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Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 9:38am


Originally posted by Desertfox


You know, I have two war plans against Poland. Maybe I should draft one against Mexico in support of Poland, because me and him combined have a much better DD fleet then you.(At least 10 Class A's, and 5 are more than Class A's.)

He, he, he... Mexico vs Poland/Latvia would be pretty fun. But do you really think you can match the 2nd largest destroyer fleet in America? Yes, Mexico does have the 2nd largest destroyer fleet in the continent (and no Atlantis and Iberia don't count).

Poland does have allies you know, Latvia does too I believe, so attacking Poland/Latvia might not be in your best interests, PRJ+Latvia alone can outbuild the Mexicans 14 to 3.5 factories alone. And besides, fighting the PRJ means you have to either split your forces losing the numerical superiority of your destroyers, or concentrate on either Poland/Latvia or Romania/Yugoslavia meaning the other two powers are free to ask a power like say Iberia for usage of their bases so they can sink all the nice shiny cargo ships supplying the Mexican Fleet sailing on a fool's errand into either the Baltic or the Black Sea. Not to mention that neither Iberia or Denmark will likely take kindly to a Mexican fleet roaming around in the Med or Baltic.

Whoops looks like the threads derailed again :D


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 12:38pm


Originally posted by Desertfox
He, he, he... Mexico vs Poland/Latvia would be pretty fun. But do you really think you can match the 2nd largest destroyer fleet in America? Yes, Mexico does have the 2nd largest destroyer fleet in the continent (and no Atlantis and Iberia don't count).

Going by the encyclopedia, Mexico has the 4th largest destroyer fleet, Chile and Peru are passing Mexico by.

That said by the time Mexico mobilises its fleet Latvia, Poland and her allies will have also rallied their fleets and will be ready. I can't see Mexico entering the Mediterranean without ticking off the Italians/Iberians and even if they do, transiting the dardanelles/Bosperous is also not likely.

Turkey/Byzantium will not want to be swept up in such a fruitless conflict and will likely restrict access through the straits to just those nations whom have vessels in the Black sea (Bulgaria/Romania and of course Russia).

That leaves the PRJ or most of it to defend two key area's, The Baltic coast and the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia. Enter either sea and you'll likely rile the AANM (Italy and Denmark) whom really don't trust Mexico.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 2:23pm

Yes the Lew class is sold.
Those to will be replaced by 3 newly build cruisers.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 2:43pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin


Originally posted by Desertfox
He, he, he... Mexico vs Poland/Latvia would be pretty fun. But do you really think you can match the 2nd largest destroyer fleet in America? Yes, Mexico does have the 2nd largest destroyer fleet in the continent (and no Atlantis and Iberia don't count).

Going by the encyclopedia, Mexico has the 4th largest destroyer fleet, Chile and Peru are passing Mexico by.

Mexico has the third largest by number of hulls, but I think Mexico is fifth when you add the displacements (Canada and possibly Peru have passed them there). I can't be entirely certain of that because neither the Mexican encyclopedia nor the Sim reports are updated.

Rankings as of last report:
- US (???)
- Chile (65)
- Mexico (54)
- Canada (47)
- Peru (25)
- Argentina / Brazil (24)

If Mexico wishes to re-define "the Americas" to exclude Iberia, the SAE, and Atlantis, then they're still no larger than third by numbers and fourth (possibly fifth) by displacement.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 2:56pm

Doesn't Peru have 31 DD's?....Atlantis considers itself "African" but has territory in South America can cherry pick if you like but given the Atlantean influence in the region you could argue that its also American.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 3:01pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
Doesn't Peru have 31 DD's?

The sim report says 25. I thought I counted that with the war losses (and if there's a mistake, it's mine, since I told Alvama what ships he still has).

In any case, it wouldn't change their numerical rankings, but would probably bump Peru solidly into fourth place in terms of displacement.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 3:05pm

Atlantis has, by 1939, 56 destroyers deployed in the Caribbean region, 2 more than Mexico has in its entire navy. ;)

Should we move this thread elsewhere?


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 3:08pm



Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 3:51pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin


Originally posted by TexanCowboy
ALVAMA, you have first call, I suppose. RA would probebly rather sell to a AEGIS ally then a FAR asset.

What are you bringing FAR into this for?

Because it's relatively common sense that Latvia is a FAR 'asset', and it doesn't make sense to sell to FAR when you can sell to a AEGIS ally.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 3:52pm

That makes no sense... ?(


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 4:03pm

Because why sell to a possible enemy when you can sell to an ally. Sense enough?


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 4:16pm

Sheeze, people, why all the seriousness? One can't joke around here without the AANM, FAR, and the Illuminati being involved.

Chile has been scrapping a bunch of old destroyers and Mexico just purchased a bunch more. So, yes I'm still Numero Dos, and I do have more than Atlantic has in the Caribbean, and probably more than Iberia.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 4:24pm

Don't make me start classifying my MTB"s as destroyers to prove you wrong!


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 4:28pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
That said by the time Mexico mobilises its fleet Latvia, Poland and her allies will have also rallied their fleets and will be ready. I can't see Mexico entering the Mediterranean without ticking off the Italians/Iberians and even if they do, transiting the dardanelles/Bosperous is also not likely.

I got the impression DF was mad at the sellers, not the buyers, so the Baltic would be where the Mexican fleet would be going.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 4:38pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin


Originally posted by Desertfox

Rankings as of last report:
- US (???)
- Chile (65)
- Mexico (54)
- Canada (47)
- Peru (25)
- Argentina / Brazil (24)

If Mexico wishes to re-define "the Americas" to exclude Iberia, the SAE, and Atlantis, then they're still no larger than third by numbers and fourth (possibly fifth) by displacement.

Hmph, didn't realize Chile had that many.
DDs are a weakness in the Dutch fleet I'm starting to address as the bigger units are completed. Cleito mucked up even-flow building. Still, it looks like the Dutch have 66...more building....and territory in the Carribean :)

Thats not even touching the 80-odd frigates and sloops for escort duty.

....admittedly virtually none of these are in the Carribean at the moment, rather rely on Iberia there.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Mar 16th 2010, 4:40pm)


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 5:52pm


Originally posted by Desertfox
Chile has been scrapping a bunch of old destroyers and Mexico just purchased a bunch more. So, yes I'm still Numero Dos, and I do have more than Atlantic has in the Caribbean, and probably more than Iberia.

Then you need to post your Sim Reports and update your encyclopedias. Per your encyclopedias, you only have 26 DDs, which means Mexico is, um, ALMOST LAST. :P


Originally posted by Kaiser Kirk
Hmph, didn't realize Chile had that many.

They didn't, not until I took over. It bothered me that Chile only had eight destroyers worthy of the title, so I built sixteen new DDs in two years, purchased 36 more, scrapped the three oldest, and lost five in the war. And if my priority was being the second-largest New World DD power, I wouldn't have any problem at all beating Mexico.

Fortunately for Foxy, I prefer to build new ships rather than just buy stuff. The twelve Temerarios were mainly because I didn't have to refit them to take my ideal gun calibers...


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 6:09pm

All of mine are either brand spaking new, within 6 years, or are in the middle of getting a 25% job, that replaces the engines, and adds some seriously heavy power weapons. Those were good ships to begin with too, because Italy had an option to replace them in 1930, and they kept them.

*Looks at Mexican encyclopedia page*

By comparison, you have...nothing over 32 knots, two different types of 5.12'' guns, a lot of LA weapons, three different types of torpedoes, and, from what I can tell, nothing younger than twenty years, with no refits.

It isn't just quanity, it's quality. I'd rather have 10 great new 1,500 ton destroyers then 20 old shacks that are 1,000 tons.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 6:25pm


You used "Quality" and "Mexican" in the same post. Tsk tsk.


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 6:28pm

Better than using it in a post with "Filipino". :)


Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 6:29pm

"Popcorn, get your popcorn here!!" :D

Still awaiting the Mexican attack on Iberia.........