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Monday, September 13th 2004, 9:47pm

13 September in Manila

"Eighty years ago today..."


13 September 1924
Manila Harbour

The breeze fluttered the flags on the ships in the harbour. From the host Filipino fleet, the Fernando, Luzon, Mindoro, and Mindanao; the Indians had sent the Hindustaan, Dara Shikoh, G-131 and G-132; and the Japanese had arrived on the Nagato, Shoho, and the Imperal cruiser-yacht Kameko-chan, with the 5th Destroyer Division as escorts.

Something big was in the offing, that was sure. The official annoucement had been that the first Filipino battlecruiser, Basilan, would be launched, and that there would be some sort of annoucement regarding some sort of agreement between the three nations. Given that the Indian Rana and the Japanese Empress were in attendence, the agreement was expected to be a big one.

The ceremony started off rather mundanely; several Marina de Filipina officials sang the prases of the new cruiser, a pretty young woman smacked a bottle of champagne across its bow, and Basilan slid smoothly into the water for the first time.

A moment later, a stir went through the crowd. El Presidente de la Filipinas, Enrique Monastario, ascended to the podium.

"My people of the Philippines!

We are gathered here today not just to welcome a new ship into our mighty Navy, but also to open a new era in the history of the Asian continent!

Since the end of the Great War, the various powers of the European world have formed up a series of alliances. One one side, you have France, Russia and Atlantis; on the other, Iberia, Italy and Denmark.

And what has the Asian world done? We have done nothing - until now.

The recent events in the Andaman Islands reveal that the European powers are still willing to meddle in Asian affairs. This is intolerable, and so we are gathered here today to announce the formation of our own alliance.

The people of the Philippines, of India, and of Japan will no longer have to depend on hasty alliances that might be too late in a time of crisis. We will be able to show a united front to anyone who might have designs on our territory.

Today we announce the signing of the South Asian Trade, Scientific Undertaking, and Military Accord: SATSUMA!

Under this agreement, our governments will assist each other in military matters, in economic development, and in exploration and expansion. No more will we stand alone: as the Americans say, we shall hang together, because otherwise we shall all hang seperatly!"

The Indians and Japanese than made elegant speeches (1), stating how the agreement would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity to the Asian economic sphere.

Afterwards, the Jefe of the Marina de Filipinas, newly-promoted Vice-Almirante Juan Diego de la Vega, stepped up to the podium.

"Already, the co-operation that the Satsuma Treaty brings has borne fruit for the Marina de Filipinas." A small table with a tarp over it had been standing next to the podium; now the tarp was whisked away.

"This is the Samal-class battlecruiser. It is based on the design of the SR Shivagi , which the Indians decided not to build - but we did.

We changed the design significantly. She is now longer and wider, and her armament has been changed from nine 9.8-inch and nine 5.9-inch guns, to six 12-inch and ten 6.1-inch. Her light firepower was also dramitically increased, from eight 4.1-inch guns, to eighteen 3.94-inch. And her anti-aircraft battery was boosted as well.

We will build two of these ships, beginning next July upon the completion of the shipyard upgrade; Shivagi and Bohol will replace the Manila and Luzon, as allowed under the Cleito Treaty.

In addition, the Mindoro is, as of now, decomissioned. She will be rebuilt into PRS Valencia, the Philippines' first aircraft carrier..."

After a few more speeches by local politicians, the crowd dispersed. As the sun set, its light bathed the hulls of Basilan and Mindoro, moored against the shipyard pier side-by-side, in a beautiful red glow.


(1) - OK Rocky, Walter - batter up! ;)


Monday, September 13th 2004, 9:55pm

(Well, that was slightly embarassing. I couldn't get it to post, so I posted the first paragraph and then edited it adding one paragraph at a time, until I found the problem. Which turned out to be putting ".htm" instead of ".gif" in the image tag. :-o )


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 1:50am

13 September in Manila, part II

About a month ago, on August 11, 1924, the first address ever recorded on sound-film was delivered by Wisconsin Senator Robert LaFollette.
With her influential ties, Akaibara Yayoko managed to track down the inventors of this new medium and convince them to come with her to Manila to record the historic events taking place there using their sound-film.

First recordings were made of the launching ceremony of the Basilan, and then the historic speech of El Presidente Enrique Monastario, announcing the existence of SATSUMA. It was followed by various other speeches. The recordings went on until none of the sound-film was left.


(Okay... I am actually not that good with speeches, so I just typed something down.)


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 2:02am

Speech by her Imperial Majesty, Empress Kameko.

My people, Citizens of India and the Philippines, Citizens of Asia and the rest of the World.

Today is a great day for Asia.
Today is the day that we have revealed to you the existence of a great alliance between
the Japanese Empire, the Indian Empire and the Republic of the Philippines.
Today is the day that we have revealed to you the existence of SATSUMA: the South Asian
Trade, Scientific Undertaking, and Military Accord.
The official announcement was made moments ago by El Presidente de la Filipinas, Enrique
Monastario, who, with his words, ushered in a new era in the history of Asian Nations and
the people of Asia.

For many decades, the Military Powers of Europe and the United States have looked down at
the people of Asia. Various Asian nations were turned into colonies by some of these
Military Powers. Some of these Asian nations are still colonies as I speak.
However, some Asian nations have managed to avoid colonisation or managed to gain their
independance. Three of these nations have gotten together and after many long meetings,
they agreed to sign what is now known to all of us as SATSUMA: the South Asian Trade,
Scientific Undertaking, and Military Accord.

It is SATSUMA's duty to stand strong for the sake of Asia. It is SATSUMA's duty to help
out all other Asian nations to stand strong for the sake of Asia. It is SATSUMA's duty to
unify the Asian nations for the sake of Asia.
A unified Greater Asian Region.
A unified Greater Asian Region that will be respected by the United States and Europe.
A unified Greater Asian Region that will not be looked down upon by the United States and

We will strife to achieve this goal. It does not matter if it takes ten years to
achieve this unification. It does not matter if it takes one hundred years to achieve
this unification. It does not even matter if it takes one thousand years to achieve this
unification. However we shall succeed in achieving our goal of a unified Greater Asian
Region, and SATSUMA is the tool that will allow us to achieve our goal of a unified
Greater Asian Region.

SATSUMA will be a powerful foundation for the economy. SATSUMA will give us a strong
economy and prosperity will flourish in the Asian sphere. While we cannot make any
guarrantees right now, we do strife to build the strongest, most powerful economic region
in the world. Perhaps we shall never achieve that, but if we do not try to create such an
economy, we shall never know whether it was possible or not.
No matter what happens, the strong economy of SATSUMA will serve as a base for a strong
economy for the Greater Asian Region.

SATSUMA will also be a powerful foundation for great explorations and adventures, not
only on the Asian continent, but on all continents of the world. There are still many
objectives to be achieved. We of SATSUMA will do our best to be the first to achieve
these glorious objectives and together we can achieve these glorious objectives.

SATSUMA will be a powerful foundation for the Armed Forces as well. Together we shall
control the lands. Together we shall control the seas and oceans. Together we shall
control the skies. Controling all of these areas will allow us to create, control and
maintain peace in the region.
Should another war like the Great War break out in Europe, SATSUMA will do its best to
contain such a war on the European continent and make sure that the conflict will not
spill over into our region and cause death among the Asian people and devastation in
Asian nations.

Once the powerful foundations are in place, it is time to build the Greater Asian Region
on top of it. We are not forcing other Asian nations to join us.
We want them to say "Yes! We believe in what SATSUMA is trying to accomplish."
We want them to say "Yes! We believe that a Greater Asian Region is the future of the
continent of Asia."
We want them to say "Yes! We believe in you and join your cause."

The Greater Asian Region is the future!
SATSUMA will build that future!


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 2:09am

Speech by Lady Tokugawa Tsugako (pushed onto the podium with a piece of paper by her elder brother).
Tsugako: (Onii-san, why me???) T_T
Kaetuza: (Because I am not in the mood to deliver the speech, Tsugako-chan.)

Fellow citizens, fellow allies, and all other people listening around the World.

For a long time other powers thought nothing of the Japanese Empire. We gave al of them a
rude awakening at the end of May 1905, when the glorious Imperial Navy under the skillful
leadership of Admiral Togo Heihachiro acchieved a most decisive victory over the Russian
Navy during the "Sea of Japan Naval Battle" (OOC: Battle of Tsushima).
We clearly showed the other nations what the Empire is capable of doing and that we are
not some backward Asian nation that they all originally thought we were.

I am sure that with great commitment other Asian nations, supported by SATSUMA, could
also achieve similar feats, not only in the area of the military. It is also possible in
the areas of economy, technology, geology and exploration. If the people of those nations
put their heart and soul in their work, it can be done.
SATSUMA allows not only the Empire of Japan, but the Empire of India and the Republic of
the Philippines as well, to make it easier for these Asian nations to achieve great feats
in the areas of the military, economy, technology, geology and exploration. Even for
those nations where it is impossible to achieve these feats, SATSUMA will help those
nations to make the impossible possible.
All Asian nations that want a chance to achieve the impossible, will have that chance

The Empire of Japan, the Empire of India and the Republic of the Philippines are as El
Presidente said, "a united front to anyone who might have designs on our territory." As
other Asian nations will begin to join us, this united front will become stronger. As
long as we are as one, we can ensure safety and peace in the Asian region.

A unified Greater Asian Region. It is a great cause. However we should not create this
with force. We do not wish to write the history of the Greater Asian Region in blood.

Peace is the key.
Peace will write the history of SATSUMA.
Peace will write the history of the Greater Asian Region.


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 2:30am


I am actually not that good with speeches

You could fool me. Nice, very nice!

Now all we have to do is have Rocky post the Indians' comments....and the trap can be sprung.

Mwahahahaha!! ;)


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 2:58am

I've looked at many pages trying to find something useful (and did find a few useful bits on what not to use in a speech). I also ran into that bit on "Fightin' Bob" LaFollette address on August 11, 1924 (found here). I thought that sound-film bit would be a nice addition to the event, to be preserved for the Wesworld historic record.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, September 16th 2004, 9:11am


OOC: You guys are well aware of the aggression that lies within your words? I´m pretty sure the Americans, British, French (AdmK?) and Dutch (anyone seen RAM lately?) are quite pissed now. The whole wording of all three speeches we "heard" so far cannot be misinterpreted.

Some examples - try to read them from a european/american point of view:

"The recent events in the Andaman Islands reveal that the European powers are still willing to meddle in Asian affairs. This is intolerable, and so we are gathered here today to announce the formation of our own alliance."

-> Those countries have territories there and thus every right to meddle into affairs that touch their rights.

"Under this agreement, our governments will assist each other in military matters, in economic development, and in exploration and expansion."

-> EXPANSION? Asking for war?

"It is SATSUMA's duty to
unify the Asian nations for the sake of Asia."


"However we shall succeed in achieving our goal of a unified Greater Asian
Region, and SATSUMA is the tool that will allow us to achieve our goal of a unified
Greater Asian Region."

-> Unify? Against the Colonial Powers? You are really asking for war, aren´t you?

"SATSUMA will also be a powerful foundation for great explorations and adventures, not
only on the Asian continent, but on all continents of the world. There are still many
objectives to be achieved."

-> First you guys are talking about expansion and a unified Asia (I´m pretty sure the chinese are not interested, btw.) and now you put adventures on other continents on top of it. You´re piling up more and more reasons to think SATSUMA is an alliance made as back-up for aggressions against other powers.

"SATSUMA will be a powerful foundation for the Armed Forces as well. Together we shall
control the lands. Together we shall control the seas and oceans. Together we shall
control the skies. Controling all of these areas will allow us to create, control and
maintain peace in the region. "

-> I´m sure the British are not interested to have you controll the seas around their colonies and commonwealth partners like Australia. Once more you´re asking for confrontation.

"We clearly showed the other nations what the Empire is capable of doing and that we are
not some backward Asian nation that they all originally thought we were. "

-> Just because you have one small war and own a small fleet (relatively speaking)? In terms of industrial power Japan of the 1920s is still behind by some margin, I guess. At least by british or american standards. However, such claims are nothing special, the tone of political speeches was another one that today but nevertheless - put that in context with the above and it sounds aggressive.

"I am sure that with great commitment other Asian nations, supported by SATSUMA, could
also achieve similar feats, not only in the area of the military."

-> Not only in the area of military but also in the area of military? Once again asking for war?

"a united front to anyone who might have designs on our territory"

-> Front against whom? Who is asking to newly design the region?

"A unified Greater Asian Region. It is a great cause. However we should not create this
with force. We do not wish to write the history of the Greater Asian Region in blood."

-> Mind you, I already hear the European Powers and the United States laughing....

So in the end I´m pretty sure relationship with most european powers and especially with the British has decreased. Maybe a diplomatic ice age is what we´ll see in the future. Well done.

I´m curious how the French will react to those speeches. Now it´s really just too bad we have nobody playing the British or Americans. :(

I´m also not sure how the SAE should react. Sceptical I guess as we also a power owning colonies and oversea territories but we´re neither american, european nor asian - but we have strong ties to the some european nations.

So far the SAE was sure to have good relationship to the signatories of SATSUMA but I´m really not sure if that will be so in the future too. you guys sound way too aggressive. Building this "Great Asian Nation" sounds a little bit like what Hitler had in mind historically. This is WesWorld and Hitler is dead. I wonder if the Asians are now trying to take his place in history?

Btw, is India truely an asian nation?




Thursday, September 16th 2004, 9:42am

"I´m curious how the French will react to those speeches."

I can't speak for my trusty allie but I'm sure he's wary, and lets not forget about Japans referance to another FAR treaty nation, Russia.

So far 2 out of 3 FAR nations have been directly or indirectly targeted by SATSUMA's creation, Atlantis shall be very interested as the third FAR nation in future endeavor's of the SATSUMA allies and shall be watching her own territory's (including her Antartic territory) very closely.


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 10:33am


Btw, is India truely an asian nation?

yes it is.

and speaking OOC, AANm is deeply worried. I BTW figured that SAN, being allied with India would welcome the chance of being allied with a power that now is also part of another big alliance and thus can contribute to keeping the IO free of 'foreign' influences. Well, one lives and learns.

And yes all this sounds deeply martial and agressive, but well, it's not so unrealistic, is it? As a historical simulation I quite like it.



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, September 16th 2004, 11:22am


The SAE is not too happy about SATSUMA as there is some potential for future conflicts with some signatories for various reasons. It´s not India alone - the goal of SATSUMA to install a unified asian nation surely worries the Dutch with which the SAE also has close ties (even though we seem to have lost another dutch player). Then there are territorial claims in the Antarctic that could cause problems one fine day etc.

And speaking strictly OOC: Seeing once ally surprisingly signing an alliance with other countries always is a nasty thing.

Time will tell how relations to SATSUMA members will develope. There don´t has to be conflict after all - but the SAE has more in common with the Europeans than with the Asians as it seems so the potential for conflicts is truely there.


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 12:12pm

Russia's reaction

We have completed powerful coast artillery installation at Big Diomede island in Bering Strait.

We have completed sufficient icebreakers to extend Russian Northern Fleet's access to Pacific Ocean by Northern Sea Route.

We have battle line sufficient to blast combined Japanese-Philippine-Indian battle lines out of water.

Rodzhestvenskii's experience will not be repeated, if it is necessary for Russian Federation Navy to act in Pacific Ocean.

In light of these facts, SATSUMA does not greatly concern Russian Federation.


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 3:26pm

OOC: Been lurking around last 5 days, have a lot of things to do, I'm in the middle of exams, and still have to go out on trip one day of each four...I may not post that much, and I have to catch with the quarterly reports, but I'm still here, ready to rumble.


Re: SATSUMA alliance threat to the Dutch Kingdom Asian posessions.

The Dutch government and people has always tried to stay out of harm's way, tried to solve any quarrel with other nations peacefully and diplomatically. We stayed out of the Great War because we didn't thought of war as a valid political path to achieve anything, yet we had to fight our own battles. And so we did, for if we are looked upon as a target, and not a foe, anyone doing so will find himself facing a strong, resolute adversary.

Once, eight years ago, we were the subject of an international agression from India that went unnoticed in the maremagnum of disasters that the Great War was. We thought that the peace agreement reached between India and Netherlands involving the cession of some of the Dutch East Indies islands to India would suffice for cementing a long-lasting friendship without looking back to an past of differences. We now fear that might not be the case, but we will be activelly working for peace.

None can ignore that SATSUMA has been formed with some very strong declarations and intentions. Many of those declarations and intentions are seen as grave, unfriendly, statements from the signatary countries of Japan, India and Phillipines towards the Kingdom of Netherlands. The mere existence of SATSUMA as a self-defence entity or collaboration pact would give us no reasons to feel threatened at all. But the provokative speeches we have had the chance to hear mean SATSUMA is an offensive alliance, created to threat the international stability and peace at the Far East, where most of our legal richness and ownerships lay.

In the hopes of keeping peace, and in the case SATSUMA's intentions have been misinterpreted by this government, the Dutch foreign ministry formally asks the ambassadors from Japan, India and Phillipines to attend a meeting with the Dutch Prime Minister to discuss and agree on a non-agression pact between SATSUMA and the Kingdom of Netherlands.

In the interim, the dutch Fleet officially announced the release of several ships to be immediately sent to reinforce the Dutch fleet in the DEI. Details of the ships sent will be held as secret until the meeting with SATSUMA representants has been held (or refused).

In the hopes that peaceful and friendly cooperation and understanding makes this cautionary measure unnecessary, we will add that the Dutch Forces in the Far East are from this moment are put in maximum alert.


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 3:32pm

AANM = Alianza del Atlantico Norte y el Mediterraneo


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 3:50pm

OOC: Good to see ya, RAM! Which planet did they take you to? :-P


In the hopes of keeping peace, and in the case SATSUMA's intentions have been misinterpreted by this government, the Dutch foreign ministry formally asks the ambassadors from Japan, India and Phillipines to attend a meeting with the Dutch Prime Minister to discuss and agree on a non-agression pact between SATSUMA and the Kingdom of Netherlands.

The Filipino Government wishes to assure the Dutch Government that SATSUMA, despite all our bombast, is a defensive alliance. (Also, we were not previously informed by our Japanese friends that a United States of Asia was part of the plan.) We would welcome the chance to meet with our Dutch trading partners to discuss diplomatic matters.

OOC: I'll wait until tomorrow morning for Rocky to post the Indian speech, then I'll post the events of 15 September...


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 4:00pm



Originally posted by Swamphen
OOC: Good to see ya, RAM! Which planet did they take you to? :-P

planet of being a nice, caring and amiable uncle while your sister's husband is away in business trip...she's still a bit weak, her sons came after a complicated Cesarea and I've been going up'n down spain for all this summer...

and now I'm the middle of exams. Go figure....busiest summer in my life


The Filipino Government wishes to assure the Dutch Government that SATSUMA, despite all our bombast, is a defensive alliance. (Also, we were not previously informed by our Japanese friends that a United States of Asia was part of the plan.) We would welcome the chance to meet with our Dutch trading partners to discuss diplomatic matters.


the Dutch Government is glad to hear such good news, and so hopes to see good results coming from the meeting to be held between our nation's representants backing up your gentle words.

OOC: Gotta run, books waiting for me! :)


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 5:05pm

The Rana's Speech: 13 September 1924

"Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and associates, I thank you for joining us on this day.

"While SATSUMA is ultimately an agreement between three countries, it does affect much of the world in at least a minor way. After all, several nations control colonies in Asia: Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Iberia among them. These nations will look at the text of SATSUMA and grow suspicious. They will ask, "Who will be the first nation SATSUMA targets?

"My answer to those nations, and to those others which fear what they have heard, is: Nobody.

"I will be the first to agree that India has used military force to achieve certain foreign policy objectives. We did so last month. We did so in 1920 in Asir. We did so in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in 1917. It's also important to note that the use of force was measured, and ended as soon as possible. Last month, we stopped when the Danes began to believe our concerns. In 1920, we stopped as soon as we had rescued our people - and then undertook the long process of rebuilding our opponent. In 1917, we agreed to the Treaty of Honalulu with the Netherlands, a treaty we have since honored without fault. When we use force, we use the absolute minimal amount necessary, and only with reluctance.

As my friend Lady Tokugawa said, we desire a unified Asia. Is this so strange? Surely there are those who desire a unified Europe, or a unified North America. It can prove stronger in economic, political, and military endeavours. But does this mean that India, Japan, and the Philippines are about to wage war across the Pacific, conquering all before us? Hardly. We have no more desire to see the blood of our youth spilled than anybody else. Nor do we seek to conquer, for then we would be the imperialists, and that is something we simply do not accept.

"So, how do we build a unified Asia, and what does it mean? To me, a unified Asia is an Asia where nations retain their culture, retain their identity, and retain their internal sovereignty. A unified Asia speaks as one in matters of trade and foreign affairs. A unified Asia is united by common standards of living and opportunities."

"Now, how do we reach that goal? We industrialize. Remove trade barriers. Help each other. SATSUMA allows Asia's three strongest nations to do so. It provides for others to join us. And, dare I suggest, it allows the colonial powers to help us."

"Military force is not the means by which we desire to achieve our goals. It will cost lives. It will destroy the wealth of the land. It will, quite possibly, be unsuccessful - we are, after all, big fish in a small pond, but there are bigger ponds than ours.

"No, diplomacy is our tool. We call on the colonial powers: commit to giving your subjects in Asia the same rights and opportunities your subjects at home enjoy. Give them the same ability to govern themselves, the same infrastructure they need to build an economy upon, the same strength of culture you enjoy, and, when they are ready, let them decide whether or not they wish to continue walking beside you. It does not need to happen immediately - indeed, it should not - but it does need to happen eventually, and that is our goal, to see it happen eventually. We of SATSUMA look forward to working with each other, and with other colonial neighbours, to achieve this goal."


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 5:11pm

The Government of India wishes to state that its ambassador are available to provide clarification and consultation on SATSUMA to any who seek it.

The Government of India wishes to note that there is no need for non-contracting powers to reinforce their military presence in Asia, for SATSUMA is not about to launch any grand military adventures.

The Government of India has, in its opinion, dealt with issues related to existing alliances, and sees no benefit in re-stating those discussions in public.

[OOC: RAM! You're alive! Swampy! So are you!]


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 6:10pm

Ivan huffed and puffed, but fortunatly was too far west to blow our house down. ;)


Thursday, September 16th 2004, 7:09pm


So in the end I´m pretty sure relationship with most european powers and especially with the British has decreased. Maybe a diplomatic ice age is what we´ll see in the future. Well done.

What do you want? World Peace until the year 21,950?


Rodzhestvenskii's experience will not be repeated, if it is necessary for Russian Federation Navy to act in Pacific Ocean.

Well, the current Russian Navy has one very important tool that Rodzhestvenskii did not have: the Northern Sea Route. Rodzhestvenskii and his fleet had to travel well over 18,000 kilometers to get to the Pacific. It required a lot of coal and maintenance of the engines and the long journey had its effect on the crew. If he could sail along the Northern Sea Route (can't properly calculate that) he would have probably 25 percent of the original distance to travel.