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Thursday, June 7th 2007, 12:17am

Poland Q1/34

Poland Q1 1934

A. Factories
2/4 factories = 2000t produced
2000t used, 0t stockpiled

2/4 factories (committed) = 0.2IP’s
0/4 factories (flexible)

B. Infrastructure Development

Factory P5 (0.1P used, 5.1P to complete)

Type 2 drydock extension continues

C. Naval Development and Construction

at Danzig:
1 Type 2 slip CA Vz31 2 laid down October 01 33, 1000t used (5828 to complete)
1 Type 1 slips DD Peggy Brown 4 laid down April 01 33, 0t used (0t to complete), launched Jan 01 34
1 Type 1 slips DD Peggy Brown 4 laid down April 01 33, 0t used (0t to complete), launched Jan 01 34
1 Type 0 slips Idle
1 Type 0 slips Idle
1 Type 1 drydock Idle

at Koszalin
1 Type 1 slips DD Peggy Brown 4 laid down April 01 33, 0t used (0t to complete), launched Jan 01 34
1 Type 0 slips Idle
1 Type 0 slips Idle
1 Type 2 drydock extending (0.1 IP’s, 0.5 IP’s to complete)
Type 0 drydocks idle

D. Transactions

1000t transferred to Yugoslavia

E. Other Notes

Ships laid down this quarter: none

CA Vz31 1 continues shakedown cruise

F. Scrappage Report


G. Updated Order of Battle, 30 March 1934

Note: (Y)+Z = completed (under repair/refit) + under construction

BB: 2(0)+0
CA: 1(0)+1
CL: 1(0)+0
DD: 4(0)+0
FTB: 11(0)+3
AG: 3(0)+0
SS: 6(0)+0

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Jun 7th 2007, 12:18am)