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Doug Wise



Tuesday, December 28th 2004, 11:47pm

I'm new. How does this all work?

I've been lurking here for around a month or so now, but now I've decided to speak!

What can people who don't have countries do to try to get countries? I would be willing to take the most irrelevant country ever just to have one, although that doesn't look likely considering how no one is allowed to join.

I'd like to get involved in this, as it looks really fun!


Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 2:19am

Unfortunately, you're right - we're not generally looking for players these days. Though it's always good to know who's interested in case somebody has to bail out.

What you can do, however, is learn about the Wesworld and join in our discussions about ship designs, alliances, fleet designs, news, and so forth. We have several folks who do regularly provide such comment despite not actually being "players", and I think we all appreciate their input.

Somewhere in "The Meeting Place" there's a kind of "Hi, I'm so-and-so" thread - feel free to introduce yourself there as well.


Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 5:51am

Sometimes you get lucky.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 10:58am


Hi fenkmaster,

welcome aboard. Where are you from and what are you doingin real life? Why are you interested in warships?

As Rocky already pointed out we´re currently not looking for new players but if you stay online you might get a country some day.

However, we always like to get input from "outside" as a new point of view might add aspects to our discussions we would otherwise have missed. So feel free to add your stuff and input whereever you find it necessary. We´re all here to learn from each other so - player or not - don´t be too shy...




Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 11:44am

Welcome, we are actually looking for an impartial referee.

Just get involved with the discussions. Its good to have different input.


Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 7:35pm

We do have a peanut-gallery of non-players, so feel free to join in discussions. :)

And, as mentioned, now and then someone has to bail, so there might be an opening in the future.


Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 7:44pm

Welcome to the forums fenkmaster, as everyone has already stated, you can add to the discussion even though you are not presently part of the sim.

Info on the various nations is posted in the encyclopedia but this is a players only area and comments can be made in the regular forums.

The sim is esentially a role playing/ simulation. We don't have actual combat rules yet but there are idea's floating around out there.

Feel free to make comments!

Doug Wise



Wednesday, December 29th 2004, 11:15pm

I'm from SW Washington state, 18 and still in high school. I'm my school's starting quarterback in football and shortstop in baseball.

I've been interested in warships ever since I was a little kid. My grandpa was in the merchant marine in World War II and Korea, so he was my biggest influence in that respect (He had a great story about seeing the flash from the first atomic bomb on the horizon while at sea). He had a great library of Janes' and other warship-related works which he left to me when he died two months ago.

I love playing those old Milton Bradley wargames with the cardboard squares, and I play them with my dad often. I've read quite a bit on warships, and have a lot of books on the subject, so if you were looking for an impartial referee I think I could handle it well, as I haven't been here very long and certainly haven't taken any "sides".

I look forward to contributing to this forum!

Doug Wise



Friday, December 31st 2004, 8:33am

I know this is probably against the rules and wishes of the powers that be of WesWorld, but would it be ok if I played as Abyssinia? Its rather small, and probably wouldn't mess up the balance of the game....

Please consider.


Friday, December 31st 2004, 8:58am

Unfortunately that would greatly upset Italy's plans for that region.


Friday, December 31st 2004, 9:33am

What about Brazil, or Australia? Did Australia ever get fixed now that the United Kingdom has a player?


Friday, December 31st 2004, 10:16am

To be honest the elders decided that there would be no more new players in the smaller nations, otherwise we wouldn't have any cannon fodder. The only nation remotely considered would be the U.S. in a limited form for an Alt_naval type idividual, one who knows his stuff and is technically sound, a guru of sorts.

As the other members stated, this shouldn't stop newcomers or non sim members from posting designs on our board as freelance ship designers or contributers to our discussion, but unfortunately at this time no new players are to be added.


Friday, December 31st 2004, 11:36am



a guru of sorts

Umm, the main thing to note is that once you get the hang of it, Springsharp is easy to use. However, the thing that people want to see after you simulate the perfect warship, is for some eye candy.

Take a long browse through Italy's or SAE's encyclopedia section below. Take a look at the drawings - they are done in paint programs. Have a go at designing a ship and do a drawing. Have you used Corel Draw?

Once you've mastered both the springstyle and the drawing then you'll probably find that you'll be invited to join. There are still canditate nations around - possibly available for someone with the ability with drawing and designing to join in.

The real killer around here is a lack of a spreadsheet to handle all the construction times and quarterly reports ect. Some do without it - I don't know how. Do you have MS Excel?

Have a try at this . It is a 'Mr Potatohead' battleship. Move the pieces around and see what you come up with.

Good luck. : )



Friday, December 31st 2004, 11:44am

You need to make more of those Roger!


Friday, December 31st 2004, 12:10pm

I thought of doing more but it's a hard slog so I took the easy option and started the FEH where people design and I draw... that was the idea anyway.



Friday, December 31st 2004, 12:45pm


The real killer around here is a lack of a spreadsheet to handle all the construction times and quarterly reports ect. Some do without it - I don't know how.

Me neither.
If I were to lose Excel right now, I wouldn't know how to do my reports anymore!! :-)
Chosen and Formosa are small enough to do without a spreadsheet, but Japan is something different.
I got a lot of stuff in there and it makes life a lot easier. I even have a page that shows me how many tons I have left for a certain CT category of ships so I know how much I can still build for that category and make sure that I will not exceed the limit.
A total of 8 pages.
What to do without those 8 pages!!


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Friday, December 31st 2004, 1:06pm

Too true...

I´m using a spreadsheet with two pages - one showing my actual fleet strength (all categories, including tonnage for all categories) and what is planned to be build and another one that gives me all information necessary for the use of factories, slips and docks. That page is most important for my reports.

Without those two pages I´d be lost!


Friday, December 31st 2004, 1:32pm

I got my important stuff spread out over 3 pages:
- The "Factories" page gives me everything related to the factories (number of factories, assignment, output, etc)
- The "Ships" page gives me all the ships that have been built as of 1921, are currently being build and will be constructed, as well as the ships that need a refit or rebuild. It also shows me how many tons of warship materials will vanish into each of the ships. The tonnages are linked to the factory page so I can see there if I am not using too much materials.
- The "Slips and Docks" page shows me which slips are being used and which ones are idle and can be used to build, repair or rebuild/reconstruct a ship.

The ideal thing is that I can shift tonnages when necessary. Example: Swamphen asked me if it were possible to do something to one of my ships (the K-33 getting damaged). I hadn't got that one in my "Ships" list. At the end of the SATSUMA exercise the K-33 was at 78% and needed repairs. Of course, I wasn't quite expecting that (though I should have) and had no tonnages left to use for the K-33 repairs. So I looked at the ships that could do with some less tonnages this quarter and used tonnages from them to put into the K-33. The removed tonnages would be corrected for those other designs the next quarter and it turned out to be necessary to remove tonnages from a couple of other vessels that could do with a few less tons. That went on until I got to the bit where I have enough tonnages.
Sometimes in a quarter, I want to lay down an additional ship for a class (3 instead of 2 planned for the quarter) but I do not have enough tons for that ship, so I do something similar as above and I will shift tonnages around until I can fit that one ship into my building program.
Now you can see how important that 'link' between the "Factory" page and the "Ships" page is. That way I can make sure that I do not accidentally lose tons of warship materials without stockpiling them (truly a waste) or use tons of warship materials that do not exist.
In theory, I cannot accidentally use more than what the output of my factories will give me.


Friday, December 31st 2004, 3:32pm


I know this is probably against the rules and wishes of the powers that be of WesWorld, but would it be ok if I played as Abyssinia? Its rather small, and probably wouldn't mess up the balance of the game....

Unfortunately Abyssinia thought it was in her best interests to sign an accord with Italy.


Friday, December 31st 2004, 4:02pm

Don't need no steenkin' spreadsheet!

Fenkmaster - paitence, m'boy, paitence. RA currently is 'proxy running' Abyssinia; however, stick around long enough and an opening is likely to occur. ;) In the meantime, download SpringSharp and play around with it, it's great fun!

One thing you might consider is 'shadow playing' a country - Brazil, say. While the 'actual players' might throw the occasional monkey wrench into your plans ;), it would help you get the hang of things.

Ithekro - Australia is part of the United Kingdom now, and nothing more (quoth the Raven). Maybe in "WW2".

As for mapping out future plans, when I start a quarter's report, I work in the following order:
-Tonnage going to other countries as payment other countries for construction ships completing construction this quarter ships completing refit/rebuild this quarter ships already under construction ships already under refit/rebuild ships starting refit/rebuild ships being laid down this quarter

I couldn't work a spreadsheet if my life depended on it.

BTW, how far ahead do y'all have mapped out? I have quarterly reports ready for immediate posting (if necessary, of course ;) ) through and including Q4/28...