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Saturday, January 3rd 2009, 8:00pm

Indian News 1937

January 16th 1937- Muhammad Ali Kammakuty read the orders with a little bit of sadness. He was Bharat's Naval Attache to the Embassy in Berlin for close to four years and he has come to love this city.

Now he was being ordered to report to by the end of February to his new assignment as a member of SPEARFISH, being based in South Africa with the cover of being a member of the Bharat's diplomatic staff in the SAE. He has worked before with the South Africans but he has never being inside that Kingdom, except for short leaves in some of their port cities.

He put the orders down and began typing his report. "During the New Years Reception in the South African Embassy a couple of British Naval Officers were presented to me by a member of the South African diplomatic staff. Both gentlemen were friendly, one of them have a slight Russian accent and indicated his family emigrated to Great Britain after the Great War. He also indicated his parents were Cossacks. The other have a liking for Martinis, shaken not stirred. The conversion was innocent enough; the note I gave them as a exchange of calling cards was not as innocent. The mission could be considered to be success. I will continue to keep in touch with Lt. Commanders Trevilyan and Bond as ordered."

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Jan 3rd 2009, 9:10pm)


Saturday, January 3rd 2009, 8:19pm



Saturday, January 3rd 2009, 8:25pm


Originally posted by ShinRa_Inc



Saturday, January 3rd 2009, 9:10pm

Thanks. I knew I got the name wrong. Fixed.


Saturday, January 3rd 2009, 9:59pm

I think you were right the first time....

Alec Trevelyan was the character played by Sean Bean in Goldeneye, the son of Russian immegrants that moved to England after, or because of, the Russian Revolution.

Would that be the character you were thinking of??


Saturday, January 3rd 2009, 10:38pm

RE: I think you were right the first time....


Originally posted by Commodore Green
Alec Trevelyan was the character played by Sean Bean in Goldeneye, the son of Russian immegrants that moved to England after, or because of, the Russian Revolution.

Would that be the character you were thinking of??

I got the right character, just the name was wrong.


Monday, January 12th 2009, 4:37pm

January 21st 1937- The BNS announced today they will identify all ships with displacement of between 4600 to 13000 tons light displacement as cruisers, with no difference being made in the caliber of their main battery. No explanation was given at this time for the change in designation. At the same time all ships in between 13001 and 20000 tons light displacement will be designated as an Armored Cruiser.

January 24th 1937- The Foreign Office released the following statement;

"We observe with concern the latest events in our neighbor Siam. We hope the situation resolves itself in a peaceful manner but is our experience that when the interests of a nation or nations is under threat the reaction sometimes is a violent one. We hope this is not the case."

OOC: Hell YES! I hope AEGIS and British Empire get into a brawl. And Satsuma will pick the pieces left.


Monday, January 12th 2009, 4:46pm

That's where the Governor-General comes in useful...


Monday, January 12th 2009, 4:50pm

OOC: The way I see it Australia is playing in dangerous waters. I know out of character they considered Siam to be in their Sphere of Influence but I though he meant behind the scenes and economically.

Siam is part of AEGIS. No "official" request for Australian troops have being made; is up to AEGIS now to respond. Diplomats must be working overtime on both sides right now.


Monday, January 12th 2009, 5:06pm

Nah, Snr. Ulivi's "F" ray weapon will take all comers :D


Monday, January 12th 2009, 7:45pm

I find all this Australia/Siam business facinating as FAR hasn't exactly seen eye to eye with AEGIS on some issues and yet we are not desperate about the situation in Siam, in fact the opposite.

The fact that FAR and AEGIS nations co-operated to eliminate HEBCo elements from Ireland show that things were going on to correct Howards transgressions. Unfortunatly not fast enough for some.


Monday, January 12th 2009, 7:51pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
I find all this Australia/Siam business facinating as FAR hasn't exactly seen eye to eye with AEGIS on some issues and yet we are not desperate about the situation in Siam, in fact the opposite.

The fact that FAR and AEGIS nations co-operated to eliminate HEBCo elements from Ireland show that things were going on to correct Howards transgressions. Unfortunatly not fast enough for some.

Correct... actions taken in some of the "mesured" responces, will in all likleyhood lead to aditional fighting.


Monday, January 12th 2009, 8:05pm

OOC: My opinion is the Siamese issue will be resolved in a peaceful manner. Is not in the best interests of neither side to get involved in shooting war; Italy and Great Britain will lead the way in the direction of an agreement.

Italy has no interest whatsoever to fight a war due to events in the Far East. The British will not be too happy of having to fight a war because their maverick children think they can an Empire without consulting with their parents. Even so, IMO the relationship between AEGIS and the British will be strained for while.


Monday, January 12th 2009, 8:08pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
The fact that FAR and AEGIS nations co-operated to eliminate HEBCo elements from Ireland show that things were going on to correct Howards transgressions. Unfortunatly not fast enough for some.

Very true. From the relevant post:


Chilean military units operating in Bolivia arrested several HEBCo operatives...


Iberian cruiser Alcazaba intercepted an Irish-flagged motor vessel, the MV Alaska Maru, on the request of the Irish government. The cruiser seized valuable evidence.


More revealing was the short chase of the MV D'Artagnon by the Atlantean destroyer Dancer, when the D'Artagnon attempted to evade the much faster warship in heavy weather in the Atlantic. When D'Artagnon was finally overtaken she was discovered to be carrying equipment stolen from Mexico, with the pair of assassins dubbed "the Bobbsy twins" aboard.


Irish G2, working with British, French, and Danish intelligence, placed moles inside the HEBCo operation, gaining access to the company's secret files. Further investigations brought in the Atlantean and Iberian intelligence services, contributing to the unparalleled scope of today's arrest operations.

In every one of these instances, the players of those countries were fully aware of the plan and in several instances requested to participate. In short, two AEGIS countries and three FAR countries, along with Britain and Ireland, contributed to the intelligence operations or the seizure of HEBCo operatives. Mac, Wes, and TheCanadian all saw and approved of the relevant posts several days before I posted the announcements, so you can't really say AEGIS wasn't taking steps against HEBCo and in defense of Siam's internal security. AEGIS powers were, in point of fact, as heavily involved in the operations as anyone outside of Ireland proper.

So, IMHO, saying AEGIS has shown no public concern for Siam doesn't hold water, IMHO.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Monday, January 12th 2009, 8:29pm


Originally posted by perdedor99

January 24th 1937- The Foreign Office released the following statement;

"We observe with concern the latest events in our neighbor Siam. We hope the situation resolves itself in a peaceful manner but is our experience that when the interests of a nation or nations is under threat the reaction sometimes is a violent one. We hope this is not the case."

OOC: Hell YES! I hope AEGIS and British Empire get into a brawl. And Satsuma will pick the pieces left.

Frankly, I would have waited on this statement to see if Fox revises his actions, rather than write a storyline involving a country controlled by another player..not to mention run afoul of alliances by launching an invasion of a soveriegn nation on the say-so of mid-rank intellegence office.


Tuesday, January 13th 2009, 1:40pm


Originally posted by Kaiser Kirk


Originally posted by perdedor99

January 24th 1937- The Foreign Office released the following statement;

"We observe with concern the latest events in our neighbor Siam. We hope the situation resolves itself in a peaceful manner but is our experience that when the interests of a nation or nations is under threat the reaction sometimes is a violent one. We hope this is not the case."

OOC: Hell YES! I hope AEGIS and British Empire get into a brawl. And Satsuma will pick the pieces left.

Frankly, I would have waited on this statement to see if Fox revises his actions, rather than write a storyline involving a country controlled by another player..not to mention run afoul of alliances by launching an invasion of a soveriegn nation on the say-so of mid-rank intellegence office.

He seems DF will still sent that troops to Siam according to his latest entry. That is IMO a problem on the making.


Tuesday, January 13th 2009, 3:32pm

Indeed, Siam is a soverign country and part of a reasonably powerfull alliance. Lucy, they have some esplaining to do.


Wednesday, January 14th 2009, 3:24pm

February 9th 1937- Muhammad Ali Kammakuty was having his daily tea on his favorite coffee house, a place conveniently close to his embassy and of course other nations embassies as well. He enjoyed his spiced tea while reading the latest edition of the Jane's Naval Review and smiled. We really got them fooled with the Satyakis. They have them in the capital ships category.

He moved on to the section dedicated to the British Empire when two men sat on the table beside his. One had glasses and has a moustache; the other was cleanshaven and the smell of his aftershave was really pungent. Muhammad find strange that the men were holding hands while ordering their coffees but he knew better to judge a person by his cover, specially in his profession. After a while the cleanshaven men turned in the direction of Muhammad.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" said the cleanshaven man to Muhammad.

"Indeed it is." responded Muhammad faking a lack of interests but his senses getting alert.

"My name is Wint and my friend is Kidd. It seems we will be working for the same employer pretty soon and we have being tasked to give you this invitation to visit a nice seaside resort when you arrive to your next destination." He gave an envelope to Muhammad "Is always a pleasure to meet new coworkers, specially one so handsome as you are." He and his companion snickered while leaving the table, the money paying for their coffees on the table.

After they left Muhammad opened the envelope and inside was an innocent looking invitation to visit a seaside resort in the South African Empire early in March.


Wednesday, January 14th 2009, 3:58pm

*Goes to watch 'Diamonds are Forever'*
Something tells me that 12 hours from now, Muhammad Ali Kammakuty might no longer be alive...


Wednesday, January 14th 2009, 4:11pm


Originally posted by Rooijen10
*Goes to watch 'Diamonds are Forever'*
Something tells me that 12 hours from now, Muhammad Ali Kammakuty might no longer be alive...

No, he will be ok. :D