfully evaded heavy damage and in return could identify the attackers positions. Their mission profile included orders to counterattack - a necessary order to let all parties know we are serious about our business - and so the plane circled around and attacked first targets visible with some light bombs. What seemed to have been irregular troops turned out to be an Argentinean convoy. Two trucks are reported destroyed and 7 men killed by the bombing and strafing run.

A detailed investigation of the incident was ordered by our high command. Photos taken by the flight crew and reports available from the Argentinean forces will be analysed. Once more information is available we will inform the press. Thank you."


Friday, August 17th 2007, 9:32pm

So y'all agree on 1 October to take measures to avoid "Blue on Blue" incidents, and eighteen days later, another one happens? Not good. Did the Argies have their blue flags outs?


When the Chinese freighter Han Lo entered SAE waters heading for the River Plate estuary she was stopped for a check by the watchful sailors on the much smaller navy vessel. According to her Spanish speaking captain...

You gotta watch out for those San Hainandese...


Friday, August 17th 2007, 10:05pm

Its also interesting to note the intensity of the merchant blockade.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, August 18th 2007, 1:36am


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
Its also interesting to note the intensity of the merchant blockade.

The blockade really costs a lot of money.... :(


Saturday, August 18th 2007, 11:59am

Hooman, you're obviously not an evil business man. :)

1) Set up blockade.
2) Intercept ships.
3) Confiscate goods and ships.
4) Sell goods and ships on the Black Market.
5) Use the money obtained to finance the blockade.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, August 18th 2007, 12:16pm

I don´t need to.....

....I have my minions!!! ^^ :]


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Sunday, August 19th 2007, 3:47pm

[Thanks to the Doc for helping...]

Pretoria. The Government officially apologizes for attacking Argentinean forces today. The investigation of 10-19 incident revealed the plane was not fired upon by an Argentinean platoon but by a band of Paraguayan soldiers nearby. A prisoner taken by the Argentinean ground forces confirmed they had just attacked the trucks minutes before and assumed the plane to be Argentinean. Hence they opened fire and forcing the planes crew to react. Then - using the confusion caused by the planes strafing run to their advantage - the Paraguayan forces pressed home their attack but were repelled by the Argentinean forces capable to stand their ground and save all remaining trucks. Argentina officially reports a total loss of 21 men.

Obviously steps taken on the 1st of October after the first blue on blue incident have proofed insufficient if focused on ground forces alone. Discussions about proper identification have to be continued and extended including other armed forces.

Cordoba. Argentina officially accepts our Governments apology but Argentinean media and people on streets continue to ask for revenge as for a second time Argentinean troops suffered from SAE attacks - ignoring both sides misidentified each other during the events of September 22nd.

Resulting from the latest incident the Argentinean high command announces to focus more on supply via ships than trucks in future. They rate ships to be easier to identify and the rivers secure due to both the Argentinean and South African safety zones.

Buenos Aires. Two steamships from Atlantis arrive in Buenos Aires carrying thousands of tons of goods for refugee camps near the Paraguayan border. It had taken most of September and early October to gather all donations from official and private sources. Plans are now made how to get the food, agricultural material and drugs to those in camps both on Argentinean and the Empires soil. The People Help People foundation has offered help distributing part of the supply. They also express their hope to get a small share to supply several families who are willing to act as godparents for refugees but lack the capabilities to actually do so.

San Francisco. Talks in San Francisco have ended without a new treaty agreement while the Cleito Treaty was rated dead by many signatories. Of those most declared unbound of the Treaty by end of 1935 the latest. As it stands only the US, Atlantis, the Netherlands and the SAE are willing to honour the treaty until it officially expires on 31st of December in 1936.

El Callao. Arriving after a long but uneventful journey RSAN Koning Hendrik arrives in Peru. Renamed Manco Capac she is officially handed over to her new owner in a ceremony in the port of El Callao.

Buenos Aires. The Alkmaar Prinses, a steamship of the Zuid-Amerika Stoomschip Compagnie in Den Helder, arrives in Buenos Aires and starts unloading her cargo at the piers. The ship is welcome by several officials as she proofs the "Pfennings for Paraguay" initiative of our Dutch friends to be fertile once more. Despite two Dutch nurses loosing their lives on the 17th of September the people of the Netherlands continue to help the poor and suffering in Paraguay and send this ship full of supplies.

Buenos Aires. Another R-Boat of the 2nd R-Boat Flotilla is lost. Escorting a convoy up the River Plate north of Buenos Aires R14 collides with the old Argentinean freighter Rio Salado which is bound for the City of Formosa with food and agricultural equipment. The RSAN unit is badly damaged and sinks before she can be beached. According to official sources 5 of her crew are confirmed dead due to impact, fire and flooding. The freighter - taking damage to her bow - will be brought back to Buenos Aires for repairs and is expected to arrive on the 15th. The accident will be investigated by the Bureau of Shipping, River Plate department.

Buenos Aires. A massive explosion, heard up to sixty kilometres away, rocks the docks of Buenos Aires. One ship is obliterated outright, and the force of the blast and fragments from the destroyed vessel rip into nearby ships and harbour facilities with devastating effect. Several dozen warehouses, offices, and homes in the vicinity of the blast are set ablaze. As the city's entire fire department and hundreds of volunteers struggle to prevent these fires from merging into a single conflagration, army engineers are hastily summoned to create firebreaks by demolishing damaged buildings.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Monday, August 20th 2007, 5:46pm

You let Filipinos into Buenos Aires didn't you ?!?


Monday, August 20th 2007, 5:49pm

Mystery solved. :D


Monday, August 20th 2007, 5:55pm

There was a mystery?


Friday, August 24th 2007, 3:30pm

*whistles innocently away...*


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Friday, August 24th 2007, 4:38pm

Buenos Aires. Two days after disaster struck the city fires are finally put out and exhausted fire fighters, police men and hundreds of volunteers can take a breath. The massive blast and raging fires have cost hundreds of lives and destroyed most of the docks near Paseo Julio. Official numbers are still not available but estimates reach up to 200 dead and more than 300 injured citizens, many of them hurt while trying to save the city. Clearance of the area may take months and the scar Buenos Aires suffered may be visible for decades. A state of emergency was proclaimed by the regions government.

Buenos Aires. Four days after the explosion about 220 bodies or body parts have been recovered but several dozen individuals are still missing. The total death toll is expected to be close to 300 making this the second largest such tragedy after the Halifax-Explosion on the 6th of December 1917 [Note]. At the docks some places are still smouldering and smoking and following orders by the Government the Army has build barricades and strictly controls access to the area. Some ruins may collapse any moment and to avoid a further loss of lives and blunder standing orders are to deny access to everybody not having a provisional pass. Such exemption can be applied for at the city hall by those having real business and a good reason to enter the zone around Paseo Julio.

Meanwhile investigations of the incident reveal the source of the explosion. While unloading the Argentinean freighter Rio Salado involved in an accident on the River Plate on the 14th of November in preparation of dry docking, a crate had fallen off and into the ships hold. Seconds later a geyser of flames and smoke has been seen to erupt from the ship. It is assumed the cargo holds contained ammunition instead of agricultural equipment which went off when hit by the falling crate. Evidence was found the ships fake papers covered an arms deal with rebel forces in Paraguay.

Pretoria. The Argentinean ambassador to the Empire is called to the King for a thorough discussion about latest events in South America. According to governmental sources the King officially requests Argentina to shut down arms trading with rebels and other parties in Paraguay.

Checking the political temper in the Empires capital all political parties in Pretoria are in agreement the SAE is now forced to act to protect its citizens.

Buenos Aires. People rally on streets around the Argentinean consulate in Buenos Aires protesting against ammunition shipping and aggression in Paraguay. Among the promoters of those protests is the People Help People foundation showing the political potential and civil support the organisation already has. Being an Argentinean-SAE organization people hope PHP to be some kind of mediator between both nations.

Montevideo. The Government of Grand Uruguay closes all SAE waters in South America for foreign ships carrying ammunition or weapons. The interdiction includes Argentinean, Brazilian or other parties ships supporting any troops or military party in and close to Paraguay. Additionally the SAE extends the controlled zone further into the Atlantic to protect own and international shipping. This action corresponds with a warning the intelligence service issued on the 23th: According to unstated sources arms smugglers may place their stuff on board other ships without notice of their crews or use blackmail to have others transport their goods. Intensified patrols will counter this new threat.

The Royal South African Navy will now stop and check vessels out to 50 miles away from the coast. The estuary of the Plate River will be effectively closed. To support the Second Fleets operations in South American waters the Admiralty issues orders to detach the 5th ASW Flotilla from Libreville to Buenos Aires. Her 12 trawler-like units are perfectly suited to control coastal water and the Plate estuary. In Libreville the 5th will be replaced by the 7th ASW Flotilla coming from Port Louis.

Cordoba. Heavy protests by the Argentinean Ministries of transport and Foreign Affairs via their Ambassador in Pretoria. Argentina declares SAE controlled zone illegal and an infringement on the current agreements on the welfare of the refugees and the joint protection of the southern half of Paraguay. Argentina also raises the issue of their ships on the South American rivers now cut off from the sea. With the rivers blocked Argentina has to rely on supply via land which cannot handle everything necessary for their citizens upstream and at the Paraguayan border.

Argentina declared the skipper of the exploded freighter Rio Salado to act without order or permission by Argentinean government. Argentina denies being responsible for that individuals actions or those of the men behind.

Douala. News from the Northern Fleets high-command reveal the 3rd Coast-Guard Flotilla will deploy from Majunga to Montevideo to provide support to South American units operating deeper into the Atlantic and ensuring the blockade of all arms trade.

Montevideo. After hours of dispute an agreement is finally achieved with Argentina. According to a spokesman the Argentinean Navy will aid the RSAN controlling suspicious vessels entering from the Argentinean sector into SAE waters. Ships checked and officially declared harmless will be allowed to continue their voyage. Ammo transports for Argentinean forces will be accompanied by a RSAN or Coast Guard unit to avoid the loss of material along the way to their planned destination.

[Note] Explosions of ships carrying ammo happened time and again - always with devasting effects. Another "good" example is the Port Chicago Desaster or the Black Tom explosion .

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Friday, August 24th 2007, 5:43pm

RE: SAE newsflash Q4/34

All Dutch & Kongo merchant vessels will be ordered to comply with the SAE restrictions. Vessels nearing the SA coast will radio ahead with their coordinates to facilitate the inspections. The Belgians, including an incoming "Pfennigs for Paraguay" vessel, will take similar actions several days later.

The Dutch consulate will issue a statement expressing sorrow over the devastation, calling for cooler heads and praising the Argentinian-SAE "talks"* and the PHP call.

*ok, bit of overstatement there.


Originally posted by HoOmAn
The colours agreed on are Azure Blue (Argentina), Yellow (SAE) and Bright Green for Brazil.

Heh didn't think about this the first time- but in my local woods- where we use colored flagging to indicate multiple things, some yellows (particularly lime) and bright green are not good shades for viewing, and blue doesn't show up as well as you'd think.

Glo Orange, bright pink, bright yellow are all ok colors. Brighter reds are ok as well, dull red not so much.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Aug 24th 2007, 5:50pm)


Saturday, August 25th 2007, 3:10am


The Republic of the Philippines expresses its strong concerns over the actions of parties in the current South American crisis. The stopping and searching of free vessels on the high seas is of questionable legality and restricting the accessibility of Paraguay to humanitarian aid is very regrettable...


Saturday, August 25th 2007, 4:12am

From the Department of State:

"Under the law of armed conflict, belligerent warships or aircraft may visit and search a merchant vessel for the purpose of determining its true character, i.e.,enemy or neutral, nature of cargo, manner of employment, and other facts bearing on its relation to the conflict. Such visits occur outside neutral territorial seas. This right does not extend to visiting or searching warships or vessels engaged in government non-commercial service. In addition, neutral merchant vessels in convoy of neutral warships are exempt from visit and search, although the convoy commander may be required to certify the neutral character of merchant vessels' cargo."


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, August 25th 2007, 11:28am

The Government of the SAE thanks the Dutch and Belgian for understanding the difficult situation we´re in. Their careful and intelligent handling is most welcome.

We agree with the United States that sthe right to visit ships bound for our coasts and cities does not include the right for searching warships or vessels in government non-commercial service. However, should this lead to mis-use further stepa may be taken.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Friday, August 31st 2007, 12:17pm

Port Elizabeth. The 4th Scout Squadron is reborn in Port Elizabeth. Since 1929 when 4th Scouting was suspended and battlecruisers Mocambique and Rhodesia were integrated into 2nd Scouting to replace the old General-class ACs the unit has been inactive. But with new battlecruisers Triumph and Victory in service the Admiralty decided to use these two units as core of a new 4th Scout Squadron. RSAN Victory still runs trials but will need only another 2 weeks until completion and her sister already sails for the Navy since October in fully active service. Two light cruisers, formerly forming the 2nd Division of the 2nd Battle Squadron, will add to the new units striking power. With 4th Scouting the Navy now has an asset at hand with an unparalleled combination of both power and speed.

Mar del Plata. Joint patrols with the Argentinean Navy worked fine for several days until another Argentinean vessel full of military supply is discovered. When boarded and checked by a RSAN unit her skipper can not provide the necessary documents and permission to enter South African waters. He has no proof to be checked by either an Argentinean or RSAN navy vessel. To make sure no blockade runner full of arms and explosives gets free access to the Plate estuary the suspicious vessel is interned for further investigation and her crew arrested. The Argentinean Government is immediately informed combined with a note asking the Argentineans to take the agreed controls more serious.

Hyderabad. The South African ambassador in India is received in long audience with the Ray and the Rana. They express their concerns regarding the situation in Paraguay and their hope all problems can be solved soon. To support (Argentinas and) South Africas position India applies to add to the international efforts and send a ship full of needed equipment, medical supply and food.

In a second meeting heads of both navies discussed the strategic situation South Africa faces in Alleppey where South Africa operates a base for flying boats and floatplanes. With a continuous drain of units from the Indian Ocean the RSAN may run into a scenario where remaining units may no longer be up to their tasks including joint piracy patrols of merchant tracks between both allies. Should the situation worsen in South America the Indian Navy agrees to take over part of the RSANs duties.

Mar del Plata. RSAN UJ11 under command of Lieutenant E.H. Larive patrols outside Mar del Plata. While attempting to check a suspicious vessel which turned away when sighting the South African craft an Argentinean warship intervenes and tries to block UJ11. The Argentineans first try to block UJ11 buying time for S.S. Madame Martinez and finally open fire while Lieutenant Larive waits for orders from the RSAN command in Mar del Plata if he should press home his race for the fleeing steamer. Having little chance against the much larger and better armed Argentinean destroyer despite fighting in the best traditions of the Royal South African Navy the small UJ11 is soon overwhelmed and sunk. Those surviving the unprovoked and illegal attack are taken prisoner by the Argentinean destroyer and brought to Necochea.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, September 1st 2007, 6:33pm

Montevideo. The SAE entirely closes her waters for foreign vessels of all nationalities carrying war material. Only ships owned by SAE companies and with official orders are allowed to enter controlled waters. In response Argentina has declared supply via the rivers essential and threatens to force their way beyond RSAN units.

Buenos Aires. Peaceful protests on the streets of Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Cordoba have been organized by PHP showing the organisations political potential. Within a very short time People Help People has build up a remarkable reputation and backing in public and among politicians of all kind. The organisation now uses it power to call all parties to keep cool and end fighting before things get out of hand.

Cape Town. Arriving from Montevideo an SAE airship explodes in midair 5 miles west of Cape Town, plainly visible from the shore. Rapidly burning her hull she crashes into the sea from a height of 300 meters. Fisher boats can rescue 18 lucky survivors out of the water. Most of them had managed to catch some debris and other floating material when the airship came down and started to sink.

What caused the explosion is yet unknown and speculations are growing wild. There was no thunderstorm or bad weather nearby which could have caused the tragedy so officially a technical defect with a valve or one of the ships engines is considered most likely. However, media and people on the street are suspicious because of the latest events in South America. An investigation will have to proof if a technical problem led to disaster or if other reasons have to be considered.


Saturday, September 1st 2007, 7:51pm

Which airship Hoo?


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, September 1st 2007, 8:21pm

SA 11 Northern Star

You may remember old news reporting the SAE installed some airship lines to connect the various parts of the Empire and her allies like India and Nordmark. The SAE even operates an airfield outside the Indian capital together with the Indians... Of course this is stuff posted in the early 20s so I´m not surprised you can´t remember. :o)