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Friday, February 15th 2008, 6:33pm


*OOC We are badly overdue for a smoking Filipino... Teufel

Are we? One effectively blew the stern of a Nordish CML at the start of 1935.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Earl822" (Feb 15th 2008, 6:35pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 6:51pm

Laval smiles...


Also, as too Russia's threat that she can "take us all," that is a matter for the generals, and we merely point to her record in the Great War as to the falseness of her claims.

Since 1917, the Russian Federation has successfully transformed herself into one of the leading industrial powers on the earth, with a burgeoning trade in grain, oil, and manufactures of all types. This wealth has ensured that Russian soldiers have artillery and logistical support beyond the dreams of their fathers, as the Polish Army has recently discovered.


However my government has authorized me to warn the Russian delegates that should Russia step one foot upon Polish soil, then she may find her Black Sea Ports cut off from outside trade by the Royal Romanian Navy.

What reason would there possibly be for Russian troops to set a foot on Polish soil, when the main problem is the, diminishing, number of Polish soldier's feet on Lithuanian land.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:02pm

We are merely warning the Russians that their are consequences should she decide that she wishes to restore the old imperial boundaries. We do disagree with her intervention in Lithuania, and we contend that things would have settled themselves out had Russia not decided to intervene. We do agree that post 1917 Russia has transformed herself into a remarkable nation. However, Romania will always be leery of Russia, considering her Imperial past, rather than her current Republic as being the model of true Russia.

OOC all I have to do is stop trade going into Sevastopol, and should the Russians decide to sink my old battleship, well then I was looking at buying a new one anyhow.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:09pm


Originally posted by Vukovlad
Yes Atlantis has worked for peace real hard, encouraging the
Russian intervention

Please site an example where Atlantis has acted as cheerleader to Russian interveintion. In fact we've expressed our concerns that events in Lithuania would spiral out of control if other nations got involved, Poland being the first.


Originally posted by Vukovlad
Encouraging and arming the Lithuanians.

Atlantis hasn't sent one peice of equipment to Lithuania. There have been plans made post war to sell two torto class CAE's and AT-17 tanks to replace units lost in the war. Those plans are on hold indefinately untill the conflict is over.


Originally posted by Vukovlad
Calling for Poland to be occupied.

Calling for an Agressor nation to be occupied. Atlantis has since reversed on this issue.

Now if Atlantis wanted to derail peace we simply could vote Nay to the irational Persians and their preposal. That hasn't happened yet though the Persians seem intent on encouraging them to do so by creating a boogyman.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:19pm


Originally posted by TheCanadian
We are merely warning the Russians that their are consequences should she decide that she wishes to restore the old imperial boundaries. We do disagree with her intervention in Lithuania, and we contend that things would have settled themselves out had Russia not decided to intervene. We do agree that post 1917 Russia has transformed herself into a remarkable nation. However, Romania will always be leery of Russia, considering her Imperial past, rather than her current Republic as being the model of true Russia.

OOC all I have to do is stop trade going into Sevastopol, and should the Russians decide to sink my old battleship, well then I was looking at buying a new one anyhow.

...and at this rate Turkey might acctually see benifits to joining FAR, given the Romanian and Persian insistance on creating a boogyman by making blatently false claims against Turkeys neighbours. Unless your building your new BB in Romanian yards, have fun trying to steam your new toy through the Sea of Marmara.

Perhaps if Romania spent as much time convincing Poland to end its participation in the conflict as it does thumping its chest and threatening war we might actually see peace in the region.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:26pm



when the main problem is the, diminishing, number of Polish soldier's feet on Lithuanian land.

You might want to rephrase that bit. As I read it, Russia believes that it is a big problem that the number of Polish troops in Lithuania is decreasing...
... unless it is deliberate and Russia wants more Polish troops to get involved so they can kill more Polish troops. :)


and at this rate Turkey might acctually see benifits to joining FAR

So FART might become a reality then.


Unless your building your new BB in Romanian yards, have fun trying to steam your new toy through the Sea of Marmara.

Seems to me that the Turks are very pessimistic about their fighting skills. If they use the same strategy against the Romanian BB as they used against the British and French during WW1, there is no way that that BB will get through the Dardanelles in one piece and get to the Sea of Marmara.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Feb 15th 2008, 7:27pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:33pm

Romania contends that the Atlanteans are not hearing them properly. Romania has already cut off the Poles and Lithuanians oil supplies, in an effort to halt this conflict, something that cannot be said of the Atlanteans. What does Atlantis want Romania to do? Invade Poland? Are you mad sir? The warning was given to the Russians that SHOULD the Russians decide to take advantage of Poland's current occupation in Lithuania and invade Poland, then we would send our old PDN battleship, the 2 CAs, the 2 CLs, and all our Destroyers to blockade the port of Sevastopol. Originally Romania was not going to send troops to Poland should the Russians invade. However, given the current hostile attitude of Atlantis, and their probable military support of the Russians, we will be reconsidering that.

OOC Tanthalas, can I park my new Battleship in Yugoslavia for awhile?


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:33pm

I was giving him hope, and no Walter, "FART" will not be the new name for the alliance. We will at least try to be more orriginal than that...


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:40pm


I was giving him hope

Looking at history, there is no hope in the Dardanelles, only DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!


and no Walter, "FART" will not be the new name for the alliance. We will at least try to be more orriginal than that...



Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:46pm


Originally posted by TheCanadian
Romania contends that the Atlanteans are not hearing them properly. Romania has already cut off the Poles and Lithuanians oil supplies, in an effort to halt this conflict, something that cannot be said of the Atlanteans.

Atlantis has no significant goods that it can cut off that will make any difference in the war effort.


Originally posted by TheCanadian
What does Atlantis want Romania to do?

Refrain from insisting "FAR" is out to stomp all over Poland. Russia is the only FAR nation involved in the crisis. Atlantis has made diplomatic efforts to keep the conflict from expanding into another great war, though by all means if you want another great war to errupt we can cease or diplomatic efforts.


Originally posted by TheCanadian
Invade Poland? Are you mad sir? The warning was given to the Russians that SHOULD the Russians decide to take advantage of Poland's current occupation in Lithuania and invade Poland, then we would send our old PDN battleship, the 2 CAs, the 2 CLs, and all our Destroyers to blockade the port of Sevastopol. Originally Romania was not going to send troops to Poland should the Russians invade.

Atlantis did not ever suggest Romania should invade Poland, it seems it is Romania not Atlantis that has the hearing problems. Oh and good luck on blockading Sevastopol, wish you luck, you'll need it.


Originally posted by TheCanadian
However, given the current hostile attitude of Atlantis, and their probable military support of the Russians, we will be reconsidering that.

Hostility that has been prevoked by Romanian hostility, prior to these events and the Romanian accusations of Atlantis being a war mongering nation, relations between our nations were respectable.

It seems that the Romanians are content to undo those relations for the sake of blind loyalty to an agressive ally.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:47pm

OOC well if I can't park my BB in Yugoslavia, then Option #2 is send Romanian Navy through Darnadelles at full steam minus my 2 CAs, then pick up the BB turn around and send everyone back through full steam ahead. Oh and if the Turks sink my ships thats a declaration of war right? Besides, its better for ships to go down fighting than to wind up in the scrapyard (which is where most of them are going to wind up sooner or later.)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:54pm

I think that you'll be violating Turkish waters thus the Turks have a valid reason to sink your ship...
*goes off to check the map*


Friday, February 15th 2008, 7:59pm

Unless he sails through the warmongering waters of FAR protecturate Byzantium, then he has a much larger fleet to deal with in the future.

As for the Turks, we have two new BB's, an elderly BB and a BC along with an armoured cruiser, heavy cruiser a pair of modern light cruisers and scores of DD's and TB's, all crewed by thousands of martyrs.

But by all means, try a dardanelles dash, if your lucky you might make it past the shore battery's and land smack dab in the middle of the "Mine bridge" at either end of the Sea of Marmara.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:00pm

For the Dardanelles, it's Byzantine waters

And soon that will be very, very, very difficult.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:10pm

In response to your points sir.

1. While Atlantis may not have much any significant goods, its support for the oil cut-off would have been welcomed, and the withholding of that support was seen that Atlantis does not appreciate Romania's efforts to halt the fighting.

2. We would like to point out that while Atlantis has backed down from its proposal for a LoN occupation of Poland, it DID propose this. We don't want another great war either. But if Atlantis is declaring it wants one then it is effectively declaring the League as failure, and there is nought left for Romania to do but mobilize its reserves to meet an expected Atlantean invasion.

3. While the Romanian Naval Staff has agreed that blockading Sevastopol would be futile, the Romanian government felt compelled to send a clear message to the Russians that should they want to restore the boundaries of the old Russian empire by invading Poland, then we would also be forced to take steps. So long as the Russians stay out of Poland, everything's fine. Thats what Romania meant about not hearing properly. WE DO NOT TRUST THE RUSSIANS in their intervention in Lithuania, anymore than the Atlanteans trust the Poles about their intervention.

4. While we are sorrowful that the Atlanteans feel that our relations are souring, however had Atlantis not started with their proposal to occupy Poland with league troops, we feel such a deteriation would not have taken place, and harsh words that we now regret would not have been said.

5. Blind loyalty to an ally? So what is Atlantis doing then in supporting Russia's puppet Lithuania? We still contend that with the advantage of hindsight the Lithuanians would have been far better to negotiate with the so-called Republic of Wilno, rather than try and crush it, which is what led to Polish intervention in the first place.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:14pm

The Bulgarian representative stood up, walked to the side of the room, and began smacking his head against the wall in frustration. Nearby delegates heard him muttering "Black Sea, Sevastopol, Dardanelles, Lithuania, Poland, ARGH!"


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:21pm

OOC haven't heard back from Yugoslavia on whether or not I can park the BB in Yugoslav ports. Course I could sell it if the Darnadelles are going to be closed to me. Anyone want a small BB? Hmm wonder if I could dismantle it, move it by rail, and then reassemble it.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "TheCanadian" (Feb 15th 2008, 8:23pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:22pm


But by all means, try a dardanelles dash, if your lucky you might make it past the shore battery's and land smack dab in the middle of the "Mine bridge" at either end of the Sea of Marmara.

... and remeber that the British and French tried it in 1915 and failed.

You'll have about 40nm of Dardanelles to move through that is less than 6 nm wide. Between Kilitbahir and Canakkale, the Dardanelles is only 1400 meters wide.

The Bosphorus is even worse with some points narrower than 900 meters.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:25pm

OOC Well at least that way I have an excuse to build new ships if I try a darnadelles dash. Mine are almost as old as Bulgaria's. Besides Id only send the old ships through their, just like the Allies tried in 1915, and they almost made it.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "TheCanadian" (Feb 15th 2008, 8:26pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:27pm

First and foremost we supported Lithuanian soveriegnty, something the Poles seem to care little for given the amount of evidence thus far of their support for the insurection. We must also add that Atlantis supported Polish soverignty after the great war, though now that support seems to have been greatly misplaced.

If Lithuania was indeed a "Puppet" of Russia, wouldn't that be all the more reason for Poland to stay clear? Unfortunately lithuania is not the only "Puppet" nation, seeing as the Romanians feel merely haveing good relations with a neighbour makes you a puppet.

Secondly and I must state this, yet again, so that the Romanians may yet understand this, we have not called for war nor used war as a threat. The Romanians on the other hand have done so on several occations. The mere fact they think Atlantis plans to invade Romania clearly shows the paranoia that is rampant within the Romanian government.

We have cautioned that the actions of a few nations, including the Romanians could lead to a broader war, one we certainly do not want, but make no mistake we would put every effort in to winning such a conflict.

Finnaly, I'm beginning to think that several nations, most notably Romania and Persia, are not really trying at all to foster peace in Lithuania, but merely use the crisis to increase tentions between other nations. We've seen nothing but constant accusations from them, mere absent minded retorts in responce to accusations backed by reasonable proof of Polish agression and interveintion in Lithuanian affairs.