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Wednesday, May 27th 2009, 10:01pm

September 30, 1937

Photos taken by a tourist who vanished without a trace three days later. AWNR's star reporter Akaibara Yayoko found the camera of the unfortunate tourist. Most photos were sightseeing photos but two caught Akaibara-san's eye.

The first photo shows locomotive 545 of the D51 class with a second, unknown locomotive as pusher. The second photo shows locomotive 2085 of the B11 class.

After some investigating, it turned out that the numbers of both locomotives appear in the Imperial Japanese Army register. Also indicated in the register is that locomotive 546 of the D51 class is usually the pusher locomotive for locomotive 545 though this cannot be confirmed on the photo.


Wednesday, May 27th 2009, 10:09pm

The EMD/Alco MRS-1 wasn't introduced until 1952, you know... But they are VERY cool locomotives. Way back when I was just a little boy I got to ride behind one on a San Diego Railway Museum outing. Seriously sweet unit. Somewhere in my pile of photos I have a picture of it in all it's Southern Pacific style black-and-silver glory.

And for those interested, here's the real 2085 without the changed markings.


Wednesday, May 27th 2009, 10:24pm

That was really fast!


The EMD/Alco MRS-1 wasn't introduced until 1952

I know, but the reason I used it (besides copying Wes) is of course...


But they are VERY cool locomotives.

... and it was a nice photo as well. :D


Wednesday, May 27th 2009, 10:56pm

I logged in right when you posted. In my younger days I was a very serious trainfan and still can identify most North American diesel locomotives on sight. The more rare Alcos give me a bit of trouble, but the MRS-1 is well-known to me - it's one of the first locomotives I remember growing up.


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 5:51am

Looks like someone is fishing for bad mojo!

I'd have believed it if I saw an F unit....


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 6:47am

Canada is generally unimpressed with the primative locamotives in service abroad, and will continue to use the ELB "Jules Verne"™ model for all domestic needs;


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 4:12pm

...and thats the old design...


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 5:28pm

Personally eventhough I am not too fond of the EMD FT, it looks a heck of a lot better than that horrible ELB "Jules Verne"™. :D


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 6:18pm

The EMD FT is entirely appropriate for the period, as is this diddy I've nicked for my own Atlantean Diesel loco...

Brock should know this one mefinks...


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 6:30pm

Oy... that's a tough one, actually... Alco HH series? My photo-research puts it closest in appearance to the Alco HH, but the trucks look a tad different. Pretty sure it's NOT an EMD, the long hood is too high.


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 6:34pm

Mwaaahaha, have ya stumped!

Its not an ALCO HH series, I still have the number on it that gives a clue to what engine it is. another hint, its a "one of".

Walter care to take a guess?


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 6:47pm

It's pretty close to an Alco HH, though. The only main difference I can see is the trucks and what I presume is the radiator next to the cab, which is slightly raised.


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 6:58pm

The one of a kind Canadian Pacific Railway number 7000.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (May 28th 2009, 7:01pm)


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 7:08pm

... and the picture Wes used is in the list here...…ves/default.htm


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 7:22pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine
It's pretty close to an Alco HH, though. The only main difference I can see is the trucks and what I presume is the radiator next to the cab, which is slightly raised.

The early ALCO HH had trucks that were very similar yes. The HH series however had much higher and more narrow hoods than the CPR 7000 which was a National steel car co. body with a Harland and Wolff diesel engine straight from N. Ireland. Later the engine was swaped for a CAT engine.

The ALCO HH is certainly a more powerfull engine though so I'll likely nick those engines as well as my own railways have ties to ALCO.


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 7:26pm

I've always been an EMD fan, alas. The Alcos have a beautiful sound, though, and I like them more and more as the years go by. I am very much NOT a fan of the latest GEs - those recent C44-9Ws are everywhere I live, and we never see ANYTHING ELSE - even seeing one of the once-ubiquitous SD40-2s is a relief of sorts. Familiarity breeds contempt.



Thursday, May 28th 2009, 8:22pm

Yayoko shifted her bag with groceries to her right arm and then got her keys from the left pocket of her coat. She opened her mailbox and looked into it. There was an envelope in there which she got. She then closed and locked it while gripping the envelope with her teeth.

Yayoko went up to the second floor and as she approached the door to her apartment, she fumbled with her keychain to get the key for the front door. When she pushed the key into the lock, she pushed the apparently unlocked door open as well, revealing about a dozen armed men dressed in black turning her place upside down.

"She's here!" one of the men shouted as he spotted Yayoko. "Kill her!"

"Oh shit!" Yayoko gasped, her eyes wide.

The men quickly aimed their weapons at her and opened fire.


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 8:31pm

Is this where Yayoko-chan breaks out her leet ninja skills?


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 8:39pm

Well it is one reporter (who is not a ninja) with a grocery bag and an envelope against at least a dozen armed guys. Yes, it really looks bad for the bad guys, doesn't it? :)


Thursday, May 28th 2009, 8:49pm


Originally posted by Rooijen10
Well it is one reporter (who is not a ninja) with a grocery bag and an envelope against at least a dozen armed guys. Yes, it really looks bad for the bad guys, doesn't it? :)

Well, she DID survive the Philippines coup.

Reminds me of a tale I heard (true story) about a lady on another forum. She was walking to the car after grcery-shopping, and was suddenly ambushed by a large man who demanded she get in the car. She kicked him in the shins, and on instinct he grabbed for his ankle... and she kneed him in the face, breaking his nose. He stumbled back and squared his stance for balance... which left him wide open when she kicked him again in that most tender of spots. She then put her groceries in the car and got in... and as he was lying on the ground in pain, she rolled down her window and says...

"That'll teach you to never #### with a redhead!"