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Thursday, August 7th 2003, 4:11pm

The Army of the Russian Federation

The Army of the Russian Federation has the following organization, force structure, and deployment.

Petrograd Military District – 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

Western Military District – 2 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

Kiev Military District – 2 Armies, 6 Cavalry Corps, 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

Transcaucasus Military District – 2 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, through Kars and Igdir, along the western slope of Mount Ararat, along the Aras River, to the Russian-Iranian border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

Central Asian Military District – 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 4 Cavalry Corps, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Siberian Military District – 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Far Eastern Military District – 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation’s land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan.

Reserves , in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk, and Ural Military Districts – 4 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 5 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

14 Armies, 42 Rifle Corps, 8 Independent Rifle Corps, 150 Rifle Divisions, 22 Cavalry Corps, 41 Fortified Regions

The 1932 Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 18,600 men, and a peacetime strength of 6,300, with 66 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars and 270 machine guns. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Sapper Company
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1932 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 270 machine guns, and 750 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Batalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x 12,7mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 65,800 men, a peacetime strength of 28,900, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 220,000 men, a peacetime strength of 106,700, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation,

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
6 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers)
8 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns)
24 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers)

The Armor Reserve of the Supreme High Command

Engineer and Construction Brigades are units of 4,000 men, with bridging/demolition equipment and heavy construction equipment respectively.

*Border Guard Regiments are Interior Ministry forces, assigned the tasks of border patrol and customs duties. Each consists of 2,400 men with military small arms and sidearms. They are mounted or accompanied by military dogs, as required.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Mar 13th 2008, 3:57pm)


Monday, August 2nd 2004, 3:31am

Russian armor developments

V.K. Triandafillov has recently published an interesting work - Kharakhter Operatsii Sovremminikh Armii (Charachter of Operations of Modern Armies), laying out a theory of simultaneous operations. This penetrating work has roused considerable interest and contraversy, but has recently gained support of General-Colonel B.M Shaposhnikov, Chief of Operations on Russian Army General Staff, and Deputy Chief of Operations General-Major M.N. Tukhachevskii.

First part of Nature of the Operations of Modern Armies, "State of Modern Armies," analyzes changes in military equipment and new technologies since Great War. More importantly, it touches on many important discussions and ideas of Russian Army leadership, such as debate between having a small, professional, fully integrated combined-arms army, or a large, mass army. It examines contemporary organization of armies, as well as wartime mobilization of a nation's resources to allow it to win.

Real contribution of Triandafillov's book is part two, titled "Operations of Modern Armies." Triandafillov directly confronts problem of attacking an enemy force throughout the depth of its tactical and operational defenses, with focus on not only breaking through enemy line but coordinating exploitation and destruction of the enemy forces. In a synthesis of ideas put forth on deep offensive operations, Triandafillov goes so far as to lay out requirements for force density in area of offensive, and to determine attacking army's rate of advance needed to sufficiently transfer its momentum into enemy's operational depth.

Nature of the Operations of Modern Armies specifically addresses force structure requirements of an army attempting a deep offensive. Triandafillov calls force designed to break through enemy line a "Udarnaya Armiya", Shock Army, basically referring to any army intended for action within sector of a main effort. Since these units would be moving quickly and fighting constantly, their force structure will be echeloned to allow for fresh troops to be rotated into leading edge of an attack. Triandafillov projectes that number of second and third echelon divisions should be half as many as first-echelon divisions in a shock army. He proposes that each unit assigned to break through an enemy defensive zone be heavily reinforced with artillery and tank assets, and he asserts need for aviation and ground reconnaissance units, integral close air and fighter support, engineering units, and signal units. Most importantly, Triandafillov believes a much higher rate of advance is needed to ensure decisive maneuver against a retreating opponent; he advocates use of tanks and motorization of the army to achieve that rate of movement.


Saturday, October 30th 2004, 3:24am

Two new developments!

1 - Russian Army forms Mechanized Brigade

Russian Army has formed experimental force of one Mechanized Brigade to experiment on new methods nof mobility and firepower. Mechanized Brigade is organized as follows:

Reconnaissance Group:
1 Armored Car Battalion
1 Tank Battalion
2 Motorized Infantry Battalions
1 Artillery Battalion (Motorized)
1 Motorized Sapper Company
1 Signals Platoon
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

At present, available tanks (mostly licence copies of the Renault 17) lack sufficient mobility to exercise intended concepts, so Tank Battalion is actually equipped at present with Armored Cars. Suitable tank engine and suspension concepts are being researched.

2 - New Coast Artillery Gun Developed

Design trials have finished for a new artillery gun, a 53 caliber weapon with a bore of 42 cm. A range of shells will be tested, weighing from 1,100 to 1,200 kg. This gun is intended to enter service with Russian Coast Artillery in two locations initially - at Coast Artillery installation being constructed north of Ventspils, Latvia, and on Big Diomede island in Bering Strait. Each of these installations will consist of two twin turrets mounting these guns.


Non-game mode - Practically all of my new Coast Artillery installations have used refurbished guns from scrapped warships, but these will be constructed new. I've simmed a ship with no armor and no weapons, apart from a single twin turret mounting these guns. The turret face is 450mm, the rest of the gun house is 250mm, and the barbette is 300mm. This produces a weight of 565 tons for the guns, and 755 tons for armor, so each turret wll require 1,320 tons of warship materials. Russia will be producing four of these turrets over the next couple of years.

The barbette will be protected by reinforced concrete as well, but that's not warship materials.


Friday, September 15th 2006, 10:05pm

1st Motorized Rifle Division organized

Experiments with the mechanized brigade and the successful tactical trials of the two Tank regiments of T-29s have allowed further development of organization and doctrine for mechanized units. Therefore, the Russian Federation Army have made the following additions to their Tables of Organization and Equipment.

First is the organization of a Motorized Rifle Division, described below:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Batalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x 12,7mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

It has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 270 machine guns, and 750 trucks. The intended role of the Motorized Rifle Division is to exploit tactical success into the operational rear of the enemy. The 1st Motorized Rifle Division has been assigned to the High Command Reserve, Moscow Military District.

The second development is the addition of a regiment of 98 T-29 tanks to each Field Army. The intended role of the Tank Regiment is to support infantry during an attack on prepared defenses. It is intended that the Tank Regiment be assigned to the Rifle Corps making the main effort in an attack on an enemy defense line.

The T-30 Cavalry Tank has entered Low-Rate Initial Production to equip the Motorized Rifle Division.

The T-29 Heavy Tank has entered series production at a rate of 50/month, and is expected to fully equip Russia's 14 Field Armies within 3 years. The 1st and 2nd Tank regiments have been assigned to the Moscow and Urals Military Districts, respectively.


Tuesday, April 17th 2007, 8:08pm

1st Tank Division organization

Tactical, operational, and logistical exercises with 1st Motorized Rifle Division have demonstrated that Deep Battle concepts are feasable and supportable, with modifications to transportation, logistical, and maintenance support. Accordingly, both Maintenance Battalion and Logistical Battalion will be increased from three to four Companies each. And to take advantage of technological developments, Infantry Battalions will gain an Antitank Platoon equipped with PTRS Antitank Rifles, and 12.7mm AA machineguns will be replaced by twin 14mm machineguns.

With soundness of Motorized Rifle Divisions demonstrated, each Field Army is directed to select one Rifle Division for conversion to Motorized Rifle Division over next three years.

However, developments in doctrine continue. Using example of 1st Motorized Rifle Division, Russian Federation Army will be organizing a new division type for Russian Federation Army, Tank Divisions.

Conceptual organization and equipment of Tank Division is described below:
3 Tank Regiments (95 T30 Cavalry Tanks)
1 Motorized Rifle Regiment (18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

It has mobilized strength of 10,120 men, with 54 guns/howitzers, 16 mortars, 285 tanks, 58 armored cars, 90 machine guns, and 950 trucks. Intended role of Tank Division is to exploit operational success into strategic depth of enemy.

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Apr 18th 2007, 8:31am)


Sunday, August 5th 2007, 1:30am

Exercises with 1st Tank Division have shown

a number of deficiencies in its organization and equipment. Chief among them is balance between armor and infantry. Second is divergence between mobility and protection of armored tanks and infantry in trucks. Trucks are left behind tanks when moving cross-country, and infantry in trucks are highly vulnerable to machinegun attack from ground and air when passing through gaps in defensive lines as they seek to develop tactical success into operational success. Solution to these problems are two-fold. First, Tank Division has been reorganized to incorporate additional infantry. Each Tank Regiment has been upgraded to Tank Brigade by adding one Mechanized Infantry Battalion. Likewise, Motorized Rifle Regiment has been upgraded to Mechanized Rifle Brigade by adding one Tank Battalion and replacing one Motorized Rifle Battalion with one Mechanized Rifle Battalion. New organization is as follows:

3 Tank Brigades (95 T30 Cavalry Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS)
1 Mechanized Rifle Brigade (36 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 1 battalion. Remaining infantry battalions in trucks) 31 T-30 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

It has mobilized strength of 11,550 men, with 54 guns/howitzers, 20 mortars, 378 tanks, 144 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 58 armored cars, 90 machine guns, and 850 trucks. Intended role of Tank Division is to exploit operational success into strategic depth of enemy.

This new concept Tank Division requires development of a fully tracked infantry carrier able to meet specification below:
Weight:12 tons. Length 5.0m Width 3m Height 2m
Armor: 25mm front, 15mm sides, 10mm roof
Armament: 1 hull mounted 14mm MG
Engine: Diesel, 200HP
Speed: 50kph road, 25kph offroad
Operational range: 300km on road
Crew:2, plus 14 passengers and equipment

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Nov 17th 2007, 11:23am)


Sunday, October 7th 2007, 3:50pm

New organizations to be tested in 1935 maneuvers

Russian Army will test 2 new organizations in 1935 Summer Maneuvers: Mechanized Division, and Mechanized Corps.

Mechanized Dvision is very similar to Tank Division, but with number of Tank and Mechanized Brigades reversed:

3 Mechanized Rifle Brigades (36 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 1 battalion. Remaining infantry battalions in trucks), 31 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Tank Brigade (95 T30 Cavalry Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

It has mobilized strength of 12,750 men, with 66 guns/howitzers, 48 mortars, 188 tanks, 144 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 58 armored cars, 270 machine guns, and 1250 trucks. Intended role of mechanized Division is to exploit tactical success into operational depth of enemy.

Mechanized Corps is intended to concentrate sufficient mobile combat power to exploit operational success into strategic depth of enemy deployment. It is organzed as follows:

1 Tank Division
1 Mechanized Division
2 Motorized Rifle Divisions
1 Mechanized Brigade
1 Motorcycle Regiment
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment
1 Bridging Regiment
1 Heavy Repair Battalion
1 Fuel Transport Regiment
Headquarters and other service units.

A Mechanized Corps, aded to a Field Army, will fulfill Tukhachevskii's concept of Shock Army, a formation capable of gaining operational success and attaining strategic objectives.

If successful, new Mechanized Corps will be added to several Military Districts. Other Russian military districts will be reinforced with smaller numbers of mobile units.

Petrograd Military District: 1 Mechanized Division
Western Special Military District: 1 Mechanized Corps
Kiev Special Military District: 1 Mechanized Corps
Transcaucasus Military District: 1 Motorized Rifle Division
Central Asian Military District: 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions
Siberian Military District: 1 Mechanized Division
Far Eastern Military District: 1 Mechanized Corps
Arkhangelsk Military District: 1 Motorized Rifle Division
Moscow Military District: 2 Mechanized Corps, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions
Ural Military District: 1 Mechanized Corps

Total new divisions: 6 Tank, 8 Mechanized, 18 Motorized Rifle

Mechanized and Motor Rifle Divisions will have T-30 Fast Tanks that have been built since 1931. Tank Divisions will have T-35 Fast Tanks, which are a progressive development of T-30, and which will be produced over the next three years.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Jun 3rd 2009, 12:30am)


Wednesday, December 12th 2007, 6:23pm

Russian Army mobilization system

The Russian Armed Forces have professional officers and some senior NCOs, but are manned by conscription, with a two-year term of service in the Army, and a three-year term of service in the VMF (Navy), the VVS (Air Force), and the PVO (Anti-Air Defense Force).

The Russian Army maintains forces in one of 3 states:

Active - Fully manned and equipped, conducting regular training, and ready for combat operations if alerted.

In each Military District, one Corps is maintained in Active status. Thus, the Russian Army maintains 10 Corps in active status.

Inactive - Full complement of active duty officers and senior NCOs, with reduced compliment of junior NCOs and technical specialists. Equipment maintained at wartime levels. Fill of conscripts is approx 30%, with major activities being training conscripts and maintaining equipment status.

Upon mobilization, most Inactive forces recieve their compliment of personnel within 8 weeks, and are considered ready for combat operations within 10 weeks of mobilization.

However, in "Special" Military Districts (Petrograd, Western, Kiev, Transcaucasus, Siberian, and Far Eastern ), divisions assigned to a Fortified Area draw their personnel from their locality, and are ready for defensive operations within 24 hours of mobilization.

The Russian force structure of 14 Field Armies previously described is in one of the two categories above.

There exists a final reserve category:

Full Mobilization Only - Full Army and reduced Corps headquarters complement of senior officers and staffs, maintaining mobilization plans. Divisions and below manned at 5%, with many officer and NCO positions assigned to reserve personnel. Equipment levels vary from 10%-50%.

Russian Federation maintains a further 8 Field Armies in Full Mobilization Only status. When mobilized, these units would receive their full compliment of personnel within approximately 16 weeks, their full complement of equipment from current production within 24 weeks, and be prepared to conduct combat operations within 8 weeks of recieving their equipment fill.

In wartime, the conscription system continues to function, providing personnel replacements to existing units for losses, and for raising new combat units. Russias 1939 population of 193 million (130 million in 1917...) provides her Armed Forces with an annual influx of 2.091 million 18 year-old males. A primary reserve pool of nearly ten million trained men have been released from service in the past 5 years.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (May 6th 2010, 8:30pm)


Thursday, March 13th 2008, 3:51pm

Army of the Russian Federation, 1936

The Army of the Russian Federation has the following organization, force structure, and deployment. Changes began in 1935, and are expected to be completed by the end of 1937. Full implementation of proposed mechanization plan will be accomplished by the end of 1939.

Petrograd Military District - 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Mechanized Division added)

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

All forces are in Active status.

Western Military District - 4 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Cavalry Corps deleted, 2 Field Armies, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Kiev Military District - 4 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 4 Cavalry Corps deleted, 2 Field Armies, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Cavalry Corps deleted, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, through Kars and Igdir, along the western slope of Mount Ararat, along the Aras River, to the Russian-Iranian border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Central Asian Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 2 Cavalry Corps deleted, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Innactive.

Siberian Military District - 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Cavalry Corps deleted, 1 Mechanized Division added)

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Far Eastern Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Tank Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Cavalry Corps, 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 2 Cavalry Corps deleted, 1 Army transferred from Moscow MD, 1 Tank Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan. All forces are Active status.

Reserves , in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk , and Ural Military Districts - 3 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

(Changes- 3 Cavalry Corps deleted, 1 Army moved to Far Eastern Military District, 1 Mechanized Corps added)

3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

18 Armies, 54 Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 8 Independent Rifle Corps, 186 Rifle Divisions, 8 Cavalry Corps, 2 Tank Divisions, 5 Mechanized Divisions, 7 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 41 Fortified Regions

(Changes- 14 Cavalry Corps deleted, 4 Armies, 2 Tank Divisions, 5 Mechanized Divisions, 7 Motorized Rifle Divisions added, 1 Army transferred from Moscow MD to Far Eastern MD)

11 Armies and 2 Rifle Corps (35 Rifle Corps, 105 Rifle Divisions) are Inactive status. A further 8 Armies are Mobilization Only status.

The 1937 Rifle Division will have a mobilized strength of 18,600 men, and a peacetime strength of 6,300, with 102 guns/howitzers, 114 mortars, 410 machine guns, 250 trucks, and 1,200 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 AT gun battalion (18x 45mm, 54x 14mm)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Engineer Battalion
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1935 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 298 machine guns, and 950 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Batalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 65,800 men, a peacetime strength of 28,900, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 12x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 220,000 men, a peacetime strength of 106,700, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation,

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
6 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers)
8 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns)
24 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers)
6 Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Aug 12th 2008, 4:27pm)


Thursday, March 13th 2008, 6:02pm

RE: Army of the Russian Federation, 1936


Originally posted by AdmKuznetsov
Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Cavalry Corps deleted, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, through Kars and Igdir, along the western slope of Mount Ararat, along the Aras River, to the Russian-Iranian border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

OOC: Arrr, check yer borders there, matey!

Kars and Igdir, along with Mount Ararat, is in Turkey, and the Aras River is the *southern* border of Armenia and Azerbaijan. The territory you claimed encompasses all of Armenia and 90% of Azerbaijan.

Unless you intend upon occupying Turkish, Armenian, and Azerbaijani territory, I'd suggest the line from Bat'umi on the Black Sea (on my map it's marked as a port city) following the mountain lines south of Tbilisi, and then the Baku corridor.

(Not going to comment that most of Azerbaijan north of the Aras leaves only the oil-bearing part of Azerbaijan, which I'm sure the Persians would love to have.

I am working on a map for the region to clarify things.


Thursday, March 13th 2008, 6:11pm

To me, that looks like what we can expect of Those Evil Russians the coming year. :D


Thursday, March 13th 2008, 6:28pm


That's what I get from copying my post from 1921, before Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan were countries in the WesWorld... For these borders I used the spring 1917 front lines without adjusting them. i think the Big Map gives the present WesWorld borders in the Caucasus.

I think the RF navy has a river flotilla on the Aras too, i'll have to check.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Mar 13th 2008, 6:29pm)


Thursday, March 13th 2008, 9:02pm

RE: D'oh!


Originally posted by AdmKuznetsov
I think the RF navy has a river flotilla on the Aras too, i'll have to check.

Hrm. In which case Azerbaijan will have requested to purchase it, or asked them to go find another nice river to patrol. I am presuming that Russia would prefer to patrol its OWN borders and not do the job free for Azerbaijan? :D

If you total up the tonnage of whatever the fleet is, Azerbaijan'll be happy to pay you full price for it. Or I can build my own.


Saturday, January 31st 2009, 8:26am

Russian Federation Army, 1937

The Army of the Russian Federation has the following organization, force structure, and deployment. Changes began in 1935, and are expected to be completed by the end of 1937. Full implementation of proposed mechanization plan will be accomplished by the end of 1939.

Petrograd Military District - 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

All forces are in Active status.

Western Military District - 4 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes-1 Tank Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added, Mechanized Corps organized)

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Kiev Military District - 4 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Tank Division, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added, Mechanized Corps organized)

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, to the Armenian border, the Russian-Azeri border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Central Asian Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Innactive.

Siberian Military District - 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Far Eastern Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 2 Cavalry Corps, 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Mechanized, 1 Motorized Rifle Division added, Mechanized Corps organized.)

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan. All forces are Active status.

Reserves in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk , and Ural Military Districts - 3 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank Regiments (T-35), 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

(Changes- 1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions added, 1 Mechanized Corps organized.)

3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Total force
18 Armies, 54 Rifle Corps, 5 Mechanized Corps, 8 Independent Rifle Corps, 186 Rifle Divisions, 8 Cavalry Corps, 5 Tank Divisions, 7 Mechanized Divisions, 12 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 41 Fortified Regions

(Changes- 3 Tank Divisions, 2 Mechanized Divisions, 5 Motorized Rifle Divisions added, 4 Mechanized Corps organized)

11 Armies and 2 Rifle Corps (35 Rifle Corps, 105 Rifle Divisions) are Inactive status.
A further 8 Armies are Mobilization Only status.

The 1937 Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 18,600 men, and a peacetime strength of 6,300, with 102 guns/howitzers, 114 mortars, 410 machine guns, 250 trucks, and 1,200 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 AT gun battalion (18x 45mm, 54x 14mm)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Engineer Battalion
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1935 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 298 machine guns, and 950 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Battalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 65,800 men, a peacetime strength of 28,900, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Armored Battalion (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 12x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 220,000 men, a peacetime strength of 106,700, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation.

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
6 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers)
8 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns)
24 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers)
6 Idependent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)

7 Air Defense Regions organized, at Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Minsk, Murmansk, Baku, and Vladivostok. Each includes 2-6 Air Defense Artillery Regiments, early warning radar, and C2 centers to coordinate the action of Air Defense Artillery Regiments and the PVO (Protivo-Vozdushnaya Oborona - air defense air force, flying interceptors)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Jan 31st 2009, 8:28am)


Wednesday, April 21st 2010, 5:05pm

Russian Federation Army, 1939

Petrograd Military District - 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Cavalry Corps, 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Cavalry Corps added)

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

All forces are in Active status.

Western Military District - 4 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Kiev Military District - 4 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Motorized Rifle Division added)

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, to the Armenian border, the Russian-Azeri border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Central Asian Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Innactive.

Siberian Military District - 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Far Eastern Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 2 Cavalry Corps, 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions added, 1 Mechanized Corps organized.)

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan. All forces are Active status.

Reserves in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk , and Ural Military Districts - 3 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank Regiments (T-35), 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

(Changes- none)

3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Total force
18 Armies, 54 Rifle Corps, 6 Mechanized Corps, 8 Independent Rifle Corps, 186 Rifle Divisions, 9 Cavalry Corps, 6 Tank Divisions, 8 Mechanized Divisions, 16 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 41 Fortified Regions

(Changes- 1 Tank Division, 1 Mechanized Division, 4 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 1 Cavalry Corps added, 1 Mechanized Corps organized)

11 Armies and 2 Rifle Corps (35 Rifle Corps, 105 Rifle Divisions) are Inactive status.
A further 8 Armies are Mobilization Only status.

The 1939 Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 14,400 men, and a peacetime strength of 5,400, with 102 guns/howitzers, 114 mortars, 84 heavy machineguns, 600 light machine guns, 1,900 SMG, 102 artillery tractors, 550 trucks, and 1,200 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 AT gun battalion (18x 45mm, 54x 14mm)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Engineer Battalion
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1939 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 144 heavy machine guns, 524 light machineguns, 2,400 SMG, and 1,400 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Battalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1939 Mechanized Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 188 tanks, 144 tracked infantry carriers, 128 artillery tractors, 58 armored cars, 12x 122mm howitzers, 54 76mm field guns, 6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36s 14mm twin AAMG, 18x 45mm AT guns, 12x 120mm mortars, 40 82mm mortars, 54 PTRS, 150 heavy machineguns, 578 light machineguns, 1,400 trucks.
3 Mechanized Rifle Brigades (36 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 1 battalion. Remaining infantry battalions in trucks), 31 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Tank Brigade (95 T30 Cavalry Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1939 Tank Division has a mobilized strength of 11,550 men, with 316 tanks, 144 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 58 armored cars, 83 artillery tractors, 12x 122mm howitzers, 42 76mm howitzers, 6x 76mm AA guns, 6x 45mm AT guns, 4x 120mm mortars, 24x 82mm mortars, 18 PTRS, 114 heavy machineguns, 355 light machineguns, and 1,150 trucks.

1 Mechanized Rifle Brigade (36 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 1 battalion. Remaining infantry battalions in trucks), 31 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
3 Tank Brigade3 (95 T30 Cavalry Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 53,300 men, a peacetime strength of 25,900, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Armored Battalion (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 12x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 182,500 men, a peacetime strength of 97,700, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation.

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
8 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers)
8 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns)
24 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers)
10 Idependent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)

7 Air Defense Regions organized, at Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Minsk, Murmansk, Baku, and Vladivostok. Each includes 2-6 Air Defense Artillery Regiments, early warning radar, and C2 centers to coordinate the action of Air Defense Artillery Regiments and the PVO (Protivo-Vozdushnaya Oborona - air defense air force, flying interceptors)

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Jun 24th 2010, 6:41pm)


Wednesday, October 27th 2010, 10:00pm

Russian Federation Army, 1940

Petrograd Military District - 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Cavalry Corps, 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

All forces are in Active status.

Western Military District - 4 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37), 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37) added)

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Kiev Military District - 4 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37), 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37) added)

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, to the Armenian border, the Russian-Azeri border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Central Asian Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Innactive.

Siberian Military District - 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Tank Division, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions added, 1 Mechanized Corps organized.)

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Far Eastern Military District - 2 Armies, 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37) added, 1 Mechanized Corps organized.)

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan. All forces are Active status.

Reserves in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk , and Ural Military Districts - 3 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 4 Tank Regiments (T-35), 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

(Changes- 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 2 Tank Regiments (T-35) added)

3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Total force
18 Armies, 55 Rifle Corps, 7 Mechanized Corps, 9 Independent Rifle Corps, 189 Rifle Divisions, 9 Cavalry Corps, 7 Tank Divisions, 8 Mechanized Divisions, 18 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 6 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 41 Fortified Regions

(Changes- 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Tank Division, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 6 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37) added, 1 Mechanized Corps organized)

11 Armies and 2 Rifle Corps (35 Rifle Corps, 105 Rifle Divisions) are Inactive status.
A further 8 Armies are Mobilization Only status.

The 1939 Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 14,400 men, and a peacetime strength of 5,400, with 102 guns/howitzers, 114 mortars, 84 heavy machineguns, 600 light machine guns, 1,900 SMG, 102 artillery tractors, 550 trucks, and 1,200 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 AT gun battalion (18x 45mm, 54x 14mm)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Engineer Battalion
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1939 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 144 heavy machine guns, 524 light machineguns, 2,400 SMG, and 1,400 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Battalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1939 Mechanized Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 188 tanks, 144 tracked infantry carriers, 128 artillery tractors, 58 armored cars, 12x 122mm howitzers, 54 76mm field guns (18x SP), 6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36s 14mm twin AAMG, 18x 45mm AT guns, 12x 120mm mortars, 40 82mm mortars, 54 PTRS, 150 heavy machineguns, 578 light machineguns, 1,400 trucks.
3 Mechanized Rifle Brigades (72 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 2 battalions. Remaining infantry battalion in trucks), 31 T-35 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm SP field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Tank Brigade (95 T35 Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1939 Tank Division has a mobilized strength of 11,550 men, with 316 tanks, 144 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 58 armored cars, 83 artillery tractors, 12x 122mm howitzers, 42 76mm field guns (6x SP), 6x 76mm AA guns, 6x 45mm AT guns, 4x 120mm mortars, 24x 82mm mortars, 18 PTRS, 114 heavy machineguns, 355 light machineguns, and 1,150 trucks.

1 Mechanized Rifle Brigade (72 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 2 battalions. Remaining infantry battalion in trucks), 31 T-35 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm SP field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
3 Tank Brigade (95 T35 Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 53,550 men, a peacetime strength of 26,000, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Armored Battalion (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Antitank Gun Battalion (12x 76mm AT guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 12x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 182,150 men, a peacetime strength of 98,950, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Medium Howitzer Artillery Regiment (36x 122mm M-30)
1 Antitank Gun Regiment (36x 76mm AT guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation.

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
8 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers B-4M)
10 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns M1910/32 or BR-2)
4 Long Range Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm guns A-19)
30 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers M1910/36 or M-30)
2 Rocket Artillery Bns (12x BM-13, undergoing trials)
14 Independent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
2 Independent Antitank Gun Regiments (36x 76mm guns)

7 Air Defense Regions organized, at Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Minsk, Murmansk, Baku, and Vladivostok. Each includes 2-6 Air Defense Artillery Regiments, early warning radar, and C2 centers to coordinate the action of Air Defense Artillery Regiments and the PVO (Protivo-Vozdushnaya Oborona - air defense air force, flying interceptors)


Wednesday, October 27th 2010, 10:04pm

I noticed that Russia is adopting the TT-37 tank as expected. Are there any details of the other tanks used by the Russian army? I remember reading some thigns over the years on their development, but little in details. Is it essentially along historical lines except where noted?


Wednesday, October 27th 2010, 11:36pm


The T-29 is a slow infantry tank with a 76mm howitzer.
The T30 is a BT type with a 45mm gun.
The T-35 is vaguely T-34-ish, with a 57mm gun.

Yes, I'll be fixing that very soon...


Thursday, March 3rd 2011, 6:44pm

Russian Federation Army, 1941

Petrograd Military District - 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Cavalry Corps, 2 Independent Rifle Regiments, 1 Independent Assault Gun Regiment (ShU-40), 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Assault Gun Regiment added)

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

All forces are in Active status.

Western Military District - 4 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 1 Assault Gun Battalion (ShU-40), 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Heavy Tank Brigade, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 1 Assault Gun Battalion added)

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Kiev Military District - 4 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 1 Assault Gun Battalion (ShU-40), 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Heavy Tank Brigade, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 1 Assault Gun Battalion added)

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Independent Rifle Brigade added)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, to the Armenian border, the Russian-Azeri border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle brigade, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Central Asian Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Independent Rifle Brigade added)

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Innactive.

Siberian Military District - 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Far Eastern Military District - 2 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 2 Independent Rifle Brigades, 2 Assault Gun Battalions (ShU-40) 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Independent Rifle Brigades, 2 Assault Gun Battalions added.)

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan. All forces are Active status.

Reserves in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk , and Ural Military Districts - 3 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 4 Tank Regiments (T-40), 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, 2 Assault Gun Regiment, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

(Changes- 2 Heavy Tank Brigades, 1 Assault Gun Regiment added, 4 Tank Regiments requipped with T-40)

3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

Total force
18 Armies, 55 Rifle Corps, 7 Mechanized Corps, 10 Independent Rifle Corps, 192 Rifle Divisions, 9 Cavalry Corps, 7 Tank Divisions, 8 Mechanized Divisions, 18 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 10 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 7 Independent Rifle Brigades, 4 Independent Tank Regiments (T-40), 10 Assault Gun Battalions (ShU-40), 41 Fortified Regions.

(Changes- 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 7 Rifle Brigades, 4 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 10 Assault Gun Battalions added)

11 Armies and 2 Rifle Corps (35 Rifle Corps, 105 Rifle Divisions) are Inactive status.
A further 8 Armies are Mobilization Only status.

The 1941 Rifle Brigade is essentially a Rifle regiment with additional recon, artillery, engineer, signals, and logistics units attached to make it capable of brief independent operations. They are generally assigned to young Colonels destined for larger things. It has a mobilized strength of 3,550 men. with 18 guns, 16 mortars, 24 heavy machineguns, 162 light machine guns, 600 SMG, 45 trucks, and 400 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Battalions (4x 82mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Battalion (12x 76mm field guns)
1 Infantry Gun Battery (6x 76.2mm infantry guns)
1 AT Battery (6x 45mm, 18x 14mm)
1 Mortar Battery (4x 120mm)
1 Cavalry Troop
1 Engineer Company
1 Signal Platoon
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 14,400 men, and a peacetime strength of 5,400, with 102 guns/howitzers, 114 mortars, 84 heavy machineguns, 600 light machine guns, 1,900 SMG, 102 artillery tractors, 550 trucks, and 1,200 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 AT gun battalion (18x 45mm, 54x 14mm)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Engineer Battalion
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers, 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 144 heavy machine guns, 524 light machineguns, 2,400 SMG, and 1,400 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm Sp field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x Su-40 76mm SP field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Tank Battalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Mechanized Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 188 tanks, 144 tracked infantry carriers, 128 artillery tractors, 58 armored cars, 4x 132mm multiple rocket launchers, 12x 122mm howitzers, 54 76mm field guns (18x SP), 6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36s 14mm twin AAMG, 18x 45mm AT guns, 12x 120mm mortars, 40 82mm mortars, 54 PTRS, 150 heavy machineguns, 578 light machineguns, 1,400 trucks.
3 Mechanized Rifle Brigades (72 Tracked Infantry carriers (sufficient for 2 battalions. Remaining infantry battalion in trucks), 31 T-35 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm SP field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Tank Brigade (95 T35 Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x Su-40 76mm SP field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Rocket Artillery Battalion (4x 132mm multiple rocket launchers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58x BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Tank Division has a mobilized strength of 11,550 men, with 316 tanks, 216 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 58 armored cars, 83 artillery tractors, 4x 132mm multiple rocket launchers, 12x 122mm howitzers, 42 76mm field guns (6x SP), 6x 76mm AA guns, 6x 45mm AT guns, 4x 120mm mortars, 24x 82mm mortars, 18 PTRS, 114 heavy machineguns, 355 light machineguns, and 1,150 trucks.

1 Mechanized Rifle Brigade (108 Tracked Infantry carriers, 31 T-35 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm SP field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
3 Tank Brigade (95 T-35 Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x Su-40 76mm SP field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Rocket Artillery Battery (4x 132mm multiple rocket launchers)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58x BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 60,550 men, a peacetime strength of 27,000, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Armored Battalion (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Antitank Gun Battalion (12x 76mm AT guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 12x twin 14mm AAMG)
2 Independent Rifle Regiments
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 213,850 men, a peacetime strength of 98,950, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade
2-3 Independent Rifle Regiments
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Medium Howitzer Artillery Regiment (36x 122mm M-30)
1 Antitank Gun Regiment (36x 76mm AT guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation.

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
8 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers B-4M)
12 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns M1910/32 or BR-2)
6 Long Range Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm guns A-19)
30 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers M1910/36 or M-30)
1 Rocket Artillery Regiment (36x BM-13)
14 Independent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 76mm AA guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
3 Independent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 85mm AA guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
2 Independent Antitank Gun Regiments (36x 76mm guns)

10 Air Defense Regions organized, at Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Minsk, Murmansk, Baku, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk, Okha, and Big Diomede Island, and Cam Ranh Bay. Each includes 2-6 Air Defense Artillery Regiments, early warning radar, and C2 centers to coordinate the action of Air Defense Artillery Regiments and the PVO (Protivo-Vozdushnaya Oborona - air defense air force, flying interceptors)


Monday, October 3rd 2011, 10:38pm

Russian Federation Army, 1942

I've broken out the Russian armored vehicle park. Tank holdings are about 45% the size of the historical 1941 Soviet Army, but somewhat better maintained (T-29s and some T-30s will be iffy, especially in Inactive units). Tracked carrier holdings are about double the number of halftracks the Soviets had.

I've also listed where major Active and Inactive units are assigned.

The big news is the three Independent Rifle Corps holding coast defenses in the Far Eastern Military District will be reinforced with 1 Rifle Division and 2-3 Rifle Regiments each.

Petrograd Military District - 2 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Cavalry Corps, 2 Independent Rifle Regiments, 1 Independent Assault Gun Regiment (ShU-40), 7 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Petrograd Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders with Nordmark on the Arctic Sea, to the Gulf of Finland, to Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga where the border with Latvia begins.

All forces are in Active status.
1st Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt)- 28th-30th Rifle Divisions.
2nd Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt)- 31st-33rd Rifle Divisions.
3rd Cavalry Corps.
4th Mechanized Division (T-35).

Western Military District - 4 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 1 Airborne Brigade, 1 Assault Gun Regiment (ShU-40), 1 Independent Mechanized Brigade, 8 Fortified Regions, 5 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Independent Mechanized Brigade, 2 Assault Gun Battalions added)

The Western Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Mandagas on the Gulf of Riga to Novovolinsk on the Bug River.

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

4th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 10th-12th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 34th-42nd Rifle Division.
5th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 13th-15th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 43rd-51st Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
6th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 16th-18th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 52nd-60th Rifle Divisions.
7th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 19th-21st Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 61st-69th Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
7th Cavalry Corps.
3rd Mechanized Corps- 3rd Tank Division (T-35), 3rd Mechanized Division (T-35), 5th&6th Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-30).
18th Motorized Rifle Division (T-30).
5th Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37).
6th Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37).
1st Independent Mechanized Brigade (T-35).

Kiev Military District - 4 Armies, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 1 Airborne Brigade, 1 Assault Gun Regiment (ShU-40), 7 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 1 Independent Mechanized Brigade, 2 Assault Gun Battalions added)

The Kiev Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Novovolinsk on the Bug River to Vilkovie on the Black Sea.

8th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 22nd-24th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 70th-78th Rifle Divisions.
9th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 25th-27th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 79th-87th Rifle Divisions.
10th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 28th-30th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 88th-96th Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
11th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 31st-33rd Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 97th-105th Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
1st Cavalry Corps.
2nd Cavalry Corps.
4th Mechanized Corps- 4th Tank Division (T-35), 5th Mechanized Division (T-35), 7th&8th Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-30).
19th Motorized Rifle Division (T-30).
7th Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37).
8th Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37).
2nd Independent Mechanized Brigade (T-35).

2 Armies are Inactive status. Remaining forces are Active.

Transcaucasus Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- none)

The Transcaucasus Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from Arhavi on the Black Sea, to the Armenian border, the Russian-Azeri border, thence to the Caspian Sea.

1 Rifle Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 4 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

12th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 34th-36th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 106th-114th Divisions (35th&36th Corps Inactive).
13th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 37th-39th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 115th-123rd Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
4th Cavalry Corps.
9th Motorized Rifle Division (T-30).

Central Asian Military District - 2 Armies, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- none)

The Central Asian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from the Caspian Sea and the Iranian border, along the Afgan Border, to the border with China, to where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Cavalry Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 1 Independent Rifle Brigade, 6 Fortified Regions, 6 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

3rd Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt)- 124th-126th Rifle Divisions.
14th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 40th-42nd Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 127th-135th Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
15th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 43rd-45th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 136th-144th Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
5th Cavalry Corps.
6th Cavalry Corps (Inactive).
10th Motorized Rifle Division (T-30).

Siberian Military District - 1 Army, 1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- None)

The Siberian Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Irtysh River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the point where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border.

1 Independent Rifle Corps, 1 Mechanized Corps, 3 Fortified Regions, 3 Border Guard Regiments Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

4th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 145th-146th Rifle Divisions.
16th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 46th-48th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 147th-155th Rifle Divisions (Inactive).
5th Mechanized Corps- 5th Tank Division (T-30), 6th Mechanized Division (T-30), 11th&12th Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-30).

Far Eastern Military District - 2 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps (1 Tank, 1 Mechanized, 2 Motorized Rifle Divisions), 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 2 Independent Mechanized Brigades, 2 Independent Rifle Brigades, 1 Airborne Brigade, 7 Rifle Regiments, 2 Assault Gun Regiments (ShU-40) 6 Fortified Regions, 4 Border Guard Regiments*

(Changes- 3 Rifle Divisions, 2 Independent Mechanized Brigades, 4 Assault Gun Battalions, 7 Rifle Regiments added)

The Far Eastern Military District is responsible for the Russian Federation's land borders from where the Amur River intersects the Russo-Chinese border to the Sea of Japan. All forces are Active status.

5th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 156th-158th, 193rd Rifle Divisions, 586th and 587th Rifle Regiments. HQ Okha.
6th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 159th-161st, 194th Rifle Divisions, 588th and 589th Rifle Regiments. HQ Vladivostok.
7th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 162nd-164th, 195th Rifle Divisions, 590th, 591st, 592nd Rifle Regiments. HQ Petropavlovsk.
17th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 49th-51st Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 165th-173rd Rifle Divisions.
18th Army (T-29 Rgt)- 52nd-54th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 174th-182nd Rifle Divisions.
8th Cavalry Corps.
9th Cavalry Corps.
6th Mechanized Corps- 6th Tank Division (T-35), 7th Mechanized Division (T-35), 13th&14th Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-35).
7th Mechanized Corps- 7th Tank Division (T-35), 8th Mechanized Division (T-35), 15th&16th Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-35).
9th Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37).
10th Heavy Tank Brigade (TT-37).
3rd Independent Mechanized Brigade (T-35).
4th Independent Mechanized Brigade (T-35).

Reserves in the Moscow, Arkhangelsk, and Ural Military Districts - 3 Armies, 3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 4 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 4 Tank Regiments (T-40), 3 Airborne Brigades, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, 1 Assault Gun Regiment, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command

(Changes- None)

3 Independent Rifle Corps, 2 Cavalry Corps, 2 Mechanized Corps, 1 Motorized Rifle Division, 2 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 2 Tank Regiments, 4 Engineer Brigades, 10 Construction Brigades, Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command Active status. Remaining forces Inactive.

8th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 183rd-185th Rifle Divisions.
9th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 186th-188th Rifle Divisions.
10th Independent Rifle Corps (T-29 Rgt), 189th-192nd Rifle Divisions.
1st Army (T-29 Rgt)- 1st-3rd Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 1st-9th Rifle Divisions.
2nd Army (T-29 Rgt)- 4th-6th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 10th-18th Rifle Divisions.
3rd Army (T-29 Rgt)- 7th-9th Rifle Corps (T-29 Bn), 19th-27th Rifle Divisions.
10th Cavalry Corps.
11th cavalry Corps.
1st Mechanized Corps- 1st Tank Division (T-40), 1st Mechanized Division (T-40), 1st&2nd Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-40).
2nd Mechanized Corps- 2nd Tank Division(T-30), 2nd Mechanized Division(T-30), 3rd&4th Motorized Rifle Divisions (T-30).
17th Motorized Rifle Division (T-30).
1st-4th Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37).
1st-4th Independent Tank Regiments (T-40).

Total force
18 Armies, 55 Rifle Corps, 7 Mechanized Corps, 10 Independent Rifle Corps, 198 Rifle Divisions, 11 Cavalry Corps, 7 Tank Divisions, 8 Mechanized Divisions, 19 Motorized Rifle Divisions, 10 Heavy Tank Brigades (TT-37), 7 Independent Rifle Brigades, 4 Independent Tank Regiments (T-40), 5 Assault Gun Regiments (ShU-40), 41 Fortified Regions.

(Changes- 3 Rifle Divisions, 4 Independent Mechanized Brigades, 8 Assault Gun Battalions added)

11 Armies and 2 Rifle Corps (35 Rifle Corps, 105 Rifle Divisions) are Inactive status.
A further 8 Armies are Mobilization Only status.

Combat vehicle park for Active and Inactive units
4,429 T-29 Infantry tanks (76.2mm howitzer).
1,380 T-30 Fast tanks (BT equivalent, 45mm gun).
2,452 T-35 Medium tanks (Vaguely T-34-ish, 57mm gun).
950 TT-37 Heavy Tanks (KV-1 equivalent, 76.2mm gun) in 10 Independent Heavy Tank Brigades.
946 T-40 Medium Tanks (T-34C, 76.2mm gun).
475 ShU-40 Assault Guns (100mm gun) in 5 Assault Gun Regiments.
300 SU-40 SP Howitzers (Equipping 2 Tank, 2 Mechanized, and 4 Motor Rifle Divisions).
48 Su-41 SP Howitzers (Equipping 2 Tank and 2 Mechanized Divisions).
4,334 tracked infantry carriers.
304 132mm Multiple Rocket Launchers.

The 1941 Rifle Brigade is essentially a Rifle regiment with additional recon, artillery, engineer, signals, and logistics units attached to make it capable of brief independent operations. They are generally assigned to young Colonels destined for larger things. It has a mobilized strength of 3,550 men. with 18 guns, 16 mortars, 24 heavy machineguns, 162 light machine guns, 600 SMG, 45 trucks, and 400 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Battalions (4x 82mm mortars, 54 LMG, 8 HMG)
1 Artillery Battalion (12x 76mm field guns)
1 Infantry Gun Battery (6x 76.2mm infantry guns)
1 AT Battery (6x 45mm, 18x 14mm)
1 Mortar Battery (4x 120mm)
1 Cavalry Troop
1 Engineer Company
1 Signal Platoon
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 14,400 men, and a peacetime strength of 5,400, with 102 guns/howitzers, 114 mortars, 84 heavy machineguns, 600 light machine guns, 1,900 SMG, 102 artillery tractors, 550 trucks, and 1,200 wagons. It is organized as follows:
3 Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x 76mm infantry guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x 76mm field guns and 12x 122mm howitzers)
1 Mortar Battalion (12x 160mm mortars)
1 AT gun battalion (18x 45mm, 54x 14mm)
1 Armored Car Company (14 BA-10 armored cars) or 1 Cavalry Squadron, depending on regional terrain
1 Engineer Battalion
1 Signal Company
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Motorized Rifle Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 102 guns/howitzers (66 self-propelled), 60 mortars, 31 tanks, 58 armored cars, 144 heavy machine guns, 524 light machineguns, 2,400 SMG, and 1,400 trucks. It is organized as follows:
3 Motorized Rifle Regiments (6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm Sp field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x Su-40 76mm SP field guns and 12x 122mm SP howitzers)
1 Tank Battalion (31 T-30)
1 Antitank Battalion (18x 45mm AT guns)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58 BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Mechanized Division has a mobilized strength of 12,400 men, with 188 tanks, 360 tracked infantry carriers, 128 artillery tractors, 58 armored cars, 12x 132mm multiple rocket launchers, 12x 122mm SP howitzers, 54 76mm SP field guns, 6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36s 14mm twin AAMG, 18x 45mm AT guns, 12x BM-13 132mm MRL, 40 82mm mortars, 54 PTRS, 150 heavy machineguns, 578 light machineguns, 1,400 trucks.
3 Mechanized Rifle Brigades (108 Tracked Infantry carriers, 31 T-35 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm SP field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
1 Tank Brigade (95 T35 Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x Su-40 76mm SP field guns and 12x Su-41 122mm SP howitzers)
1 Rocket Artillery Battalion (12x BM-13 132mm MRL)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58x BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The 1941 Tank Division has a mobilized strength of 11,550 men, with 316 tanks, 216 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 58 armored cars, 83 artillery tractors, 12x 132mm multiple rocket launchers, 12x 122mm howitzers, 42 76mm SP field guns, 6x 76mm AA guns, 6x 45mm AT guns, 12x BM-13 132mm MRL, 24x 82mm mortars, 18 PTRS, 114 heavy machineguns, 355 light machineguns, and 1,150 trucks.
1 Mechanized Rifle Brigade (108 Tracked Infantry carriers, 31 T-35 Tanks, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm SP field guns, 12x 82mm mortars, 4x 120mm mortars, 162 LMG, 24 HMG)
3 Tank Brigade (95 T-35 Tanks, 36 Tracked Infantry Carriers, 4x 82mm mortars, 6x PTRS, 54 LMG, 6 HMG)
1 Artillery Regiment (36x Su-40 76mm SP field guns and 12x SU-41 122mm SP howitzers)
1 Rocket Artillery Battalion (12x BM-13 132mm MRL)
1 Antiaircraft Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Armored Car Battalion (58x BA-10 armored cars)
1 Sapper Battalion
1 Signal Battalion
1 Maintenance Regiment
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Independent Mechanized Brigade is intended to exploit gaps in enemy lines to sieze critical transportation bottlenecks and hold them until relieved. They are generally assigned to young Colonels destined for larger things.
3 Mechanized Battalions (36 Tracked Infantry carriers, 18x PTRS, 6x 45mm AT guns, 6x Su-40 76mm SP field guns, 4x 82mm mortars, 54 LMG, 8 HMG)
1 Tank Battalion (31 T-35 Tanks)
1 Artillery Battalion ( 12x Su-40 76mm SP field guns, 4x BM-13 132mm MRL)
1 AT Battery (6x 45mm, 18x 14mm)
1 Armored car company
1 Engineer company
1 Engineer Company
1 Signal Platoon
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Airborne Brigade has a strength of 2,924 men, and is the main operational unit of Russian Airborne forces. They are intended to seize transportation nodes n the enemy rear and hold them until relieved. Their transport is the main task of the Transport Aviation Divisions assigned to most Military Districts.

4 Parachute Battalions (6x 82mm mortars, 6x 76mm howitzers, 12x 45mm AT guns)
1 Recon Company (bicycles)
1 Antiaircraft Battery (6x 37mm, 18x 14mm)
1 Signal Platoon
Headquarters and Rear Service units

The Rifle Corps has a mobilized strength of 60,550 men, a peacetime strength of 27,000, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Divisions
1 Armored Regiment or Battalion (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Antitank Gun Battalion (12x 76mm AT guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion (6x 76mm AA guns, 12x 37mm AA guns, 12x twin 14mm AAMG)
2 Independent Rifle Regiments
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Field Army has a mobilized strength of 213,850 men, a peacetime strength of 98,950, and consists of the following:
3 Rifle Corps
1 Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade
2-3 Independent Rifle Regiments
1 Armored Regiment (T-29)
1 Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade (36x 122mm, 12x 203mm)
1 Gun Artillery Regiment (36x 152mm guns)
1 Medium Howitzer Artillery Regiment (36x 122mm M-30)
1 Antitank Gun Regiment (36x 76mm AT guns)
1 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (12x 76mm guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
1 Sapper Regiment
1 Signal Battalion
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Cavalry Corps has a mobilized strength 20,000 men, a peacetime strength of 7,200, and consists of the following:
4 Cavalry Brigades of 4 Regiments each (4 Squadrons per regiment)
1 Cavalry Artillery Regiment (36x 57mm guns)
1 Engineer Squadron
1 Signal Squadron
Headquarters and Rear Service Units

The Fortified Region is assigned an area with a front of 15 km and a depth of 5 km along an important transportation line, especially where transportation lines intersect, up to 75 km from the border of the Russian Federation. It is held by a Machine Gun-Artillery Brigade (3,200 men, 4 MG-Arty Battalions (12x 76mm each), 4 Gun Artillery Battalions (12x122mm long-range guns each)). The MG-Artillery Brigade occupies prepared concrete fortifications, and generally, a Rifle Division is assigned to each to hold field fortifications in the Fortified Region. The Fortified Region is supplied to be able to resist for two months in isolation.

The Artillery Reserve of the Supreme High Command consists of:
1 Super Heavy Artillery Regiment of Special Designation (6x 356mm/52 Railroad Guns)
3 Super Heavy Artillery Regiments (6x 305mm/40 Railroad Guns)
2 Super Heavy Mortar Artillery Brigades (24x 305mm Mortars)
8 High Power Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 203mm Howitzers B-4M)
12 High Power Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 152mm guns M1910/32 or BR-2)
6 Long Range Gun Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm guns A-19)
30 Howitzer Artillery Brigades (48x 122mm Howitzers M1910/36 or M-30)
3 Rocket Artillery Regiments (36x BM-13 132mm MRL)
18 Independent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 76mm AA guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
5 Independent Air Defense Artillery Regiments (12x 85mm AA guns, 36x 37mm AA guns, 36x twin 14mm AAMG)
2 Independent Antitank Gun Regiments (36x 76mm guns)

10 Air Defense Regions organized, at Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Minsk, Murmansk, Baku, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk, Okha, and Big Diomede Island, and Cam Ranh Bay. Each includes 2-6 Air Defense Artillery Regiments, early warning radar, and C2 centers to coordinate the action of Air Defense Artillery Regiments and the PVO (Protivo-Vozdushnaya Oborona - air defense air force, flying interceptors)

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Oct 15th 2011, 2:07pm)