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Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 8:53pm

Spammer in Aisle Three

We have an unregistered spammer in the Ruleset thread.


Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 10:00pm



Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 10:36pm

Thank you Herr Doctor.

This is the first time I found someone identified as "unregistered" posting spam; usually it is a recently-joined "bot".


Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 10:42pm

I shall spam as well then :D


Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 10:49pm


You humor is thoroughly misplaced...


Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 11:00pm

This is the first time I found someone identified as "unregistered" posting spam; usually it is a recently-joined "bot".

I noticed that as well. I thought the majority of our folders were set up to prevent unregistered users from posting. So I might need to review the folder permissions...


Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 11:06pm

I think that would be a judicious move. While most of them seem okay, the Non-Wesworld folder tends to be a target for bots.


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 11:56am

We've got another one... in the Meeting Place.

Edit: And a second one in the German Encyclopedia... X(

Edit Redux: And thank you to our moderators...


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 2:31pm

Yeah, we had three of them last night, too - all Unregistered users. Unfortunately I can't find the admin controls that affect Unregistered users, so I can't reset the permissions needed to block them out.


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 2:40pm

Perhaps someone else might know where the necessary controls are... I sure hope we have them somewhere; this is getting really annoying.


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 3:22pm

Well, I looked around the board after I logged out and there were various points where I could posts as an unregistered user and by the looks of it most of the subforums in the ency are susceptible to spammers. Only exceptions are the SAE encyclopedia and everything after Latvia since those encyclopedias are not visible to a person who is not logged in.

Considering that the SAE encyclopedia is unregistered user proof, I think that Hooman might know what to do...

... unless it was so long ago that he worked on those subfolders that he has forgotten how he did it. :)


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 3:25pm

Well, I looked around the board after I logged out and there were various points where I could posts as an unregistered user and by the looks of it most of the subforums in the ency are susceptible to spammers. Only exceptions are the SAE encyclopedia and everything after Latvia since those encyclopedias are not visible to a person who is not logged in.

Considering that the SAE encyclopedia is unregistered user proof, I think that Hooman might know what to do...

... unless it was so long ago that he worked on those subfolders that he has forgotten how he did it. :)

His name was the one which first came to my mind. Or perhaps he could consult with Testpilot for a solution. Right now these are merely stupid and obvious spam... I hope that they do not presage anything malicious.


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 3:39pm

Well, I looked around the board after I logged out and there were various points where I could posts as an unregistered user and by the looks of it most of the subforums in the ency are susceptible to spammers. Only exceptions are the SAE encyclopedia and everything after Latvia since those encyclopedias are not visible to a person who is not logged in.

Considering that the SAE encyclopedia is unregistered user proof, I think that Hooman might know what to do...

... unless it was so long ago that he worked on those subfolders that he has forgotten how he did it. :)

His name was the one which first came to my mind. Or perhaps he could consult with Testpilot for a solution. Right now these are merely stupid and obvious spam... I hope that they do not presage anything malicious.

"Download Christina Aguilera's new single or the German Petroleum Industry gets it!"


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 3:46pm

My apologies to the German Petroleum Industry (it was nice not knowing you) but my answer to that is


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 4:28pm

Thank you for making light of something that could (IMHO) become so serious. :(


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 4:31pm

Well, it's one thing for bots to bypass the protection that allows them to post; it's another to start something malicious. In the meantime, it's merely an annoyance for whichever moderator has to go through and trim the weeds.


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 4:35pm

Well, it's one thing for bots to bypass the protection that allows them to post; it's another to start something malicious. In the meantime, it's merely an annoyance for whichever moderator has to go through and trim the weeds.

I am glad that the downside risk is low.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 8:09pm


sorry that spammer issue pops up time and again. It is annoying, indeed.

There are usually two ways of blocking those bots (afaik).

1.) Unregistered Users are part of user group "guests". Those can be blocked by User/UserGroups/Permissions for users and groups. Bad news - if you block them there, no unregistered visitor can post anymore.

2.) Unregistered Users can be kept from posting in individual boards. Therefore choose Content/Forum/Show Forums and check for each forum by use of the button "Edit Forum" under Permissions for users and groups if a certain group is allowed to post. For example, checking the SAE forum or the Germany main forum, the checkbox for "Can reply on threats" is denied, while in the German Air Force forum it is allowed. (Haven't change to show you.).

To me it seems we can get rid of these spammers subfolders only, if one takes the action to check all boards where guests shall not be allowed to post have the checkbox set on "deny". Sadly this is some work to do and time consuming...

For those boards that shall be open to guests still, the permission to post must be kept.

Hope this helps...


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 8:39pm

To me it seems we can get rid of these spammers subfolders only, if one takes the action to check all boards where guests shall not be allowed to post have the checkbox set on "deny". Sadly this is some work to do and time consuming...

You aren't kidding. :P

Though I should note that I was fiddling with those settings last night, when Walter was playing "unregistered user", and he could still post in subfolders that I had just tried to 'fix'. So I'm not sure this solution works in all cases...


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 8:50pm


Bad news - if you block them there, no unregistered visitor can post anymore.

Bad news? Isn't that what we want? How can that be bad news? ?(


Sadly this is some work to do and time consuming

Yes. Having seen logged off how many places there were one the board where I could still post, it would take quite a bit of time to sort that out.