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Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 11:27pm

Treaty Query

I know its late and I need sleep but can someone clarify this passage of the CT into plain English for me. As I take it no-one can now leave the Treaty as it is later than two years before the expiry date?

What if someone decides to give shorter notice that they will leave the CT?


The present Treaty shall remain in force until December 31st, 1936, and in case none of the Contracting Powers shall have given notice two years before that date of its intention to terminate the treaty, it shall continue in force until the expiration of two years from the date on which notice of termination shall be given by one of the Contracting Powers, whereupon the Treaty shall terminate as regards all the Contracting Powers. Such notice shall be communicated in writing to the Government of Atlantis, which shall immediately ransmit a certified copy of the notification to the other Powers and inform them of the date on which it was received. The notice shall be deemed to have been given and shall take effect on that date.

In the event of notice of termination being given by the Government of Atlantis, such notice shall be given to the diplomatic representatives at Cleito of the other Contracting Powers, and the notice shall be deemed to have been given and shall take effect on the date of the communication made to the said diplomatic representatives.

Within one year of the date on which a notice of termination by any Power has taken effect, all the Contracting Powers shall meet in conference.


Thursday, April 24th 2008, 12:28am

I think it's saying that if NO NATION has bailed out before the two-year warning, and then one suddenly does after, then the treaty shall continue until THAT NATION'S 2 years would have been up...

Of course, at least one of the parties has left, so this should be moot.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Thursday, April 24th 2008, 3:43am

As I read it...

If, as of December 31, 1934, no signatory has declared it's intention to leave the treaty, then as of Dec 31, 1936 the treaty will automatically continue in force until it will abruptly terminate for all parties two years after notice is finally given.

Example (if I have it right):
Dec 31, 1934, pretend all powers are still in, no one has declared their intention to exit.

August 10, 1935, Lichtenstein (who for some reason joined) declares it will leave.

Prior to August 10, 1936 the Contracting powers would be bound to meet in conference(1)

Dec 31, 1936 As no powers declared exit by Dec 31, 1934 the treaty continues in force

August 10, 1937 Lichtenstein's declaration takes effect, the treaty is canceled for all parties.

(1) This of course was why the San Francisco conference was called, but some contracting powers had already fully withdrawn, and not all contracting powers bothered to attend.