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Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 7:02am

1930 Netherlands News

A great number of things had been planned for 1930, which means it is a long read.
So a summary:
New ships laid down, ships launched and completed (2 Carriers, 6 coastal subs, 4 DDs, 2 sloops, 1 target PD)
6 Z25 class rebuilt, F1 class, Java Class, Groningen class service life extension.
Queen goes on tour of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, assassination attempt fails, founds university in Java, Bali changes status, warfare continues in Sulawesi, delegation sent to Germany.

The Netherlands 1930 news.


The Amsterdam Advocate, January 2nd
The Admiralty announced the first two ships of the new S19 sloop class were laid down today. The Admiralty statement alluded to the adoption of welding and modular construction for the upperworks, two techniques which until now have only been seen in the commercial yards. The new sloops are intended to eventually replace the old frigates. Since the sloops will not be available in sufficient numbers until the late 1930s, the Naval budget includes provisions for the refurbishment of the old frigates.

An additional four of the Z53 class destroyers have been laid down. In other news, the cruisersJava and Sumatra have been taken into hand for refits at Balikpapan and Medan.

The Navy Armaments Bureau has announced that work on a new 360mm gun is progressing. The Bureau has also solicited bid packages for a new tri-axle AAA mount for.

The Batavia Bugle, January 7th
Two new vessels started construction today in the harbor’s commercial yards. These two new wooden vessels are lead ships of new KLK and KM classes. The 75 ton patrol corvettes of the “Putten” class will serve to augment the motor launches the KLK currently uses for it’s work guarding the coasts, while the 200 ton coastal minesweepers will supplement the elderly Jan Van Gelder class of minesweepers until such a time as the latter are replaced.

In additional news, the reconstruction of the next six Z25 class destroyers has commenced. As the reader may recall, the Admiralty long delayed this measure to allow the first Z53 class destroyers to enter service. The Z25s are being converted into the S1 class sloops, and are providing drydock work throughout the United Netherlands.

The Palu Paragon, January 23rd
Korps Rijkspolitie (KP) Commander Jan De Quay held a press conference to announce today that “A band of a couple dozen brigands, have recently been operating in North Western Sulawesi. We expect to apprehend them shortly.”
The Commander was not available for comment, so it is unclear if these “brigands” are the same as the communist insurgents known to have been operating in the same region in recent months.

The Amsterdam Advocate, January 30th
The first wave of frigates were taken into hand today to start their service life extension. The tightly scheduled refits are expected to take 72 days.


The Palu Paragon, Feb 3rd
Traffic along the coastal road along Tomini bay has been halted at Ampibabo. While there is little information, it appears at least two bridges have been destroyed and insurgents temporarily control that section of road.

The Palu Paragon, Feb 12th.
The replacement of the lost bridges on the coastal road has been delayed. While escorted by KP officers, the work crews came under sniper fire and were forced to return to Palu. Two laborers were killed, and an officer injured.


The Hauge Herald, March 6th
The Queen and the Royal Family departed today to pay a state visit to King Albert of the Belgians, and to participate in the celebrations of his 55th birthday on March 8th. The Queen’s spokesman, Frederik Mercurr, stated that following the celebrations, the Queen will commence her long planned tour of the Kingdom, traveling to the province of Suriname, the Kingdom of the Kongo, and then onto the Dutch East Indies.

The Brussels Sprout , March 11th.
The Queen, with Prince Consort Hendrik and Prince Alexander, have departed Brussels today on the Royal Yacht Nassau. Prince William, his family, and Princess Juliana will remain to tour Belgium for some time.

The Batavia Bugle, March 13th
News reports from Northern Sulawesi indicate several villages have been destroyed by communist insurgents.

The Governor-general’s office has released the following statement
“In recent months it has become clear that members of the communist organization, the Red Path, have attempted to spark an insurrection. The Red Path appears to have secured a moderate arsenal of weaponry, much of it appears to have come from stocks originally sold to the Philippine Army and appear to have been acquired during the recent unrest in those islands. The Governor is concerned that the Red Path is recruiting from other, normally non-violent, communist organizations. The KP shall be investigating these associations.

The unwillingness of the local peasantry to submit to the collectivist schemes of the Red Path has led to loyal local residents being label “collaborators”. The Red Path has apparently commenced a campaign against not only local authorities, but also those of the peasantry who refuse to join them. This campaign has resulted in the destruction of two villages, and the raiding of several others between Palu and Tolitoli.

At this time the would-be insurgency is still viewed as a policing matter. The Red Path is believed to have less than five hundred brigands and to be receiving support from moles within the populace. The KP has declared a commitment to rooting out these sympathizers. The two local battalions are to be mobilized to support KP efforts to provide security. Javanese and Sumatran battalions shall also be sent to provide security for local villages under the coordination of the KP.

The Paramaribo Paragon, March 25th
The Nassau has docked in Paramaribo. The Royal Family is to attend the Governor-general’s ball tomorrow night, and will tour the countryside in the following days.


The Amsterdam Advocate April 2nd.
The Admiralty has announced that the K24 and K25, completed last quarter, shall commence shakedown cruises. A further two sloops of the S19 class, S21 and S22 are to be laid down today. The reports regarding the first “Putten” and the coastal minesweepers are promising, and further vessels have been ordered.

In the Dutch East Indies, The KNK intercepted a barque last week and arrested a score of armed men today off of Tarakan. The men are suspected of illicit activities.

The Matadi Messenger, April 5th,
The Nassau has departed Paramaribo for Matadi, Kongo.

The Palu Paragon, April 10th
(KP) Commander De Quay confirmed that a holding facility for known and suspected insurgents was completed in January. “We have successfully apprehended several hundred individuals guilty of supporting the communists. We also have over two dozen commies.” The location of the camp, or camps, was withheld for “security reasons”. While no official announcement has been made, there appears to have been recent heavy fighting against the insurgents, with the local hospital filling in the past week with injured civilians and troops of a Sumatran company. Reports are the village they were guarding was strongly attacked by insurgent forces. There have been at least a dozen attacks on villages in the past three weeks, and the coastal road is again closed. Refugees have been appearing in Tolitoli and Palu, and are being housed in tent encampments.

The Matadi Messenger, April 15th.
The Royal Yacht arrived in the port of Matadi, Kingdom of the Kongo today. The Royal Couple and Prince Alexander are scheduled to take the Matadi-Kinshasa train this afternoon and shall be staying at the Governor-general’s mansion in Kinshasa.

The Matadi Messenger, April 17th.
A parade was held to welcome the Queen back to the Kongo. There was a large crowd in a joyful mood as the royal carriage made it’s way from the Governor-general’s mansion to the Volksraad. The Queen is exceedingly popular with the populace, and their cheers brought a blush to her cheeks. The exuberant waving of stunted limbs by many older men served as an eerie reminder of the atrocities that occurred prior to 1905, under Leopold II’s rule.

Given the prosperity of the Kongo now, it is difficult to recall the condition of Kinshasa in 1905. The Kinshasa-Matadi railroad was barely finished then, the thugs of the Force Publique (FP) virtually enslaved the populace and the countryside was depopulated and destitute. The Queen is said to have invested tens of millions in the years following 1905 to improve the infrastructure and repair the Kingdom. The later immigration, the SANTA treaty and the resulting railroad and infrastructure, combined to yield a prosperous Kingdom.

During her stay, the Queen is expected to receive representatives from the common people, address the Volksraad, appoint judges and visit the Bakongo principality.

The Batavia Bugle, April 18th
The Java and Sumatra have completed their service life extension refit.

The Tolitoli Tattler April 21st
The first vessels ferrying three Mollucan battalions, the 1504th, 1514th and 1524th, arrived today. The remainder of the battalions are expected to arrive over the course of the week. The ferries were loaded with casualties for transport back to hospital facilities in Sumatra. Unconfirmed reports indicate that a Sumatran column was ambushed with mortars and machine guns several days ago. KP Commander De Quay has announced the capture of former members of the Philippine Army operating with the insurgents. The Commander stated that “The problem is that we’ve been to accommodating, it’s time to crack down and punish those who’s complicity allows these communists to flourish.”


The Amsterdam Advocate, May 2nd
The Royal Dutch Shell company has accepted the Oceanographic submersible Jantzoon . The vessel’s appearance is quite distinctive, the fore section is effectively a bathysphere with it’s own pressure hull and viewports, while probes and light drilling apparatus are enclosed in an amidships bay. The enlarged sail is said to hold recording instruments. The vessel is named for the famed explorer, Willem Jantzoon, the first western discoverer of Australia. The company representatives have announced the first destination will be the Caribbean to explore the coastal holdings of it’s subsidiary Mexican Eagle Petroleum company.

The Matadi Messenger, May 3rd.
The Queen departed Kinshasa by train today for Matadi. A throng of well wishes packed the station to see the Queen off. A section of Black African cavalry have been added to the Queen’s honor guard. The troopers are drawn from all four of the Black principalities of the Kongo. The European population of the Kongo is already represented by a half dozen troopers of German and Dutch immigrant background. The Prince consort and prince Alexander have stayed behind for safari in the Prince consort’s Grand Duchy of Ubangi-shari.

The Ambor Advocate May 5th
The freighter Greater Sardinia, 5000 GRT, has been listed as one week overdue. Last port of call was Koror in Pacifica.

The Batavia Bugle, May 6th
The two newest K19 class coastal submarines, the K24 and 25 have been completed and will commence their shake down cruises.

The Matadi Messenger, May 7th
The Queen has departed Matadi for Batavia on board the Royal Yacht Nassau.

The Palu Paragon, May 20th
The 172nd Territorial Mounted Regiment took position north of Palu. While the territorial battalions in Sulawesi have been mobilized for some months, there has been an influx of Koninklijke Landmacht troops over recent days, with many light craft being requisitioned for transport of territorial battalions from their depots to ports in Sulawesi. Official statistics are not available, but it appears that over a dozen additional territorial battalions have been mobilized and are arriving in and around Palu.

In addition to the Mollucan troops, two artillery battalions and an infantry battalion of Royal Marines have arrived in ToliToli. The Marines train extensively with the Mollucans, and may be presumed to form an ad-hoc regiment. The arrival of further territorial battalions is expected.

Brigade-general Karel Van Gogh outlined the situation
“Initial intelligence reports indicated a small group of communist insurgents present in the region, operating as brigands. The increased availability of arms due to the Philippine insurrection gave them hopes of outfitting a large force. Once a toehold had been established, and arms procured, the red flag of carnage was raised. The communists found neither the free peasantry of Sulawesi, the town bourgeois, or the native leaders were interested in the communist yoke. The communists then showed their true face, waging war on all those that merely did not aid them. The initial small group swelled as like minded miscreants flocked to the red banner. We estimate the total communist forces between Palu and ToliToli as over a thousand. Our troops have thrown cordons across the north and south ends of the isthmus between the two cities. We will eventually commence our campaign to eradicate these people. Should they choose to surrender, they will be turned over to the KP as criminals.”

The Batavia Bugle, May 27th.
The Royal Yacht and escorting vessels has arrived in Batavia.

The Batavia Bugle, May 28th
Queen’s spokesman, Frederik Mercurr, unveiled the Queen’s busy itinerary for her stay in the Dutch East Indies. The Queen will be reviewing the fleet in Soerabaja, participating in a ground breaking for a University, visiting the Royal Dutch Shell refineries in Balikpapan, and meeting with representatives from around the provinces in Batavia.


The Soerabaja Sentinel, June 1st
The Indic Fleet steamed proudly in review as planes roared overhead. The vessels looked grand and the Queen was seen to be at ease and chatted amicably with the Admirals. After the review, the Queen and Governor-General visited several of the warships on inspections.

The Batavia Bugle, June 4th
The Queen departed for Yogyakarta, to participate in the ground breaking ceremony for a new University to be located there. The University will reportedly be affiliated with the famed school at Leiden in much the same way as the Kinshasa University is. The University will reduce the need to send the best and brightest of the provincial students away from the Dutch East Indies.

The Amsterdam Advocate, June 5th
While the Queen was riding in her carriage in Yogyakarta, a wild-eyed man leapt from the crowd and fired several shots at close range, reportedly striking the cushions around the Queen. The would be assassin was immediately cut down by the sharp sword of Lieutenant Lukeni lua Nimi, a Black African serving with the Kongolese contingent of the Queen’s Guard. The Queen is said to have created Lieutenant Nimi a Knight of the order of the House of Orange. There is no word on who the maniac was. The Queen was reportedly lightly injured, but was obviously not seriously injured, as she insisted on proceeding with the ground breaking ceremonies for the new University of Yogyakarta. The Queen gave a short flowery speech stating how pleased she was to “help bring the benefits of being Dutch to those citizens who do not happen to live in Europe”, with the only reference her injury being “I sincerely hope that the students suffer less for their education than I already have”.

The Batavia Bugle, June 6th
The Korps Rijkspolitie revoked leaves to launch a full scale effort to ensure there are no further “Nests of Vipers” laying in wait.
The Queen’s spokesman, Frederik Mercurr, held a press conference “ The Queen is fine. Her personal physician assures me that the bullet did no more than graze her left arm. The Queen herself is concerned that there be no overreaction in this matter. The Queen shall be attending services tonight to give thanks for her good fortune.”

The honorable Pangeran Surjodiningrat announces the founding of Pakempalan Kawula Ngayogyakarta as a cultural organization for the people of Yogya, which is expected to be very popular. The PKN will be affiliated with the new university

The Hauge Herald, June 9th
The Eendracht and Brederode have formally entered commission today. The shake down cruise is expected to commence immediately. The remaining six vessels of the Z25/S1 class have completed their reconstructions. Ceremonies are planned for the commissioning of the Molluca in two days time. The KM has been looking forward eagerly for the completion of the predreadnaught’s conversion to a target ship. In other news, the government officially changed regulations regarding the arming of the Queen’s guard. Firearms will be added to the regalia.

The Batavia Bugle, June 15th
The Korps Rijkspolitie announced today that the would be assassin had two accomplices. The madman was named Tjokroaminoto and his associates were Mohammad Hatta, and Radjiman Wediodiningrat. The men appear to be members of the Indies Social Democratic Association (ISDV). The Police are reportedly looking for ISDV founder Henk “Maring” Sneevliet. While Mr. Sneevliet is thought to have left the organisation for the Revolutionair Socialistische Partij (RSP), police believe he may posses useful information.

The Batavia Bugle, June 20th
The Queen inspected the Balikpapan Oil Refineries today and visited with the workers. The Queen also toured the naval base. The Queen’s spokesman, Frederik Mercurr announced today that the Queen intends on visiting Palau, Sulawesi next, after which she shall return to Batavia.


The Batavia Bugle, July 1st
The old coast defense vessel Groningen has been

The Batavia Bugle, July 6th
Governor-General A.C.D. de Graeff released a statement today “The destruction wrought by Cyclone 1930C in the Bay of Bengal has, by the Grace of God, spared the Sumatran coastline. Our good fortune has allowed us to extend an offer of aid, should such be requested.”

The Batavia Bugle, July 10th
The Queen arrived in Bali today for an elaborate investiture ceremony at Besakih. The former rulers of Bali shall become a Zelfbesturen with local self-rule under Dutch authority. While de-facto local control has been granted since the last insurrection ended in 1849, the ceremony serves as formal recognition of this relationship. The semi-feudal model found in the African principalities of the Kingdom of the Kongo serve as a model for the dissolution of the protectorate of Bali initially established by the Dutch East India Company after Houtman’s discovery of Bali in 1597.

The Batavia Bugle, July11th.
Governor-General A.C.D. de Graeff announced today that Sulawesi Korps Rijkspolitie (National Police) Commander Jan De Quay has retired. Commander De Quay is only 40, and cites an onset of severe tropical fever for his retirement. The Queen has consented to part with the services of Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Constabulary) Brigade - generaal Jacobus Golius. Captain Golius is a graduate of the famed Leiden University, where he studied under famed Dr.C. Snouck Hurgronje. Professor Hurgronje has only recently retired from the university and his post as advisor for Colonial affairs.

The Batavia Bugle, July 14th
The Queen has departed the Netherlands East Indies for the Kingdom of the Kongo.


The Matadi Messenger, August 5th,
The Nassau has docked in Matadi. The Queen is expected to spend five days attending to official business.

The Hauge Herald , August 13th
The Netherlands delegation to the Trincomalee Conference will consist of undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Jan De With, the commander of the KLK, Rear-Admiral J.B. de Meester, and Captain Helfrich of the KM.

The Admiralty announced that the K26 and 27 coastal submarines, both of the K19 class, will commence shakedown cruises shortly.

The Amsterdam Advocate, August 24th
The Royal Yacht Nassau has berthed in Amsterdam.

The Hauge Herald, August 31st,
The Queen’s carriage proceeded down avenues lined with well wishers to attend a public festival in honor of the Queen’s 50th Birthday and 32nd year of reign as Queen Regnant. The festival was well attended by figures of note, including the heads of many German principalities, and the Benelux countries.


The Palu Paragon September 10th
Brigade-general Karel Van Gogh gave a briefing today, broadcast on Palu radio.
“In recent weeks many have questioned the apparent inactivity of our forces on Sulawesi. For the past three months we have been securing the perimeters of local communities to safe guard them from the communists, closing down the supply routes of the insurgents. We believe at this time to have separation between the local populace and the insurgents. We have scouted extensively and the Marine and Mollucan sniper teams have enjoyed local guides and I dare say have put the fear of God into those commies. We have stayed our hand to this point in the hopes of negotiating their surrender and minimizing further bloodshed. However, the insurgent leaders are unwilling to surrender at this time. Any questions?
Yes, we have paid for all those fishing boats we’ve pressed into service for coastal patrols.
The internment camps? Unfortunately, due to Commander De Quay’s broken health, proper processing procedures had not been fully implemented. We have rectified the situation and have been able to return citizens to their homes, in those cases where we can guarantee an adequate level of safety.
Why won’t the communists simply surrender? They are ideological fanatics. They have convinced themselves that there is a hope of victory or at least serving as an inspiration for their communist ideology. The communist ideology does not meld well with the Confucian principles the citizens have, which led to those incidents several months ago of them slaying village elders as “collaborators”. What they don’t understand is that most folks loose under their twisted ways. What farmer would want to give up the land of his ancestors for a collective farm?

“Yes, we will be taking the offensive, no, I will not give you further details. The primary role of the army is to shield the people against aggressors. We are generally achieving that. The insurgents have tried to cut the access routes, but have instead found themselves bottled up. At the time and place auspicious for our troops, we will take action.”


The Palu Paragon October 30th
General Van Gogh’s limitations on reporters has significantly impaired new reporting capabilities. Official casualties remain a constant trickle. The majority of troops that had been garrisoned here appear to have departed. That new troops continue to arrive is evident by the sightings of FT-17 tanks.


The Batavia Bugle, November 2nd
The completion of the S19 and S20 sloops on schedule and under budget was announced today. The refit of the CDS Groningen has also been completed and she will return to service.

The Amsterdam Advocate, November 2nd
A further pair of K19 coastal submarines, the K28 and K29, have been completed.

The Amsterdam Advocate, November 2nd
The completion of four more destroyers of the Z53 class were announced today. The Z69-72 will be welcome additions to the fleet.

The Hauge Herald, November 23rd
Today marks the 40th year of the passing of William III and the ascension of Queen Wilhelmina, with Queen Mother Emma as regent. A small ceremony was held to note the event.

The Palu Paragon, November 28th
Brigade-general Karel Van Gogh held a press conference today
“I am pleased to announce that our efforts have been moderately successful. The insurgency is not destroyed, but it is crippled and we have eliminated on leader, a Sergeant Enrico Garcia, and captured another who shall remain nameless.

There have been several assaults on our fortified villages, but those were been beaten off. The communist tactic of targeting locals as ‘collaborators’ has born bitter fruit, as Marines and Mollucans recon teams have been cooperating with locals to place the communists on the defensive. We commenced our true offensive in late August with the landing of troops at Siney Village. The isthmus is less than 10k wide at that location, and we were able to fortify a line there prior to discovery. From Tolitoli several battalions moved into blocking positions at Palasa, while we already had a line from Palu to Toboli.


The Hauge Herald, December 12th
A delegation departed today for Berlin for high level talks. The delegation is headed by subsecretary for Foreign Affairs Johann Vogel seconded by General Hein ter Poorten. Prince William shall be accompany the delegation.

The Hauge Herald, December 22nd
Princess Juliana of the Netherlands twenty first birthday, today, was marked by a grand ball. The ball was reasonably well attended by representatives of various Germanic principalities, as well as the royal families of the neighboring “Benelux” countries.


Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 9:05am

Good news! Very in-depth :-)

Interesting that you're having commie problems in the NEI.


Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 9:30am

Wow, long and very interesting post Kaiser. Nice work!

One nitpick though, I think the communist forces would likely be refered to as "Communist rebels" and not "Insurgents" which seems to be a modern use of the term.

They might also be refered to as anarchists.


Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 2:16pm

Excellent item.

One nitpick - the April 17 article probably meant "SANTA" instead of "SAINT". Too many treaties starting with "S"


The Queen’s spokesman, Frederik Mercurr announced today

"Buddy, you're a boy making big noise..."



June 6

Samraja Shrinivas told reporters that he is relieved that an assassination attempt on the Dutch Queen has failed. "Regardless of the relationship between India and the Netherlands, I deplore regicide and am pleased that the Queen has come through the experience in good health."

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 5:35pm

Historically, the DEI had troubles with both communists and nationalists, including nationalistic communists. In Wesworld, the foundations that led to the Nationalist movement are different than, and about a decade behind, the OTL. Historically the DEI communists did not enjoy much popular support.

Actually, OTL there was an attempted communist takeover of government in the Netherlands ~1919, the defeat of which is credited in some degree to the Queen rallying the public. The Dutchman, Henk “Maring” Sneevliet, the KP are looking for went to the DEI after that event.

So I’m starting with the communists, though weaker since you won't have the support of the USSR. I figure India’s years of agitation should have some reflection in the storyline, and an insurgency and piracy/smuggling gave the Dutch something to do 1929-30, and sets up internal political discussion.

SA- You’re probably correct, I was framing it in terms familiar to me. To me, the connotations of rebels imply they hold and control a territorial region, anarchists are minimal or non-govt. The former seemed to lofty, the latter inaccurate. Before the next troubles I’ll look into them.

RD- you are of course correct. Corrected to SANTA.

In general : The style of warfare I described is reminiscent of Britain’s successful anti-communist Malaysian campaign, as I recall it, with a dash of the Dutch Aceh campaigns of the late 1800s. India’s decision in Q4/30 to cease supporting (and here the Dutch just thought they were making an accusation without foundation) the DEI communists will probably remove much of their viability, which will make the nationalists a more attractive alternative.


Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 8:57pm


and here the Dutch just thought they were making an accusation without foundation

Officially, they are. But as Lady Green once pointed out, Wesworld nations tend to play too nicely - so when you made that accusation, it seemed reasonable that it might be true.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 9:18pm

A very interestung read, mister! Please keep it coming...

Will the Queen probably visit the SAE?

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Friday, June 23rd 2006, 12:13am


Originally posted by HoOmAn
A very interestung read, mister! Please keep it coming...

Will the Queen probably visit the SAE?

I'm afraid not in this iteration. In my Dutch histories, I took the liberty of including visits to SAE in 1901 and 1920, which seemed safely in the past.

While I originally intended to have it all written up for Q4/1930- in which case she may have visited SAE (if she survived the assassination); that was woefully optimistic considering more pressing 'catch up' needs. when I got to writing time had marched on to Q2/31. Since the tour was tied to the 50th BD and 40th year of ascension, the timeline couldn't move much.

So I tried to present something that would not have required reactions from other nations, while laying ground work for future items- much of which I haven't figured out yet :)


Friday, June 23rd 2006, 2:07am

Killer Queen? or Queen Killer?


The Queen’s spokesman, Frederik Mercurr announced today

Oh there are so many things that can be done with that.

Such as meeting an Tanzanian named Farrokh Bulsara (though the real one would not be born until 1946).

But just the music puns and referances are staggering based on just that name attached to a Queen (any Queen).