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Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:09am

The Republic of Ireland

In my lurking back and forth through this forum, I have noticed that the Republic of Ireland is still an NPC nation. I feel that this, gentlemen, is a travesty which must be fixed! :P

Thus, if you will permit, I would like to play as the Republic of Ireland. Any thoughts, opinions, protests, words of wisdom, advice for me to flee...? If you wish I can outline my goals as Eire, if that helps you decide.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:13am

As long as you accept the suzerainty of Persia and join SATSUMA then I am all for it :D


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:24am

Can I send you some kegs of Guinness instead? No one here drinks Susie's rain-tea. That's just weird stuff.
[SIZE=1]Oh wait, Persia = Islamic, so they are teetotalers, right? Eh, those kind of people are worse than the British![/SIZE] :D

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Brockpaine" (Jan 31st 2008, 2:25am)


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:36am

Irish liquid bread and herb tea you say? :D


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:39am


Originally posted by Vukovlad
Irish liquid bread and herb tea you say? :D



Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:40am

Ireland? Have some ambition, man - there's probably bigger fish that need frying in the sim. One of Perdedor's dirty half-dozen, for instance.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:45am


Originally posted by The Rock Doctor
Ireland? Have some ambition, man - there's probably bigger fish that need frying in the sim. One of Perdedor's dirty half-dozen, for instance.

Well, honestly, if I play I want to start off small, so that I don't feel overwhelmed straight off the bat. I'm not opposed to doing bigger nations, but I want to do something small for awhile until I'm certain I have the rules down. At some point I would like to upgrade, but for now I'll set my sights on Ireland.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:47am

Agreed, One of the PRJ countrys seems reasonable. Events in Poland/Lithuania seem to indicate an opertunity to split that mini-alliance up. Theres also Bulgaria.

That said if Irelands your cup of Guiness knock yerself out man!


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 2:56am

*Is tempted*

...well... Poland/Romania/Yugoslavia?

*Looks at Poland.* Oooh, they have a battlecruiser being built... shiiiny...

*Remains tempted.*


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 3:01am

I have being dangling Polasnd and Romania for a while. I have plans for Yugoslavia in the future. :evil:

If you want any of the two above just let me know.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 3:48am

Well, I definitely would be interested in playing Poland...

...could I play both Ireland and Poland? [SIZE=1]Now I exercise too much ambition, rather than too little![/SIZE] :P


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 6:08am

Well I must say that as fun as Poland would be I would probably pick Romania over it cause its in the Balkans and if there is one place that you could quite easily start a war in it would be there. Bulgaria would be even better if you wanted to have an aggressive foreign policy because they are the ones that lost territory in the Balkan area after the Great War, and could be easily portrayed as wanting revenge.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 6:16am


Originally posted by TheCanadian
Well I must say that as fun as Poland would be I would probably pick Romania over it cause its in the Balkans and if there is one place that you could quite easily start a war in it would be there. Bulgaria would be even better if you wanted to have an aggressive foreign policy because they are the ones that lost territory in the Balkan area after the Great War, and could be easily portrayed as wanting revenge.

Actually, Poland seems to be inciting revolt in Lithuania at the moment, and seems prepared to go to war...

Why don't you ask for Romania, Canadian? We could be allies if I end up with Poland... :-P


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 7:07am

That was pure speculation because I ive only been here a short time so I don't want to seem presumptous. Romania would work though.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 11:56am

Brazil and Philippines seem to be also available for now also. Brazil is in the middle of a shooting war for example.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Jan 31st 2008, 11:56am)


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 5:14pm

I'd say Brazil or the Philipines would be equal to playing Poland and Ireland combined. It really depends on how long term you want to take part in the sim.


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 7:59pm

No matter which country you play, you will start out as a thorn in someones side.
Poland = pain to Russia, maybe Germany
Romania = pain to Russia, maybe Greece and Turkey
Ireland = pain to the United Kingdom
Brazil = pain to South Africa at present
Philippines = explosive pain to the planet (I mean pain to Australia)


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 11:42pm

That being said I would like to play as Romania


Thursday, January 31st 2008, 11:59pm

*Points to his name* I've been a Paine my whole life, what's your excuse? :P

So... I started out asking for Eire but now I am completely indecisive. I would like to play, but I'm leery of jumping straight into a nation at war like Brazil, and the Philippines looks terribly ambitious for me. At least with Poland I'm caught up on the news and have an idea where it could go, and Ireland according to historic abilities wouldn't have the forces to challenge even a single British destroyer squadron. So unless people would rather have me play Brazil or the Philippines, I would like to stay small, keeping with Poland or Ireland, or if possible, both.


Friday, February 1st 2008, 1:22am

Take it from me......

In the 1930's the only things that Ireland was building in large numbers were massive piles of turf and cow sh1t.

Ireland was an agrarian culture until well into the 1950's, and has never really had a heavy engineering industry.
True, we did at one time have a (yes, 1) car factory, and a shipyard that did produce some naval patrol vessels, but not much else, and nothing in the right time-frame.

If Ireland as a whole island was playable, then you might just get one factory!!