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Friday, December 17th 2004, 10:31am

Communiqué to the League of Nations

After a long period of negotiations between Rome and Addis Ababa a mutual economic pact has been formed between the two countries. The negotiations have spanned several years, but Abyssinia and Italy have finally come to agreement. The basic treatise is that Abyssinia shall amalgamate with Eritrea and Italian Somalia. The Emperor of Abyssinia, Haile Selassie will continue to be head of state, and new government shall be put in place in Addis Ababa. By the terms of the pact, Italy shall be accorded most-favoured nation status in trade, and Italian persons shall take up a few positions in new government. A new rail link shall be constructed, linking Addis Ababa to Asmara in the North, and so indirectly the Red Sea. Thus, Abyssinia gains from the rapid industrialisation of their country; extraction and refining of raw materials will create many jobs. The Italians will help do this by building infrastructure and training the peoples. Italian companies and the government shall make large investments here. The rag-tag army of Abyssinia will be replaced by a more permanent force, armed and trained by Italy. It is hoped that these things shall bring stability and unity to the region. A new spirit of co-operation is in the air after ancient enmities have been forgotten. The level of general Italian activity in the region is expected to increase rapidly as freighters carrying raw materials and processed goods transit the Red Sea. We can all be eternally grateful for the Suez Canal.


Vittorio Emanuele, King of Italy
Haile Selassie, Emporer of Abyssinia


Friday, December 17th 2004, 10:35am

Walter you still working on the map? If so this would be another change for you to add!


Friday, December 17th 2004, 3:28pm

Sure. I'll use the red 'paint'. ;-)


Friday, December 17th 2004, 5:52pm

Red? aren't I a distusting grey colour?


Friday, December 17th 2004, 6:18pm

Filipino response

(deleted by yet another time-blip)


Friday, December 17th 2004, 6:21pm


Red? aren't I a distusting grey colour?

I thought red as in "Red Admiral." :-)


Friday, December 17th 2004, 6:29pm


We are pleased to see this agreement, and welcome Ethiopia to the world of naval powers.

OOC: you ARE going to build them some ships, aren't you? ;)

Abyssinia is landlocked, so they don't need a navy.


Friday, December 17th 2004, 6:32pm


The basic treatise is that Abyssinia shall amalgamate with Eritrea and Italian Somalia.

Doesn't this give them a coastline?


Friday, December 17th 2004, 7:25pm

"Red? aren't I a distusting grey colour?"


You can thank Awwott for that, the RRE was originally Germany/Italy and coloured that "distrusting grey".
When germany became a seperate country again it and its holdings became dark purple, leaving Italy to its fate of remaining "distrusting grey"!


Friday, December 17th 2004, 7:51pm


When germany became a seperate country again it and its holdings became dark purple

I prefer "Deep Purple" myself...

Everybody grab your air guitar: "Bah bah bah, bah-bah bah bah..."


Friday, December 17th 2004, 7:57pm

Acctually when I saved the pic as an MPEG, "Purple haze" would have been more appropriate.


Friday, December 17th 2004, 8:04pm


Acctually when I saved the pic as an MPEG, "Purple haze" would have been more appropriate.

Don't you mean "jpeg" Wes?
And wasn't it a "Distusting Grey Haze"?
If Jimi H. had seen that haze, he would be wondering if he was using the right stuff. :-)


Friday, December 17th 2004, 9:33pm


Everybody grab your air guitar: "Bah bah bah, bah-bah bah bah..."

Wouldn't that be "Smoke On The Water"?

Bah bah bah, bah-bah...


Friday, December 17th 2004, 9:51pm

That was the intent. Not a bad song title for something related to naval stuff (even if the song itself has nothing to do with warships).


Friday, December 17th 2004, 10:06pm

Indian Response...

In Agra, Indian Foreign Affairs Minister Kadharni said that the government is cautiously optimistic about the recent Italian-Abyssinian announcement.

"At the moment, it sounds like a reasonable agreement that benefits both Italy and Abyssinia. However, we're a little unclear on the political status of Abyssinia; is it now a part of Italy's empire, or does it remain a separate political entity? The presence of Italian personnel in the Abyssinian government does make use wonder. Perhaps their role - permanent or temporary and advisory, can be clarified", Kadharni mused.

He later added, "I am glad that Emperor Haile Selassie will retain the seat of power; it is a wise move. However, I must caution all concerned not to rush into industrialization, for it could destroy the Abyssinian culture and end up doing more harm than good. Better to proceed at a modest pace that allows the local people to adapt."


Friday, December 17th 2004, 10:26pm

(Revised) Filipino Response

"We share the concerns of our Indian allies - does this agreement make Eritrea and Italian Somaliland part of the Abyssinian Empire, or Abyssinia into part of the Italian Empire?

In the event that it is the former, then we welcome Abyssinia into the realm of naval powers, and perhaps we could discuss the supply of warships to form the nucleus of an Abyssinian Navy.

If the latter, then this is a matter of deep concern, as it would indicate that Italy has become an expansionist power, as if there aren't enough Expansionist European Powers™ already..."


Friday, December 17th 2004, 11:38pm

An unofficial French response


The rag-tag army of Abyssinia will be replaced by a more permanent force, armed and trained by Italy.

French President Herriot let slip the following comment to the American Ambassador:

"One wonders why the 'rag-tag" Army of Abyssinia feel the need of arming and training by the force they trounced at Adowa thirty years ago, and whose skills at mountain warfare were more recently demonstrated at Caporetto."


Saturday, December 18th 2004, 7:43am

.....Meanwhile Atlantian foreign minister Ilyus Suliban and his Russian counterpart were overheard discussing the recent amalgamation of Abyssinia, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland.

Russian Ambassador: "I wonder how Atlantian nationalists are taking news..."

Atlantian Ambassador: They are likely all having heart attacks right about now.....

Russian Ambassador:...*hearty laughter* Comrade Lenin likely depleting national Vodka supply as we speak!!!


Saturday, December 18th 2004, 9:55am

Abyssinia, with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland becomes a separate entity from Italy in legal terms. Haile Selassie will remain in power over all 3 countries. In more realistic terms, there is a very strong Italian presence in the region. The Italian officials in the government are there to promote Italian interests in the region. They will remain there for at least 5 years.

Re: Adm Kuznetsov


A new spirit of co-operation is in the air after ancient enmities have been forgotten.

And after Caporetto, a new commander for the army and eventual victory at Vittorio Veneto.


Saturday, December 18th 2004, 10:15am

Can Italy have blank white instead of grey please?