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Saturday, September 17th 2005, 6:50pm

2 October: Inaguration of Señor de Varga as Presidente de las Filipina

~Transcript of F.I.N.E.R. broadcast of inaguration of Señor Juan Sebastien de Varga as El Presidente de las Filipinas, 2 October 1929~

This is Filipino Information News and Entertainment Radio, F.I.N.E.R., providing a national first! A live broadcast from the inaguration of Señor Juan Sebastien de Varga as El Presidente de las Filipinas!

There has been much activity already this morning, with various speeches and preparations for the Naval Review that will follow El Presidente's speech, which will include the battlecruisers Samal and Presidente Malvar, the battleship Fernando, and other smaller vessels. The battleship San Pablo was scheduled to participate, but suffered a "minor machinery mishap" this morning and has been anchored out of the way over by Bacoor.

It appears that we are nearly ready for the inaguration speech as Señor de Varga has stepped up on the platform with the microphone, along with several other high-ranking officials; aside from the new Vice-Presidente, Generale Greco, I also see Generale Galindo of the Fuerza Aerea, Almirante de la Vega of the Marina de Filipinas, who is accompanied by the lovely Senora de la Vega, and several Marines...


And now, the speech of El Presidente!


My people of the Philippines! I thank you for your vote of confidence in me to lead our country into the future and beyond.

I shall endeavour to fulfill the wishes of the people. Not the wishes of those with the most money, or the wishes of foreign powers wishing to manupilate us to their own advantage! We are a proud and independent people, and we shall be a proud and independent nation. We shall take the lead in showing that the Asian people can be just as industrious, just as wise, just as trustworthy as anyone else in the world!

But we shall not solely focus on foreign policy. We shall follow the standard of democracy in our internal politcs as well. There shall be liberty and justice for all! No Filipino shall have cause to fear anything, from without or within! We shall be united in heart, united in mind, united in spirit, for as was once said, if we do not hang together -


Madre de Dios! *two more gunshots in background*



(long pause, sounds of panicked crowd in background)

*gunfire in distance*

Madre de Dios! I cannot believe what is happening -

*medium artillery fire from harbour*

Vice-Presidente Greco has shot Presidente de Varga!

(long pause)

*continued medium artillery fire joined by heavy naval guns replying*

Generale Greco has assassinated El Presidente! He has also shot Generale Galindo who appears to badly wounded and attempted to shoot Almirante de Vega but it would appear that one of the Marines took the shot -

*explosion from harbourfront*

- and Senora de Vega has shot Generale Greco, who is down on the platform! It appears that something more is up as there is artillery fire in the harbour and sounds of light fire in the distance! It appears that -

*light artillery fire in distance*

- the Marines discussing something with el Jefe [Almirante de la Vega] and they're -

*whistling of shells overhead - explosion in background*
*continued naval gunfire*

We are under artillery fire! I am not believing this! My guess would be that the Army under Generale Greco is executing a coup!

*more artillery fire*

It looks like the Marines are now trying to get the Almirante's party to head for the harbourfront, I don't -

*scream of incoming artillery*

- know -

*deafening explo - *


Saturday, September 17th 2005, 7:13pm



I wonder if the navy has enough forces in the area to stop a coup?

....To quote the now forthcoming talky, South Pacific: A New Hope

"I sense a great disturbance in the SATSUMA."


Saturday, September 17th 2005, 7:18pm

In News Theaters, October 5

Yayoko reporting:
AY: Shocking! Absolutely shocking! The new Presidente has been shot and presumably killed! At least according to my Filipino translator. The Announcer supposed to have mentioned that El Presidente was assassinated!
AY: Uh oh! Looks like F.I.N.E.R.'s equipment was just blasted to bits... They're unable to broadcast. I hope the guys are alright there. For their sake, we shall keep on filming so that the people in the world in the news theaters can see with their own eyes what is happening here!
AWNR Director: Yayoko-chan! We need to get out of here!! Quick!!
*Nearby KABOOM*
AY: Are you afraid? You call yourself a man!?!
Whole AWNR crew: *bowing* We beg of you Akaibara-sama! We must leave!!
AY: Are you men or are you mice?!
Whole AWNR crew: We are mice!! *all run away*
AY: I don't believe this!
AY: I... I guess a temporary retreat is not a bad suggestion. It seems to be getting closer
AY: He who fights and runs away...
AY: x_x ... is in pain... when he does not run away... [SIZE=1]in... time...[/SIZE] *limps away with camera*
*black screen*
(Alea Iacta Est...)


Saturday, September 17th 2005, 10:35pm

Deary me. The Philippines are something of a mess, aren't they.

A mild battle between the Army and Navy: I dare say that somebody wanted that to happen...



Sunday, September 18th 2005, 12:25am


Deary me. The Philippines are something of a mess, aren't they.

You're right. It's a very dangerous place to live...


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 12:35am

State Department Announcement

The United States government is stunned by the news coming from Manila and calls on all forces to immediately halt hostilities. Attempts to contact the embassy in Manila have so far proven fruitless and the fate of the ambassador and his party, who were attending the inauguration, are currently unknown. We also have great concern for the many United States nationals living in the Philippines and will make all appropriate efforts to see to their safety. Further, it is recommended that Americans suspend all travel plans to the Philippines until the current crisis has passed.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 12:44am

Japan offers the use of the port of the city of Naha on Okinawa as well as the naval base facilities at Kagoshima when the United States (or any other nation) plans to evacuate its nationals living in the Philippines.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 2:34am

The Atlantean government is deeply disturbed following events in Manila. Efforts to contact the Atlantean embassy have proven unsuccessfull following a brief period of vague reports before the loss of power.

Initial reports indicated limited numbers of Philippino troops gathering outside the Embassy but its unclear if they were there to rescue or if they backed the coup.

Atlantis would like to thank the Japanese government for its offer of assistance, several civilian ships in the region have been deverted to Naha.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 2:57am

Radio Broadcast over FINER airwaves - evening 2 October

*crackling, hissing throughout broadcast*

People of the Philippines!

We today proudly proclaim that the shackles of oppression have been thrown from our great country! No longer will petty politicans exploit our land for their own gain!

The unelected usurper de Varga is dead! We have thrown his minions into the sea! Our daring gunners joined by the proud crew of San Pablo have driven off the oppressors' fleet! Count them! Two battlecruisers damaged, one in sinking condition! Two cruisers sunk! Two destroyers sunk! An oiler attempting to escape driven into our hands!

While Luzon is secure the forces of darkness will surely attempt to regroup and strike back - but their attempts will be futile! Let us drive the enemy out of las Filipinas with all possible speed!

Viva Presidente Greco of the Democratic Oriental Republic of the Philippines!*

To our friends in foreign nations: we have no quarrel with the people of your countries! While we have unavoidably been forced to temporarily detain several Embassy staffs, we assure you that all are unharmed and will be released with all possible speed!

To the reactionary bourgeoise of "SATSUMA" [ooc: that last said in the most derogatory, sneering tone possible]: our alliance is over! We will no longer have your petty capitalists and monarchists lining their pockets with Filipino treasure!


*the frequency returns to static*

* - replace "Philippines" with "Filipinas" and see what you get. XD


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 3:59am

New York Times, 3 October, 1928

The Matson Line steamship Sonoma has been chartered by the United States and will depart Honolulu for Okinawa to be in position to evacuate American citizens from the Philippines if the situation continues to deteriorate. The fate of the ambassador and his family is still unknown and contact with the embassy has not been reestablished. Secretary of State Kellogg ruled out any direct intervention in the apparent civil war that has suddenly erupted, but also said that the United States was deeply concerned about the fate of American citizens in the country. The Secretary called on all sides to put an immediate halt to the violence. "As seems the case in these sorts of conflicts, innocent civilians are almost certain to suffer most of all in the fighting and its aftermath."


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 5:27am

Joint statement of the French and Russian governments

We are deeply disturbed by the violent disruption of democratic processes in the Philippines, and express concern that we have been unable to communicate with the French and Russian diplomats accredited to the Filippino government.

We call upon the Democratic Oriental Republic of the Philippines to ensure the safety of French and Russian diplomats and citizens.

We thank the Japanese government for the generous support offered.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 6:19am



"I have a bad feeling about this."


Does this mean that Las Filipina is least partly, a socialist nation? And has withdrawn from SATSUMA...and perhaps even the Cleito Treaty?

And does this mean the Princess has been...sunk?


October 4, 1928

The Chilean Government is...skeptical about the changes in the Philiappines. Every since the incident over the Paracal Islands and the construction of the Peruvean Battleship Lima, Chile has been every wary. Now Chile is twice as wary of a seemingly reactionary and rebellious government that has desolved its alliance with its closest neighbors. Yes, Chile is skeptical.


Zorro wins, right? Or will Ambassador Fox of Chile have to come over to take up the role of El Zorro.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 6:53am

The Government of Atlantis requests that both sides in this apparent civil war, the Democratic Oriental Republic of the Philippines and the previously recognized government under Señor Juan Sebastien de Varga take emmidiate steps to secure the safe passage of inocent foreign civilians and diplomats.

Such steps will undoubtedly be the focal point of future relations between the victor and the government of Atlantis, nuetral in this dispute, and as such we must remind both party's that their success or failure will dictate just what state those relations will be in at the end of hostility's.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 7:27pm

News releases, midday 3 October

'Revolutionaries' (from Manila)

At 12:00 hours local time 4 October the M/V Chupaqueso will sail from Manila Harbour to Shanghai, China carrying foreign diplomats and their families. While we regret having to undertake this evacuation we will soon be victorious and will be able to resume normal diplomatic relations with the friendly nations of te world.

'Loyalists' (from Butuan)

Under the laws of sucession for the office of Presidente, Almirante Juan Diego de la Vega has taken the oath of office as El Presidente de las Filipinas.

We call on the Army forces who have been duped by "Generale" Greco and his Communist-Socialist cronies to cease hostilities and arrest those responsible for this tragedy which is sweeping our nation.

We also renounce the "diplomatic changes" made by the rebels in last nights' message. We will strongly stand by the alliance with our SATSUMA partners.

We will also make every effort to honor our foreign commitments* in full during this troubled time.

More details will be relased shortly.



* - Construction of the carrier in India and the 'assault transports' in Japan.


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 7:28pm

(afternoon 3 October - F.I.N.E.R. Davao broadcast)

...details of the fight in Manila Bay are obviously sketchy, but it appears that the Army-manned coastal artillery began firing on the ships in the harbour, at which Presidente Malvar, without waiting for orders, began to return fire and promptly exterminated the medium-caliber batteries (formerly) guarding the Manila waterfront, with pinpoint accuracy and a minimum of collateral damage.

Almost immediately therafter San Pablo was seen to raise a red flag and began firing on Samal, which returned fire. The seemingly mismatched duel was actually quite even - exactly one hit, by San Pablo on Samal, which (fortunatly for the latter!) low-order detonated on Alpha turret's faceplate.

After covering the transport Balabac as it performed the daring rescue of Almirante de la Vega's party which had escaped the carnage at the inaguration scene, the cruiser squadron (still escorting Balabac) began heading for the harbour exit as the destroyer Rabihorcado was ordered to scuttle the fitting-out battlecruiser Bohol, which was observed to have Army personnel swarming aboard. A full salvo of four torpedoes was fired, but only one hit as the remainder struck the harbour bottom before reaching their target. Malvar delivered two salvoes of 13.5" shells to finish the job, with three hits being observed.

At the harbour mouth Corregidor and the Navy-manned "concrete battleship" El Fraile were dueling, and the latter suceeded in knocking out one of the former's 10" turrets. However a "long" from El Fraile hit the transport Bucas Grande which had been delivering ammunition to Corregidor, with the obvious result. Corregidor's remaining main battery turned its attention to the escaping warships, sinking the cruiser Tablas and destroyer Alcatraz before being on the receiving end of Samal's full 12.6" broadside...


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 7:39pm

(Once the 'fronts' stabilise...the situation will look something like this:


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 7:42pm


umm....The South will rise again?


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 8:33pm

On Balabac...
AWNR Director: Captain Balabac-sama! You must turn back. Our beloved Yayoko-chan is still there!! She still has the camera with all the footage we took!
Captain Juan Ortega: We can't. It's too dangerous! And it is Capitan Ortega, not Captain Balabac!
Whole AWNR crew: *bowing* We beg of you, Captain Balabac-sama! Save our Akaibara-sama or at least the camera!!
CJO: Quick! Get these civilians of my bridge before they force me to change my mind!!
Filipino crewmember: Capitan! I found this camera with a red rose imprinted on it.
AWNRD: Mine!! *grabs camera and runs away, followed by the AWNR crew*

Meanwhile in Manila...
Akaibara Yayoko: *waving arms and shouting at the escaping Filipino ships in the distance* Hello!! Damsel in distress here!!
AY: Cowards!! You're all cowards!!
Soldier: It's Akaibara Yayoko!! We got ourselves an important hostage here!!
AY: O_O Guess I'm out of here... *runs away*


Monday, September 19th 2005, 12:53am

Politically it makes sence for the north, with a significant muslim population to continue with the SATSUMA alliance given India's large muslim population who would ultimately be simpathetic.

Europe on the other hand IMO would wind up siding with the revolutionary's who seemingly deposed a falsely "elected" leader. It would also serve their interests to back the side that wishes to shatter the SATSUMA alliance.

It will be interesting to see who supports which faction in the coming months (wesworld time).


Monday, September 19th 2005, 2:22am

South, actually...

While I didn't start specifically planting "easter eggs" preparing for this until the Q1 news, some older bits fell neatly into place...all the way back to SALSA.

BTW, there's another twist to this Gordian knot, which should be revealed shortly...

(p.s. Something I forgot to included in earlier news, Bambú was hit while trying to run out past Corregidor, and was beached; she will be salvaged for the Revolution...)

(p.s.2. Surprised nobody noticed the Exploding Warship yet... ^_^ )