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Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, November 24th 2007, 8:48am

The Netherlands News, 1935

The News from NetherNetherlands.


On receipt of news of war between Argentina and SAE, the majority of government is on holiday.
The following measures are agreed to between the Queen and Prime Minister, and orders are issued. :
- Official policy of neutrality.
- Ambassador to SAE is to make clear that the UKN stands ready to honor the treaty.
- Instructions to the Admiralty to prepare or update plans for fleet movements in support of SAE, or as an active participant.
- Instructions to the Admiralty to transfer more reconnaissance assets to Dutch Guiana and the Kongo
- Orders to Kongo to begin planning of more barracks, warehouses, and other facilities in Matadi and Banana.
-Orders to ambassadorial and military staff to extend all consideration to SAE requests for aid, and to interpret any treaties governing such matters in a way most favorable to SAE.

January 1st
The Hauge Herald

WAR ! The Argentinian government has crowned its disruption of the sovereign nation of Paraguay, and its provocations towards South Afrikan aid efforts by declaring war on the South Afrikan Empire as a New Years present.

Prime Minister Land has issued a statement :
The reports of war in South America appear unfortunately correct. In such event that the parties fail to conduct further talks and preserve the peace, the Kingdom of the Netherlands has every hope that the people of the great South Afrikaan Empire will be steadfast and prevail in the conflict that has been thrust upon them. The Netherlands will honor her commitments and duties, and seeks neutrality in this conflict. We trust and expect that the Government of Argentina will abide by the Laws of War.

Diplomatic Note
January 2nd

Queen Wilhelmina, Monarch of the United Kingdoms of the Netherlands, signatory (1)to the Cleito Treaty, submitted this statement to the treaty members.


To: Marus Xanthus, Foreign Minister, Atlantis
From : Queen Wilhelmina, Queen of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.

To the remaining members of the Cleito Treaty :
We have always been staunch supporters of the concepts embraced at Cleito, however, the withdrawal of the Empire of Japan , the Empire of Bahrat, and the Republic of the Philippines (2) from the Cleito Treaty as of the first of January, 1934 has placed the United Kingdoms of the Netherlands in a untenable situation. As a result, warning was given to the membership that should these nations remain in violation of the treaty, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands would be forced to consider the treaty no longer applicable to our Nation.

As of today, it is clear that these nations have not chosen to return to the treaty. In addition, statements in regards to the San Francisco conference vanquish hope of a restored or extended treaty.

Presuming this state of affairs continues, the United Kingdoms of the Netherlands will be forced to withdraw from the Cleito treaty as of February 15th, 1935.

(1) I have always found it interesting that no one signed on the Queens behalf. Interestingly the King of the Australian Commonwealth was also a personal signatory. I had not noticed that before.
(2) I think that is all of them.

January 5th 1935
The Hauge Herald

Reports for South America are that the Argentinian court has found the SAE 10 nautical mile limit illegal. The Foreign Minister released this statement :
These matters are best addressed in an international venue, and that venue is the Permanent Court of Arbitration here in the Hague (3), not a Court in Argentina with no international standing. The Hague Academy of International Law provides the perfect research basis for matters like this, and while the three nautical mile limit was established in the 1700s as a result of the work of Dutch Jurist Cornelius van Bynkershoek, times have changed. The Netherlands, for example currently abides by the 6 nautical mile limit. 

(3) aka Hague Tribunal, est. 1899.

The Hauge Herald, January 10th

The States-Generaal returned from Winter recess today to consider several items.

January 19th 1935
The Hauge Herald

The belligerent Empire of Brazil has launched an unprovoked cowardly war against the South Afrikan Empire. With the South Afrikaans already stretched to the Paraguayian situation and the Argentinian attacks, one has to ask if this attack in the Afrikaan rear in Grand Uruguay will see the Brazilians will wax the Afrikaans.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, November 24th 2007, 11:19pm

Raad van Staat

Raad van Staat
Monday, January 21st

Prime Minister Land : The next item on the agenda is the Netherlands response to the war in South America. Obviously, we will continue to fully abide by the clauses of SANTA, as well as insist on our neutral status being fully observed. Considering our history and relations with South Afrika and Grand Uruguay, I believe it advisable to provide what passive support we can.

Measures we can take which would fall under passive support would include favorable lending, prioritizing South Afrikaan cargos, sharing intelligence materials, and seeking to ensure we do not materially aid the Afrikaans foes. This all must be balanced against the views of our ally, Italy.

So, where do people sit on these issues?

Queen Wilhelmina : In my opinion, we should seek to aggressively aid the South Afrikaans. The Afrikaans are kin, they share many of our values, and if we react strongly in their favor, that may tilt the balance and strongly encourage the Argentines to reconsider peace.

War minister Loeder : Your Highness, helping the South Afrikaans is most definitely not something we should spring to do...

Queen Wilhelmina : Excuse me? My people in Grand Uraguay are being inva..

Loeder : Our People ?? Puh-lease, they are Afrikaans, they are not your subjects at

Queen Wilhelmina : Many of the Uruguayians are Dutch by ancestry, by name, by custom, and until my Grandfathers time they were Dutch, he was bound to protect them and

Loeder [waggling his finger at the Queen] : were not are, they are not nor do they wish to be Dutch, they have their own royals now and ...

Queen Wilhelmina ice : Herr Loeder, you may wish to cease interrupting me, and definitely desist in waggling your finger in my direction as if I was a schoolgirl. I will tolerate neither, am I understood ?

War Minister Loeder : Yes, your Highness.

Queen Wilhelmina : The South Afrikaans are natural friends to the Netherlands, we many common cultural elements and heavy trade involvement. Were it not for the differences regarding India, one could envision a formal bond between our nations. Considering these factors, I strongly recommend that we take strong positive action in favor of the South Afrikaans, up to and including military engagement.

Prime Minister Land : Herr Loeder?

War Minister Loeder : I respectfully disagree. We must consider our national interests and not allow our aid and support to be taken for granted. Our allies are Denmark, Iberia and Italy. Of these, Italy has a fleet which best compliments ours and strategic position exceeding useful in isolating a hostile India. Italy also views the Afrikaans poorly while having developed ties to South America.

As for the South Afrikaans, while the Afrikaans could have allied virtually at will with the Netherlands anytime in the past, let us review their actions. They may have signed SANTA, but they have not advanced beyond it. Far from it, they have chosen to pursue ever closer ties with the Indian Empire, an Empire who's sole goal is to see the Dutch nation shattered.

Shortly after India attacked us and stole our land, the Afrikaans sold them battleships and lent them technical assistance. During the Filipino revolt, the Afrikaans voluntarily sent troops to aid. Lastly, let us not forget that it is the Afrikaans who are aiding India on building a base on Diego Garcia, a base which considerably assists India in interdicting mercantile routes in the southern Indian ocean- exactly where our wartime lifeline to the Indies flows!!

I submit that if these are the actions of a "friendly" power, we need better friends. Certainly we should take no hostile action, we hardly want to push them away, but by no means should our assistance come cheap. If the Afrikaans need aid, wait until they are in need and then make them crawl to us!

Prime Minister Land : These points have been brought up in the past, and I concede it is an interesting point of view. Let us say we take your course. The likelihood of Brazil and Argentina winning the naval battle is what...realistically?

War Minister Loeder : The South Afrikaans have a strong fleet and should win at sea, it is on land that they may loose. The South Americans would be best served by raids in force against South Afrikaan supply infrastructure. This would force the Afrikaans to consolidate their forces to counter and maintain a high state of readiness to counter.

Queen Wilhelmina : We maintain the home fleet so that we can assist our AANM allies without weakening our Malay position, can we not assist the Afrikaans that way? For that matter we have the 14th Division in the Kongo, where it has not been truly needed in years.

Prime Minister Land : My Queen, Herr Loeder has an excellent point. How can I explain to the people of the Netherlands that their countrymen are dying to aid a nation that, rather than seek closer relations or an Alliance with us, has actively aided those sworn to our destruction? I can certainly justify helping a friendly nation, but armed intervention can only come if the Netherlands' strategic interests are jepordized.

War Minister Loeder : Herr Land, that is the first sensible thing I have heard from you in ages.

Prime Minister Land : The feeling is mutual Herr Loeder. I have a question, if we simply adhere to our obligations under SANTA, there any aid that Bharat may lend the Afrikaans?

War Minister Loeder : The Indians? They have proven they are willing to project divisions overseas to both Asir and the Phillipenes, and they, or SATSUMA, could send troops. If they were not willing to send forces into combat, they could still assist. They could also free up Afrikaan fleet units by taking over routine patrols, such as in the Indian Ocean.

Prime Minister Land : Why do we not, how is it.. "beat them to the punch" ? We have numerous escort squadrons, we can certainly offer to commit some to patrols out of Dar Es Salaam and Madagascar. Such a measure would be of material aid, but not expose our forces to combat with the South Americans, while excluding Bharat from a similar move.

Herr Loeder nods assent, the Queen looks pleased

One item which we may wish to carefully consider is the gunboat question. For those of you who do not know, the August exercise gave the South Afrikaans a look at our Gruno class and in December we had discussed lending them some for the Paraguay situation, in exchange for the loan of some of their light destroyers of the Uranus class for evaluation as escorts to replace the F1 class. Prior to this war, we had been the ones advancing this idea, which may mean pulling back is diplomatically difficult, however should we go through with it there may be Dutch ships in conflict with South American river forces.

Foreign Minister Pieter van Grootveld : I strongly agree with that, withdrawing from that agreement would send exactly the wrong message.

Queen Wilhelmina : What about Brazil and Dutch Guiana, in the worst case can we defend it?

War Minister Loeder : With the ground forces currently there against a concentrated attack, no. However any attack would rely on a long and poor supply line thought the mountains and jungle. They would have an exceedingly difficult time supporting many troops, much less many vehicles or artillery. Such a supply line would be very vulnerable to trained jungle troops. Should a Brazilian force reach the central savanna they would have an exceedingly hard time against any mobile forces, and find it very difficult to provide fuel for any of their own. However, since the brigade there is infantry and we only have a small number of D.XVIIbis fighters, we can not exploit that.

Queen Wilhelmina : If I may, there are also two regiments of the Queen's Dragoons stationed there.

Prime Minister Land : Well, those would provide some mobility and capability against the hypothetical supply chain. Previous discussions had touched on trying German style motorized operations, if only to better understand how to defend them. We have the testing range south of van Blommenstien meer just for such exercises. Why should we not move up that up the agenda.

Herr Loeder, pick a regiment to experiment with, delegate some Lt-33s and some PA-IV companies to send with it, and shift a Marine battalion there. We can augment that with a squadron of C.Xs. Lastly, the Windhonds are there on their shakedown cruise. I suggest we keep them there, ostensibly as an assist to the Iberians in anti-piracy patrols, which should also calm our merchants.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Nov 24th 2007, 11:27pm)


Sunday, November 25th 2007, 12:18am

Excellent. Really grasps the Dutch problem of being strung between two opposing sides. Any comment on Nordmark?, they've committed themselves to an active role by sending a squadron of heavy bombers.

I believe that someone from South Afrika is an Afrikaaner not Afrikaans.


Sunday, November 25th 2007, 12:23am

What I want to see is exactly the reaction of the British. Historically they depended a lot of Argentina's beef exports and a war that curtains their food supply will not be in their best interests.

Also I agree that India first impulse will be to do exactly what he said, offer to take over some of the patrol routes to free South African resources and to offer troops to help as a repayment for the help of the Afrikaaner troops that saw service in the Philippines. While I can see South Africa refusing the second option IIRC by the news from the war it seems the first offer was already made and accepted by South Africa. But I could be wrong.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Sunday, November 25th 2007, 1:52am

a. I think you may be correct on the Afrikaaner, Afrikaans may be what the Boers speak.

b. The Nordmark bombers were in February I believe, or at least thats where I noted it.

c. While India may/may not currently be helping SAE in Feb-March, but the ship loans/ taking over patrols are offers discussed earlier with Hoo, and so appear in the early Dutch deliberations as what to do.

Obviously, as already posted elsewhere, the Queen does take steps in March to bolster SAE manpower by arranging for 2 Brigades (~18,000 men) of Kongo troops to be made available to lend aid.

d. One thing I neglected to include was to note that the Dutch government is a coalition- PM Land is with the progressive PEP, WM Loeder with the hawkish semi-fascist DMZSBD, FM Grootveld with the conservative populist RKVP, toss in the Queen (since 1890) and there are some different perspectives.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Nov 25th 2007, 2:54am)


Sunday, November 25th 2007, 12:37pm

That was a very good and interesting read.

With my Argie hat on I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Also I think you've got the strategical points down very well.


Sunday, November 25th 2007, 12:46pm

Agreed, very interesting reading, showing the differences of opinion and the various strategic issues in play for the Dutch.


Monday, November 26th 2007, 12:17pm

OOC: by my earlier calculations the bombers should be going active in May,

And will then be withdrawn rapidly as the squadron will have probably been all shot down. But that is for the future, and the warring nations.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Earl822" (Nov 26th 2007, 12:17pm)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Tuesday, November 27th 2007, 3:59am

January 22nd
The Netherlands Ambassador to Nordmark delivers a message from the Dutch Queen, thanking the Nordmark Government for its support of their mutual friend, the Empire of South Afrika.

Somewhere in the Malay Archipelago , January 23rd
Commander Govert Onderdonk was cursing and his XO carefully inquired the cause
"You willl never believe these orders- 5th Gunboat is to sail to Matadi, Kongo"
"What? We just returned from there two months ago. Is there any chance that these are really orders from last year sending us to the August exercise, and we are just getting them now ?"
"Not a chance. The orders specify we are to make all arrangements and depart in six days, we rendezvous with the Groningen , Hermann and the De Groot at the Cocos prior to sailing, weather depending. We will be sailing en train following the tender Hermann with the heavy (1) bringing up the rear "
"Why us? First the Red Sea, then the Libreville exercise, now Kongo again!"
"I have a sneaking suspicion the Admiral heard about my nickname for his wife...."

(1) the Tijgerhaai class flotilla leader

Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana , January 23rd

Lieutenant Hetterschij grinned as the Captains announcement sank in. After shakedown was done, 2nd Cruiser Division was staying in the Caribbean. The four light cruisers were to be conducting Anti-piracy sweeps, which meant showing the flag throughout the area and were bound to involve much of the crew diligently searching the beaches and bars of the West Indies and Cuba. Life could be worse.


February 3rd
Kongo Minister of Defense, Kabaydi wa Tshimbombo, relayed the orders to subsecretary of the Army, Hermaan MBangwe.
"The Queen has ordered that we identify the minimum forces, presuming the Dutch 14th Division absent, for border security, and to make plans to send at least two brigades to assist South Afrika."

"Sir, if the 14th is absent, we will have to screen the Northeast from those verdammit Arab slavers (1). Are the Dragoons and the Ubangi-shari forces staying?"

"The Queen did not specify, I will have to check."

"Well if they are not, we will need one Brigade on the coast, and, lacking more cavalry, at least three to deploy to the North East. That leaves only one to address any tribal flare-ups between Duchies (2). That takes all five of the Brigades. I suggest we find out about the Dragoons as they can certainly screen the north better. "

"I see, well back to the telegraph I guess. Could you send in the Air Marshall on your way out? We have new orders for maritime search."

(1) A persistent problem, the eastern portions of Ubangi-Shari (CAR) were denuded by slavers around the turn of the century, and these problems both continue today and contribute to the 2007 Sudanese problems.

(2) The Kongo preserves the traditional tribal structures in a feudalistic arrangement, with the parliament echoing an early House of Lords/House of Commons and serving as an advisory body to the Queen or her Regent (typically her somewhat estranged husband). The Dutch troops are generally seen as neutral and useful peacebrokers when these ancient rivalries come to the fore.

February 15th 1935
Cleito, Atlantis
The Ambassador for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, acting on behalf of the United Kingdoms of the Netherlands, submits a document, signed by the Queen. The document formalizes the withdrawal of the United Kingdoms of the Netherlands from the Cleito treaty.

February 16th, 1935
The Rotterdam Reporter
Acting War Minister Loeder was present today at the keel laying of the new battleship Kortenaer by Fijenoord yards in Rotterdam, while her sister ship was laid down in Den Helder. While the Netherlands have been allowed to lay down replacements for the Zeven Provincien class for some months, the Kortenaer class was delayed until the Netherlands formal withdrawal from the Cleito treaty, yesterday. The Kortenaer class is stated to be 44,000 tons, which exceeds the former limits by 10%. War Minister Loeder stated that
"The Kortenaer class is an improved and modernized member of the Utrecht class, just as well armed and armored, but with the speed to allow her to catch enemy battlecruisers and send them to the bottom (1)."

Other vessels laid down today included the new Z76 class of fleet destroyer, which War Minister Loeder characterized as "the Z76 class is much the same as the Z45 class, but with the range to meet our global commitments. We would have built these long ago, but we were shackled by the dead weight of Cleito. "

(1) This is, in fact, a flat out lie. However, to a third party it might give the impression that the extra size & length is in service to speed, not guns and armor.

February 23rd, 1935
The Brussels Sprout
The Queen returned from the Netherlands this week to attend cabinet sessions and to formally sign several pieces of legislation.

One of the most important marked the government's assumptions of the debts of White Cross lines. The collapse of Belgian exports under the prior regimes tariff schemes had led the company to take out several large loans from banks in Ghent in order to finish construction on several vessels. Unfortunately the company collapsed prior to the current recovery taking hold. At that time it was discovered that White Cross lines had been deferring maintenance for years and that many vessels that had been used as collateral were in fact unfit for sea duty. To make matters worse, two of the banks involved have large holdings in the dockyards where the new freighters are under construction.

The Government's taking control of White Cross lines is seen as a means by which to keep the dockworkers paid, the banks liquid, and some seamen in work. The Government has stated it intends to operate the seaworthy vessels and repair the fleet prior to a final decision on disposition. This marks the 4th Belgian line to fall into bankruptcy in the past 2 years. Previously the Dutch government had made similar moves and taken controlling interest in two lines, Rederij Ringoot en Zoon N.V. and Pêcheries à Vapeur as part of their fiscal aid efforts, whilst a third, the Van Stappen was broken up and sold.

In other news the Queen's detractors were surprised to find that the appointment of Julien Lahaut as the Belgian Ambassador to the Empire of Bharat. Several prominent backbenchers had opined that since neither the Netherlands nor the Kongo have diplomatic relations with Bharat, the Queen would not sanction Belgian diplomatic relations with that Empire.

February 25th, 1935
The Amsterdam Advocate
The Prime Minister responded to reporters questions regarding recent official statements by the Argentine government and the rumored comments by the Commander of the Argentine submarine service. The Prime Minister stated

"The Argentine government has been a responsible member of the international community, and so such a statement was not needed.

The Netherlands was pleased and encouraged by the official position of the Argentine government and the apparent intent to conform to international practices.

We do however find the continuing liberties, such as the presumption to demand additional identification beyond what is required to be unfortunate language. The Netherlands will continue to arduously guard her neutrality and her rights to the Freedom of the Seas."

(note : I know I'm skipping events of the past several months, such as Poland-Czech, and the Baltic states, but that is merely the Dutch keeping their noses clean. )

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Nov 27th 2007, 4:05am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Friday, December 7th 2007, 8:49am

(believe it or not, it's shorter than I wanted)

The Amsterdam Advocate
March 1st, 1935
The commencement of election season saw a number of full page adds placed expounding each party's platform. The usual slate of parties took out advertisements and nailed flyers up.

The surprising development that will vex handicappers is that the two progressive parties, De Voor's Vrijheidsbond (Freedom league-conservative party)and Prime Minister Eduwart Land's De Progressieve Eland-Stier Partij , PEP, have yet to come to an accommodation. While the progressive agendas have continued to be fairly popular, they are also quite similar, and may once again result in a split in the popular vote.

Former War Minister Jan Krook's De Mannen met Zeer Boze Blikken Partij , or DMZSBD, has already launched slogans bewailing Prime Minister Land's handling of Government affairs over the past four years. While a somewhat peculiar charge considering the DMZSBD has been part of the governing coalition; it does suggest that the cynics that claimed Herr Krook's November resignation was a tactic to distance himself from the Government.

There is considerable speculation that Admiral of the Fleet, Hans Pienaar, may stump for the DMZSBD once his retirement at the months end is official. Between the veneer of respectability gained by a stint in government, the agitations of a popular hero, and the current and pending conflicts, many feel the DMZSBDs message of a strong, proud and disciplined country may find many takers.

The Rooms-Katholieke Volkspartij , (catholic peoples party) or RKVP, has put forward a strong slate led by Foreign Minister Pieter van Grootveld. Generally well regarded, the RKVP can expect to increase it's standings, perhaps to capture 10% of the vote.

Several were surprised to find that conservative Arbeiders-Democratische Bond (Democratic Workers' league)once again fields Lodewyk van der Berg at the top of the ticket. There had been a strong expectation that Hendrik Colijin would finally take that spot.

As a one-time Prime Minister, and now twice Treasury Minister, Lodewyk van der Berg is by far the best known of his party. As Prime Minister he crafted the Benelux treaty, which has been of great benefit. As Treasury Minister, first for Herr De Voor, and now for Herr Land, it is said he and the Queen quit clashing and have worked together, leading to the long period of prosperity.

The Partij van de Arbeid , or PvDa, once again nominates a slate of led by Frank Meijer and backed union leaders and a strong pro-labor platform.

Finally, the Communistische Partij Holland has managed to qualify for the ballot. After the dismal showing last election that was an open question.

The expectation is the campaign season will follow the traditional arc with the parties concentrating on solidifying their supporters and testing their opponents. A radio debate is to be held on April 2nd, with a second scheduled for April 14th, just 12 days before election day.

The Hague,
Naval Ministry
March 5, 1935.

Orders cut for 'trial loan' to SAE for Uranus-class vessel in exchange for a squadron of Puttens and a Gunboat squadron.

The Rotterdam Reporter March 12, 1935

Fokker Aircraft announced the finalization of an order for G-1A fighters to the Government of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav government will be the 3rd to use the G-1, the 4th if the Iberian evaluation order is included. The G-1 is one of several aircraft Fokker builds for both the Dutch military and for Foreign governments in good standing. These particular planes will likely be produced in the Fokker plant finished last year in Belgium.

Reportedly, the Fokker corporation was expecting to demonstrate the G-1 to the crowds at Wings over Cordoba, but the South American conflict may result in the cancellation of that contest. Last year the Fokker D.XVIIbis performed extremely well, and Fokker was expecting to build on that success.

In related aviation news, the Minerva Motors corporation of Antwerp has announced they are the recipients of a large three part contract from the Netherlands government. The depression of the past several years, combined with the excessive tarrifs of the prior Belgian government combined to cripple the company and drive it deep in the red.

Minerva Motors is primarily known for it's fine automobiles, and will be expanding production lines to build a staff car for the Netherlands army.

Minerva is well known for their high quality engines with their twin sleeve valve arrangement and will work to develop future vehicle and tank engines. Lastly, Minerva will be forming a partnership with the engine division of Fokker-Avia to develop the next generation of Avia radials.

Kinshasa Klarion, March 15th, 1935
A historic vote occurred today as the Kingdom of the Kongo took action on it's own terms to provide aid to the South Afrikan Empire.

Debate on the Kongo's role has been growing since the beginning of the South American conflict. The resounding success of the Bolivian expedition has raised expectations and the majority clearly feels that the Kongo needs to assert it's rightful place in the world.

While a minority have argued for a declaration of war against the South Americans, many have argued for to allow blanket leave to allow wholesale enlistment in the South Afrikaan Army, but both suggestions have met withering criticism from the Germanic representatives of the Katanga Duchy. More influential was the opinion of Field Marshall Hertzog, who stated "The process of creating the Kingdoms army from the old independent territorial battalions is only half complete. To tear the Army apart now would destroy all progress made. Observers should be sent as individuals, but soldiers only as full formations."

By a 78% vote, the parliament of the Kongo votes to make the 2nd & 3rd Kongo Brigades available for the "Defense or reclamation of South African Empire territories, in Africa or abroad". The Ducal council and the Queen approved the measure later in the day.

While there are 5 regular Kongo Brigades, the 1st Kongo Brigade is already deployed to the coastal regions of the Congo, and the 4th and 5th are not fully kitted out. While many would be enthused to be deployed to the war, relieving SAE troops in Cameroon may prove more useful.

The Amsterdam Advocate, March 19th, 1935
Reports are that yesterday there was a border incident in Slovenia. The Yugoslavs are blaming the Italians, but the Italians have no comment. Our Ally Italy continues to experience internal challenges, and it is the hope of this paper that King Umberto can put his house in order.

The Kinshasa Klarion March 21st , 1935

The Kingdom of the Kongo has announced that it has evaluated a number of light fighters. As part of the Kongo Air Force's long term plan to field five fighter squadrons and two Zerstorer squadrons, an evaluation was conducted over the course of the past month in Ilebo.

The Fokker D.XXI and the Fokker-Avia B D.XXb, the Fiat 35, the Koolhoven FK 57, a Curtis Hawk, with a late Reynard R-36 entry were all subjected to a month of simulated operations. Considerations beyond simple combat performance were felt to be key, as field conditions for Kongo aircraft are expected to be primitive.

Long patrols and repeated scrambles attempted to assess pilot fatigue considerations; while the month of high tempo operations stressed maintenance crews struggling to machines and engines in top shape. Ilebo was chosen in part for it's high heat and humidity, which were felt to represent the most challenging environments and led to some fungi visibly sprouting between plywood layers on certain planes.

The Fiat had very good overall performance, but concerns over durability and engine maintenance requirements downgraded it. The Belgian Reynard was consistently found wanting, though no major fault could be pin pointed (1). The D.XXI and D.XXb both continued the Fokker tradition of being pilots aircraft, and the D.XXbs performance was considered quite good, but the proven Mercury radial of the D.XXI was felt to be the easier to maintain by Kongo personnel.

The closest competition was the FK 57 with the proven Jumo 210G engine. With a lower unit cost than the D.XXI, and capable of speeds in excess of 350mph while armed with six machine guns the plane is quite comparable and superior in some ways.

Ultimately, the Fokker D.XXI was chosen as the plane is felt to fit the needs and capabilities of the Kongo Air Guard, both in the near term as a front line fighter and in the longer term as a second line craft.

The radial engined Koolhoven FK58 has been chosen to be the Zerstorer component and will equip a squadron based in Matadi. The Air Ministry has a requirement for a second squadron and is said to be waiting for a chance to evaluate the radial engine Fokker G-1B.

(1) Unless it had something to do with the country of origin.

Boma, March 23rd
Having completed their journey from Balikpapan several days before, the vessels of 5th Gunboat squadron lay at rest in Boma harbor, bobbing gently in the waters at the mouth of the Congo River. Their companion, the De Groot would depart shortly to provide further reconnaissance of the approaches to the Kongo. The Groningen would stay in Boma and join the 8th escort flotilla in providing security for the mouth of the harbor.

Having had two days of shore leave, the crews of 5th Gunboat flotilla were now engaged in training some gentlemen that spoke the same language, but wore a somewhat different uniform. The Dutch crew carefully went over the diesel electric engines, the high angle guns, and their associated indirect fire plotting facilities and protocols.

In a week, Hermaan would accompany them upriver to Matadi, where they would wait their turn behind some KLK patrol craft to be repainted and refurbished, receiving new 40mm and 20mm weapons, chambered for South Afrikan munitions.

a peek ahead

April 11th, 1935

The dockyard workers looked on curiously as the large Belgian freighter Barada was carefully brought into the 220m drydock and the tugs left to fetch her sistership Al Yarmouk, both of the Schellen Shipping & Agency Co. (1) and just in from Matadi.

Instead of the dock gates closing, a pair of small Dutch patrol ships, of the Putten class, were brought in and then the drydock sealed. The two ships were freshly repainted with a marine green upperworks.

Over the course of the next day, on lookers could see first sets of cargo nets carefully placed beneath the craft, and then wooden beams and cables being brought to the little craft. Weights allowed the beams to be submerged beneath the hulls, The Pre-drilled holes allowed the wooden beams to be easily bolted end to end, while the cables were threaded through other holes to hold the ensemble together. A second set of cargo nets finished the wrappings. The large hammerhead crane rumbled down it's tracks to where the two little ships lay in the dock, the carriage was lowered, and the cables attached.

For the crane, rated to lift cruiser turrets, lifting the craft was easy, the trick was to use the wooden beams to disperse the cable's pressure evenly across the hull, to avoid damage. Once lifted, the hammerhead crane eased down it's tracks to the waiting merchant, where the craft, each in turn, were carefully lowed into the waiting wooden cradle built in the open hold.

Further work was necessary to secure the craft, and then the merchant was eased out, and her sister brought in to undergo the same procedure. Once in Montevideo, the procedure would be reversed and they would return to Libreville for their second set of Puttens.

(1) not to be confused with Stoom-Maatsch. "Tromp" (J.F. & F. Schellen), Rotterdam

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Dec 7th 2007, 5:00pm)


Friday, December 7th 2007, 10:21am

Mammoth news.

The wooden-laminate construction of the CR.35 probably wouldn't hold up very well in a tropical environment unless there as a re-design as per the Mosquito.


The Amsterdam Advocate, March 19th, 1935

Italy blames the Yugoslavs!


Friday, December 7th 2007, 11:39am


The winner was the FK 57 with the proven air cooled Jumo 210G engine, and has been chosen for adoption.

All versions of the Jumo-210 engine are liquid cooled.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Friday, December 7th 2007, 4:56pm


Originally posted by Hrolf Hakonson


The winner was the FK 57 with the proven air cooled Jumo 210G engine, and has been chosen for adoption.

All versions of the Jumo-210 engine are liquid cooled.

<confused look>

Well, darn it, which engine was I thinking of ? I thought there was a German air-cooled in-line analog of the Napier dagger. Of course I used the Jumo for the dimensions, HP, weight, etc. The Kongo wants a simple(r) and proven engine their mechanics can more likely keep up.

Well, I guess when I have time I'll edit the results to the Fokker D.XXI, the Mercury was a mature radial.


Friday, December 7th 2007, 5:11pm

Only German aircooled non-radials that I know of are the Argus As-410/411 aircooled V-12s and the Hirth HM 5XX series (4, 6, 8, and 12 cylinder engines in the series). The problem for use in fighters is that none of these engines have more than 500 hp. Germany doesn't have any air-cooled equivalents of the Dagger (that I'm aware of), the German H-type engines that I'm familiar with are all large and not yet available.


Friday, December 7th 2007, 5:56pm

The Isotta-Fraschini Delta is pretty much the most powerful aircooled inline that was in general use. Power up to 900hp and very reliable. 1935 is just a bit early for it.

The Mercury is probably the best choice really.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, December 15th 2007, 2:39am

April 1, 1935

His Marine Kommando had been ashore for a week, it was an hour before dawn, and Sergeant Xiambot was weary. His white eyes gleamed from his black face as he watched the Mughal sentry pace below him. Like the jungle cat he used to stalk, he leapt from the branches onto his foe, savagely breaking the vile foe's neck.

Slipping back into the foliage he brought the other members of the Kommando forward. From this bluff they had a good view of the harbor and the tank farm. Coastal artillery emplacements further down the ridge commanded the entrance. The weather was nearly perfect, with scudding high clouds marring the face of the full moon. The glow on the horizon forrtold the arrival of the sun. In the distance, backlit by the sunrise an old tramp steamer could be seen making its lazy way down the coast.

The observer team carefully laid out the wire to the flanking mortar positions. The sentry here would not be relieved until mid morning. A climber scrambled up the tree with a long antennae while the radio operators set up their gear. They were not quite ready when three short bursts of static, followed by a long hiss filled the air. That signal meant the planes were nearly here.

Craning their eyes seaward they could not spot the planes against the glowing sky. The tramp steamer was visibly moving faster now, the white froth at the bow a testament to its strain. A series of shots rang out from the nearest coast artillery emplacement. Obviously a Kommando had erred, failing to eliminate the sloppy foe silently.

It was time for action. The electricity pulsed down the wires and tripped the static mortars, which obediently thwumped and lofted their colored shells towards the harbor. Plumes of colored smoke grew where the shells landed, Pink for the airfield, green for the tank farm, red billowed above the AAA guns, and yellow marked the Akbar. For the first time the horizon showed the stacks of the fleet, steaming into range of the harbor. The freighter changed its course, aiming for the narrow harbor mouth, and increasing speed yet again.

As the planes screamed in low over the coast, the villagers fled in terror, not knowing what these winged things were. Ignoring them the planes hurtled for the airfield an

Admiral Hans Pienaar scowled.

What was he thinking, of course the villagers would know what planes were like. Perhaps he should replace it with a vignette of a Mughal flying officer kicking his low caste mechanic for failing to prepare the plane, or.. dang the phone, he was retired as of yesterday, he did not have to answer it !

Then a thought, and the Admiral glanced at the clock, yes it was time for Jan Krook to call. Well perhaps one day he would finish his novel. But first the campaign trail called.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Dec 15th 2007, 2:39am)


Saturday, December 15th 2007, 3:19am


Originally posted by Kaiser Kirk
April 1, 1935

His Marine Kommando had been ashore for a week, it was an hour before dawn, and Sergeant Xiambot was weary. His white eyes gleamed from his black face as he watched the Mughal sentry pace below him. Like the jungle cat he used to stalk, he leapt from the branches onto his foe, savagely breaking the vile foe's neck.

Slipping back into the foliage he brought the other members of the Kommando forward. From this bluff they had a good view of the harbor and the tank farm. Coastal artillery emplacements further down the ridge commanded the entrance. The weather was nearly perfect, with scudding high clouds marring the face of the full moon. The glow on the horizon forrtold the arrival of the sun. In the distance, backlit by the sunrise an old tramp steamer could be seen making its lazy way down the coast.

The observer team carefully laid out the wire to the flanking mortar positions. The sentry here would not be relieved until mid morning. A climber scrambled up the tree with a long antennae while the radio operators set up their gear. They were not quite ready when three short bursts of static, followed by a long hiss filled the air. That signal meant the planes were nearly here.

Craning their eyes seaward they could not spot the planes against the glowing sky. The tramp steamer was visibly moving faster now, the white froth at the bow a testament to its strain. A series of shots rang out from the nearest coast artillery emplacement. Obviously a Kommando had erred, failing to eliminate the sloppy foe silently.

It was time for action. The electricity pulsed down the wires and tripped the static mortars, which obediently thwumped and lofted their colored shells towards the harbor. Plumes of colored smoke grew where the shells landed, Pink for the airfield, green for the tank farm, red billowed above the AAA guns, and yellow marked the Akbar. For the first time the horizon showed the stacks of the fleet, steaming into range of the harbor. The freighter changed its course, aiming for the narrow harbor mouth, and increasing speed yet again.

As the planes screamed in low over the coast, the villagers fled in terror, not knowing what these winged things were. Ignoring them the planes hurtled for the airfield an

Admiral Hans Pienaar scowled.

What was he thinking, of course the villagers would know what planes were like. Perhaps he should replace it with a vignette of a Mughal flying officer kicking his low caste mechanic for failing to prepare the plane, or.. dang the phone, he was retired as of yesterday, he did not have to answer it !

Then a thought, and the Admiral glanced at the clock, yes it was time for Jan Krook to call. Well perhaps one day he would finish his novel. But first the campaign trail called.

You got me going for a little bit. :D Very good and funny also.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, December 15th 2007, 8:29pm



APRIL 2nd- radio debate
Excerpts from the debate


Eduwart Land, PEP : The past four years have seen the Netherlands regain international respect for her open minded and fair handed dealings. These have been linked with a period of economic growth, with only 3 quarters out of 16 being less than satisfactory.

With PETA, closer ties to Belgium, and the long term investments made under the TIDE act, the Netherlands future looks the best in many years.

De Voor, Vrijheidsbond : Now the PEP is claiming credit for the success of the Foreign Minister abroad, the Italians for PETA, the Queen for Belgium, and the Queens agent, Governor-Generaal De Graaf for TIDE.

Exactly what Foreign policy victories has Herr Land had? Letting India gobble up Arabia? Failing to back our staunch Italian allies? Or how about their African friends? After giving little support regarding the Italian cruisers, coddling India when they showed their true colors and left the Cleito Treaty? Sending our representatives to San Francisco to marvel at the Indian absence? How much ridicule did that Japanese clown admiral heap on us for our gullibility?

The Netherlands has gone from having strong allies and a firm treaty, to having both allies governments fail and the treaty disintegrate. What has Land done? He has waited a year, a year my friends, before finally releasing us from a document NONE of those sworn to our destruction follow.

Jan Krook, DMZSBD : A government that slashes Army troops by 25%, the navy by 30% and the air force by 40% has the audacity to boast about economic good times? Of course if you plunder the security of the nation and squander the proceeds one would hope to see some economic progress.

With the military budget gutted, and our treasury hemorrhaging monies to Belgium and the far east, one would truly hope that no child would be left without ice skates, because those are obviously more important than battleships and carriers.

Pieter van Grootveld, RKVP : I would like to think the foreign policy situation is not nearly so bad as Herr De Voor outlines.

We of the RKVP have worked hard to burnish the Netherlands international profile in these chaotic times and to strengthen the hand of the League of Nations. In that manner we hope to bring further validity to international efforts to restrict warfare and bring about the early end of conflicts.

While the decision of SATSUMA to flaunt their obligations and depart the Cleito Treaty is profoundly unfortunate, that was beyond our control. What we could control was to ensure that AANM emerged from the changing times as untarnished as possible.

Lodewyk van der Berg, Arbeiders-Democratische Bond : Gentlemen, I would like to observe that the monies expended have not vanished, they have been invested in the future. The infrastructure and fortification projects engaged in will lead to long term bolstering of our trade and industry, as well as enhancing our means to protecting those.


DMZSBD accusation : Despite the best efforts of the DMZ ministers, Eduwart Lands most recent budget has slashed Naval construction spending to levels only 70% of those seen only four years ago, while battleship numbers have dropped to 78% of what they were. These travesties led to my (Jan Krook) resignation as I could not ethically sit in cabinet while presiding over the gutting of our military.

PEP rebuttal : The numbers put forward by the DMZ in regards to the Naval expenditures are ridiculous and only look at a narrow portion of the naval budget.

The number does not account for ships refitting, or the allocation of naval funds to coast defense. As for the battleships, the only way to come up with the 78% figure is if the ancient coal-burning Ijselijk class, which was in reserve, are counted, while the De Hollandia which is decommissioned for refit, is not. The facts are that effective combat power has RISEN.

As for you (Krook) sir , you resigned to further your own glory, as evidenced by this grandstanding.

DMZSBD rebuttal : The PEP calls our numbers narrow, but they come directly from the PEP budget. Construction budgets ARE down, and battleship numbers ARE down, while threats ARE up. Even now there is a war in South America, and we have reinforced the Kongo with what? An elderly coast defense vessel and a seaplane carrier?

We are bound by treaty to provide oil to the South Afrikaans, oil that some would like very much not to arrive, and how many ships are protecting this vital trade? None.

Don't be a clown, don't let the PEP let you down!

PEP rebuttal : I stand by my stance that the eight 380mm guns of the 28 knot (1) van Heemskerk class are far more effective than the sixteen 280mm guns of the two 26 knot coal burners from 1912.

I must also compliment you on your little slogan, but the effective running of the government takes more than schoolyard chants, it takes a strong man, capable of remaining calm in crisis, of being willing to take decisive action and accept the results, and who will not quit in a fit of pique just months before the end of his term.

(1)official policy is to slightly understate battleline speeds, both for others to underestimate, and to explain the generally lower official tonnages. The exception being Loeder's insinuation that the new Kortenaer class will be capable of catching the Chosen/Formosa BCs.

The Rotterdam Regulator , April 3rd, 1935
Koolhoven has announced that the production version of the FK.55 is finally ready. Boasting a formidable armament of 1x23mm and 4x 7.92mm, the FK.55 boasts a sleek outline due to an engine located mid body.

The plane has been well reviewed, reaching a top speed of over 580km/hour, the only criticism being leveled at the narrow-track landing gear which retract into the fuselage. The FK.55 has attracted some interest during development, and shall be demonstrated in Australia, but has no known pending orders.

The Amsterdam Advocate April 7th, 1935
Fokker Representatives proudly announced today that they have reached a licensing deal for the G-1C. Fokker will provide initial technical assistance to ensure the aircraft will be manufactured to the excellent standards that have made their company a recognized name in the industry.

The Hague Herald, April 9th, 1935.
The War Ministry issued a press release today.

The press release included orders for the 2nd Cruiser Division, temporarily assigning them the Division to Paramaribo. While shakedown cruises normally end in the Caribbean, they will remain there to cooperate with our Iberian allies in both maneuvers and anti-piracy sweeps.

An agreement has been made with a foreign navy for the temporary transfer of vessels for design evaluation purposes. The details of the trade have not been made public.

The Ministry also disclosed that an agreement has been reached with Romania regarding production of the Lt-34 tank. Unlike the cost of developing the Skoda-Davao Lt-33, which was split with the Philippines and has had several buyers, the Lt-34 has been a Dutch project, and foreign sales are sure to give Treasury Minister van der Berg reason to smile.

The Prime Ministers office released a supplementary press release.
In order to ensure that our SANTA obligation is met and there is no temptation on the part of warring parties to attempt interdiction, the KM will commence escorting oilers across the Indian ocean to Dar Es Salaam, Cape Town, and Douala. The 2nd Escort flotilla from Medan will be joined by the 5th and 6th from Jakarta, and the 4th from Balikipapan to provide light escorts, while elements of the 4th and 6th Cruiser divisions will accompany.

Edit : Corrected from the 5th Cruiser (CLs from Amsterdam) to 4th Cruiser (CAs from Phuket).

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Dec 22nd 2007, 10:17am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, December 22nd 2007, 6:59am

April 14th RADIO Debate


Krook, DMZSBD : The number of Territorial Infantry battalions has fallen 45% in the past four years.

Land, PEP : The number stated by the DMZ is misleading. The number of battalions is the same, the names are merely different as a ten battalions, soon to be twenty, have been converted to engineers, and well over a dozen have been converted to base defense battalions, while over fifty are now the Army of the Kongo. Not only do the fortified bases provide strongpoints, but the redeployment of an regular Division means the Indies have in fact been strengthened.

Krook, DMZSBD : The PEP admits that not only has the territorial infantry strength dropped by over 45%, and is expected to fall further shortly, but that this is only offset by the transfer of a Division. A division for which the PEP planned demobilization, but the transfer of which the DMZSBD strenuously demanded and ultimately achieved.

How much worse would matters be without the DMZSBD? Elect the DMZSBD and we will restore the muscle to the arms of Dutch policy.

Land, PEP : Catchy not practical. The PEP administration has led to an increase in the defensive strength of the Malay archipelago, and placed better combat units in positions to make a difference when we are invaded. Mere bodies with rifles are not as effective as well trained troops in prepared fortified positions backed by support weapons.

Krook, DMZSBD : It is reassuring to know that the PEP can conceive of there actually being a need for troops, we were all worried there for a while.


Land, PEP : My administration has invested in our Nations future. We have tightened rules on financial institutions, increased penalties for corporate malfeasance, and invested heavily in our own infrastructure.

In the territories we have laid a path forward in Malay Archipelago which will economically benefit our peoples there, while at the same time rising the level of education and educating them in the philosophies of political participation.

We have only taken the first steps, but we can now look to a time in the distant future where an educated and prosperous peoples of the five provinces will be the equal of the provinces here in Europe.

The foundation we have laid is solid, all we ask the Dutch people is to allow us to continue to build on it.

Krook, DMZSBD : The most remarkable aspect of the TIDE report is what most do not know. After caving to those not elected by the people, and reorganizing our administration of our sacrosanct national territory, and committing to pour money into the same region, has there been peace?

No. We have seen a continuing rash of criminal acts, murders and arson, designed to destroy these very same works. At other occasions Herr Land has spoken of better relations with the Philippines, apparently symbolized by our purchase of tractors and helping fund the development of a tank for them to use against us.

What the people do not know is SATSUMAs reaction to this TIDE report and reorganization. By private messages the good nations of SATSUMA offered a promise not to attack us if we would only take further measures in how we governed our own nation.

This makes tremendous sense, after all, if we govern ourselves in accordance with their dictates, voluntarily acting as their puppet state, then there is no reason for them to invade.

Further, in the normal course of relations between nations, one would hope there would be no attacks without provocation, yet the insinuation, both from speeches and in those messages, has always been our mere holding of land in that area of the world is sufficient.

Only though strength a steely determination to extract blood shall SATSUMA be deterred. The tyrants in control of India, China and Japan will understand nothing less.

Land, PEP : That, my dear chap, is a ridiculous over dramatization of affairs. We have strong allies, and interior lines of communications. Between the bases by the Straits, the Red Sea, and the Panama canal, we can throttle their trade the day they choose to be rash.

To characterize that alliance as a monolithic block bent is flawed. The SATSUMA alliance is primarily about economic aid and security, only the two main members espouse this hostile creed. There is no rational reason for Persia, the Oceanic territories, or even the Philippines to seek conflict, they have far more to gain by peacful trade, a situation we expect proves true for China as it recovers.

The Netherlands has ever been a nation of merchants. We will fight to protect what is ours, but our goal is peaceful trade for mutual gain, there is no cause to seek to give provocation and create Demons where there are none.


Krook, DMZSBD : The Land administration gutted the air force, eliminating over 400 aircraft at a time when most countries are fielding more. How can our troops fight with no aircover to protect them?

Land, PEP : The elimination of several hundred wood and canvas biplanes allowed the continued purchase of first rate combat aircraft and the provision of more training aircraft. The soundness of the policy is shown by the stellar performance at Talons over Cordoba.

Krook, DMZSBD : It was one of the older biplanes that did so well at Cordoba, the newer so called first rate planes did not finish as well. Further the Fokker entries in the race to Australia did not even place.

Land, PEP : The DMZSBD should be ashamed of it's misleading statements, the Fokker entries at Cordoba competed well against the best the world had to offer and resulted in a trophy.

The Australian race was won by planes modified for the task, but the standard military T.V performed well until misfortune, and the simple Fokker airliner performed better than many contestants.

DMZSBD party headquarters, April 16th

Krook : Loeder, you have heard the reports, what folks are saying. What do you think, are we going to come out of this election in the lead? What about Land, is he showing any angst.

Loeder : No, Herr Krook, Land is calm as always. The people are feeling safe and prosperous. We have succeeded in showing them valid cause for alarm, but with both progressive parties claiming to be better for future peace and prosperity, our message, no matter how well founded and truthful, is not what they want to hear. The people want to hear a good message, and without the smoke on the horizon, they do want to believe that our world can come crashing down.

Krook : I am with them Herr Loeder, I wish you had other news, but you echo my own thought. Damn it, to come so close. The time is right, the cause is right, we need to get this country back on the true path !!!

Loeder: I have an idea, let me see if I can pull some strings and stoke some fires. Let me explain...

Matadi, the Kongo, April 20th.
Repainted, with burnables minimized, and with the newer fire retardant paint, seals checked and replaced, hulls cleaned, resealed, sporting new SAE light weapons and radios (and operators), the 5th Gunboat flotilla was finished with it's refit and was ready to proceed.

The four Gruno class gunboats followed their Tijgerhaai leader down to Boma. There the Hermaan would take the lead.

On board the ships of 5th Gunboat, skeleton crews of Dutch officers and chiefs gave instructions to gentlemen in the uniform. At the mouth of the mighty Congo they would be joined by the Windhond and elements of the 8th Escort flotilla to make their way towards Grand Uruguay.

The journey was timed for the calmer weather of late April, and would bring them into Buenos Aries from the South East. A days steaming ahead, the Waterhond, the other half of 8th Escort, and the seaplane carrier De Groot would scout.

With De Groots T.VIII-W seaplanes scouring ahead, and D.XVIII-W floatplane fighters on her catapults, the Dutch felt confident the little squadron would avoid contacts and put them 450nm S45E of Buenos Aries on May 10th. At that time, they plane to make for Buenos Aries, pausing in international waters on the evening of the 11th. At that point the Dutch flags can come down, SAE flags go up. The Dutch officers/NCOs shall be taken off to the Hermann, and 5th Gunboat can sail into Buenos Aries in the dark predawn of the 12th.

The Kinshasa Klarion , April 20th

Prince Hendrick was on hand for the inauguration of the Mambasa hydroelectric dam on the Aruwimi river. The prince dramatically drew down the level controlling the gates, allowing water to rush through the turbines for the first time. The dam is intended to provide subsided energy for factories, making operations in the Kongo more attractive.

The first factory to take advantage of this bounty is slated to open in July in nearby Isiro. The factory will take advantage of the local forest industry and the new electricity source to manufacture rayon. T

he Kongo Army has already lodged an order, split among several companies, to have local manufacturers produce cotton/rayon blend uniforms and gear on the model the Dutch have adopted for their Malay Archipelago formations.

The Batavia Bugle , April 21st 1935
Criminals claiming to belong to the Hindia Putra (Sons of India) nationalist movement have struck at several sites in Jakarta. Several dozen members stormed the offices of the Royal Radio Company, only to be repulsed by constables from the local precinct.

A company sized force attempted to storm the State House, resulting in a bloody battle with the guards. Reportedly the State House guards had been bolstered against just such an incident marring the investment of the five new territorial governors to occur on the 27th.

The third force seized the central Post Office at 9:55 am this morning. Reports are that several hundred employees and citizens are held inside. As of this flyer, armored cars and members of the Royal Fusiliers were arriving on scene.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Dec 22nd 2007, 7:12am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, December 22nd 2007, 10:34am

My OOB is sadly out of date and I'll fix it later. (for example 2nd Cruiser is now Windhonds, with the Palembangs scrapped, 2nd Battle is now 1 BB with the BCs scrapped...) , and of late the Dutch have been making lots of temporary assignments, which I was listing and may as well summarize here :

Temporary Assignments

BB Oceaan from 1st Battle Division, Den Helder; to 3rd Battle Division, Soerabaja

BB De Hollandia from 3rd Battle Division, Soerabaja, to refit, then to Paramaribo for Carribean anti-piracy patrol
2nd Cruiser Division from Den Helder, to Paramaribo for Carribean anti-piracy patrol
AT Andaman from Sulawesi to Paramaribo to support the 3rd Marine Battalion

As of June 1st, Forces in Dutch Guiana would consist of 1 Marine battalion, 1 Regular Regiment (including 1 PA-IV AC company), and 6 Territorial Battalions. Troops and equipment at the testing range are not considered an organized force.

A further 2 Lt-33 companies, 1 tankette company, 1 Vickers 6ton G company, and 1 PA-IV AC company, 1 Fusiler Regiment, 1 Royal Dragoon Regiment, 1 squadron of D.XIXC and 1 squadron of T.V are en route. Planned coastal fortifications have been moved up ~six months on the priority list and weapons diverted from planned DEI emplacements.

1x Mercurr AVP from Paramaribo to Cuba to support T-IV flight loaned to Iberia for Carribean anti-piracy patrol

CDS Groningen of 5th Battle squadron, Balikipapan, to Boma, Kongo Station
1x De Groot AV of Balikpapan, to Boma, Kongo Station
5th Gunboat Flotilla from Balikipapan, to RSAN for evaluation
KNK Putten Class x 8 from Matadi, Kongo Station, to RSAN for evaluation
1x DT Hermaan from Soerabaja to Boma, Kongo Station

2nd Escort Flotilla, Medan assigned SANTA escort
5th and 6th Escort Flotilla, Jakarta, assigned SANTA escort
4th Escort Flotilla, Balikipapan, assigned SANTA escort
4th Heavy Cruiser Division, Phuket, assigned SANTA escort
6th Light Cruiser Division, Phuket, assigned SANTA escort

The following 4 assignments are tentative, pending Iberian response to China
AT Nicobar from Sulawesi to Paracel islands to support 2nd Marine Battalion
1x De Groot AV from Tarakan to Paracel islands to support anti-piracy patrol
2nd Gunboat flotilla from Soerabaja to Paracel islands to support anti-piracy patrol
1x DT Hermaan from Phuket to Paracels to support 2nd Gunboat flotilla