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Friday, August 18th 2006, 3:27am

Chile Q1/1932

Chilean Naval Construction
1932 First Quarter Report
January 1 - March 31, 1932

A. Factories

5/7 factories = 5,000t of material
5,000t are used, and 0t transferred, leaving a stockpile of 0t.

2/7 factories (committed) = 0.2 infrastructure pts
0/7 factories (flexible) = 0.0 pts = 0.2 pts available
0.4 IP transfered from Atlantis for factory construction.

B. Infrastructure Development

Factory #8 continues construction: 4.6 of 10

C. Naval Development and Construction

at Talcahuano:
S3: Construction continues on Heavy Armored Cruiser Capitan Oyama (3,000 tons delivered) 22,745 tons needed, will require 953 days to complete (finishes during Q1/1933) - 5,107 tons needed to complete
S2: idle
S1: idle
D3: The rebuilding continues on the Dreadnought Almirante Cochrane (2,000 tons delivered) 13,873 tons needed, will require 552 days to complete (finishes during Q4/1932) - 5,873 tons needed to complete.
D2: idle
D2: idle
D0: idle

at Valparaiso:
S1: idle
S1: idle
D1: idle

at Mejillones:
S0: idle
S0: idle
D0: idle

Commericial shipyards:

D. Transactions

Industrial support from Atlantis. 0.4 IP in Q1/1932 for factory construction.

E. Other Notes

Chile will be moving to a wartime factory usage due to the war.

Heavy Armored Cruiser Capitan Oyama (AC-4) construction continues.

Dreadnought Almirante Cochrane's rebuild continues.

Work continues on the "15 inch/51 caliber" cannon project, which has expanded into the Oyama-Pacifica Ordinance Work factory.

F. Updated Order of Battle, March 31, 1932

Note: W(X)+Y(Z) = completed (under repair/refit) + under construction ( a foreign power)

Dreadnought Battleships------1(1)+0
Coast Defense Ships-----------1(0)+0
Aircraft Carrier-------------------1(0)+0
Armoured Cruisers--------------2(0)+1
Heavy Cruiser--------------------2(0)+0
Light Cruisers--------------------6(0)+0
Protected Cruisers--------------2(0)+0
Floatplane Cruisers-------------1(0)+0
Destroyers------------------------8(0)+0 {1,200 tons std and up}
Light Destroyers-----------------6(0)+0 {under 1,200 tons std}
Floatplane Carriers--------------2(0)+0
Sail Training Sloop---------------1(0)+0

-Emergency Use-
Patrol Boats---------11(0)+0
Museum Ships--------1(0)+0


Friday, August 18th 2006, 3:41am

How is Cochrane going to finish in Q4/32 if it needs 552 days to complete and a year is 365 days long? Further, how if the Oyama going to complete in Q1 of next year if it is just laid down this quarter and needs nearly three years to complete?


Friday, August 18th 2006, 4:33am

Techical problem. Keep forgetting to type the construction lines over again.

Cochrane began her rebuild in Q2/1931

Oyama began costruction in Q3/1930