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Wednesday, May 14th 2003, 5:47pm

SAINT - The South African Indian Naval Treaty

The South Africa-India Naval Treaty

Article 1, Duration

This agreement between the Kingdom of South Africa and the Empire of India shall commence 1 January 1921 and expire 31 December 1950.

Article 2, Technical Transfer

2.1 South Africa shall sell to India the battleship Queen Fallatia at a cost of US$200,000 prior to 31 December 1920.

2.2 South Africa shall provide technical assistance to India for the purposes of training the crew of the purchased dreadnought.

2.3 South Africa shall provide technical assistance to India for the purposes of developing construction and basing facilities suitable to a dreadnought-sized vessel.

Article 3, Joint Operations

3.1 Elements of the South African and Indian navies shall jointly train at sea at least once every two years in order to modernize operating tactics and ensure inter-operability

3.2 The navies of South Africa and India shall establish exchange programs for their officers.

3.3 South Africa and India shall establish a joint intelligence gathering institution.

3.4 The navies of South Africa and India will convene the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium yearly, with South Africa to host the first such event.

3.5 Naval vessels of either nation shall be entitled to use port facilities of either nation for the purposes of maintanence, fueling, and repairs, at common market rates.

Article 4, Trade and Commerce

4.1 India shall grant South Africa "Favored Nation" status entitling South Africa to first right-of-refusal on Indian commodity exports.

4.2 India shall grant to South Africa the right to establish a floatplane base at Alleppey to facilitate intercontinental mail service.

4.3 India shall grant to South Africa the right to establish an aerodrome within twenty miles of the capital city of Hyderabad for the purpose of commercial and diplomatic passenger service.

Article 5, Military Defense

5.1 Where either nation is the victim of third-party aggression, the other will render full naval assistance within the Indian Ocean and adjacent waters, including but not limited to the establishment of naval exclusion zones, joint military operations, and supply of munitions

5.2 Neither nation shall conclude agreements with third parties that would result in a possible conflict between India and South Africa.

5.3 Neither nation shall be obliged to contribute assets for use in land-based military campaigns.